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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Llangollen Canal Walk returns after two-year break

The popular Llangollen Canal Walk in aid of the Hope House and Ty Gobaith children's hospice returns after a two-year break next month.

The walk takes place on Sunday, March 6 will see walkers take in the stunning Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, beautiful canal-side scenery and wildlife.

The 10-mile walk will begin at the Trevor Basin in the morning, then taking in five miles of stunning scenery up to the Poachers’ Pocket and returning over the world-famous aqueduct.

For those who would prefer to complete a 10-mile walk virtually on a route of their choice then tickets are also available for that option too.

Fundraiser Cat Dowdeswell said: We’re delighted to be able to bring our ever-popular Llangollen Canal Walk back in 2022 for its 11th year – two years after we were able to last hold this event.

“This really is one of the best local walking routes, is manageable for walkers of all abilities, and of course families. You can even bring the dog if you like, as long as they are kept on a lead.

“We can’t wait to see you all there again, what a way to welcome in the spring.

“Tickets are likely to go quickly for this one so make sure you sign up online.”

The event has been sponsored by Wrexham-based Net World Sports.

Lois Jones, marketing executive at Net World Sports, said: “We are thrilled to once again be sponsoring the Llangollen Canal Walk for 2022. It’s a fantastic event that brings together members of the community as they participate in the 10-mile walk.

“We’re sure this year will be another huge success in raising the crucial funds needed for all the Hope House and Tŷ Gobaith families who need our support.”

* Tickets are £10 for adults and £5 for children and you can sign up to the event by visiting the Hope House Hospice website.

Commissioner's plan to boost policing numbers approved

A police boss is beefing up frontline policing in North Wales with 82 new officers, 10 extra PCSOs and more than 40 additional police staff.

The pledge from North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin (pictured) came after his funding plans for the coming year were unanimously signed off by a watchdog body.

His proposal for a 22p a week increase in the price of policing the region was given the go-ahead by the North Wales Police and Crime Panel yesterday.

The 3.68 per cent rise will cost Band D householders an extra £11.25 year – around the price of two portions of fish and chips.

According to Mr Dunbobbin, it will pay for a raft of new measures including an increase in drug driving tests to improve road safety and save lives, which is one of the commissioner’s strategic priorities.

Other initiatives include ramping up the fight against child abuse, domestic abuse and cybercrime.

Mr Dunbobbin says he is also delivering on a promise in his election manifesto to put more bobbies on the beat.

The force’s pioneering drone unit, which has saved three lives since it was founded last April, will be expanded with two additional pilots.

A further 10 officers and police staff will be dedicated to working with perpetrators of domestic abuse to change their behaviour with the aim of reducing re-offending, as well as bringing offenders to justice and safeguarding victims.

At the same time, he says, safeguarding victims will be central to the force’s approach and a new panel will be established so that the voices of victims can be heard.

The commissioner believes that bolstering Neighbourhood Policing Teams will help provide reassurances for all communities of North Wales, and in particular our elderly and vulnerable.

Meanwhile, he is strengthening the Economic Crime Unit with three more officers to help stem the rising tide of cybercrime, including online fraud.

Mr Dunbobbin said: “I am grateful to the North Wales Police and Crime Panel for their support for my proposals.

“I have worked closely with the Chief Constable and his senior team to draw up the measures which will now be enshrined in my Police and Crime Plan which sets out the blueprint for policing North Wales.

“I will be scrutinising the force to ensure that the plan is implemented in full and I take my responsibilities very seriously in this regard.

“There will be a renewed focus on road safety because far too many people are dying or being seriously injured on our highways.

“That’s why there will be an increased use of roadside drug testing because if you drive under the influence of drugs it’s an accident waiting to happen.

“In addition to robust enforcement, there will be a campaign to educate and raise awareness among road users.

“Roads policing also has an important role in cracking down on serious and organised crime as we step up our fight against the vicious County Lines drugs gangs.

“We will also be increasing the use of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras which are a highly effective way of identifying cross border criminals and other lawbreakers.

“As somebody who has a background in the IT industry, I am also pushing hard for the increased use of technology in a number of areas.

“As well as saving lives, expanding the drone unit will support policing operations and crime prevention initiatives particularly for communities in rural areas.

“We will also be establishing a dedicated digital contact team to broaden the available ways that people can use to get in touch with North Wales Police.

“Cybercrime is growing at an alarming rate across the world and we have seen a 50 per cent increase in its prevalence in recent times.

“As a result, I am providing funding for three extra officers to join our successful Economic Crime Unit so we can tackle this growing menace in all its forms.

“The crackdown on cybercrime will include tackling child sexual exploitation, targeting grooming offences, and online scams. 

“I am also passionate about the importance of good, old fashioned neighbourhood policing which is the bedrock of North Wales Police.

“Ensuring our officers are out and about providing a visible presence in our communities is particularly reassuring for elderly and vulnerable people.

“As well as nipping any minor issues in the bud, they are also the source of valuable intelligence as we tackle more serious criminality.

“That’s why I am investing in recruiting an extra 10 Police and Community Support Officers, building on the investment of the Welsh Government in paying for an additional 20 PCSOs across North Wales.

“Having more bobbies on the beat will increase opportunities to gather intelligence and combat hidden crimes such as modern-day slavery.

“I believe the 22p a week increase represents great value for money and it’s designed to strike the right balance between financial prudence and making North Wales an even safer place for the people who live and work here and visit the region.”

Monday, January 31, 2022

Have your say on county's ambitions for next five years

Residents are being invited to have their say on Denbighshire County Council’s focus for the next five years.

Housing, the climate and environment, the economy, young people, connected communities, addressing deprivation and continuing to provide a well-run, high performing Council are all themes to be included in the Council’s Corporate Plan 2022-2027.

The Corporate Plan sets the focus for the Council’s ambitions for the next five years including the vital core services it provides for residents such as education and social care.

The Council is launching an online survey to find out what members of the public think.

Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, the Council’s Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets, said: “This is a chance to tell us what you think about our direction for the next five years.

“Asking the views of our residents helps inform our decision making and allows you to tell us what our focus should be.

“I would encourage as many people as possible to take this chance to help improve services and your local area.”

Between May and July last year, the Council ran an engagement exercise called Continuing the County Conversation where we asked people to tell us what they thought about our planned work programme for 2022-2027.

From this initial engagement activity, we have created the draft themes for our new corporate plan.

The online survey is running between January 28 and March 11.

* To take part and have your say, please visit

If you cannot complete the survey electronically, paper copies of the survey are available on request in all Denbighshire libraries and can be returned to libraries or posted to Strategic Planning and Performance Team, Denbighshire County Council, PO Box 62, Ruthin, LL15 9AZ.

First Citizens Advice column of the year

Here is the first monthly column of the year from Denbighshire Citizens Advice:

Q: I keep seeing on the news that my bills could be going up soon. It’s making me really worried, especially as I spent more on Christmas than I should have done. How can I get my spending habits back on track in 2022? 

A: A lot of people will be asking themselves this question right now. The good news is there are lots of things you can do to be more in control of your money and better prepared for the future. 

Firstly, find out exactly what money you have coming in and going out each month. Be realistic about what you need for essentials like food and travel. Then you can set yourself a budget that you can stick to - take a look at the budgeting tool on the Citizens Advice website to help you do this. 

If any of your bills do go up in the coming year, you can go back to our budgeting tool anytime to create a new plan and stay in control. Our website tips on how to reduce your regular living costs may be helpful if you find you have more money going out than coming in at any point.

You should also make sure you’re getting all the income you’re entitled to. Use the income checker on the Citizens Advice website to see if you could be getting more support, such as benefits or government grants. You can also use this to make sure you’re being paid the right wage.

If you’ve been using credit cards, your overdraft or store cards for your spending, it’s understandable if these debts are causing you worry. It’s important to prioritise paying your rent or mortgage, plus energy bills and Council Tax first though. Not paying these has the most serious consequences. On the Citizens Advice website, we have advice about which bills you need to prioritise and the support available for paying these and other bills.

Once you have planned how to pay your priority bills, the budgeting tool can help you plan how to repay credit cards, overdraft charges and store cards.

Everyone’s circumstances are different, particularly when it comes to managing personal finances. If you need more specific support or don’t feel able to manage your situation alone, call our debt helpline: 0800 240 4420. You’re not on your own.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

This week's planned work on 2020 project

Work planned for this coming week on the town's 2020 project is:

  • Install kerb on Castle Street west
  • Continue paving on Market Street south

MP visits new Castle Street barbers shop

* Simon Baynes MP in Top Cut Barbers with owner Khalid Khidir.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes visited the new Top Cut Barbers on Castle Street in Llangollen.

The shop, which opened in December, is owned by Khalid Khidir, who has previously worked in barbers in Shrewsbury and Oswestry, and has experience of being a barber for more than seven years.

During the visit, Mr Khidir told Mr Baynes more about his experience of opening the first business of his own.

Mr Baynes said: “It was a pleasure to visit Khalid and to welcome a new business to Llangollen. 

"During the Welsh Government’s Covid lockdowns, we all missed being able to go to a barber or hairdresser so a visit now that restrictions have been relaxed means a great deal more to us. 

"I wish Top Cut Barbers all the very best in developing their business and every success in the future.”


Saturday, January 29, 2022

Applications for winter fuel payments still open

Applications for a winter fuel support scheme for Denbighshire residents are still open.

Denbighshire County Council is administering the Welsh Government Winter Fuel Support Scheme which offers eligible households to claim a one-off £100 payment to provide support towards paying winter fuel bills.

Since it opened on December 13 over 4,000 people have applied to the scheme and over 2,000 payments have already been processed.

The payment is available to qualified households who already receive support from at least one of the below schemes listed below, regardless of how bills are paid; provided you are responsible for the payment of the fuel bill or pre-payment meter;

  1. One member is in receipt of Income Support
  2. Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
  3. Income Based Employment and Support Allowance
  4. Universal Credit
  5. Working Tax Credits at any time between 1 December 2021 and 31 January 2022

Cllr Julian Thompson-Hill, Denbighshire County Council’s Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets, said: “Since the scheme was rolled out, the council have been working in conjunction with Welsh Government officers to ensure that all qualifying residents in Denbighshire receive payments as quickly as possible.”

“Although a large number of qualifying residents have already received their payment, we are still reaching out to ensure that eligible residents who haven’t yet processed their application, do this before it is too late.”

All applications must be received by February 18, 2022.

* For more information or to apply for the scheme visit