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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Public urged to take precautions as temperatures rise

The Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Wales is urging people to take extra precautions and to plan ahead to keep themselves and others safe as the Met Office warns of extreme heat.

The Amber warning, issued for Sunday 17 July, Monday 18 July and Tuesday 19 July, suggests some parts of east Wales could see temperatures reach early to mid-thirties.

The Welsh Government is working with emergency services, local authorities, schools and businesses to keep the public safe during the Met Office warning period.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Wales (DCMO) Chris Jones said: “Extreme heat warnings are not issued lightly by the Met Office and the potential health risks need to be taken seriously.

“Very high temperatures can be dangerous for everyone but elderly people, children, those with chronic health problems and vulnerable people who may struggle to keep cool are at a higher risk.

“Demand on NHS Wales and our emergency services is already high so by taking extra precautions to keep ourselves and our families safe, we can all help to reduce pressure on these vital services.

“These temperatures can be particularly worrying for vulnerable or elderly people so I would also urge people to check in on neighbours and relatives to make sure they are keeping as cool as possible as the temperature rises.”

To protect yourselves and others:

  • Stay hydrated – drinking water is vital as your body loses more fluid in higher temperatures.
  • Plan ahead and stay in the shade – it is best to avoid the hottest part of the day between midday and 3pm and avoid doing strenuous outdoor activities between these times.
  • Wear sunglasses and sun protection – sunscreens or sun blocks will help to prevent sunburn.
  • To keep your home cool, turn off non-essential lights and electrical equipment and keep rooms shaded by closing blinds and curtains.
  • Do not leave young children, elderly people or pets in parked cars as temperatures inside can soar.
  • While the temptation to cool off may be high, be careful around open water including river and lakes and supervise children.
  • Wear loose fitting clothing and a hat if outdoors.

If you are worried about any symptoms related to heat visit the NHS 111 website - - to check your symptoms or call 111 for advice.

The extreme heat warning is likely to have a significant impact across society:


There may be significant impacts on transport infrastructure in Wales during the period of extreme heat, including road and rail. Travellers should plan ahead and ensure they have plenty of water. The heat will mean that vehicles are more likely to break down on roads and could also place strain the rail network, both of which could lead to travel disruption and delays. Travellers should check with their rail or bus operator, Traffic Wales or Traveline Cymru to be alerted to any disruption and change their travel plans accordingly.


Advice is being provided to schools and childcare settings to deal with the extreme heat, including avoiding vigorous physical activity and maximising shade and ventilation. Children should wear loose, light-coloured clothing if possible, wear hats outdoors and drink plenty of water.


All workplaces have a legal responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy environment for their workers. Employers should make reasonable adjustments to ensure that employees can carry out their work safely and in line with the Health and Safety Executive’s advice on working in hot temperatures.


For all events scheduled during the extreme heat period, organisers should review additional communications out to attendees, spectators and participants - both prior to and during, the event - advising on recommended safe behaviours in extreme heat. They should also consider the need for any additional measures, in relation to event staging and infrastructure, in order to mitigate against the worst effects of extreme heat – for example provision of extra shade, water stations and other measures. Based on further consideration of the risks, they should assess whether all or part of the event should be postponed.


The extreme heat warning coincides with the start of the Royal Welsh Show in Llanelwedd. Visitors and exhibitors should follow all advice from the show organisers to ensure the safety and well-being of attendees and welfare of animals. Anyone who owns or is responsible for an animal has a legal duty to take reasonable steps to ensure its welfare needs are met. Show exhibitors should inspect their animals often. If they have any concerns about the welfare of livestock, they should immediately contact the on-site veterinary team.

Welsh Government Ministers and officials are also taking part in UK-wide Civil Contingencies structures to ensure a co-ordinated approach to cross-border issues caused by the extreme heat.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Local MP says he's backing Sunak in Tory leadership race

* Simon Baynes MP.

