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Monday, July 10, 2023

Double Eisteddfod delight for young entertainer Shea


* Eisteddfod executive producer Camilla King, left, presented Shea Ferron and Makenna Malkin with their prizes for being respectively runner-up and winner of the Voice of Musical Theatre.

* Shea Ferron during his performance.

* Winner Makenna Malkin from the USA. 

* Finalist Fflur Davies from Wales.

* Finalist Sophie Kaloustian from the USA.

* Finalist Seth Velez from the USA.

* Labschool Indonesian folk dancers open the show.

* Soul Oasis from Trinidad and Tobago closed the show. 

* Loughgiel Irish folk dancers.

There was double delight for the young local entertainer who sang on the main Eisteddfod stage with Alfie Boe last week.

At the festival’s closing concert last night (Sunday) 20-year-old Shea Ferron from Ruabon won himself a £1,000 prize when he was runner-up for the coveted title of Voice of Musical Theatre after beating off a bevy of stiff international competition.

The contest, the preliminary round of which had been held earlier in the day, is an audience favourite and is aimed at the future stars of contemporary popular music.

After having the once-in-a-lifetime chance of sharing a song with his hero Alfie Boe during last week’s opening Eisteddfod concert, Shea sailed through the prelim with a heady score from adjudicators of 87 marks.

He faced four other finalists – three from the USA and one from Wales – in the big decider on the Pavilion stage last night.

After a nail-biting contest, which adjudicators said was one of the closest they’d seen, an overwhelmed Shea, a Manchester performing arts student who is  already a star of the singing and acting circuit locally and regionally, took a highly creditable second spot to young American performer Makenna Malkin to the delight of his many supporters in the audience.

His winning repertoire was Hard to Speak My Heart from the musical Parade, Who I’d Be from Skrek the Musical and You’ll Be Back from the West End hit Hamilton.

The concert opened with a dazzling display by Indonesian folk dance group Labschool who had landed the Eisteddfod’s dancing championship earlier in the day.

There was also an appearance by the Loughgiel folk dancers from Northern Ireland and Soul Oasis of Trinidad and Tobago closed the show. Compere for the evening was Sian Thomas.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Final day action round-up from the Eisteddfod

 llanblogger has been capturing the action during today's final day of the Eisteddfod.

* Soul Oasis Cultural Ambassadors from Trinidad & Tobago celebrate their victory in the first-ever Eisteddfod dance-off, held in the Pavilion. Judged on the volume of applause and cheers, they were the audience's favourite and beat off competition from around the world.

  * England-based Indian dancers GEJJE were also in the dance-off, along with ...

* ... Karen's Dance Classes from Denbighshire -

* The Loughgiel Folk Dancers from Northern Ireland -

* A Kurdish folk dance group based in England -

* The Mother Touch Group of Schools dancers from Zimbabwe.

 * Hip & Harmony ukelele band perform on the Globe stage during the afternoon.

* Kuohu Choir from Finland performed at the Eisteddfod closing service held in St Collen's Church in the morning.

* Also performing at the service were the Musical Origins Singers from Jersey. 

* ... and the Azusa Pacific University Chamber Singers from the USA.

* Llangollen-based actor Dyfed Thomas gives a reading during the service.

* The service was led by priest-in-charge Fr Lee Taylor.

Chinese tenor Zihua crowned world’s best young singer


* Winner Zihua Zhang from China (centre) pictured with Pendine Park's Musician in Residence Nia Davies Williams, finalist Charlotte Kelso from Australia, second place  Owain Rowlands from Wales and Pendine Park artist in residence Sarah Edwards.

A tenor from China who quit playing clarinet to focus on his voice has been crowned the world’s best young singer.

Zihua Zhang, 28, outshone competitors from all around the globe to win this year’s Pendine International Voice of the Future title at Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.

Following a thrilling competition, he was presented with the Pendine Trophy - a solid silver salver - and a £3,000 cheque  jointly by musician in residence Nia Davies Williams and artist in residence Sarah Edwards from the arts-loving care organisation, Pendine Park, who sponsor the competition.

The prize came from the Pendine Arts and Community Trust  which was founded by Pendine Park owners Mario and Gill Kreft, to support cultural and community initiatives across Wales.

The runner’s up prize of £1,000 went to Welsh baritone Owain Rowlands, of Llandeilo in  Carmarthenshire.

Owain was already a familiar face to many in the audience from his frequent performances on Welsh language TV channel S4C.

Australian soprano Charlotte Kelso, from Adelaide, was third.

Unbelievably, Zihua only took up singing in his late teens, having started his music career playing clarinet for 15 years.

He said: “I always played clarinet but then one day I suddenly thought I’d have a go at singing for a bit and I discovered it was a lot of fun. Then I just knew it was what I wanted to do the rest of my life.”

The dynamic talent remained cool headed despite a humid and stormy Saturday night final.

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod Executive Producer Camilla King said it had been a tough decision as all three finalists are potential stars of the future, but Zihua put in a truly show-stopping performance.

He impressed the judges with his stirring renditions of ‘What a Cold Hand’ from Puccini’s La Boheme, and ‘Ah Rise the Sun’ from the operatic version of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

Zihua. originally from Xiamen, a port city on China’s south eastern coast, dreams of becoming a professional opera singer performing at some of the great opera houses around the world

In the meantime, he is about to complete an advanced post graduate diploma at university in Birmingham. He previously gained a master’s degree from the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester.

He said: “I can’t even take it in myself really. My fellow competitors were so talented that I never expected to win. It is such a great honour.

“The Pendine International Voice of the Future prize will be a big help in furthering my musical ambitions.

“It means I won’t have to survive on meal deals anymore! But seriously, it is so good to have that extra financial boost behind me.

“It’s certainly been an honour and a fantastic experience to compete in Wales at Llangollen. The International Eisteddfod is well known and respected in China, and it’s been unforgettable for me just to be here, never mind win.”

Pendine Park musician in residence Nia Davies Williams praised the exceptionally high standard of all three finalists.

She said: “The quality of the singing, and music in general, as always with the eisteddfod, has been amazing. And what was so nice is how the audience reacted with rousing applause for all the competitors. You could tell what a great time they were having listening to the rising stars of the future.”

Sarah Edwards added: “I think we have tonight heard some of the future famous names of the global operatic stage. We are proud that the Pendine Arts and Community Trust has sponsored such an outstanding competition and one which has seen entries come in from singers right across the world.

“It is a shame there can only be one winner but I am sure that in Zihua Zhang we have found a huge new talent. We send him our good wishes in furthering his musical career and achieving his dreams.”

On the judging panel for the evening was Robert Guy, co-founder and conductor of the Wrexham based NEW Sinfonia orchestra which headlined at the eisteddfod earlier in the week..

He said: “Overall it has been a magnificent night with some stunning performances which will stay in our minds for a long time to come.”

Latest county council roadworks alerts


Latest roadworks alerts from Denbighshire County Council are:

OUTSIDE NUMBER 12 CHAPEL STREET 11/07/2023 13/07/2023 Gwaith Dwr / Water Works SEVERN TRENT WATER (DCC) LLANGOLLEN Ffordd ar Gau/Road Closure

Full Extent TRACK FROM VALLEY ROAD TO TYN CELYN WOOD 08/07/2023 09/07/2023 Digwyddiad ar y Priffordd/ Event on the Highway GRAVITY EVENTS UK LLANGOLLEN Ffordd ar Gau/Road Closure


A539 Ponsonby Arms MILL STREET 10/07/2023 11/07/2023 NMWTRA (Trunk Road Agency) LLANGOLLEN.

Westbound Approx 41m East of entrance to Health Centre Car Park A539 LLANGOLLEN ROAD 14/07/2023 14/07/2023 Gwaith Marcio Ffordd / Road Marking Works DCC TRAFFIC LLANGOLLEN Confoi 10 mya/10 mph Convoy

A539 Abbey Road ABBEY ROAD 19/06/2023 30/09/2023 Ailwynebu/ Resurfacing DCC WORKS UNIT Confoi 10 mya/10 mph Convoy

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Eisteddfod competition finals results announced

* Celebrations on the Pavilion stage as the winners of Choir of the World are announced.

Super Saturday results of competitions at the Eisteddfod have just been announced.

