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Monday, June 12, 2023

Cost of living is key worry for Llan people, says Labour candidate

* Becky Gittins, Labour candidate for Clwyd East, out canvassing at Pengwern.

The cost of living crisis looms large in the concerns of Llangollen people, according to the woman who aims to be the area’s next MP.

Becky Gittins, who will carry the Welsh Labour standard in the fight for the new Clwyd East constituency – which includes Llangollen – when the general election comes, was in town last Friday evening canvassing for her party in the Pengwern area.

Before heading off to knock on the doors of voters she spent a few minutes chatting to llanblogger.

Ms Gittins, who works as an industrial officer for the PCS public services union, was born and raised in Bagillt, Flintshire and for the past four years has been a city councillor in Coventry where she lives.

She says that she has plans to move to the new constituency which has been modelled by the Boundary Commission and includes a large swathe of north Wales, including areas such as Ruthin and Llanarmon-lal/Llandegla as well as parts of Flintshire such as Leeswood, Northop, Mostyn, Caerwys and Ffynongrow, Mold and Prestatyn.      

Apart from issues such as the provision of services like buses and the perennial problem of parking, Ms Gittins says that people have been telling her on her visits to the town that the cost of living crisis is a key issue for them.

“People in Llangollen are massively raising this issue, which mirrors the situation across the country,” she said.

“They are also concerned about issues such as the affordability of local housing.

“I think these things are for a Labour government to tackle – to deal with the cost of living, the cost of energy. It’s about how we achieve the good life for people and we must make sure that we have a functioning, strong economy.

“I’ve also found that Llangollen people are very optimistic and very proud of their local culture and it’s about making sure that we respect the community while we’re having all these cultural celebrations.”

Asked whether she had found that the people of Llangollen, like others across the UK, might be suffering from political fatigue as a result of events nationally over the past couple of years, she said: “I can completely empathise with local people who don’t feel that the political system resonates with them at the moment.

“I can understand how people at times feel unheard and didn’t know who the Prime Minister was from week to week at the end of last year. I can understand how people felt disenfranchised and that the priorities of the government in Westminster were not reflecting things that really mattered to them. But a lot of people felt energised by this and got involved in politics for the first time.

“For me, the way you deal with the fatigue that some people are feeling is by making sure that we get localism right. And three times a week I am out knocking on people’s doors because it is important to make people feel heard and to ask them about the issues that matter to them.

“I am a firm believer that you must listen to the community that you want to serve. You cannot speak for a community until you have spoken to it.”   

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Chapel near Lllangollen struck by lightning

Leaderlive is reporting that firefighters were called out to an area near Llangollen after a chapel was struck by lightning in last night's storm.

The story says: "North Wales Fire and Rescue Service confirmed a call came in at 6.51pm reporting a fire at the building, off Cymmo Road in the Rhewl area of Llangollen.

"A spokesman for the service confirmed that two crews were sent to the scene - one each from Wrexham and Llangollen."

* For the full story, go to:

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Climber dies in fall near Llangollen, reports newspaper


(Image: NEWSAR)

The Leader is reporting this morning (Saturday) that a man died following a fall from height whilst climbing near Llangollen.

The story says that North East Wales Search and Rescue (NEWSAR) confirmed on Friday evening that its members had been called out to an incident on Wednesday night.

A spokesman explained: "We had a call on Wednesday night which sadly involved a fatality."

* For the full story, see 


Roadworks alert for Barbers Hill

Latest local roadworks alert from is:


Barbers Hill, Llangollen, Denbighshire

12 June - 30 June


Delays likely - Diversion route


Name: Diversion


Location: Barbers Hill


Description: Streetworks / License - Streetworks


Responsibility for event: Denbighshire County Council


Current status: Planned



Friday, June 9, 2023

Joint show raises healthy £4,700 for earthquake appeal


* With the cheque for the £4,700 show proceeds are, from left, Lee Taylor of the Collen Players, Sian Glynne-Jones of Llangollen Twenty Club and   Caroline Anthonisz of Llangollen Operatic Society and The Young ‘Uns.   

The all-star variety and old time music hall show staged by three of Llangollen’s performance groups last month raised a staggering £4,700 for earthquake survivors in Turkey and Syria.

For the first time ever Llangollen Operatic Society, Llangollen Twenty Club and The Collen Players joined forces to present the big show at Llangollen Town Hall over two nights on May 11 and 12.