Clwyd South Conservative MP Simon Baynes has announced that he is backing former Chancellor Rishi Sunak in his party's leadership contest 

Posting on his Facebook page today (Wednesday) Mr Baynes says: "As a Boris loyalist who backed him until the end, I have found the leadership campaign upsetting and difficult to navigate. 

"Now that Priti Patel, whom I urged to stand, has withdrawn from the race, I have decided to back Rishi Sunak as I think he is the best placed in terms of ability and experience to be Prime Minister at this exceptionally difficult time both at home and abroad.

"I have either spoken to all the leadership candidates or seen them speak in a hustings meeting and I have had many private conversations with colleagues about them. 

"They are a diverse, highly talented and compassionate group of people who are a great credit to the modern Conservative Party which has, in turn, made making my choice even more difficult.

"I have chosen to support Rishi Sunak on ability and experience but recognise that he still has a great deal of persuading to do with not only my band of Boris loyalists but also the membership of the Conservative Party who will make the final choice between the two candidates shortlisted by us as MPs."

Mr Baynes says there are four main reasons why he is supporting Mr Sunak and outlining them he says:

"1. Due to his government experience, particularly during the Covid crisis where he excelled in supporting people and businesses throughout the pandemic, Rishi can hit the ground running as PM, a necessity in these troubled times.

"2. He is right to be cautious about immediate tax cutting as there are also massive spending priorities that we face such as helping people with the cost of living, social care for the elderly, increasing defence spending and funding our support for the war in Ukraine which I think is of paramount geopolitical importance.

"3. I had a chance to see him at work since I was elected in 2019 and have been impressed by not only his exceptional intelligence, imaginative ideas, good communication skills and administrative ability but also by the interest he has always shown in us as colleagues, particularly as new backbenchers. This is a vital aspect of good leadership and one at which Boris excelled. And this accessibility and collegiate approach will be very important in bringing the party together after the leadership race has finished.

"4. Rishi is a compassionate politician and not divisive by character - these are important attributes for taking the country forward and persuading people to continue supporting the Conservative Party in the future.

"Over the next week, MPs will vote on reducing the list of 9 candidates down to 2 via a series of ballots which start today and finish by Wednesday next week. Two names then go before the membership of the Conservative Party and the winner will be declared on 5th September in time to take part in his or her first PMQs as our new Prime Minister.

"If you have any questions or comments to make on the leadership contest, please don’t hesitate to contact me on"  

Teens jumping from Llan Bridge sparks debate

Tombstoning - or youngsters jumping into the River Dee from Llangollen Bridge in high summer - has become the subject of a story in the Daily Post.

The newspaper has taken an interest in the custom after a debate started on Facebook when a passer-by took photos of the jumping teens, expressing concerns for their safety. 

* For the full story see:

North Wales MS slams new 20mph speed limits

Speed limits in built-up areas will be reduced from 30mph to 20mph in Wales from next year.

Ministers say a 20mph limit will lower road collisions and noise and encourage people to walk or cycle.

The Welsh Parliament passed the law in a vote on Tuesday afternoon.

It was backed by Labour and Plaid Cymru but opposed by the Welsh Conservatives, who said the blanket rollout is "ludicrous".

Sam Rowlands MS for North Wales says the introduction of 20mph on restricted roads is a backward step for Wales and will have a dangerous impact.

Speaking in the Senedd, Mr Rowlands, Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Local Government urged fellow members to vote against the Restricted Roads (20mph Speed Limit) (Wales) Order 2022.

He said: “We certainly support letting our councils put 20 mph speed limits outside schools, hospitals and other areas. But this blanket approach across urban roads in Wales, without recognising the vast differences in our communities, seems to me like a knee-jerk reaction. 

“This may work in city centres where there is good infrastructure, good public transport in place, but many of our villages and towns that are linked by 30 mph roads at the moment simply do not have that same transport system, the same connectivity, the same infrastructure, it is nothing like Cardiff, it is nothing like Swansea. These rural villages and towns are going to be suffering because of this. 