Festival officials say the finals saw one of the most closely fought competitions at the Eisteddfod for many years.  

Here are the judges winners:

Choir of the World:

Winners: Kammerchoir Manila – Philippines

Runners Up:

Cantilon Chamber Choir – Canada

Delaware Choral Scholars – USA

Le Voci – England

International Conductor’s Prize: Heather Johnson of Cantilon Chamber Choir – Canada

Lucille Armstrong Dance Champions 2023:

Winners: Labschool Kebayoran Senior Highschool – Indonesia

Runners Up:

Loughgiel Folk Dancers – Northern Ireland

Soul Oasis Cultural Ambassadors – Trinidad & Tobago

Pendine International Voice of the Future:

Winner: Zihua Zhang – China

Runner-Up: Owain Rowlands - Wales

Charlotte Kelso - Australia 

The Eisteddfod says: "A huge congratulations to everyone who has competed and performed over the last week, we've had an absolute ball, and your joy in sharing your music and dance has really captured the town and far beyond.

"It's not over yet - we have one more day. Join us on Sunday, for a final day with all inclusive tickets from only £10, which includes a public operatic masterclass with our head vocal judge, Martin Fitzpatrick and four exceptional singers from 10:00. This is followed by our Voice of Musical Theatre 1st round, the first ever Dance Off, community bands, activities and performances including a talk and book signing with former BBC Breakfast News host, Louise Minchin, AND an all new concert from 18:30 with the finals of Voice of Musical Theatre, and performances from our top dance groups, Mother Touch Zimbabwe, Dance Champion finalists Soul Oasis Trinidad & Tobago and Loughgiel Northern Ireland, and our winners Labschool from Indonesia." 

* Tickets and listings on the Eisteddfod website:

* llanblogger pictured Choir of the World winners Kammerchoir of Manila singing at St Collen's Church on Friday lunchtime. They had been due to give a recital there the previous day but had to re-arrange it when their plane from the Philippines was cancelled.

Saturday's Eisteddfod highlights - before the storm broke

This morning and afternoon - before the storm broke - llanblogger was out and about recording the day's Eisteddfod highlights.

* Soul Oasis song and dance group from Trinidad and Tobago light up the Globe stage.

* Monks from the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in Tibet dance is Centenary Square this morning.

* Risca Male Voice from South Wales compete in the Equal Voice competition at the Pavilion.

* James Lambert Singers from Rhos perform on the Ampitheatre stage.

* Bostock Singers from Vale Royal in Cheshire on the Globe stage.

* A lunchtime recital by Saint Agnes choir from Cornwall at St Collen's.

* Manchester Community Choir fills the Globe stage this afternoon.

Thunderstorm brings Eisteddfod choir competition unexpectedly large audience


* Competitors with umbrellas dash for cover in the Pavilion as rain sweeps the maes.

A choir competition at this afternoon’s Eisteddfod ended up with a much larger audience than it might usually expect.

The reason was a flash thunderstorm over the valley which brought torrential rain to the maes which was packed with hundreds of competitors, entertainers, visitors and volunteers enjoying what had been a warm, sunny afternoon.

That was until around 1.30pm when the threatened storm broke overhead, triggering loud claps of thunder, brilliant flashes of lightning and driving rain.

Immediately, scores of them began dashing for the shelter of the Pavilion, which was hosting the Open Choirs Competition involving a dozen top choral groups from across the world.

* The Southern Spirit Singers keep singing as the storm breaks outside.

A momentary halt was called to the proceedings by compere Iwan Griffiths to allow hordes of soggy refugees from the downpour into the auditorium and be shepherded to seats by stewards.

London-based Southern Spirit Singers had just finished their first number, appropriately entitled O Praise the Lord, as the almost Biblical scene developed outside the “big tent”.

And, rather than compete with the thunder the choir conductor Andy King halted briefly before starting their second song, Morning Star.

When they did finish their performance was rewarded with huge applause and cheers from the unexpectedly enormous audience which had gathered in front of them.

* The Pavilion's auditorium fills up with some unexpected spectators.

By the time they had finished their final number, Canticum Novum, the storm had temporarily eased and people began to file out of the Pavilion.

It was a masterful operation by all involved from the Eisteddfod team and the choir.