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Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Dinas Bran students scoop prize for film-making skills

* The students pick up their prize cheque.

Students at Ysgol Dinas Bran in Llangollen have won £100 as part of a film making competition.

As part of the Creative Pathways event run by Careers Wales, year nine pupils across Denbighshire were invited to attend a one-day workshop with Screen Alliance Wales to create and edit a film.

For the first half of the workshop, students learned how to plan, film and edit a video.

For the second half, they created and edited their own 60 seconds film, following the theme of ‘the path’. 

Entries were judged by Stifyn Parri from BAFTA Cymru during the Creative Pathway event.

Lucy Giles, Natalie Hughes, Katie Jones, Kara Roberts and Maddy Wilson from Dinas Bran scooped the £100 prize, which was provided by Gogledd Creadigol.

Simon Sinclair, the head of media at Ysgol Dinas Bran, said: "The film workshop and competition were brilliant experiences for the students.

"It was great for them to have an insight into how films are made, the industry, and working as part of a team.

“We all thoroughly enjoyed the process - especially winning the £100 at the end. Hollywood watch out!"

The prize money will go towards media equipment for the school, and the winners will also have a say on what it is spent on.

Gwenda Roberts, a team manager from Careers Wales, said: “Before the workshop, many of the students wouldn’t have been aware of the different roles and responsibilities that goes into making a film.

“It’s sessions like this that really help to broaden young peoples’ understanding of what potential career paths are out there for them, in a way that’s a bit different and more engaging.

“Thank you to Screen Alliance Wales for its support and of course to Gogledd Creadigol for contributing the prize.”

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Heatwave leads to rocketing demand for water


  • Welsh Water sees demand for water exceeds 1,000 mega litres per day on hottest day
  • Teams working around clock keeping the water flowing and fixing leaks
  • Customers can do their bit by following top tips on ways to save water in home and garden

With Wales basking in glorious sunshine at the moment, it wasn’t just the mercury that was rising in the record-breaking heat. 

While the sun shone over Wales yesterday (Monday) on the hottest day recorded, not for profit utility company Welsh Water saw demand for water from its customers soar – reaching the same levels seen at the peak of the 2018 heatwave. 

On a typical day, the company normally treats and supplies around 850 mega litres of fresh, clean water to its three million customers.  This is roughly the same amount of water needed to fill around 320 Olympic sized swimming pools.  Yesterday the company saw this level exceed 1,000 mega litres per day.

This extra demand makes it a challenge to get water through the pipes fast enough and also drains the water quicker from the reservoirs and rivers that supply the water.  This is especially important as between March and April, rainfall across Wales was only 50% of the long term average while between March and May it was just 60%. 

While water resources in the majority of Wales are in a good position, there is a slight concern about the situation in Pembrokeshire.  While this shouldn’t have any immediate impact, if the there is no significant rain between now and the end of August, some level of restriction may be required later in the summer.

To keep up with the demand, the company has had to ramp up its operations to ensure that it keeps the water flowing for customers.  This included working around the clock to ensure the water treatment works kept up with demand and also deploying its full fleet of water tankers to top up local water systems.

The company has also increased its work on fixing and repairing leaks and is already finding and fixing between 500 – 600 leaks a week. 

Customers can also play their part by following some of the simple hints and tips the company has around ways to avoid wasting water in the home and garden.  These include:

  • Don’t leave the tap running while washing hands or brushing teeth
  • Take a shower instead of a bath
  • Wait until the washing machine and dishwasher are full before putting them on
  • Don’t fill the paddling pool to the top – and when you’ve finished, use the water on the plants in the garden
  • Don’t use a sprinkler on the lawn to keep it green – the colour will soon come back once it rains

Ian Christie, Managing Director of Water Services said: “I’m sure we’ve all been enjoying this warm weather and as a company we always see an increase in demand for water when the sun shines.  Peaks in demand normally only last a short period but with these unprecedented temperatures we’re seeing a sustained period of increase in demand.  It was no surprise that we saw the demand reach 1,000 mega litres per day yesterday.

“Meeting spikes in demand naturally brings with is some additional challenges for the company and people will have seen our teams out and about to make sure that we keep the water flowing.  While we will do all that we can, it will help us as well if customers play their part as well by avoiding wasting water. 

“Garden sprinklers for example are one of the biggest consumers of water in the garden as they use on average 1,000 litres of water every hour. This is the equivalent of what a typical family would use inside the house in two days. By avoiding using sprinklers, or investing in a water butt to collect rain water, people could use significantly less water.

“Another way customers can help is by reporting any leaks to us which they may notice so that we can get a team out straight away to look at it.  By working together in this way, wecan help ensure that we keep the water flowing through the summer”.

* More information on water saving tips and details of how to get hold of water saving devices, visit

Consider not walking dogs in the heat, says police message

Police have issued a timely warning about keeping dogs safe in the heatwave.

Local PCSO Lucy Green has sent out a message over the Neighbourhood Alert system to say: "In this hot weather, please consider not walking your dogs - the pavements are hot and the air is humid, this can cause our furry friends to overheat, and worse. 

"It concerned me yesterday seeing so many dogs out and about in the peak heat - the forecast today is looking hotter again."

And on a general safety theme, she adds: "Whilst it is also imperative that us humans stay cool too, remember to keep properties secure, where possible don't leave accessible windows and doors open and unsupervised. Criminals will take any opportunity."

Senedd Member tries out new-style PE lessons

* Ken Skates MS shapes up during the school PE session.

