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Saturday, January 8, 2022

Latest Covid-19 updates from Welsh Government

Latest Covid-19 update from the Welsh Government (dated yesterday) is:

  • The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has re-published its statistics on provisional weekly deaths, including deaths involving Covid-19, for the week ending 24 December 2021. 

Coronavirus in numbers

  • The latest figures published by Public Health Wales show there were 7,915 newly-reported cases of coronavirus, bringing the total to 706,873 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Wales since the start of the pandemic.
  • The number of people who have received a Covid vaccine in Wales is published every weekday by Public Health Wales.
    • The latest figures show 2,494,287 people have received their first dose.

What to do if you have symptoms of coronavirus

  • The symptoms of coronavirus are a high temperature, a new, continuous cough and a loss or change in smell or taste.
  • If you have symptoms of coronavirus, however mild, you must self-isolate at home for up to 10 days from when your symptoms started.
  • Guidance about self-isolating:

Where to find the latest information

Friday, January 7, 2022

Drakeford says Covid Alert Level 2 will stay in place

First Minister Mark Drakeford (pictured) has asked people to keep taking steps to protect each other and keep Wales safe from the wave of omicron cases.

He has confirmed alert level 2 measures will stay in place in Wales following the outcome of the latest regulations review.

Cases of coronavirus have risen sharply to their highest ever levels as the omicron wave has surged across Wales in the post-Christmas period. The latest figures show there are more than 2,200 cases per 100,000 people in Wales.

Mr Drakeford said: “The omicron wave means we are all facing a difficult month ahead of us. We are already seeing extremely high case rates in communities and we must be prepared for cases to rise even higher, just as they have elsewhere in the UK.

“This variant may not be as severe as we had initially feared but the speed at which it is travelling and its infectiousness continue to be cause for concern.

“That makes it vital that we all take action to keep each other safe. The things which have helped to protect us all throughout the pandemic will continue to protect us now.

“This includes getting vaccinated and making your booster a priority, limiting the number of people you meet who you don’t live with, and taking a lateral flow test before going out and mixing with others.

“Together, we will keep each other safe and we will keep Wales safe.”

At alert level 2 people must:

  • Wear a face covering (unless there is a reasonable excuse not to wear one) in all indoor public places, including when not seated in a pub, café or restaurant.
  • Meet no more than five other people at a café, restaurant, pub or other public premises (unless with their household of a larger number). This applies to both outdoor and indoor areas of the premises.
  • Work from home if they can.
  • Self-isolate for seven days if they test positive for Covid-19. People should take a lateral flow test on day six and day seven. If either test is positive they should remain in isolation until two negative lateral flow tests or after day 10, whichever is sooner.
  • Not take part in an organised event indoors of more than 30 people or outdoors for more than 50 people. All organised events must be organised by a responsible body and have a risk assessment.

People are also being encouraged to follow strengthened guidance to help them stay safe at home, this includes limiting the number of people they meet who they don’t live with, to flow before you go by taking a lateral flow test before going out, meeting people outdoors wherever possible and making sure indoor spaces are well ventilated.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Company takes over recycling sites - but not Llangollen

* The running of the 'pop-up' waste site at the Pavilion car park will not be taken over by Bryson Recycling.

A social enterprise company has landed the contract to manage three household recycling centres in Denbighshire - but not including the 'pop-up' site in Llangollen.

As part of the same seven-year contract Bryson Recycling will also be running five sites in Conwy County Borough.

The company says it aims to increase recycling rates, introduce more reuse activities and implement their local circular economy approach to recycling.

The Denbighshire sites it will be running are those at Lon Parcwr in Ruthin, Colomendy in Denbigh and Marsh Road, Rhyl.

Bryson told llanblogger the contract does not include the sites at Llangollen Pavilion car park and Green Lane car park, Corwen which a spokesperson said were "outside the scope of the tender".

Bryson have been working with Conwy County Borough Council since 2014 when they won a contract to manage their household recycling centres, and in 2020 they introduced a garden waste collection service for their local residents. 

The company says this new contract, which is due to commence on April 1st 2022, will result in them significantly increasing their operation in North Wales.

General manager Gareth Walsh said “We are extremely pleased to be working in partnership with both councils and are looking forward to introducing our social enterprise approach to recycling across all five sites with the aim of increasing recycling and reuse whilst providing an excellent service to local residents. We are also keen to look an innovative ways to engage and work with local communities.”  

Councillor Brian Jones, lead member for Waste, Transport and the Environment at Denbighshire County Council, said: “Working together with Conwy Council to appoint a single operator has enabled us to provide value for money for our residents as the management costs have reduced. 

"We know the recycling centres are very popular with our residents and we receive many compliments about the staff that work there.  

