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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Politicians call for Universal Credit increase to go ahead

North Wales politicians are calling on the UK Government to abandon plans to halt increases to Universal Credit after it emerged their constituencies would be among the hardest hit in Wales. 

Ken Skates and Lesley Griffiths have urged MPs to ‘show some humility’ and fight for their constituents by opposing Westminster’s plans to withdraw a proposed £20-a-week rise in payments – equivalent to £1,040 a year – from October 6.   

Both Members of the Senedd say they have received emails and telephone calls from ‘extremely anxious’ constituents about the UK Government’s plans, but as benefits are not devolved to Wales it is incumbent on Members of Parliament to vote against the cut.   

“We continue to hear daily soundbites from the Tories at Westminster about ‘levelling up’, which all sound pretty hollow when they’re complicit in plunging low-income families into further financial problems,” said Mr Skates, Member of the Senedd for Clwyd South.   

“I would implore Members of Parliament to stand up and be counted. People have long memories and they won’t forget it if their MP supports the Tory Government taking this much-needed money away from them. It’s time for them to show some humility.”  

Figures recently published by the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation revealed that all but four Welsh constituencies will see over a third of working-age families with children hit by the cut – including all six won by the Tories from Labour at the 2019 General Election.   

In Clwyd South, which includes Llangollen, 42% will be affected, it says.  

Ms Griffiths, Member of the Senedd for Wrexham, said: “In just a few weeks, the UK Government will impose the largest reduction to the basic rate of social security since World War Two. It’s impossible to over-state how hard this will hit local families, and it’s heart-breaking.   

“As we cautiously emerge on the other side of the pandemic, governments should be aiding social and economic recovery, but the statistics prove significantly reducing the support offered by Universal Credit will have a detrimental effect on many Wrexham residents.”  

It is estimated that 22% of all working-age families in Wales will see a £1,040-a-year cut to their incomes from October 6. A huge 42% of families with children in Wales will be affected.   

Across the UK, more than a third (38%) of those who will see their income reduced are in employment – while one in six (16%) are under 25.   

The Welsh Labour Government, along with the UK's other devolved administrations, has written to the Secretary of State for the Department of Work and Pensions, Thérèse Coffey, expressing ‘grave concerns regarding upcoming plans to withdraw support to the poorest in our society’.  

Use our service wisely, says Welsh Ambulance

The Welsh Ambulance Service is appealing to the public to use its services wisely as it recovers from a busy Bank Holiday weekend.

More than 4,200 calls were made to 999 over the three-day weekend, up three per cent from the same weekend last year but down six per cent from the spring Bank Holiday weekend in May.

More than 370 calls (nine per cent) were immediately life-threatening ‘Red’ calls – but almost a fifth (19 per cent) were non-urgent ‘Green’ calls.

Among them was someone who said they had lost a toenail, someone who had gashed their shin by kicking a bike and someone who claimed they were on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles before hanging up.

The top three reasons people called the ambulance service this weekend were for breathing problems, falls and chest pains.

In the face of continued high demand, the Trust has set out how it prioritises 999 calls so that the public can make an informed choice about what to do if someone is ill or injured.

Lee Brooks, the Trust’s Director of Operations, said: “
We rightly prioritise patients that are the sickest or most severely injured.

“A Red call is when someone is in imminent danger of death, like if they are in cardiac arrest or choking – we try and respond to these immediately life-threatening calls in eight minutes.

“An Amber call is serious but not immediately life-threatening, like chest pain or fractures – we’ll still send the nearest resource as fast as possible.

“A Green call is neither serious nor life-threatening, like earache or minor injuries – Green calls are often passed to NHS 111 Wales for a clinical telephone assessment.

“If you’re not in imminent danger of death, you could wait longer for our help in periods of high demand – potentially several hours – and you could also be directed to help without an ambulance being sent.

“If you’re unwell but it’s not a serious emergency, the best thing to do is take one of our online symptom checkers on the
NHS 111 Wales website.

“You’ll answer a set of questions which will help you decide what to do next, be that to visit a pharmacy or GP, administer self-care at home, visit the Emergency Department or call 111 or 999.

“Taking some ownership and using our service responsibly will mean that more of our precious resources are available for those who need us most.”

Ahead of the start of a new school year, the
Trust is also asking the public to continue to take precautions to stop the spread of Coronavirus.

Lee said: “We look around the rest of the UK to assess how Covid-19 is spreading as this could provide signals about potentially what might unfold in Wales.

There has been a rapid rise in Covid-19 cases in Scotland, and whilst that could be for a number of reasons, schools restart in Scotland much sooner than here in Wales.

“With the re-opening of schools comes increased interactions, so it’s important that the public continue to play their part to halt a further spread, particularly now as we edge toward winter which is usually very busy for the NHS.

“The Covid-19 vaccine remains the best line of defence to protect yourself and others and also helps to reduce your risk of getting seriously ill or dying from Covid-19.”

Welsh Government is asking families and learners to continue to follow guidance on isolating, testing and vaccination to minimise the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in education settings –

  1. Get the vaccine if it’s offered to you.
  2. Maintain regular handwashing.
  3. Any staff or learner with symptoms of Covid-19 – however mild – should stay at home and book a PCR test at their closest test site.
  4. Staff in primary schools – and staff and learners in secondary schools and colleges – without symptoms should take two lateral flow tests three days apart during the week leading up to their first day back. If the test is positive they should self-isolate and book a PCR test.
  5. Going into the new term, staff in primary schools and staff and learners in secondary schools and colleges not showing symptoms should continue to take regular rapid lateral flow tests twice a week and report the results online.
  6. Learners in Year 7 and above should continue to wear face coverings on school and college transport.

* For up-to-date Covid-19 guidance, visit the Welsh Government website.

Stylish Spaniard more than pulls its weight

Seat Tarraco drive by Steve Rogers

Hauling my 24ft caravan 250 miles to the New Forest seemed a straight forward enough task for a seven seat SUV until I read the pre delivery spec for the Seat Tarraco.

Surely a three-cylinder 1.5 petrol was a mistake? Towbars are always matched with a diesel and Seat has an able 2-litre in its armoury. A call to Katie in the Seat press office confirmed I was getting the petrol model...and to stop worrying!

I know this engine well from various Seat, Volkswagen and Skoda test cars but didn't figure it as a capable tow car. Did I need to be bothered? Of course not it towed like a dream, cruising effortlessly and with a good punch of acceleration on climbs. Humble pie eaten.

Modern day automatics are the best solution for towing taking away the drudgery of constant gear changing and tricky hill starts and the Tarraco's seven speed DSG was always in the right gear at the right time.

Most of the drive was dual carriageway and motorway and Tarraco was always stable in crosswinds and while overtaking big artics when you can be troubled with sway. Oh I did like towing with this car.

If there was a downside it was economy. For a while we were ticking over at around 24mpg but a check at journeys end showed just over 22mpg. The 2-litre diesel would probably have managed 27-28mpg but then diesel costs more so the difference is marginal.

That's towing done and dusted but how does Tarraco measure up in everyday life? Seven seats tells you it is a big car but it does not drive like a big car. Seat has always been the sporty arm in the VAG group so it drives a little firmer than its Skoda Kodiaq and Volkswagen Tiguan AllSpace cousins although they share the same platform and mechanicals.

This is good because Tarraco stays tight through twisting and undulating roads and we came across plenty driving around the New Forest. It does not absorb bumps quite as well as Kodiaq or the seven seat Peugeot 5008 but is only a minor point.

Inside is practical rather than eye catching with a clear digital driver's binnacle which includes a central block for information or a small navigation screen all easily selected from steering wheel buttons.

The central 8in touchscreen sits high so is in the driver's eye line and although there are lots of menus and sub menus they are easy to fathom and helped by short cut buttons. The graphics are sharp and quick to respond.

Tarraco has been thoughtfully designed as a big family car with sensible touches like door bins big enough to take things like a litre bottle, pop up tables on the front seat backs so children can do what they do to while away the time on long journeys. There are Isofix points on the front passsenger seat and the outer seats on the middle row but not in the third row where children are likely to sit.

That third row is best suited for children because space is tight for an adult and headroom is not that great although a grown up could cope with a short journey. The only car in the class that can take adults comfortably is the Kia Sorento.

Tarraco does well for load space with the third row folded and even has room for a couple of carry on cases with all seats in play. Try Kodiaq if more space is needed for family holiday clutter.

The Spaniard does well when it comes to value for money although it would do even better if it was offered as a five seater which it is not. There are six trim levels with entry SE good for LED headlights, 8in touchscreen, digital cockpit and smartphone integration among the highlights.  Moving up to SE Technology gives navigation but push the boat out to Xcellence Lux and you will want for nothing in luxury or safety.

If you are wondering about the name it is not just a jumble of letters. Seat is proud of its Spanish heritage and has named its cars accordingly since birth - Marbella, Toledo, Alhambra, Ibiza and so it goes on. Tarraco is the original name for Tarragona, a beautiful city I know well with its ancient amphitheatre overlooking the Mediterranean.

