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Sunday, July 17, 2022

Packed programme on offer in 25th anniversary Fringe Festival

Organisers say the 25th anniversary Llangollen Fringe Festival which kicks off next Friday, July 22, offers a great line-up of performers, workshops and activities.

Here are details they have supplied of the programme:  

"Friday 22nd – Comedy featuring some top-quality jokers headed by Paul Sinha who not only knows everything there is to know, but tells great jokes as well.  Saint or Sinha – you decide?

Note to Festival Ticket holders - please email Paul with your preferred seating position for the Comedy - Front, Middle, Back or Balcony.  Thanks

Saturday 23rd – World Music from The Turbans.  They may be London-based, but their canvas is drawn from traditional near-eastern and eastern-European styles.  This is music for all ages, so bring gran and the kids and treat yourself to the celestial glow of some truly vibrant music.  I saw them a couple of years ago and they were great! Perfect for a Saturday night and guaranteed to get you dancing!

Monday 25th – And now for something completely different and also something of a coup for the Fringe, because Roger Eno hasn’t been a prolific live performer of his Ambient music over the years.  But he’s going to perform some for you.  I would call his music mesmeric if I knew what that meant, but I think you’ll find yourself transported to another and better place while you’re listening to it.  Don’t let this one pass you buy, let it pass through you instead.

Tuesday 26th – The evening for all you aspiring hipsters and cool cats out there, but anyone who loves great music is welcome as well.  If it’s a Tuesday then it must be Jazz, because Tuesday is Jazz Night at the Fringe.  The Zoe Gilby Quartet are cool and sophisticated players of both original material and some well-known jazz standards as well.  A great live band, satisfaction guaranteed and with special guests So What Now what could possibly go wrong?

Wednesday 27th – Right it’s midweek and time to “get down” to “fractured rock and roll at its best”. Warmduscher first got together at the end of 2014 and have been on an upward trajectory ever since.  Iggy Pop no less, the Godfather of Punk graced their 3rd album with his presence.  If you’re looking for some Ramalama and a Shindig this is the band for you, or maybe you’re looking for a “mix of in-your-face-punk and sinister electronica” again Warmduscher will deliver.  Hot stuff indeed. 

Supported by Red Telephone, a band from Cardiff who make layered neo-psych at-rock combining angular guitars, Kraftwerkian-inspired rhythms and New Wave-tinged synths all mixed with masses of melodic melancholy..  

Thursday 28th – And tonight we have for you one of the most important figures in the history of Folk Music, a man who has inspired Paul Simon and Bob Dylan no less, and countless others as well.  Martin Carthy, for it is he, has been interpreting traditional songs in an innovative way since he first heard Lonnie Donegan playing “Rock Island Line”.  The music of the common people kept relevant and fresh for modern times.  And, as if that wasn’t enough, he will be accompanied by his daughter Eliza Carthy who is of course a star in her own right.  Mark Radcliffe described her in my presence as “a force of nature” and he was spot on.

Friday 29th – If the Carthy’s have retained a youthful outlook, Talisk actually are youthful and this shows in their energetic and powerful live performances.  Hailing from Scotland they draw on influences from all over for their folk-based music and their fusion of concertina, fiddle and guitar is enthralling.  Winner of countless awards – you’ll be kicking yourselves if you don’t come along and see why! 

Saturday 30th – Is it Saturday again already? But what a finish this promises to be to the 2022 Fringe Town Hall and as always with the Fringe something a little different.  Ebony were one of the first Steel Bands to be formed in the UK, their latest project has been to take the classic electronica of Kraftwerk and turn it into, well…something else.  Anyway, check in with your doctor if they don’t get you smiling and leaping about with gay abandon in what promises to be a fabulous finale show.

Okay that’s a lot about the main performances, but don’t forget that the Fringe is about so much more than them.  There’s a jam-packed programme of fun and exciting activities and workshops that will cater for all ages from 1 to a 101 so even I can join in.

Wow, I wish I lived in a place that put stuff like that on…hang on I do, it’s called Llangollen and it’s part of the Fringe.

Please follow the link below and find out what’s on offer, you’re bound to find something whether for yourself, the kids or your mum.

There’s art, poetry, music, archaeology, walking, singing, dancing, story-telling, circus, jewellery making and much, much more.

Llangollen Fringe Workshops - Llangollen Fringe Festival

We are so looking forward to seeing you all at Llangollen Fringe 2022, 22-31 July.

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the entertainment being provided by our friends at Gale’s Wine Bar throughout the Fringe."


Saturday, July 16, 2022

What's On at the Pengwern Community Hub

 What's on at the Pengwern Community Hub this month:

Warning over lighting fires in open after blaze in Pen Coed Wood

* The station's narrow 32M1 appliance used to deal 

with the fire in Pen Coed Wood.

