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Thursday, October 21, 2021

New charges to be made for DIY and construction waste

The Denbighshire Free press is reporting that Plans to charge residents for some household waste at recycling centres have been backed by the county council's cabinet.

* For the full story, see: 

Latest Citizens Advice column

Here is the latest column from Denbighshire Citizens Advice:

Q: My energy supplier recently went under and the new tariff I’ve been put on is far more than I used to pay. I’ve heard energy prices are set to rise further and I’m just not sure I can afford it. What help can I get or small changes can I make around my house to help save some money this winter?

A: The cost of energy is very high at the moment and it's causing many people to worry. Normally we would suggest switching to a better deal, but the situation is very difficult at the moment and there aren’t a lot of good deals out there. However, there are still other small ways you can keep your bills down.

Little everyday things can help, such as making sure televisions and other electronic devices are switched off and not left on standby; washing clothes on a lower temperature; and only filling the kettle with the water you need.

Turning down your main thermostat by 1 degree can save you around £60 on your energy bill. And by spending one minute less in the shower each day, a family of four could save £75 a year on energy and water bills. The Government’s Simple Energy Advice website has more tips like this.

You’re right in another way about bills going through the roof - and the walls. One way of cutting costs in the long-run is to invest in good insulation if you can afford to. If you’re renting, ask your landlord to do this.

You may be able to get financial support to help insulate your home under the Energy Company Obligation scheme. Contact your energy supplier for more information. If you’re in a household that’s not connected to the gas grid you may also be able to receive help under the Home Upgrade Grant scheme through your local authority.

There’s some financial support available for paying your energy bills, depending on your situation. For example, if you’re a pensioner with a low income or receive Universal Credit orother means-tested benefits, you may be entitled to the Warm Home Discount. This gives you £140 a year to go towards your bills. Check the Government website to find out if you can claim it.

The Government recently announced a £500m fund to support households this winter so keep a look out for announcements about how this could help you. In England, it will be distributed by Local Authorities. In Wales, it will be decided by the Government.

Remember you can always call our consumer helpline on 0808 2231133 for free advice about your energy costs and staying warm this winter.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

MP says he will continue to hold face-to-face surgeries

In the wake of the killing of his colleague Sir David Amess during an advice surgery last week, Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes (pictured) says he will continue to hold face-to-face advice sessions with his own constituents.

Sir David died from multiple stab wounds as he held his regular surgery at a local church in Leigh-on-Sea in Southend West on Friday of last week.

Mr Baynes, the Welsh Conservative Member for this area, has issued a statement today in which he says: "I am deeply shocked and saddened by the death of Sir David Amess. 

"He was a much liked and respected Member of Parliament and my thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends and staff."

He added: "Recently, with the reduction in Covid restrictions, I have started to hold MP advice surgeries in person again, including surgeries in Overton and Llangollen, during which I was able to help residents on a one-to-one basis with their issues. 

"And I will continue to hold such face-to-face MP advice surgeries across the constituency in close co-ordination with the police and remotely via Zoom."

Town clerk back at his desk after recovering from Covid-19

* Llangollen's Town Clerk, Gareth Thomas.

Llangollen's Town Clerk is back at his desk after recovering from coronavirus. 

Commenting on his experience Gareth Thomas said: “It was certainly something that I would not wish to experience again, and I urge individuals to take care as the winter approaches. 

"I had been doubly vaccinated and yet still managed to catch Covid which resulted in a short period in hospital. 

"Things can change so rapidly, and everybody should be cautious."

Mr Thomas said he would like to thank all those local people who had contacted him expressing their best wishes for a speedy recovery, which was "much appreciated".

Turning to work matters, the Town Clerk confirmed that no problems had been encountered during his period of absence and this, he said, was largely due to the close working relationship he has with the Town Hall Facilities Officer, Charlie Jones, who stepped in to make sure that activities in the pipeline were implement effectively.

He added: "The large projects referred to by Cllr  Palmer in his press statement of September 28 are still pressing ahead. 

"The highways work on Castle Street is a project being driven by the county council, and therefore was not affected and is continuing apace.

"Work continues, on schedule, to the roof of the Town Hall. The scaffolding will be completely erected by the end of this week and the main contractor, Grosvenor Construction, will provide temporary protection to ensure weather shielding to the interior spaces.  

"Works to repair the clock tower are due to be completed by November 8 and the remaining roofing and rainwater goods by December 2. 

