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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

You can still have your say on Llan's People's Plan

* Amongst the many people who visited the public consultation session last week was the area's MP Simon Baynes, pictured here (second from left) with members of Shape My Llangollen.

Volunteers have successfully completed their round of face-to-face comment gathering on Llangollen's People's Plan.

But members of the public can still have their say on Caru Llangollen, which sets out the vision for how our town should develop up until 2026.   

And they have until the closing date of December 31 to do so.

The draft plan is based on what the group Shape My Llangollen was told by the people of the area in a series of pre-pandemic public consultation sessions when they were asked about what they liked or didn't like about the town and how they reckon it could be improved.

These consultation sessions, held at the health centre, outside local superstores as well as in the town square, generated 1,700 separate answers.

And, based on what they were told, the volunteers have produced the final draft plan which contains 90 suggestions for improving Llangollen and its quality of life and work over the next four years. 

Shape My Llangollen is now in the process of putting the People's Plan back to the people for the last time before producing the final version of it.

This will then go before the Town Council, which set them the original task in 2018, for approval and adoption.

From last Wednesday to Saturday members of the team were on hand outside the Town Hall to receive people's comments on Caru Llangollen. 

And scores of people braved the rain and wind to hear an explanation of what the plan could mean for them and the town and how they can comment on its proposals.

But the process doesn't end there because hard copies of the plan are available in the library on Castle Street, which Shape My Llangollen is encouraging people to browse and then log their comments, either in written form or by emailing the Town Clerk

To look through the action plan online - and turn it over page by page - go to:

Copies of a card reminding people to get involved are also being posted through doors in the town this week.

Phil Robinson, who chairs SML, said: “This final round of public consultation is extremely important as it will be the last chance for people to have their say on this vital and far-reaching vision of the town’s future development.

"This is truly the People's Plan and is something which has never been done before in Llangollen.

"I'd like to thank everyone who took the trouble to stop and speak to our team outside the Town Hall last week, especially as the weather was quite challenging.

"Since the weekend we've had a steady stream of comments on the plan coming in including some useful feedback, which is exactly what we were after.

"I'd now encourage anyone who was unable to meet us last week to take a look at a hard copy of the draft plan in the library and let us have their comments on what it proposes - either by email or in written form - by December 31."    

Monday, December 6, 2021

Aled Jones and Russell Watson headline Llangollen 2022


* Aled Jones.

* Russell Watson.

* Anoushka Shankar.

* Manu Delago. 

Star singers Aled Jones and Russell Watson headline at next year's Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod which will see a return to live events following a two-year gap caused by the pandemic.

Organisers say the festival says the 2022 programme is "packed with competitions, concerts and celebrations galore" for its 75th anniversary, with priority and public booking opening in time for Christmas.

The festival will also feature a new digital hybrid format, allowing competitors to enter and perform on the Llangollen Pavilion stage, regardless of their location around the globe. 

Llangollen’s new executive producer, Camilla King, who joined the organisation in November, said: “It’s an honour to be able to announce the wonderful news that we will return to live music-making in July 2022. 

"In this time of challenges and change, and as we prepare to celebrate our 75th anniversary, our founding principles of promoting peace through the universal languages of music and dance have rarely felt more important or relevant.”

The 2022 concert programme opens on Thursday July 7 with two of the classical world’s vocal powerhouses, Aled Jones and Russell Watson, who perform together in Llangollen for the first time.

On Friday July 8, Grammy Award winning sitar player Anoushka Shankar teams up with her friend and collaborator Manu Delago and the strings of the Britten Sinfonia for a Llangollen debut.  

The performance includes highlights from Anouska’s catalogue in new orchestral arrangements and works from Manu’s extraordinary percussion oeuvre. 

Details of the 2022 Llanfest headliner and main stage support acts are coming soon, with an emphasis on celebrating homegrown Welsh talent, say organisers.

* Box Office Details (no bookings before December 13):

Priority Booking from 10am Monday 13 December

Public Booking from 10am Monday 20 December

Tickets can be booked online at our website: or during phone line opening hours on 01978 862 001.

Full 2022 Listings: 

Thursday July 7 at 7.30pm | £48, £37 | Back In Harmony: Russell Watson and Aled Jones 

Friday July 8 at 8pm |£42, £34, £26 | Anoushka Shankar & Manu Delago In Concert

Saturday July 9 at 7.30pm | £30, £25 | Choir of the World, Dance Champions & Voice of the Future 2022 

Sunday July 10 from 12pm | £28 | Llanfest 

Welsh Government launches Covid safety campaign

The latest phase of the Welsh Government’s Keep Wales Safe campaign which aims to ‘disrupt the transmission’ of Covid-19 is launching today (Monday).

Adverts will run on TV, radio, press, out-of-home, digital and social media channels for the next five weeks to encourage the public to continue to follow the measures put in place to keep all of us safe. 

The campaign focuses on the importance of face masks, vaccinations, testing and self-isolation. Additional campaign messages will also include the importance of ventilation and the use of lateral flow tests before socialising. Campaign materials are also shared with a wide range of partners and stakeholder for use on their own social media channels. 

