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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Second stage of woodland work to start at Pontcysyllte

Work has started on the second phase of woodland management at Pontcysyllte.

As part of the Our Picturesque Landscape National Lottery Heritage Funded project in the Dee Valley, woodland management works within the woodlands around the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct are taking place this winter.

Some trees are being removed, following careful consideration, resulting in a more varied age structure benefitting the woodland, wildlife and people as discrete views will be opened across the World Heritage Site.

The work involves coppicing of mature shrub species, selective thinning of tree species and the felling of unstable stems close to pathways.

The second phase of work, which began on December 12, will involve the light thinning of the woodland along the riverside from the aqueduct towards Ty Mawr country park as far as the new antique camera installation and then up to the top path.

Signage will be placed around the area to inform the public that the work is taking place.

Councillor Win Mullen James, Cabinet Lead Member for Local Development and Planning, said: “We thank the public for their patience while this work takes place over the winter. When finished visitors can look forward to more views to enjoy while discovering this picturesque area.”

Friday, December 16, 2022

Council advises caution as yellow warning issued

The Met Office is forecasting potential for very icy conditions early on Saturday morning as precipitation moves in over very cold roads. 

Crews will be working through the night and on into the morning to address these potential hazards as much as possible.

The Met Office is also issuing a yellow warning of Snow and Ice for Sunday, which will impact the county of Denbighshire also. The warning states that a period of snow could lead to some disruption to travel and other activities, before turning to rain later.

The main risk of snow is on Sunday morning from 8am onwards.

The Met Office also states that it could cause possible travel delays along with delayed or cancelled rail and air travel, with the potential to affect other services, such as mobile phone coverage. There is a chance of injuries from slips and falls on icy surfaces.

The Council is advising that people take caution during this period and make their safety their priority. Do not take any unnecessary journeys, especially if the roads do become icy and snow falls.

Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport said: “After the impact of the recent harsh weather, it is more vital than ever that people stay safe during the yellow weather warning. We have guidance up on our website with information and advice about how to deal with extreme weather conditions, including how to stay safe.

“There is guidance on important topics such as driving in wintry conditions, clearing ice and snow and information on our gritting work during more extreme weather.”

Primary free school meals plans to be rolled out early

Universal Primary Free School Meals are to be rolled out early to all Year 1 pupils in Denbighshire from January 2023.

In December 2021 Welsh Government (WG) announced plans to offer free meals to all primary school pupils. The phased delivery approach would be implemented from 1st September 2022 to September 2024.

Following the initial receipt of £859,000 from Welsh Government to support the roll out of Universal Primary Free School Meals (UPFSM) across Denbighshire, works were undertaken throughout the summer, and completed in August 2022, at 13 sites across the county to increase the capacity of the Authority’s primary school kitchens.

Due to the successful completion of these works Denbighshire County Council rolled out Universal Primary Free School Meals to all Reception pupils from September 2022.

A second allocation of £1.2million of funding has now been received from Welsh Government and will be used to undertake further refurbishment works on both dining and kitchen facilities throughout 2023 in order to ensure that all primary pupils have access to Universal Primary Free School Meals by September 2024.

Despite rollout to Years 1 & 2 not being scheduled until Easter 2023, the Authority has now announced it is ready to expand the offer to Year 1 pupils as of January 2023.

From the start of the Spring term Reception and Year 1 pupils in Denbighshire schools will be asked on a daily basis whether or not they would like to access a school meal. They will be able to opt in or out without having to pre book and the meal will be provided free of charge.

Further information will be available on the Denbighshire website If pupils are already in receipt of free school meals and/or any other associated benefits, these will not be affected.

A further rollout of Universal Primary Free School Meals up to year 2 is still anticipated for Easter 2023.

Gill German, Lead member for Education Children and Families said, “It is fantastic news for Denbighshire pupils that the Authority will be able to rollout the Universal Primary Free School Meal offer up to Year 1 ahead of schedule. With mounting pressures around the cost of living the sooner we are able to offer this support to our communities the better.”

The next phase of refurbishment works will focus on ensuring that all Denbighshire Primary schools are able to deliver up to Year 2 by Easter 2023 followed by year 3 & 4 from September 2023.

