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Friday, February 4, 2022

Tributes paid to cyclist who died on the A5

Tributes have flooded in for cyclist David Fanning who was killed on Monday night following a crash on the A5 near Corwen.

* For the full story in the Daily Post online, go to:

UK Government accused of neglecting north Wales rail system

* Clwyd South MS Ken Skates with North Wales MS Carolyn Thomas. 

Labour politicians, including Clwyd South MS Ken Skates, has accused the UK Government of the "shameful neglect" of rail infrastructure in North Wales.

And they claim the local network is being "short-changed" by £5bn. 

The issue has been raised in the Senedd by North Wales MS Carolyn Thomas followed by former Transport Minister Ken Skates wh0 repeated his calls for rail to be fully devolved to the Welsh Government. 

While transport is devolved to Wales, responsibility for railway track, station infrastructure and signalling remains with the UK Government at Westminster. 

Labour claims that over the past 20 years, Wales has had less than 2% of the £102bn that the UK Government has spent on improvements – despite having 5% of the population and 11% of the track miles. 

During First Minister’s Questions this week First Minister Mark Drakeford said: “Welsh Ministers take every opportunity to raise with the UK Government their shameful neglect of investment in rail infrastructure in north Wales.” 

And Ms Thomas told the Senedd: “The Tory UK Government are investing just under £100bn in HS2 rail infrastructure. If the Barnett formula were to be applied, Wales should be entitled to the population share of 5%which is £5bn. But, because the UK Government says that the line from London to Birmingham is going to benefit Wales, we are getting nothing.  

“On top of this, a levelling-up funding bid was made to UK Government for investment on the Wrexham-Bidston line, which is desperately needed. But, again, the UK Government failed to deliver investment. All we are asking for is that Wales be treated fairly.” 

The First Minister responded: “Wales is treated anything but fairly when it comes to rail investment by the UK Government. It is absolutely nonsensical to claim that because there is a new service from London to Birmingham somehow that means Wales has had its fair share of that investment.  

“And all of that comes on top of a decade of neglect of investment in the infrastructure here in Wales. You've heard the figures here before – 2% of the railway line in Wales is electrified. Twenty-two miles. It is pathetic, and it is the direct result of broken promises. 

“This Welsh Government, by contrast, goes on investing in rail services in north Wales. This year, we will increase services on the line between Wrexham and Bidston. Next year, we will provide new services between Liverpool and Llandudno. And, the year after that, there will be new services from the north to Cardiff. Where the UK Government treats Wales with contempt when it comes to rail investment, this government goes on investing – in the north and in the rest of Wales.” 

The Union Connectivity Review, commissioned by the UK Government and published in December, ‘concluded that devolution had been good for transport’, the First Minister said. 

Ken Skates added: “The most straightforward way to address historic underfunding would be to devolve responsibilities and appropriate funding to the Welsh Government.”  

Last year, Ms Thomas and Mr Skates were among the North Wales Labour politicians to welcome the cross-party Welsh Affairs Committee’s report recommending urgent improvements in rail infrastructure across the region by the UK Government. 

They called on the UK Government to urgently implement the recommendations, which included preparing a full strategic case for the upgrade and electrification of the North Wales mainline.  

The report also called for the classification of HS2 as an England-only scheme – which Mr Skates said ‘could in turn generate huge consequential funds for Wales’ – and HS2 incorporating improvements around Crewe and Chester to enable North Wales to benefit from the project. 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Latest round of Government’s Cultural Recovery Fund opens

The third round of the Welsh Government’s Cultural Recovery Fund has opened for applications.

Businesses and organisations which have not previously received support under the fund are now eligible to apply, Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, Dawn Bowden, has confirmed. 

Earlier this month, the Deputy Minister announced a further £15.4 million would be made available to cultural organisations in Wales who continue to be severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Impacted sectors including music venues, heritage sites, event venues, suppliers and organisers, independent local museums, community and independent libraries, galleries and independent cinemas who were previously supported via the Welsh Government’s CRF were contacted by letter during the week commencing January 17. 

The Welsh Government has already made payments of £2.2m to more than 88 applicants. It is expected most payments to those who have applied through this process will be made next week. 

New entrants for CRF 3 can today apply from the Business Wales website, where further details and application forms are available. Applications will need to be returned by Friday February 11. 

To be eligible, businesses from the events, creative and heritage sectors will have to provide evidence that they have experienced at least 50% reduced turnover between December 2021 and February 2022 compared to the same period in 2019/20. 

Dawn Bowden said: We are fully aware that these impacted sectors continue to face new pressures.

"The innovation and resilience which has been demonstrated by the people and organisations which make these sectors so vibrant has been remarkable. 

“We want to ensure that the sector continues to play a part in our recovery from the pandemic and in bringing people together once more. 

"The Welsh Government is also aware of the impact the pandemic is having on our creative freelance community and we have doubled (to £1,000) the Emergency Business Fund grant award available for qualifying sole traders and freelancers who do not pay rates." 

This third round builds on the previous two phases of the Cultural Recovery Fund which have provided £93 million and has supported business, organisations and individuals in the key cultural sectors.