"The site staff, currently managed by CAD Recycling Ltd, will transfer to the new operator, meaning residents will still receive the same high standard of service they are used to, but will also benefit from new investment in our facilities.   

"I’m delighted to see that the new contract also includes more green initiatives, such as availability of free compost to site users and support of reuse projects within our communities.”

* To find out more about Bryson Recycling visit

Coronavirus update from Welsh Government

Latest Covid-19 update from the Welsh Government (dated yesterday) is: 

·         Health Minister Eluned Morgan has set out changes to the testing regime – in some cases lateral flow tests will be used instead of PCR tests to maximise PCR testing capacity as demand is very high:

o   Lateral flow testing for people without symptoms: 

·         More than £100m of new funding will help make schools and colleges Covid-secure:

·         Education Minister Jeremy Miles has published a written statement about the return to school and college:

o   School operations guidance:

o   Schools – coronavirus guidance:

o   Coronavirus (asymptomatic) testing in schools, further education and childcare settings:

·         Changes to the rules on international travel:

·         The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has today published statistics on provisional weekly deaths, including deaths involving Covid-19, for the week ending 24 December 2021. 

o   There have been 9,169 deaths involving Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.

o   Of these, 33 were registered in the latest week. This was 4% of all deaths, and 18 fewer than the previous week.

o   The numbers reported by ONS are different from those from Public Health Wales because of different reporting methods and timing. The ONS figures are higher because they include some extra cases.


Coronavirus in numbers

·         The latest figures published by Public Health Wales show there were 21,279 newly-reported cases of coronavirus in a 48-hour period, bringing the total to 689,750 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Wales since the start of the pandemic.

o   There were 10 deaths reported by Public Health Wales in a 48-hour period. The total number of deaths reported by Public Health Wales is 6,599.

o   These figures are updated daily at:   

·         The number of people who have received a Covid vaccine in Wales is published every weekday by Public Health Wales.

o   The latest figures show 2,492,440 people have received their first dose.

o   2,307,957 people have had two doses of the vaccine.

o   To date, 1,667,192 people have had their booster dose of the vaccine.


o   For more information about getting your Covid-19 vaccine:

o   Can you support the vaccination programme? More information for NHS staff and volunteers at:

What to do if you have symptoms of coronavirus

·         The symptoms of coronavirus are a high temperature, a new, continuous cough and a loss or change in smell or taste.

·         If you have symptoms of coronavirus, however mild, you must self-isolate at home for up to 10 days from when your symptoms started.

·         Guidance about self-isolating:

o   You can book a test at

o   You should continue to isolate while waiting for a test result. 

Where to find the latest information

·         Wales is at alert level two. More information is available at:

o   Alert level two: frequently asked questions:

·         Our latest Coronavirus Control Plan, setting out the longer-term plan for Wales is at:  

·         Information about coronavirus is available on the Welsh Government’s website at and

·         For more information about getting your Covid-19 vaccine:

·         Can you support the vaccination programme? More information for NHS staff and volunteers at:

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Area awakes to thin covering of snow

Llangollen awoke to a thin covering of snow this morning (Wednesday) as can be seen from these pictures of the castle and surrounding hills.

£103m for schools and colleges to help with Covid recovery

 * Education Minister Jeremy Miles.

Schools and colleges are to receive £103 million in Welsh Government funding as learners return for the January term.

£50m will be provided via local authorities through the Sustainable Communities for Learning programme. 

The funding will help schools carry out capital repair and improvement work, with a focus on health and safety measures, such as improving ventilation. 

The funding will also be used to support decarbonisation.

£45m of revenue funding will also help support school budgets, assisting schools as they continue to deal with the ongoing impacts of the pandemic and to prepare for the requirements of the new curriculum.

An additional £8m will be provided to further education colleges, to ensure learning can continue safely and ensure the most disadvantaged learners are not further impacted by the pandemic.

Jeremy Miles, the Minister for Education and the Welsh Language, said: “I know schools and colleges have faced a very difficult time and everyone across the workforce has worked incredibly hard to meet the challenges of the pandemic. This funding will further support our schools and colleges to keep settings as Covid-secure as possible.

“While we want to support the sector in recovering from the pandemic, we also have to make sure we continue to plan for the future, and help all education settings across Wales fulfil our collective goals of making Wales a net-zero nation.

“The funding announced today will help us to ensure sustainability across the sector – be that the environmental sustainability achieved through decarbonisation, or sustainability in provision.”

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

This week's 2020 project works programme


This week's planned work programme for the town's 2020 project is:

  • set up the traffic management for phase 2 of the works
  • pave the junction of Bridge Street with Castle Street near the Royal Hotel
  • start the footpath excavation on Market Street south at the end near the car park
  • start excavating the new kerb line on Castle Street east near the junction to Oak Street, heading south toward the A5