"Last but not least, the ceiling repairs will make the most of a lull in use of the auditorium to be completed by December 15."

Mr Thomas went on: "Preparations for Remembrance 2021 are in place and the Town Council will hold the Annual Remembrance Sunday Service on November 14 on Centenary Square.  

"As usual the parade will muster on Market Street at 10.30am and the Service of Remembrance will start at 10.45am.

"In the days leading up to that Sunday there will be a short Act of Remembrance at the War Memorials at 10.45am on Armistice Day organised by the Royal British Legion.

"In a departure from previous years individuals or organisations requiring a wreath for the service on the Sunday are asked to call into the Council Chamber between the hours of 10 and 12noon, then 4pm and 6pm on Wednesday and Thursday, November 10 and 11 and between 2pm and 4pm on Friday November 12.

"Wreaths will be available for purchase at a cost of £20 and it is important that a cheque, payable to the Royal British Legion, or cash to cover the cost is presented on collection to ensure that the Royal British Legion maximises the amount it raises locally."

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

MS welcomes vision for future of Welsh economy

* Clwyd South MS Ken Skates.

Member of the Senedd for Clwyd South, Ken Skates, has welcomed the Minister for Economy’s vision for the future, which focuses on better jobs, narrowing the skills divide, and tackling poverty. 

At a hybrid Economic Summit, attended by businesses, trades unions and local government leaders, Welsh Labour’s Minister for Economy, Vaughan Gething, discussed how Wales can create a stronger, fairer, and greener economic future. 

The Minister committed to extending the ‘Team Wales’ model to offer ‘as much certainty as possible’ for businesses facing a volatile recovery.

He also promised a new era of partnership to strengthen regional economic development, a delivery plan to back the everyday economy, and wide-ranging support for workers in a fast-changing economy.

He said the Welsh Labour Government will work with unions and businesses to develop its ‘something for something’ approach so that Welsh public money is wedded to action on fair work, decarbonisation, and skills.

Mr Gething  also started a conversation about the long-term demographic challenge facing the Welsh economy. 

The proportion of the population aged 16 to 64 years old in Wales has been decreasing year-on-year since mid-2008 – and could be just 58% of the population by 2043. 

In response, the Minister said the approach taken by Welsh Labour’s Ministers will be geared towards creating an economy where more young people feel confident about planning their future in Wales, supporting job creation and more dynamic local economies. 

Welcoming the vision, Member of the Senedd for Clwyd South, Ken Skates MS, said:“Welsh Labour in Government is taking the bold action required to build a stronger, fairer, and greener Wales for us all. The last 18 months have been extremely difficult for us all, but by coming together we have kept Wales safe, and now the Welsh Labour Government wants to deliver a ‘Team Wales’ recovery, built by all of us.

“Our strong Welsh recovery will rightly be based on the principles of fair work and sustainability as the Welsh Government invests in the industries and services of the future. 

“A new era of partnership for stronger regions, a young person’s guarantee, a plan to back our everyday economy and collaboration with world leading, advanced manufacturing is exactly the focus we need as we move forward.”

Llan man's 650-mile bike ride for homeless veterans

* Gary Perriton with his bike before the big ride.

A cyclist from Llangollen has embarked on a 650-mile solo bike ride to raise funds and awareness of homeless veterans.

* For the full story in the Denbighshire Free Press, published before he left, see:

Grants available to support dementia awareness projects

Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council (DVSC) has launched a new round of Dementia Aware Denbighshire Funding.

A total of £10,000 is available to support activities and initiatives spreading dementia awareness throughout the county. 

The grant, which has been enabled by funding from the Welsh Government Integrated Care Fund, will give voluntary and community groups, Third Sector organisations, social enterprises and small businesses with less than 100 employees who operate in Denbighshire the chance to apply for up to £2,000.

Individuals can also apply for grants up to £250. 

Grants are available for events, activities and training sessions, which can raise awareness about dementia and encourage people to turn awareness into action and improvement in their communities. 

 “We are looking forward to learn about new initiatives here in Denbighshire that can help support individuals and families living with Dementia," explained Rebecca Bowcott, DVSC Community Wellbeing Officer."

DVSC is operating a rapid grant decision-making process with applications being considered on a rolling basis until funds are disbursed. 

If you want advice and guidance, contact DVSC’s bilingual Community Support team member, or call him on 01824 702 441.