Could you offer care and support in Denbighshire?

Could you offer help at home to people in your neighbourhood?

An initiative is now up and running across Denbighshire which means you can get free professional advice to help you work for yourself offering care and support.

Many people in the area are looking for support at home.

Join a free online event on Thursday February 24 to find out more in a relaxed setting.

Learn about the support you can get, ask questions and hear about others who have already set up.

A number of people from a range of backgrounds are already in the process of setting up in Denbighshire.

They are offering various services, from help with washing and dressing, cooking, cleaning, support with hobbies and more.

Nick Hughes, who is leading the project for Community Catalysts, said: “Lots of people in Denbighshire need some extra help to live the way they want to, perhaps because they are older, disabled or have a long-term health condition. 

"We can help you set up as self-employed offering care and support. You don’t need to have a professional background in care or know how to run a business – you just need to know what good care looks like.”

Councillor Bobby Feeley, Lead Member for Well-being and Independence, said: “We are really pleased to be working with Community Catalysts to help provide more support to the older and disabled population. This is a fantastic programme which can really help caring entrepreneurs bring their own ideas to life for caring and supporting people and I look forward to seeing those with great initiatives take up the worthwhile guidance given through this partnership.”

The project is being run by social enterprise Community Catalysts and funded by Denbighshire County Council.

* To find out more about the process of setting up and to ask any questions, come along to a free online event on Thursday February 24 at 12pm or 6.30pm.

You can also contact Nick Hughes, Denbighshire Community Catalyst on

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Empty homes matching service for Denbighshire

Empty home owners can take advantage of a free matching service with potential developers.

Denbighshire County Council is running a matching service to put empty property owners in touch with potential investors to increase the chances of the property being transformed into a home.  

There are potential investors ready to take forward opportunities.

It is part of the council’s work under its Corporate Plan to reduce the number of empty properties in the county and to create more housing for residents.

Cllr Tony Thomas, Lead Member for Housing and Communities, said: “The council has been working hard to ensure that empty properties are brought back into the market and can be used as homes for residents.

“Selling a property through this scheme can save empty home owners money on estate agency fees and Council Tax, if the property has been empty for more than six months, as well as ongoing maintenance costs of the property.

“There are a number of property developers who are signed up to the scheme and who are looking for opportunities throughout Denbighshire.”

* If you are an empty home owner looking to sell your property or a potential investor please get in touch at and we will provide you with further information.

Dementia network meeting planned for February 9

Dementia Aware Denbighshire Network has a meeting via Zoom on Wednesday February 9, between 10am and 12 noon. 

The aim of the network is to proactively lead and facilitate initiatives to improve the awareness of dementia with the aim of making Denbighshire a 'safe, supportive and inclusive place for everyone'. 

The network is open to all individuals, organisations, voluntary and community groups and businesses operating in Denbighshire, people living with dementia and their families and carers, alongside representatives of Third Sector organisations and social enterprises, town and community council members, Denbighshire County Council and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

Speakers for this session include Owen Phillips from CADR and Gwenno Davies from the North Wales Dementia Centre as well as updates from the local dementia action groups and Dementia Friendly Communities.

* People can book a space at the meeting using this link.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Winter Fuel Support Scheme payment is doubled to £200

The Winter Fuel Support Scheme payment will be doubled to £200 as the cost of living rises, Minister for Social Justice Jane Hutt announced today.

The £100 one-off payment, which was launched in December, is now being extended to support eligible households with rising energy bills and costs.

It is part of the Welsh Government’s bespoke Household Support Fund, which is providing £51m of targeted support for families and the most vulnerable in society.

Announcing the increased support for households, Minister for Social Justice Jane Hutt said: “Right across Wales, people are seeing their bills rise and wages are being stretched like never before. From energy bills, to prices at the pumps and the costs of everyday essentials.

“We know some people are facing the incredibly difficult decision about whether they heat or eat. We’re in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis, which is getting worse.

“Our £51m Household Support Fund targeted support at families across Wales. We know these initiatives are working and making a real difference to the lives of low income households.

“That’s why I’m delighted to announce we’re going to extend support to households by doubling the Winter Fuel Support Scheme payment. We’re increasing the £100 payment to £200 and this will be available to new applicants and retrospectively paid to those who have applied already.”

Local authorities will process new applications from eligible households. To be eligible for the payment, one member of the household must be in receipt of certain welfare benefits. Further details are available on local authority websites, which will be updated to reflect the increased payment.

Councils have contacted people they believe are eligible. If they have not yet made an application, these can be submitted until February 28.

People who have already received a £100 payment under the scheme do not need to anything – they will receive a further £100 payment in the coming weeks.

Ms Hutt added: “We are determined to do all we can to support our people with the bills they are facing, and this will go a long way to do just that.

"I want to pay tribute to our local authorities for swiftly processing these payments. We all know they’ve been under tremendous pressure during the pandemic – time and again, they have stepped up to the plate and delivered for our communities.

“This additional £100 increase will go some way to helping the most vulnerable in our society to pay their fuel bills during this difficult time and I’m determined to do all we can to continue to support the people of Wales through the cost of living crisis.”