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Monday, August 21, 2023

Skates calls for action on 'greedy' north Wales fuel prices

A Senedd Member is calling on the UK Government to end the North Wales Tax on the region’s motorists. 

Clwyd South MS Ken Skates has highlighted the inflated costs of fuel along the A55 from Deeside beyond Conwy – and wants UK Ministers to step in where the ‘toothless’ Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has failed to protect taxpayers.

“There have been various news reports in recent months about the CMA warning supermarkets over petrol pricing, which has been a long time coming. But nothing has changed,” said Mr Skates.

“There continues to be an island of high prices in North EastWales from the border with England where prices are consistently more expensive than can possibly be justified by the pandemic or the war in Ukraine, the two go-to excuses of the Westminster Government.

“This is something I, and many others, have been frustrated about for a long time. The industry claims price differences are due to competitive circumstances – for example, the lack of competition on motorways leads to increased prices – and to buying decisions. Some chains buy at fixed prices which apply for several weeks to protect against oil price increases, whereas others buy at cost.

“I can understand and appreciate the latter, but my concern is with the competitive element. My strong belief is that there should be tighter controls over prices, but this is bound up in competition law which is non-devolved and rests with UK Government Ministers. Drivers on motorways are a captive market, so it’s only fair that they should be protected from inflated prices. Likewise motorists living in remote places where there are few fuel stations.”

Mr Skates pointed out that people in North Wales are already having to deal with the highest energy bills in Britain, with fixed daily charges more than £120 more a year than in the East Midlands. 

He continued: “If you compare high volume supermarket sites, for example, where the cost difference for a 35,000-40,000 litre delivery from the Stanlow depot is negligible, they really are taking advantage of North Wales motorists. 

“Sainsbury’s charges 8-10p more in Rhyl than Wrexham, and Morrisons charges 8-9p more in Rhyl than Runcorn. In fact, if you’re in Rhyl, you’d have to drive at least 30 miles to find lower prices. 

“Asda, the gatekeeper of this gauntlet of greed along the A55, sets the tone by charging around 7p more at Queensferry than it does in Runcorn. How can these hikes be justified? 

“The CMA has been utterly toothless, and successive UK Government Ministers have failed to act. You’d have thought they’d show an interest once they finally had some MPs in North Wales, but we’re still waiting – and we’re still paying the price.”

Roadworks alerts from the county council

Latest local roadworks alert from Denbighshire County Council is:

OPPOSITE BUILDING KNOWN AS GLAN YR AFON BROOK STREET 21/08/2023 25/08/2023 Gwaith Dwr / Water Works HAFREN DYFRDWY (DCC) LLANGOLLEN Ffordd ar Gau/Road Closure

A542 O/S BUILDING KNOWN AS GLASCOED BACHE MILL ROAD 21/08/2023 25/08/2023 Goleuadau traffig i reoli traffig ar lwybr amgen / Traffic signals to control traffic on diversion route HAFREN DYFRDWY (DANIEL) LLANGOLLEN Goleuadau Traffig Dros Dro/ Temp Traffic Lights

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Rotary get busy installing bug house at Old Vicarage


* Rotary President Lee Todd and Rotary Community Team members Steve Todd and June Claybrook install the bug hotel.

Vale of Llangollen Rotary and the Rotary Community Team have installed another bug house. 

This time it's in the gardens of The Old Vicarage, a residential day and respite care home in Llangollen.

The aim is to help our pollinators as part of a Rotary International operation.

The bug houses are sponsored and made by 1st Enable Ltd of Chester and its team.

Operation Pollination recognises the importance of pollinator habitat both restored and maintained on public and private lands. 

Through collaboration and outreach, an interconnected mosaic of pollinator habitat interspersed between public and private land will be developed to stabilise and increase populations of pollinator species throughout the area.

Pollinators play a vital role in flower and plant reproduction: 80% to 90% of all plants depend on them to reproduce.  

A Rotary club spokesperson said: "As pollinator advocates, we recognise the need to help reverse the unintended consequences of human activities in urban, suburban, and rural landscapes and help to establish a mosaic of vibrate pollinator habitats throughout the Vale of Llangollen.

"If you have a small area of ground in the Llangollen you think would benefit from a bee garden please get in touch."

The club welcome individuals and couples of 18+ from the local community who want to be people of action.  

It normally meets at St Collens Community Hall in Regent Street, Llangollen on Monday evenings at 7.30pm.

* For more information, contact: or see www.valeofllangollenrotary

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Dementia group gets cash to spread word about it work

* PCSO Barry Jones hands over the PACT cheque to John Palmer and Angela Williams of Llangollen Dementia outside the town's police station.  

A local organisation which supports people caring for those with dementia has received a cash boost from a North Wales Police community Fund to help spread the news about its work.

Llangollen Dementia has organised a number of events to promote awareness of the help it can give to carers, their parents and partners.

But often the word doesn't get our about it has to offer.

Now the group has received a £90 from the Police and Community Trust (PACT) which provides grants to local groups to support their projects.

Llangollen Dementia spokesperson Angela Williams said: "We will use the money, for which we are very grateful, to produce a thousand leaflets giving details of our work and future events promoting Llangollen as an official dementia-friendly town. 

"In the near future we will be distributing these information leaflets across the town."