A Member of the Senedd took part in a programme which transforms the way PE is taught in primary schools. 

Ken Skates, MS for Clwyd South, visited Ysgol Y Waun in Chirk on Thursday (July 14) to see how staff are supporting the health and well-being of pupils through an initiative called real PE. 

He first observed a Key Stage 2 PE lesson with Year 6 during which the children were supported by real PE videos to improve their physical skills and develop their coordination. Mr Skates then participated in a Key Stage 1 lesson when children practiced their balancing skills. 

He said: “The children were great at helping to coach me when I took part, and they were so welcoming. I really enjoyed the session. It’s great fun and really and strips PE back to basics.”  

Year 2 teacher Beth Cornford said she has seen an improvement in the children’s cores since the introduction of real PE at Ysgol y Waun. 

She added: “Children can now sit without fidgeting as much! I have also seen an improvement in their skills such as handwriting, which all comes from having a better posture.” 

The programme, created by Create Development, has a ‘child-centred approach’ and aims to support pupils to become physically literate by developing their Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) – agility, balance and coordination.  

Mr Skates added: “PE is a fantastic vehicle not only to improve the children’s health, fitness and well-being, but also to develop a range of personal, social, physical and creative abilities that transfer outside the PE and sporting environment. I was hugely impressive with the real PE lessons and it’s clear that the children have really taken to them.” 

Mr Skates and the Create Development team thanked teacher Amy Roberts, the school’s health and wellbeing lead, for organising the event.

Summer events lined up at Valle Crucis Abbey

Valle Crucis Abbey is playing host to a number of activities over the next few weeks.

A Medieval Fun day is lined up for this weekend, July 23 and 24. 

The Prince’s Retinue will be doing some archery demonstrations and a faux melee. Medieval Fun Day | Cadw (

The Abbey also has some guided tours on the same weekend. Valle Crucis Guided Tours | Cadw ( 

There are also two more Guided Tour events planned.

Neither of these events are ticketed, you just pay the usual addition fee of £4.80 for an adult.

Free – Members of Cadw, Historic Scotland, English Heritage or Manx Heritage

Free – Under 5

£3.40 – Under 18, students and Armed Forces

£4.60 – Over 65

£15.80 – Family

Also planned is an outside theatre production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by the Duke’s Theatre Company on Tuesday August 2 at 7pm. VALLE CRUCIS ABBEY, LLANGOLLEN, LL20 8DD @ 19:00 | TheDukesTheatreCo (

Details of prices are on the website. However, please note that the information on parking on the website is wrong. There will be parking provided by the campsite.  

Abbey Opening times –

Thursday – Monday – 10:00-17:00

Closed Tuesday & Wednesday.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Keep an eye on water usage in hot weather, says supplier

With an amber weather warning for extreme heat in place for this area, Welsh Water is asking customers to be help them keep the water flowing by being mindful of how much they use.

During the recent spell of warm weather, the company has already seen demand for water soar to near record levels.  

This extra demand makes it a challenge to get water through the pipes fast enough and also drains the water quicker from the reservoirs and rivers that supply the water.  

This is especially important as between March and April, rainfall across Wales was only 50% of the long term average while between March and May it was just 60%. 

Welsh Water usually treats and supplies about 800 million litres of clean water a day to its three million customers - roughly the same amount needed to fill 320 Olympic-sized swimming pools. 

Over the past days, Welsh Water has seen demand increase by 25% which meant it has had to supply an additional 198 million litres of water per day.

In popular tourist areas such as Pembrokeshire, the demand for water is also exacerbated by the volume of people visiting the area.  Wales is already a popular destination, but with a lot of people still choosing to holiday in the UK this year, the number of people visiting is again set to be high.

In response to the warm weather, the company sys it has ramped up production at its water treatment works.  It has also deployed its full fleet of water tankers to move water around the system to try and keep the levels topped up where demand is highest.

The company also claims to be doing everything it can to cut losses from the system and has teams working across the country finding and fixing leaks as quick as they can.  Their teams are currently fixing between 500 and 600 leaks per week.  Customers can also help by reporting a leak to the company as soon as they spot one. 

To help customers play their part and identify simple ways they can save water around the home and in the garden, the company is offering handy hints and tips.  These include:

  • Don’t leave the tap running while washing hands or brushing teeth
  • Take a shower instead of a bath.
  • Wait until the washing machine and dishwasher are full before putting them on.
  • Don’t fill the paddling pool to the top – and when you’ve finished, use the water on the plants in the garden.
  • Don’t use a sprinkler on the lawn to keep it green – the colour will soon come back once it rains.
  • Use our ‘Get Water Fit’ calculator to help with hints and tips on how to save both water and money – there are even free products available if you sign up.

Businesses are also being asked to make an extra effort not to waste water, particularly caravan parks, golf courses and farms. Even making small reductions in the amount of water a business uses has the potential to make a big difference in helping Welsh Water to keep water flowing this summer, with the added benefit of reducing a business’ water bills and helping it protect the environment.

Local MP appointed government minister

* Simon Baynes MP in his Ministerial office at the Home Office.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes has been appointed to a Ministerial role as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice and the Home Office.

He said: “I am very honoured and delighted to have been appointed by the Prime Minister as Minister for Justice and Tackling Illegal Migration. 

"I am very much looking forward to delivering on the Government’s commitments in the Ministry of Justice and the Home Office as well as continuing to work hard for the people of Clwyd South as their local Member of Parliament.”