“The Welsh Government's currently trialling this scheme across areas in Wales, including,  Buckley in North Wales, where I met with residents and local representatives last week. They highlighted a number of issues. They believe they see a higher level of pollution, observed more accidents and more delays. They also feel that Government have not been listening to them and to their concerns through this process. 

“They are concerned about the level of pollution, because what they observe is cars and drivers having to drive in a lower gear, churning out more fumes. They have seen more accidents, because they believe they have seen more drivers distracted with having to try and live within this new speed limit. 

“In terms of the cost,  we are talking about £33 million, I am sure that that could be better spent on employing more teachers, doctors and nurses here in Wales. Along with this, there is real concern that there is going to be a massive impact on business and the economy as well. 

“A constituent wrote to me and said, and I quote, 'Drivers checking their speed constantly, not giving their full attention to road conditions, as well as impatient drivers trying to overtake will make the roads more dangerous, not less.' 

“It is clear the Welsh Government has not properly consulted with those who have undergone this trial and it has caused real anger across many of our communities and it simply hasn't worked and won't work. It could have a dangerous impact and is a backwards step in how we go about our daily lives in Wales.” 

Help save the planet with an e-bike delivery service

* The e-bike delivery service sets off Drosi Bikes' workshop. 

An enterprising Llangollen community workshop is offering a delivery service to customers of shops in the town using a planet-saving electronic bike.

Thanks to outside funding Drosi Bikes, based in Parade Street, has been able to buy an electric assist e-cargo bike. 

And every Friday, for a small fee, it is offering local people the chance to use it to have their orders from local shops delivered within a 10-mile radius of the town centre.

Ceri, of Drosi Bikes, said: "Thanks to funding from Clocaenog WFF and the National Lottery's Together for our Planet we have been able to purchase the e-cargo bike.

"It is available to hire at reduced rates for Llangollen residents and organisations and, every Friday, we have a dedicated rider offering sustainable deliveries across the town and surrounding areas. 

"The main aim for the project is to provide residents with a real alternative to a car, particularly for shorter journeys or when travelling into the town. In turn, this helps to lower CO2 emissions and congestion within Llangollen, as well as promoting and supporting local businesses. 

"It is also hoped the delivery option will give residents more opportunity to walk, cycle or take the bus into town, knowing we are able to assist in getting their items back to them, without the hassle of carrying heavy bags."

She added: " The way it works is customers head to their favourite independent shops within Llangollen and purchase their items as usual. 

"They fill out a delivery card which gets left with their order and stored in the shop. We pick up from each store every Friday morning and distribute - payment is made upon collection. 

"If we're delivering within the town it's a flat fee of £2. Beyond this, we charge 50p per mile, up to a range of 10 miles outside of Llangollen.

"During this trial period we are only able to offer deliveries on a Friday - we have a dedicated rider every Friday to offer this service. Going forward, we hope to increase the number of days through a mix of volunteer and funded riders.

"This service is currently operating from a couple of Llangollen shops but we're happy to pick up deliveries from any independent store. If your favourite shop isn't currently signed up, ask them to get in touch with us.

"To maximise the efficiency of the bike, we're also happy to pick up items after dropping off deliveries, such as small items for the charity shop, food donations for the food share and so on."

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Ambulance service's tips to stay safe in the heat

The Welsh Ambulance Service is urging the public to take precautions ahead of the hot weather forecast for this week.

Temperatures in Wales are set to hit 31°C today with the warm spell likely to last beyond the weekend.

Warm weather generates an increase in calls to people with breathing difficulties, and with 999 demand already high, and Covid-19 infections continuing to rise, the Trust is asking the public to take extra precautions to reduce pressure on the service.

Lee Brooks, the Trust’s Executive Director of Operations, said: “We had almost 2,000 calls to 999 on Sunday alone, which is roughly one call every minute.

“We expect demand to remain high with the increase in temperature, so we need the public’s help to ensure that the pressures we face are not e
xacerbated by the weather.

“Hot weather means your body has to work harder to keep its core temperature to normal levels, and this puts extra strain on your heart, lungs and kidneys.

“This means that you can be at greater risk if you have a pre-existing heart or respiratory condition, like asthma or angina.

“It’s really important to keep cool and stay hydrated, and if you’re out and about, please look after yourself and those with you.

“If you do fall victim to the sun, take one of our 
NHS 111 Wales symptom checkers for bites and stings, breathing difficulties, hay fever and sunburn – it’ll help you determine the best course of action.”

Protecting yourself in the heat

  1. Drink lots of water – it’s important to keep hydrated as you lose more fluid than you take in during hotter temperatures and this is especially true if drinking alcohol
  2. Keep out of the sun – it’s best to stay in the shade between 11am-3pm when the sun is at its hottest
  3. Wear sun cream and sunglasses – apply a sun cream of at least factor 30 that includes UVA protection and make sure your sunglasses have UV protection lenses
  4. Loose clothing – wear light, loose fitting cotton clothes along with a hat
  5. Look out for others – keep a check on those vulnerable to the effects of heat, especially the elderly, young children and babies and those who have a heart or respiratory condition such as asthma
  6. Never leave babies, young children or animals in a parked vehicle – temperatures can soar very quickly in a parked car, and children under two are particularly at risk of getting heatstroke or heat exhaustion
  7. Take care around water – always supervise children in and around pools and seriously consider whether open water areas (rivers, lakes, etc.) are safe

Monday, July 11, 2022

Planning application to transform Royal Hotel is approved

* The Royal's planning application has been approved by the county council.

The planning application to transform Llangollen’s historic Royal into a ‘destination’ hotel has been approved by Denbighshire County Council.

Standing at the corner of Castle Street and Bridge Street, it is one of the town’s landmark buildings and dates back to 1752.

Overlooking Centenary Square, it is Grade II Listed and has been closed since 2019,  

A council spokesperson said the permission for application number 03/2022/0173 was granted under delegated powers and allows for the demolition of the original existing extension, the erection of a four-storey extension to the side and rear, including health spa, and additional hotel accommodation.

The spokesperson added: “Also approved is the erection of a two-storey kitchen extension to the existing courtyard plus the installation of a canopy and decking to the rear and associated works.

“Officers have also recommended that Listed Building consent be granted for the same works under application ref 03/2022/0174. However, this recommendation is currently being considered by CADW.”

The application was submitted last March in the name of Matt Jones of MAVI Properties Ltd based in Middle Sontley, Wrexham.

At the time a press release from the company said the development would give the ability to create an estimated 45-plus jobs.

The application explained that the aim of the plan was to “create a destination venue and to improve accessibility of the existing historic element.”

It also said there would be: “Works consisting of partial demolition of existing a 1960’s extension to facilitate the creation of an all-new spa extension with additional high-end accommodation above. New restaurant area to be created to existing basement with extended external decking area.”

The application adds that in 2019 a public consultation meeting was held at the Royal Hotel to allow local residents and business owners to opportunity to meet the project team and to review and discuss the design intentions.

It said: “During this meeting, the project’s aim to turn the Royal into a ‘destination hotel’, potentially with a Michelin star restaurant, Spa and terrace with the ability to create an estimated 45+ jobs were discussed.

“The intention to develop the project with the Local Authority and CADW was stated, to not only preserve the historical characteristics of the building, but to also provide an asset to increase footfall to the town. As part of the discussion, the issue of erosion to the existing riverbank wall was raised. Remedial works were subsequently completed in 2021.”

The application stated that there would be no demolition of any Listed buildings, either partial or total.

It went on to say the redevelopment would provide the opportunity to employ the full-time equivalent of 45 people.