The healthy proceeds, which came from tickets, raffle tickets and other donations, will all go to support the Disaster Emergency Committee in which 15 of the UK’s top charities have come together to supply a lifeline to thousands of survivors of the earthquake which devastated southern and central Turkey and northern and western Syria on February 6.

The Llangollen entertainers spent months planning the show which saw each of the groups involved showcasing their skills to packed audiences.

The Operatic, drawing a large contingent from its junior section the Young ‘Uns, performed numbers from the smash-hit shows Hamilton, Six, Oliver Les Miserables and Half a Sixpence,  while the Twenty Club drama group presented comedy sketches – some specially written for the occasion – inspired by their past hits such as Blackadder and Absolutely Fabulous.

The Collen Players provided a taste of the Victorian music hall shows for which they have become famous, with their founder Lee Taylor acting as chairman for the show. 

There was prize raffle on both nights with prizes donated by local businesses which also pledged their financial support.

Phil Robinson, a spokesperson for the organising team who also performed on stage, said: “We are absolutely delighted to have raised so much for this very worthy cause.

“The dreadful earthquakes which hit Turkey and Syria at the start of this year have now dropped down the news agenda but the plight of thousands of survivors who were left without homes or possessions is still very real.

“Performers, musicians and back stage crew drawn from each of the three groups were thrilled to be involved in the show and we had two fantastic nights with packed audiences on both.

“We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who came out to support our efforts. Since the show we’ve had lots of comments from people who saw it to say how much they enjoyed the show. Now I’m sure they’ll be as happy as we are to see how much we were able to raise.

"We would also like to thank our sponsors Chip-o-Dee in Wrexham, Proximo, Britannia Movers, Kinderkey and also Llangollen Town Council for its support."

Funds available for local educational projects

Funds are up for grabs to support educational projects in Denbighshire.

The Community Endowment Fund is looking for applications from:

  • Projects that support the educational attainment/development of children and young people between the ages of 11 and 25 years
  • School/college based projects that support vocational training, health matters and healthy living
  • Education inclusion projects with support for individual students between the ages of 11 and 25 years in the form of bursaries, scholarships, travel assistance, culture, sport, prizes for attainment and educational materials/equipment (this list is not exhaustive).
Closing date for applications is September 9.

* For more information, visit:

Denbighshire Community Endowment Fund:

Education Fund for Denbigh and Surrounding Areas:

Or contact the Community Foundation in Wales, on 02920 379580 or e-mail: 

Latest Citizens Advice column

Latest column from Denbighshire Citizens Advice is:

Q: We’ve booked a package holiday to Spain. It’s our first time booking this sort of getaway, and a friend recently had a terrible experience when things went wrong on a similar trip. What sort of help is available if something does go wrong? 

A: Hopefully you’ll have a lovely time but if something does go wrong with your package holiday, the Citizens Advice website has lots of information about what to do if something goes wrong with your holiday and what compensation you may be eligible for. 

Firstly, tell the company or travel agent you booked with as soon as possible. This way you’re more likely to be able to get it sorted quicker. If you don’t say anything until you get home, you might get less or no compensation at all. 

If the holiday you went on turned out to be lower in value than the one you originally booked you can make a claim for ‘loss of value’. For example you paid for a deluxe room but only got a standard one, if it wasn't sorted out at the time you can claim back the difference in value. 

You can also claim compensation for any extra money you have to spend while away, for example the hotel was a bus ride away from the beach rather than across the road as advertised. This is called claiming for ‘out-of-pocket expenses’. If this does happen make sure you keep all your receipts for things like bus journeys. 

If big parts of the trip you booked didn’t happen or services weren’t provided, for example a planned two-day excursion was cancelled and no alternative was organised, you can make a claim for ‘loss of enjoyment’. You can also make this claim if something happens that causes you distress or disappointment, such as the pool was closed for the whole trip. 

It’s worth noting that there’s no there’s no strict guidance on how much you can claim for loss of enjoyment but any claim you make must be reasonable. You can’t get compensation if you simply didn’t enjoy the holiday or if the problem was out of the holiday company’s control - like bad weather. 

Check the information you received when you made the booking to see what you’re supposed to get. If you don’t get the service you’ve been promised, you may be entitled to compensation for breach of contract. You might also be able to claim from your travel insurance – check if your policy covers this. 

If you’re still not sure what to do, call the Citizens Advice consumer helpline 0808 223 1133 or talk to an adviser online through the Citizens Advice website.