Llangollen Fire station is warning about the dangers of lighting fires in woods after its crew were called to tackle a tricky underground blaze in Pen Coed yesterday (Friday) morning.

And it is calling for extra caution with extremely high temperatures predicted for the next couple of days. 

A post on the station's Facebook page says: "09:40 today 32M1 attended a fire in Pen Coed Wood, Llangollen. 

"The fire had crept underground popping up in a different place. Crews used a high pressure lance to create a fire break and extinguisher the fire. 

"32M1 is our narrow access vehicle and can get to places the fire engine couldn’t. It can travel up to fires on hard standing ground. 

"Please take care when lighting fires in woods they can spread very quickly in these dry, warm conditions. 

"Please take extra care over the weekend as temperatures a set to rise to over 30 degrees." 

Friday, July 15, 2022

Free school meals payments to continue over holidays

Denbighshire County Council is informing parents and guardians of arrangements being made to pay for free school meals throughout the summer holidays.

Over recent years, the council has put in place a system where it provides payments instead of free school meals, with £19.50 being paid to parents or guardians, per child per week.

So far, 4,275 children are benefitting from the free school meals payments.

Councillor Gill German, Cabinet Lead Member for Education, Children and Families, said: “When the Covid outbreak started, the council’s catering service responded immediately to continue to provide free school meals to those eligible and the Welsh Government announced that funding would be available to assist those individuals over the school holiday period.

“Denbighshire has administered the funding on behalf of the Welsh Government and funding has been paid directly into the bank accounts of parents and guardians. This means that families are receiving regular payments to meet the costs of buying and preparing meals.

“Now that the school holidays is nearly upon us, we’re making plans to re-start the payments, with the first payment due on July 25th. This will be followed by weekly payments, with the last payment being made on August 30th.

“Parents and guardians who qualify and who have received these payments will receive the monies directly and they do not need to contact the council.

* Further information about free school meals is available on the council’s website:

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Poetic walk on the Panorama planned for July 25

* The monument to poet I D Hooson on the Panorama walk.

An event combining people's love of walking and appreciation of poetry is coming to the area later this month.

Between 10 and 11.30am on Monday, July 25 the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley organisation and the Picturesque Landscape Team have arranged for local poet Sara Louise Wheeler to lead its Panorama Poetry Walk in the hills close to Llangollen.  

This literary tour with a difference explores the work of the famous poet Isaac Daniel Hooson.

Sustainable development officer Jillian Howe said: "Taking the Panorama walk, you’ll come across a large stone monument to him.

"The Welsh inscription translates as 'Poet, Eisteddfod-goer, and friend to children'. 

"The monument was placed there by the Urdd in 1952 and is an important part of the local cultural heritage and landscape. 

"But who was I.D. Hooson, what kind of poetry did he write and why, given that he was from neighbouring Rhosllannerchrugog, did he choose to have his ashes scattered overlooking Llangollen? 

"Also, why has so little been written about this seemingly once-prominent poet and social entrepreneur, in either or Welsh or English?

"To find out the answers join Sara Louise Wheeler and the team for a literary tour of the local wildlife and habitat."

* For more details of the walk, go to:

Public urged to take precautions as temperatures rise

The Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Wales is urging people to take extra precautions and to plan ahead to keep themselves and others safe as the Met Office warns of extreme heat.

The Amber warning, issued for Sunday 17 July, Monday 18 July and Tuesday 19 July, suggests some parts of east Wales could see temperatures reach early to mid-thirties.

The Welsh Government is working with emergency services, local authorities, schools and businesses to keep the public safe during the Met Office warning period.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Wales (DCMO) Chris Jones said: “Extreme heat warnings are not issued lightly by the Met Office and the potential health risks need to be taken seriously.

“Very high temperatures can be dangerous for everyone but elderly people, children, those with chronic health problems and vulnerable people who may struggle to keep cool are at a higher risk.

“Demand on NHS Wales and our emergency services is already high so by taking extra precautions to keep ourselves and our families safe, we can all help to reduce pressure on these vital services.

“These temperatures can be particularly worrying for vulnerable or elderly people so I would also urge people to check in on neighbours and relatives to make sure they are keeping as cool as possible as the temperature rises.”

To protect yourselves and others:

  • Stay hydrated – drinking water is vital as your body loses more fluid in higher temperatures.
  • Plan ahead and stay in the shade – it is best to avoid the hottest part of the day between midday and 3pm and avoid doing strenuous outdoor activities between these times.
  • Wear sunglasses and sun protection – sunscreens or sun blocks will help to prevent sunburn.
  • To keep your home cool, turn off non-essential lights and electrical equipment and keep rooms shaded by closing blinds and curtains.
  • Do not leave young children, elderly people or pets in parked cars as temperatures inside can soar.
  • While the temptation to cool off may be high, be careful around open water including river and lakes and supervise children.
  • Wear loose fitting clothing and a hat if outdoors.