Health Minister Eluned Morgan said: “The aim of the latest phase of the Keep Wales Safe campaign is to encourage the people of Wales to continue to take measures to stop the spread of Covid-19 as the virus has not gone away. 

“With the emergence of the Omicron variant, we need to continue to take coronavirus seriously and have put measures in place to protect people’s health and to slow down its spread. 

“We want to thank everyone for helping to keep themselves and their loved ones safe by wearing a face covering in indoor public places, getting testing, self-isolating when positive and getting vaccinated. 

“If we all continue to do what we can, we can look forward to a healthier and brighter new year.” 

The campaign will feature on TV adverts, radio including Spotify, digital posters at shopping centres and bus stops, social media including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snap Chat, Twitter, YouTube as well as traditional media advertising. 

The Keep Wales Safe campaign reaches more than 91 per cent of adults in Wales. 

A leaflet will also be sent to 1.4 million homes and will be made available in 35 languages, Easy Read, Braille, large print and BSL.

Every household in Wales to be offered free tree

Deputy Minister Lee Waters plants a tree.

Every household in Wales will be offered a free tree to plant as part of the Welsh Government’s commitment to tackle climate change, Deputy Minister Lee Waters promised today.

The bold new policy will give people the chance to choose a tree of their own to plant or opt to have a tree planted on their behalf.

Speaking at a visit to a major Coed Cadw woodland creation project in Neath during National Tree Week, the Deputy Minister for Climate Change confirmed the Welsh Government had partnered with the Woodland Trust to deliver the campaign.

The first trees will be available to collect from March, from one of five regional community hubs that will be established. The Welsh Government aims to set up a further 20 hubs across wales by October 2022.

Earlier this year, the Deputy Minister for Climate Change led a deep dive exercise into tree planting and timber, which identified a set of actions the Welsh Government needed to take forward to avoid the catastrophic effects of climate change.

The Deputy Minister said: ““Trees are amazing - they save lives by keeping our air clean, they improve people's physical and mental health, they are essential for tackling our nature emergency, improving biodiversity and, of course, in tackling climate change.

“The deep dive made it clear to me that everyone will have a part to play if we are to be successful in tackling climate change and realising our ambitions to create a National Forest for Wales.

“I am therefore pleased to announce we have partnered with the Woodland Trust to deliver a campaign that will provide every household in Wales an opportunity to plant a free tree in Wales.

“This will enable people in Wales to further understand and experience the many benefits that trees can provide, not only to the environment but also to people’s health and wellbeing.”

The Deputy Minister made it clear that everyone in Wales could benefit from the campaign.

“We understand that not all households will be able to plant a tree themselves, but will still be keen to get involved,” he explained.

“That is why we will make an option available to ‘plant a tree for me’, which will allow for people to opt to have a free tree planted on their behalf at locations across Wales via the community hubs and volunteers.

“Instruction and guidance, including the location of community hubs near you and how to claim your tree, will soon be available through various information webpages but also locally on the ground via a network of volunteers in every area.”

Natalie Buttriss, Coed Cadw Director said, "We are delighted to be working with the Welsh Government in this great community tree giveaway to get thousands of native trees in the ground.

“While tree-planting is only one way to help tackle climate change, it is a simple and enjoyable way for every single person in Wales to have the chance to plant a tree and watch it grow.

“This project will be open to all types of people living in Wales and we hope it will inspire many individuals and local community groups to become involved. We want people from all backgrounds to be part of planting the National Forest for Wales.”

The Deputy Minister also revealed that a consultation would launch early in 2022 on plans to create a National Forest for Wales.

Santa Clue-less spotted in Abbey Road

Regular llanblogger contributor Eileen Dart has been out with her camera again, snapping scenes which remind us that Christmas is just around the corner.

This time it's a picture of Santa - or at least his bottom end - stuck down a chimney stack in Abbey Road.

She says: "Seen in Llangollen this morning. Perhaps Santa needs some help."

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Latest 2020 work planned in town

Work planned on the town's 2020 project for week starting Monday December 6 is:

  • Excavate footpath on Castle Street east heading south toward Oak Street
  • Prepare Castle Street east heading south toward Oak Street for paving
  • Pave Castle Street west heading north toward Parade Street
  • Pave Castle Street east heading north toward Bridge Street

Talented entertainer Louise has purr-fect panto part

* Louise Cielecki, right and front below, appears as the cat in the Dick Whittington panto at Watford Palace.

A talented young performer well known on the Llangollen entertainment scene has landed the purr-fect part in a professional panto. 

Louise Cielecki, a fine singer and comedienne who has regularly appeared with Llangollen Operatic's Young 'Uns and in other shows around this town and Chirk, is playing the cat in Dick Whittington and His Cat at Watford Palace Theatre until January 2

Dick and the cat follow their dreams on an unforgettable journey to London and beyond.

The production features fabulous costumes, stunning sets, live music and non-stop laughs. 

The Palace has been the home of panto in Watford since 1908. 

Louise said: "I am the cat but actually a pink tiger just disguised as a cat and we're both trying to get home to Xanadu.

"The panto began the other night and everyone is enjoying very much."