* For more further details about Llangollen Dementia, call 07515 051696, or email: They will then ensure that you receive information by leaflet or email, whichever you prefer.    

Friday, August 18, 2023

Female dies following last weekend's collision near Glyndyfrdwy

A female has died following a crash on the A5 near Glyndyfrdwy last weekend.

A story in the Denbighshire Free Press this afternoon (Friday) says the crash took place at approximately 8.45pm on August 12, with two casualties transferred to hospital with “life-threatening” injuries.

Sadly, a female passenger, who was travelling in a dark-coloured Audi A8 vehicle, has since died.

* For the full story, see:

Politicians speak out about eisteddfod's financial plight

* A scene from this year's big eisteddfod parade.

Politicians have reacted to news earlier this week that Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod is facing a “dire” financial situation.

As llanblogger exclusively revealed, a crisis meeting was held at its Pavilion headquarters on Monday evening at which over 60 grassroots supporters were told by officials that last month’s 2023 festival had made a substantial loss.

This was coupled with an announcement that the executive producer, Camilla King, had been made redundant.

Ideas to secure future of the 76-year-old event were put forward at the meeting and are now being considered by trustees who are working on a survival plan which will include a fundraising campaign.

Politicians on both sides of the political divide have responded to the eisteddfod’s financial plight.

Simon Baynes, Welsh Conservative MP for Clwyd South, said: “I was saddened to hear the news from the Eisteddfod.

“ I am doing my best to help in finding ways forward for this iconic cultural event in Clwyd South.”

And Ken Skates, Welsh Labour Senedd Member for Clwyd South, said:  "This was the first completely in-person International Eisteddfod since Covid, so it was always going to be a challenge to bounce back immediately.

“Hopefully the right support will be available to help the event return to full strength and become fully sustainable."

An official statement on the executive producer’s redundancy from eisteddfod chair Sarah Ecob said: “Camilla is leaving with the thanks of all Board Members and Chairs of the Committees.  

“She has been Executive Producer since September 2021 and steered the festival since the COVID-19 pandemic.” 

And of the general financial situation she said: “The Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod has been severely impacted by the aftermath of the Covid pandemic and by the current cost of living crisis.  

“Like many other cultural organisations, the Eisteddfod is facing an extremely challenging future due to our financial situation.  

“The Board and the Committee Chairs have met to discuss emergency actions to try to stabilise our organisation.  We have taken the very sad decision to make our Executive Producer redundant and we will shortly be launching a major fundraising campaign to safeguard the Eisteddfod’s future.  

“We’d like to thank Camilla for her outstanding work at our festival and wish her well for the future.  We would like to thank our customers, volunteers, staff, competitors, performers  and funders who make the Eisteddfod such a special event every year…with their help we can ensure the Eisteddfod continues to be central to cultural life in Wales and continue its role in promoting peace in an uncertain world.” 

At Monday’s meeting eisteddfod vice-chair Chris described the financial situation as “frankly dire” with inflation, the cost of living crisis and the aftermath of the pandemic all taking their toll on last month's 2023 eisteddfod. 

He added that the people running the eisteddfod knew they must now "move very quickly" to ensure that enough money was generated to keep it trading. 

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Ysgol Dinas Bran students celebrate "excellent" A-Level results

There were great scenes of happiness at Ysgol Dinas Brân today as sixth form students celebrated receiving their A-Level results. 

According to headteacher Mark Hatch, results are excellent, with early indications that nearly all have achieved their first choice in the next step of their career pathway, whether that be university or an apprenticeship scheme.  

He added: "We are extremely proud of all of the students and their achievements and I would like to wish them all the very best on their next steps. 

"We have many students going on to university, but we also have students with great apprenticeship opportunities. 

"I am just so pleased for all the students and would like to thank the staff for all their efforts and for the support of the parents."  

* Denbighshire County Council has congratulated pupils receiving their A-level results.

Councillor Gill German, Cabinet Lead Member for Education, Children and Family Services, said: “On behalf of the council I would like to congratulate all pupils that have received their A-level results.

“This cohort has faced significant challenges over the past few years. They have made a tremendous effort to achieve their results, they have worked very hard to get here and have overcome a lot of obstacles.

“There has been some fantastic partnership working to ensure students achieved the best results possible and pupils have received support from their families and schools. I would like to thank all those who have supported our hard-working students this last year.”

“We would like to wish all learners the very best in their next steps.”

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes has congratulated A Level students across his constituency on achieving their results today. 

Students throughout Wales have received their A Level grades this morning. Statistics from UCAS show that 72% of 18-year-olds from Wales have secured their first-choice university, up 1% on last year. In total, 15,660 students in Wales have been accepted onto university courses since results were revealed. This figure is up on the pre-pandemic figures from 2019, but down on last year’s results.


Mr Baynes, speaking earlier today, said: “A Level results day is often one of the most important days in a young person’s life. It is the culmination of years of hard work and dedication to studying. I congratulate all students on their results today.”


If students have narrowly missed a grade, schools and colleges will assist if they believe the results should be reviewed. In addition, those who have missed out on places at their preferred university can also make use of the Clearing system, which helps tens of thousands of students each year to find a place at a university of their choosing.

Further details of the Clearing process can be found on UCAS’ website at: