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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Brave Elodie will tackle Llangollen Canal Walk just weeks after operation

* Elodie-Mae Davies at Trevor Basin to promote Llangollen Canal Walk.

A determined teenager will launch the Llangollen Canal Walk to support Hope House Children’s Hospice just weeks after having an operation.  

Elodie-Mae Davies, 15, will send ramblers on their way for the 10-mile walk on Sunday, March 6, which raises money to support and care for seriously ill local children and their families.  

Elodie, who lives with her family in Ruabon, has had heart defects since birth which have led to a cardiac arrest, clots in her lungs and mini-strokes.  

She has been through 10 open heart surgeries and has a pacemaker fitted.  

The doctors recently discovered she has pulmonary vein stenosis and, as a result, Elodie has lost her left lung and only has 83% functionality of her right one.  

This means she requires oxygen 24-hours-a-day to allow her to breath. Last year she raised an incredible £2,500 by walking the virtual Take A Hike event – walking 10-miles spread out over a number of weeks.  

“Hope House gives me confidence and independence,” says Elodie. “I love visiting and seeing all the staff, it’s a big family.” 

Elodie will have to undergo an operation two weeks before the event but is determined to send walkers on their way and will make the trip over the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct in a wheelchair. 

“We are so lucky to have Hope House in our lives and I don’t know what we would do without them,” says mum Jenna. 

“Elodie just wants to help and give a little something back when and where she can.” 

Returning after a two year break the circular Llangollen Canal Walk, sponsored by Net World Sports, will begin at The Trevor Basin in the morning, then taking in five miles of stunning scenery up to the Poachers’ Pocket and returning over the world-famous aqueduct. 

For those who would prefer to complete a 10-mile walk virtually on a route of their choice then tickets are also available for that option too. 

Fundraiser Cat Dowdeswell said: “We’re delighted Elodie will be there to start off the Llangollen Canal Walk, especially after she raised such an amazing amount last year.  

“Every walker that takes part will receive a medal designed especially for this event and a goody bag for their efforts. 

“This really is one of the highlights in our calendar, and tickets are selling fast, so book your places today to avoid disappointment.” 

* Tickets are £10 for adults and £5 for children and can be purchased at 

Latest pandemic updates from Welsh Government

Latest coronavirus updates from the Welsh Government, dated yesterday, are:

Coronavirus in numbers

  • The number of people who have received a Covid vaccine in Wales is published every weekday by Public Health Wales.
    • The latest figures show 2,514,081 people have received their first dose.

What to do if you have symptoms of coronavirus

  • The symptoms of coronavirus are a high temperature, a new, continuous cough and a loss or change in smell or taste.
  • If you have symptoms of coronavirus, however mild, you must self-isolate at home for up to 10 days from when your symptoms started.
  • Guidance about self-isolating:

Where to find the latest information

Monday, February 7, 2022

Businesses now need to apply for latest Emergency Business Fund

Denbighshire County council is reminding businesses impacted by the latest coronavirus restrictions to apply for the Welsh Government's Emergency Business Fund.

Previously during the pandemic some payments were sent to businesses automatically, however businesses now have to apply for the money.

Under the latest support package, further funding is available for businesses in Denbighshire which fall into one of the below categories:

* Retail, hospitality, leisure and tourism businesses who pay Non Domestic Rates are entitled for £2,000, £4,000 or £6,000 depending on their rateable value.

* Sole traders, freelancers and taxi drivers can apply for £500 and businesses that employ people, but do not pay business rates can apply for £2,000 through the Discretionary Fund.

Businesses applying for funding will need to re-register their details through an online process with Denbighshire County Council to receive their payments.

To help businesses gauge the amount they are eligible for in advance, Business Wales has created an eligibility checker which can be found on their website.

Cllr Julian Thompson-Hill, the council’s Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets, said: “We are working hard with Welsh Government to administrate this fund to all eligible businesses in Denbighshire, so we want to ensure that the application process is clear.

“We are encouraging every eligible business to apply for the funding. Anyone unsure can use the eligibility checker provided on the Business Wales website.”

* To find out more or apply you can visit

Erddig one of sites to remember those who died in pandemic

The First Minister has announced the planned locations of Wales’ first commemorative woodlands to remember all those who have died during the pandemic.

The first two woodlands will be created on part of the National Trust Cymru’s Erddig Estate in Wrexham and at a site identified by Natural Resources Wales at Brownhill in the Tywi Valley in Carmarthenshire.

A third memorial woodland will be created in South East Wales – a site is currently being identified.

The memorial woodlands will be a symbol of Wales’ resilience during the pandemic and one of regeneration and renewal as the new woodlands grow.

It is hoped they will be places of commemoration where families and friends can remember lost loved ones.

They will also be locations where the public will be able to reflect on the pandemic and the impact it has had on all our lives.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said: “It has been almost two years since the coronavirus pandemic hit Wales.

“Too many people have been taken too soon by this awful virus. We will remember all of them and keep them in our hearts and our minds.

“These woodlands will be a permanent and living memorial to all those who have died. They will also be a symbol of the strength the people of Wales have shown over the past two years.”

The woodlands will be planted with a range of tree species, making them resilient to our changing environment.

Planting is expected to begin this year.

Natural Resources Wales and National Trust Cymru will work with local communities and families to plan and design the woodlands.

Clare Pillman, Chief Executive of Natural Resources Wales said: “Our forests and woodlands are powerful, poignant symbols of life, helping to enhance our environment and biodiversity and providing space for recreation and reflection.

“Our ambition for this commemorative woodland is for it to become a living, growing area for all the community to enjoy, as well as a quiet space for contemplation as we continue to navigate this most challenging of times.

“As part of the journey, we want to engage with local communities and our partners to plan and design the woodland, shaping with them safe and accessible spaces, where people of all ages can come to remember and reflect for years to come.”

We expect the sites to become part of the National Forest for Wales in the future, with opportunities for local communities to help shape the management of the woodland.

Justin Albert, Director, National Trust Cymru said: “For over 125 years, the National Trust has provided places for people to connect with nature, beauty and fresh air. This has felt as relevant over the last two years as it has in any time in our history: knowing that nature has been hugely comforting to many during the pandemic, bringing both pleasure and reassurance as all other aspects of our lives changed.

National Trust Cymru are proud to support the Welsh Government in creating one of the commemorative woodlands for Wales at Erddig. We look forward to collaborating with communities and partners to create a special place in memory of those lost to coronavirus. The woodland will be for remembrance and reflection, but also to provide a future green space for everyone to continue that much needed, beneficial connection with the natural world for ever.”

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Mountain rescue team save man in distress near Llangollen

Denbighshire Free Press is reporting how the North East Wales Search and Rescue (NEWSAR) team helped save a man in 'distress' in the Llangollen area yesterday (Saturday).

* For the full story, see:

Work planned on 2020 project for coming week

Work planned for week starting Monday, February 7 on the Llangollen 2020 project is:

* Excavate the footpath on Castle Street west from Market Street to the A5

* Pave Castle Street west from Market Street to the A5.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Eisteddfod announces return to live competitions

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod has announced a return to live competitions in 2022, following a two-year break due to the pandemic. 

Applications are now open for over 20 different competition categories, with the full syllabus and application information available online.

In light of continued disruptions to travel due to Covid-19, for the first time the festival is introducing a hybrid competition series, with options to compete digitally via large screens in the Pavilion in front of live adjudicators and audiences. 

It says the aim is to make participation accessible to many more amateur performers this summer.

Executive producer Camilla King said: “We can’t wait to welcome friends from all over the world to experience the true meaning of eisteddfod - friendly competition and a shared joy in performing, all in the beautiful surroundings of Llangollen. 

"In addition to our new digital hybrid format, applicants may notice some other changes to our competitions this year, which we hope will inspire them to come and join us for our 75th anniversary celebrations."

She added: "The jewel in the crown of the eisteddfod will be the Choir of the World competition on Saturday July 9, which for 2022 is joined by the Pendine International Voice of the Future and Dance Champions awards and is set to be a thrilling celebration of outstanding international performers. 

"New for 2022 are Show Choirs, Contemporary Dance, Young Composer, Young Folk Instrumental Ensemble and Junior Instrumentalist join our existing line up which celebrates a huge variety of choral and solo singing, dance, folk music, instrumental performances, and our special non-competitive strand.

"The annual International Eisteddfod is home to over 4,000 performers during the week-long programme and is an exquisite celebration of international music, culture, creativity and collaboration.

"It is now a key driver of cultural tourism to North Wales and attracts over 35,000 visitors every year."

* Downloadable syllabus book, application forms and other competitor information available on the dedicated website: