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Friday, September 17, 2021

NHS Covid pass needed for nightclubs and large events in Wales

People will have to show a NHS Covid Pass to enter nightclubs and attend events in Wales from next months, the First Minister has announced today.

The measure is being introduced to help control the spread of coronavirus – cases are currently very high in Wales but the alert level will remain at zero for the next three weeks.

Announcing the outcome of the latest three-week review of the coronavirus regulations, Mark Drakeford (pictured) encouraged everyone to work from home whenever possible and to make sure they are fully vaccinated.

Awareness and enforcement of other key coronavirus protection measures, including face coverings in indoor public places and on public transport, will be increased.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said: "Across Wales, coronavirus cases have risen to very high levels over the summer as more people have been gathering and meeting. Tragically, more people are dying from this terrible virus.

"The very strong advice we have from our scientific advisers is to take early action to prevent infections increasing further.

"The last thing we want is further lockdowns and for businesses to have to close their doors once again. That’s why we must take small but meaningful action now to control the spread of the virus and reduce the need for tougher measures later."

The requirement to show an NHS COVID Pass will come into force from October 11. It will mean all over-18s will need to have a NHS COVID Pass to enter:

  • Nightclubs
  • Indoor, non-seated events for more than 500 people, such as concerts or conventions
  • Outdoor non-seated events for more than 4,000 people
  • Any setting or event with more than 10,000 people in attendance

People who are fully vaccinated in Wales can already download the NHS COVID Pass to securely show and share their vaccine status. It also allows people to show they have had a negative lateral flow test result within the last 48 hours.

First Minister Mark Drakeford added: "My message to you today is a simple but serious one – the pandemic is not over and we all need to take steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

"We have high levels of the virus in our communities and while our fantastic vaccination programme has helped stop thousands more people from becoming seriously ill or dying, the pressure on the NHS is increasing.

"We hope introducing the requirement to show a COVID Pass will help keep venues and events – many of which have only recently started trading again – open.

"Showing a COVID Pass is already part of our collective effort to keep businesses open with some major events, such as the successful Green Man Festival, using it. We will continue to work closely with all businesses affected to ensure a smooth introduction and operation of this system.

"We want to do everything we can to Keep Wales Safe as we head into the autumn."

Ysgol Dinas Bran goes green to reduce carbon emissions

* The solar panels in place as part of the greening project.

Ysgol Dinas Bran is playing an important role in the drive to reduce carbon emissions impacting on climate change.

The school has a green energy project taking place on site which will help reduce its carbon footprint.

The Greening Ysgol Dinas Bran project is part of Denbighshire County Council’s Climate and Ecological Change Programme. 

Denbighshire declared a Climate Change and Ecological Emergency in July 2019 and has since committed to becoming a Net Carbon Zero and Ecologically Positive Council by 2030.

This includes reducing the council’s emissions from its buildings alongside fleet, waste generated in operations, business travel, staff commuting and street lighting.

The green project at Ysgol Dinas Bran and Llangollen Leisure Centre has seen a 150Kw array of solar panels installed on the school roof which will generate electricity for the school onsite using the suns energy.

Other elements of the work include heating control upgrades and LED lighting. The whole project is expected to reduce the schools carbon emissions by 73 tonnes per year.

The new solar panels went live in August and heating control and LED lighting will all be complete by Christmas.

Cllr Brian Jones the council’s Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment, said: “We are continuing to work on ensuring the council is reducing its carbon footprint and increasing biodiversity in the county.

“This project is a big benefit for reducing carbon and cost whilst at the same time improving the learning environment at the school.”

“We thank the school for working with the council on this important project."

Thursday, September 16, 2021

COVID-19 booster vaccine roll out begins in North Wales

Frontline NHS staff working in North Wales have become the first people in Wales to receive their COVID-19 booster vaccines, as the programme started in Wales today.

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board began to offer its staff the booster vaccine just days after the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) issued its final advice about the autumn booster programme.

Health Minister Eluned Morgan confirmed Wales has accepted the JCVI’s advice to offer all over 50s, frontline health and social care workers and people with underlying health conditions – people in priority groups one to nine – a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.  

Booster vaccination for other adults will
be considered by the JCVI at a later date.

Letters inviting 12 to 15-year-olds to have a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine will begin to be issued next week and the first vaccines are expected to be administered from 4 October.

All vaccines will be delivered either in care homes, in mass vaccination centres, hospitals or GP surgeries. People will be advised where their vaccination will take place when invited. 

Eluned Morgan said: “Wales’ vaccination programme has been world leading and we have been working with the NHS to deliver the autumn booster safely and efficiently. 

“I would urge all those who are eligible for a booster take up the offer when they are called for an appointment, as there is the possibility of reduced immunity from their earlier doses of the vaccine as time passes.

“If you haven’t had the first dose of the vaccine yet, it’s not too late. I encourage anyone who has not yet taken up their offer to do so.”


Dr Gill Richardson, deputy chief medical officer for vaccines, said: “Today, the first doses of the booster vaccine have been provided to frontline healthcare staff who look after some of our most vulnerable people as we continue to protect individuals from the virus, serious illness and the risk of hospitalisation.

“We have already seen the benefits that come from having as many people as possible vaccinated and have been preparing for this throughout the summer.  Vaccines remain our strongest defence from the virus and to maintain the levels of immunity that people have achieved.”


People across Wales are being urged to wait until they are invited to have their booster and not to contact NHS or health services to request a Covid-19 booster vaccine.

Changes to contact tracing and self-isolation in schools

Denbighshire County Council is informing pupils, parents and staff about new arrangements around positive Covid-19 tests in schools.

From this September if a child tests positive, a smaller group of pupils will be identified as close contacts and those under 18 or fully vaccinated are no longer required to self-isolate, unless they showing symptoms.

Close contacts will be alerted that they’ve been in contact with someone who has tested positive and will be offered two PCR tests and provided with information and advice on how to minimise the risk of onward spread.

Cllr Huw Hilditch-Roberts, the Council’s Lead Member for Education, Children's Services and Public Engagement, said: “We do expect that there will be cases of Covid-19 over the coming weeks, but this does not mean Covid-19 is spreading within our schools.

“Changes to the number of pupils being identified as close contacts will reduce the number of pupils needing to self-isolate in our schools.

“We are still asking parents to be vigilant for any symptoms and to ensure for Secondary aged pupils, those not experiencing Covid-19 symptoms are taking regular Lateral Flow Device (LFD) tests.

“Anyone with symptoms - a new continuous cough, fever or high temperature or loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste - should book a PCR test and remain in self-isolation until the test result is known.

“We recognise how difficult the past 18 months have been and the sacrifices that all families have had to make. We would like to thank parents and staff for everything they have done to support learners and our schools.”

Free Lateral Flow Device (LFD) tests are available to collect from the county’s libraries as well as pharmacies.

* You can find the latest information on self-isolation arrangements at isolation

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Town centre planters to be removed from next Wednesday


* The planters along Castle Street.

Workmen are to start removing the social distancing planters from Llangollen town centre starting next Wednesday, says Denbighshire County Council.

In a statement issued this morning (Wednesday) a spokesperson for the council said: “We have booked a contractor in from September 22 to remove the temporary scheme from Castle Street and Abbey Road in order to facilitate the Llangollen 2020 scheme. 

"The work is expected to take a maximum of five days.”

The planters replaced bollards originally put in place by the county council last November.

The temporary measures were part of Local Sustainable Transport scheme to ensure adequate pedestrian space for Covid-19 social distancing.

However, the measures proved unpopular with some local residents and traders and a petition calling for their removal, started by Stuart Davies who has since become a town councillor, gathered hundreds of signatures.

Ruthin rejected similar measures following resistance from the local Member Area Group and similar plans for Denbigh were shelved after public opposition to the idea.

The Llangollen Advocate Facebook group, which has campaigned vigorously against the measures, published details of a series of tripping accidents to pedestrians blamed on the original bollards.

However, the presence of the measures were always strongly defended by the area's two county councillors, Graham Timms and Melvyn Mile, who said last November: "We are both fully behind the Llangollen Covid-19 scheme. Its introduction was to enable people to stay safe when they visit the town, providing space for social distancing and safe queueing outside shops."  


Roadworks alert for Horseshoe Pass View

Latest local roadworks alert from is:

Horseshoe Pass View

17 September — 21 September


Delays unlikely - Traffic control (give & take)


Works description: Boundary box Install 25mm Job in Footway (6mm Bitmac (Tarmac) )...


Works location: 11 HORSESHOE PASS VIEW...


Public facing description: has automatically assigned a category of Unclassified works to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Hafren Dyfrdwy.


Responsibility for works: Hafren Dyfrdwy


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: ZU0028102/000060409011


Search is launched for heroes of tourism industry

Jim Jones, the chief executive of North Wales Tourism.

A search has been launched to find the heroes of the tourism and hospitality industry in North Wales after the “absolute nightmare” of the past 18 months.

Jim Jones, the chief executive of North Wales Tourism, hopes the glittering Oscars-style awards ceremony will herald a reboot for the sector that’s been battered by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Nominations are now being sought for 15 categories at the Go North Wales Awards that will be held at Venue Cymru in Llandudno on Thursday, November 25. The closing date for nominations is Sunday, October 10.

The event will be hosted by the acclaimed BBC News television journalist, Sian Lloyd, who hails originally from Wrexham.

The private sector body which has around 2,000 members was due to celebrate its 30th anniversary at last year’s cancelled awards.

But just like the Olympics and the Euros the event is going ahead a year late and guests will be wearing 1990s garb to mark the occasion.

Until the pandemic struck, the tourism industry in North Wales was breaking all kinds of records.

In 2019 the overall income generated  increased to an all-time high of £3.6 billion and the number of visitors rocketed to nearly 37 million. 

It was responsible for one in every seven jobs in the region, employing 42,000 people.

Then the industry collapsed like a house of cards when the first lockdown was imposed in March last year.

But the staycation boom this summer has shown that North Wales is still a hugely popular destination for holidaymakers.

Jim Jones said: “The last 18 months have been an absolute nightmare.  It’s probably been the most stressful and most challenging time everybody, not just for the tourism industry. 

“Of all the economic sectors in the North Wales economy, tourism and hospitality have borne the brunt of the pandemic and the restrictions and everything was against us.

He added: “One reason why we were really keen to put on these awards is to celebrate our 30th anniversary. 

“The original plan was to have a big celebration last year but we’re going to follow in the footsteps of the Olympics and the Euros and do it a year later than we had originally planned.

“The awards will be about recognising the heroes of the tourism and hospitality industry and the incredible resilience they have shown and are continuing to show during the most challenging time that our sector has ever faced.

“We’re not out of the woods yet because it’s going to take a good few years before we ever get anywhere close to full recovery as we were back in 2019.

“Just surviving this incredibly difficult time has been a massive achievement for a lot of people in the industry but there is now a real opportunity to start the process of recovery. 

“We have 15 different categories with some designed to stand out in order to recognise some of the sacrifice and the innovation that have come out of the pandemic as well.

“A case in point is where the awards will be held. Venue Cymru was transformed into a temporary hospital and became a vaccination centre right on the frontline in the battle against Covid.

“In essence we want to champion all that is best in the regional tourism and hospitality sector and the achievements of our fantastic members over the past three decades.

“Even during the pandemic there have been some new and exciting developments including the release of new whiskies by the Aber Falls distillery, the new Penderyn whisky distillery and visitor centre in Llandudno and the new Hilton hotel at Adventure Parc Snowdonia.

“What we also want to flag up and celebrate is the huge contribution tourism makes to the regional economy and how it can play a central role in leading North Wales to economic recovery.

“In the long term we have a lot to be optimistic about and the awarding of World Heritage Status to the Slate Landscape of North West Wales has provided a brilliant boost at just the right time.”

North Wales Tourism will also be using the occasion to raise money for their nominated charity, St David’s Hospice in Llandudno.

To make a nomination go to:

The categories up for grabs are:

  1. Go Attraction of the Year
  2. Outstanding Contribution to Tourism Award
  3. Go Tourism & Hospitality Hero
  4. Go Responsible and Sustainable Green Award
  5. Go Hotel of the Year
  6. Go 30 years of the Tourism Industry
  7. Go Best B&B/Inn
  8. Go Holiday Park of the Year Award
  9. Go Pet Friendly Award
  10. Go Self Catering of the year
  11. Go Activity of the Year
  12. Go Caravan, Camping or Glamping
  13. Go Taste of North Wales Award
  14. Go Resilience and Innovation Award
Go Business Events and Incentive Travel Award