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Monday, December 12, 2022

Urgent roadworks alert for Birch Hill


Birch Hill, Llangollen, has been closed to facilitate urgent works to repair a water leak by Hafren Dyfrdwy, it has been announced this afternoon (Monday).

Llangollen appears in new guide to Wales's beauty-spots

Llangollen takes pride of place in an international travel guide looking at some of the top beauty-spots in Wales.

The town is one of 10 small towns in the country described as: “Beautiful, Cozy & Filled With Plenty Of Adventures” in a list just published online by The Travel, which features locations around the world.

Underneath a classic picture of the riverside and station the glowing description says of it “Llangollen comes with a rich history, natural scenery, and lots of adventures.

“Visitors to this town will have access to a wide range of restaurants, bars, hotels, and shops.

“Just walking through the streets of this town is an exciting thing to do, as one will be met with stunning architecture and natural scenery.

“For more adventures in Llangollen, one can engage in a train ride or take a canal boat cruise on the canal.”

There is also a link to what visitors have said about Llangollen on Instagram.

The town shares its place in the guide with Llanrwst and Betws-y-Coed in Conwy, Laugharne in Dyfed, Llanfairpg on Anglesey, Beddgelert in Gwynedd, St Davids and Tenby, Pembrokeshire, Chepstow in Monmouthshire and Brecon in Pwys.

* To see the guide, go to: 10 Small Towns In Wales That Are Beautiful, Cozy, & Filled With Plenty Of Adventures (

Father Lee to speak in important Oxford Union debate

* Father Lee Taylor will speak at the Oxford Union.

Llangollen’s ‘showbiz’ vicar has landed and appearance at an historic venue that has played host to the likes of US Presidents Reagan, Nixon, Carter, and Clinton, Sir Winston Churchill, Malcolm X, HH the Dalai Lama, Sir Elton John and Albert Einstein.    

For Father Lee Taylor, priest-in-charge of St Collen’s and the founder and regular chairman of old time music hall group the Collen Players, has accepted an invitation to speak in a forthcoming debate at the Oxford Union. 

Due to take place early next year, the motion up for discussion will be: ‘This House Supports Same-Sex Marriage in the Church’.  

It’s a subject that Father Lee knows something about as just over a year ago he became the first priest in Wales to receive a formal authorised blessing of his same-sex partnership when he and his partner Fabiano were blessed by the Bishop of St Asaph during a special service in St Collen's.  

Currently, Church of England ministers cannot carry out or bless same-sex marriages and LGBTQ+ members of the clergy are required to remain celibate. 

Yet the Anglican Church in Wales, the Scottish Episcopal Church, the United Reformed Church, the Quakers in Britain and, most recently, the Methodist Church, have all embraced marriage equality. 

Next February the General Synod of the Church of England could look at changing this position in order to permit same-sex marriage. 

The question being asked by many is whether same-sex marriage ever be compatible with the Christian church, or will the Church continue to stick to its exclusionary conception of marriage. 

This is the background to the Oxford Union debate in which Father Lee will be joining a broad range of prominent speakers. 

The Oxford Union is the world's most prestigious debating society and was established in 1823 to uphold the principle of free speech. 

In his letter of invitation to Father Lee, Charlie Mackintosh, president of New College, Oxford tells him: “Religion and matters of theological discussion were the reason students originally founded the Oxford Union. 

“Since 1823 we have hosted dozens of seminally important debates on religion and three of our presidents have gone on to serve as Archbishop of Canterbury. 

“As the Society turns 200, I am very keen to celebrate our history of debating religious matters and, as an Anglican, see the ongoing discussions surrounding same-sex marriage in the Church as the most important contemporary religious debate.”

Latest local roadworks alerts

Latest local roadworks alerts are:

Berwyn Street, Denbighshire


12 December - 12 December


Roadworks, Delays likely


Traffic management: Traffic control (multi-way signals)


Description: Drain Survey with CCTV. TM: Forest


Works location: A5 Berwyn Street with the Junction of Castle Street, Llangollen


Public facing description: has automatically assigned a category of Unclassified works to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Welsh Government.


Responsibility for works: Welsh Government


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: PD50122342105150328 

Chapel Street CHAPEL STREET 14/11/2022 23/12/2022 Gwaith Gwelliant/ Improvement Works DCC WORKS UNIT/ One Way


A539 Stryd y Castell CASTLE STREET 05/01/2023 05/01/2023 Gwaith ar Gyrbau / Kerbing Works DCC STREETSCENE LLANGOLLEN Goleuadau Traffig Dros Dro/ Temp Traffic Lights

Carriageway ABBEY ROAD 19/12/2022 21/12/2022 Gwaith Draenio / Drainage Works DCC WORKS UNIT Temp Traffic Lights

A542 Hall street Llangollen HALL STREET 14/11/2022 23/12/2022 Gwaith Gwelliant/ Improvement Works DCC WORKS UNIT/ Parking Suspension Ffordd ar Gau/Road Closure

Hall street Llangollen HALL STREET 14/11/2022 23/12/2022 Gwaith Gwelliant/ Improvement Works DCC WORKS UNIT Parking Suspension Ffordd ar Gau/Road Closure

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Railway's Santa Specials steam into action

* Above and below: Santa Specials get underway.

Llangollen Railway’s Santa Specials got underway this weekend, as these pictures from George Jones show. 

Running throughout December weekends, including on Christmas Eve, all services are now completely sold out. 

Trains are running to six fully-loaded coaches and are using a steam and diesel locomotive at either end of the train, which takes visitors to Lapland  - usually known as Carrog - whilst Santa visits every passenger with gifts for children during the journey. 

A small Christmas market also awaits visitors on Llangollen station.

All the railway’s stations have been festively decorated with lights and trees, with visitors commenting on how atmospheric the railway feels at this time of year, especially when the lights are wreathed in steam whilst their train waits in the station.   

For those looking for a trip out for some much-needed fresh air and Dee Valley scenery after Christmas indulgence, the railway's Mince Pie Specials will be running on 27th, 28th and 29th of December, with trains departing Llangollen at 11:00, 12:50 and 13:10. There will be no trains on the 30th.

* Tickets can be booked online via the railway's website at or purchased on the day. 

Adults will receive a mince pie and festive tipple, with children enjoying a sweet treat and drink.

Inner Wheel's Christmas Cheer event is back

Llangollen Inner Wheel has announced that its popular Christmas Cheer event will be back this year after a break of two years due to Covid. 

Life drawing exhibition continues at Dory Gallery

* A selection of the artwork on display in the exhibition.

Paintings and sketches created by people taking part in regular weekly life drawing sessions at the Dory Gallery in Regent Street, Llangollen, are currently on display in an exhibition there.

It is open today Sunday December 11 and again on Saturday and Sunday of next week, from 10am-4pm.

The Monday drawing sessions are due to re-start after the Christmas break on January 9.

An artist is on hand to provide guidance to those taking part and professional models are involved. All levels of artistic ability are welcome.  

* For details call 01978 860311, or email: thedorygallery@gmail,com