If you are worried about any symptoms related to heat visit the NHS 111 website - - to check your symptoms or call 111 for advice.

The extreme heat warning is likely to have a significant impact across society:


There may be significant impacts on transport infrastructure in Wales during the period of extreme heat, including road and rail. Travellers should plan ahead and ensure they have plenty of water. The heat will mean that vehicles are more likely to break down on roads and could also place strain the rail network, both of which could lead to travel disruption and delays. Travellers should check with their rail or bus operator, Traffic Wales or Traveline Cymru to be alerted to any disruption and change their travel plans accordingly.


Advice is being provided to schools and childcare settings to deal with the extreme heat, including avoiding vigorous physical activity and maximising shade and ventilation. Children should wear loose, light-coloured clothing if possible, wear hats outdoors and drink plenty of water.


All workplaces have a legal responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy environment for their workers. Employers should make reasonable adjustments to ensure that employees can carry out their work safely and in line with the Health and Safety Executive’s advice on working in hot temperatures.


For all events scheduled during the extreme heat period, organisers should review additional communications out to attendees, spectators and participants - both prior to and during, the event - advising on recommended safe behaviours in extreme heat. They should also consider the need for any additional measures, in relation to event staging and infrastructure, in order to mitigate against the worst effects of extreme heat – for example provision of extra shade, water stations and other measures. Based on further consideration of the risks, they should assess whether all or part of the event should be postponed.


The extreme heat warning coincides with the start of the Royal Welsh Show in Llanelwedd. Visitors and exhibitors should follow all advice from the show organisers to ensure the safety and well-being of attendees and welfare of animals. Anyone who owns or is responsible for an animal has a legal duty to take reasonable steps to ensure its welfare needs are met. Show exhibitors should inspect their animals often. If they have any concerns about the welfare of livestock, they should immediately contact the on-site veterinary team.

Welsh Government Ministers and officials are also taking part in UK-wide Civil Contingencies structures to ensure a co-ordinated approach to cross-border issues caused by the extreme heat.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Local MP says he's backing Sunak in Tory leadership race

* Simon Baynes MP.

Clwyd South Conservative MP Simon Baynes has announced that he is backing former Chancellor Rishi Sunak in his party's leadership contest 

Posting on his Facebook page today (Wednesday) Mr Baynes says: "As a Boris loyalist who backed him until the end, I have found the leadership campaign upsetting and difficult to navigate. 

"Now that Priti Patel, whom I urged to stand, has withdrawn from the race, I have decided to back Rishi Sunak as I think he is the best placed in terms of ability and experience to be Prime Minister at this exceptionally difficult time both at home and abroad.

"I have either spoken to all the leadership candidates or seen them speak in a hustings meeting and I have had many private conversations with colleagues about them. 

"They are a diverse, highly talented and compassionate group of people who are a great credit to the modern Conservative Party which has, in turn, made making my choice even more difficult.

"I have chosen to support Rishi Sunak on ability and experience but recognise that he still has a great deal of persuading to do with not only my band of Boris loyalists but also the membership of the Conservative Party who will make the final choice between the two candidates shortlisted by us as MPs."

Mr Baynes says there are four main reasons why he is supporting Mr Sunak and outlining them he says:

"1. Due to his government experience, particularly during the Covid crisis where he excelled in supporting people and businesses throughout the pandemic, Rishi can hit the ground running as PM, a necessity in these troubled times.

"2. He is right to be cautious about immediate tax cutting as there are also massive spending priorities that we face such as helping people with the cost of living, social care for the elderly, increasing defence spending and funding our support for the war in Ukraine which I think is of paramount geopolitical importance.

"3. I had a chance to see him at work since I was elected in 2019 and have been impressed by not only his exceptional intelligence, imaginative ideas, good communication skills and administrative ability but also by the interest he has always shown in us as colleagues, particularly as new backbenchers. This is a vital aspect of good leadership and one at which Boris excelled. And this accessibility and collegiate approach will be very important in bringing the party together after the leadership race has finished.

"4. Rishi is a compassionate politician and not divisive by character - these are important attributes for taking the country forward and persuading people to continue supporting the Conservative Party in the future.

"Over the next week, MPs will vote on reducing the list of 9 candidates down to 2 via a series of ballots which start today and finish by Wednesday next week. Two names then go before the membership of the Conservative Party and the winner will be declared on 5th September in time to take part in his or her first PMQs as our new Prime Minister.

"If you have any questions or comments to make on the leadership contest, please don’t hesitate to contact me on"