Local roadworks alerts from county council

Latest local roadworks update from Denbighshire County Council is:

A539 Carriageway ABBEY ROAD 19/12/2022 21/12/2022 Gwaith Draenio / Drainage Works DCC WORKS UNIT (PETER PAR LLANGOLLEN Goleuadau Traffig Dros Dro/ Temp Traffic Lights

A542 Chapel Street CHAPEL STREET 14/11/2022 23/12/2022 Gwaith Gwelliant/ Improvement Works DCC WORKS UNIT (PHILIP BI LLANGOLLEN Un Ffordd/ One Way

CASTLE STREET 05/01/2023 05/01/2023 Gwaith ar Gyrbau / Kerbing Works DCC STREETSCENE LLANGOLLEN Goleuadau Traffig Dros Dro/ Temp Traffic Lights

A539 O/S 3 HILL STREET 13/12/2022 20/12/2022 Gwaith Nwy / Gas Works WALES & WEST (DCC) LLANGOLLEN Ffordd ar Gau/Road Closure

Hall street Llangollen HALL STREET 14/11/2022 23/12/2022 Gwaith Gwelliant/ Improvement Works DCC WORKS UNIT (PHILIP BI LLANGOLLEN Atal Parcio / Parking Suspension Ffordd ar Gau/Road Closure.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Letter from the NHS at Christmas

Letter from the NHS at Christmas:

Dear Sir/Madam,

More than 6,800 people in the UK are spending the festive season/start of 2023 waiting for an organ transplant – and over 220 of these patients are children*. There are 241 people waiting for an organ transplant in Wales**

These mums, dads, wives, husbands, partners, daughters, sons can only be saved by someone giving them the greatest gift, the gift of life.

At a time of giving/resolutions to do good, let people know you want to save lives.

Signing up to be an organ donor is quick and easy and makes it easier for families if they know what you want.

Give hope to the thousands of people and hundreds of children on the transplant waiting list.

Join the NHS Organ Donor Register at

Please tell your family about your decision so that they know what you want.

Yours sincerely

Anthony Clarkson

Director of Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation

NHS Blood and Transplant 

Berwyn Street among sites for speed cameras next year

The A5/Berwyn Rd/Llangollen is one of the sites across North Wales where GoSafe will have its speed detector vans in 2023.

* The full list has been published in a story by the Daily Post, which can be seen here: 

Shadow Minister hits out at "unfair" rules affecting tourism industry

* Sam Rowlands, left, on a visit to Llangollen Railway.

Sam Rowlands, Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales,  has hit out at "unfair" rules which affect the tourism industry in his region.

Opening the Welsh Conservative debate: Business rates for self-catering accommodation, Mr Rowlands, Shadow Minister for Local Government, said the debate was about the confusion and unfairness of the implementation of the 182-day Order. 

He said: “From April 1 2023, evidence must be provided that a property has been made available to let for at least 252 days, and actually let for at least 182 days.  

"However, the Valuation Office Agency's assessment will be based on records for the 12 months prior to this date, meaning self-catering businesses will be and have been assessed on the new regulations coming into force in 2023, dating back to 2022.


“It is extremely unfair and unreasonable to assess and judge self-catering accommodation on the old rules when the new rules come into place next April. This could lead to detrimental impacts on the tourism sector and is causing confusion in the sector, a sector which is so important to our economy and to our local communities.


“The Government state they've consulted widely. However, I find it difficult to fully accept, as the self-catering accommodation sector and leading figures in the tourism sector, in my capacity as chairman of the Senedd cross-party group on tourism, have outlined their sheer confusion, anger and frustration regarding the implementation of this Order.


“I believe that Welsh Government should reflect on the serious concerns expressed by self-catering accommodation providers across Wales regarding the assessment period for determining this eligibility.”


“We know, the prime reason for these regulations being brought in was to differentiate between second homes and legitimate self-catering holiday accommodation However, with the criteria being assessed this year, before those rules are in place, before those regulations actually come into force, we will see a skewed set of results, as self-catering accommodation have not been given the proper time to plan, adjust their business plans and ensure their businesses are geared up for this change. So, it will not achieve what the Government are seeking to achieve.”