Fast facts

Tarraco Xcellance Lux

£35,970 to £29,155 

1.5 litre TSI turbo; 148bhp

0-62mph 9.5secs; 124mph

37.7mpg combined

171g/km. 1st VED £870

Boot: 230; 700; 1775 litres

Towing capacity 2000kg

Insurance group 21

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Story reveals anti-social behaviour in Dee Valley

* The picture with the story on is reporting that police are calling for people to act responsibly after issues with anti-social behaviour at a beauty spot near Llangollen.

Officers said evidence of wild camping and littering had been discovered in the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 

* For the full story, see:

Llangollen Ramblers' latest steps along coast path

* Llangollen Ramblers walking down into Aberystwyth last week.

Llangollen Ramblers have been walking the Wales Coast Path for some six years and have now covered all the coast between Chester and Aberystwyth - including a circuit of Anglesey.  

They now have only another 450 miles to go to Chepstow.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Spray paint attack was planned in advance, says railway

* Owner of the diesel unit George Fletcher and driver John Joyce are seen cleaning some left over blemishes off the carriage window whilst the train was stopped at Carrog. Pictures by George Jones.

* Driver John Joyce prepares to take the railcar away from Carrog.

Llangollen Railway believes that the recent spray-painting of its historic diesel railcar was part of a well-planned attack by a group of vandals who came prepared for their handiwork.

And it says police are currently examining CCTV footage in a bid to track down the culprits.

As llanblogger revealed last week, the 1960s-style British Railways diesel carriages had their smart green livery over-sprayed by multi-coloured aerosol paints between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.

But thanks to the hard work of a team of volunteers to clean off the paint was able to get back on track carrying passengers this weekend.    

* The carriages pictured just after the vandal attack.

A press release from the railway says: "Llangollen Railway is pleased to announce the heritage diesel railcar which was paint-sprayed by vandals last week was back in use in time for the Bank Holiday weekend train services.

"The two-car diesel unit was again working resplendent in its 1960s style British Railways green livery after hard work by volunteers removed the multi-coloured spray paint applied by vandals in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

"It is evident the incident was not a spontaneous action by an individual, but rather a well-co-ordinated attack by a group which had specifically identified a target for their handy work and came to the railway well prepared for their night-time activity. 

"The police are reviewing CCTV footage and gathering forensic evidence to identify the perpetrators of this damage. 

"If their intention was the railcar would have to run displaying their so-called artistic endeavours then it has been frustrated by some hard work by the volunteers using a lot of elbow grease to remove it." 

Reviewing the paintwork whilst the unit was at Carrog station on Saturday, head of the railcars department John Joyce said: "Following the discovery of the mindless vandalism on Wednesday morning, volunteers set about removing the graffiti the same day. 

"Experimentation with different methods revealed that it could be removed with relatively little damage to the paintwork underneath, although some repairs will be needed once the running season is finished.

“We have been heartened by all the support shown to both the railcar department, and the railway as a whole, including some very generous offers of assistance and donations. 

"Visitors to the railway who rode on the railcar were pleased to learn that the paint had been removed and the affected bodywork was none the worse for the damage.” 

Owner of the railcar, George Fletcher, came over from Derby to inspect his vehicles and was relieved to see the unit back in action. 

He said, “As a 60-year-old train set it is of some historic importance and has been in preservation since the early 1990s.

“I like to see it is well looked after by the Llangollen railcars group. It looks the part when seen in operation on the Llangollen line and I am pleased visitors like riding in it as a memory of earlier rail travel. 

“After all that the railway has been through over the last 18 months, a few cans of cheap spray paint couldn't be allowed to hold us back." 

The railcars affected are once more available for passengers to enjoy the panoramic views of the Dee Valley scenery as summer turns into autumn over the coming weeks.

* A post of the railcars group's Facebook page says: "Many people have asked us how they can help defer the cost of the recent damage to our units caused by vandals.

"Contributions can now be made using one of the railway Trust's donation systems for which the details are:

Account no 79532454
Sort Code 53-81-03
Account Name Llangollen Railway Trust Ltd

Reference (important) - Railcar Fund." 

Best of region's food and drink to be showcased online

* Lord Newborough, owner of the Rhug Estate.

A virtual celebration of the best food and drink produced in North East Wales is going online.

Organised by Llangollen and Dee Valley Food and Drink as well as Clwydian Range Food and Drink, it comprises a series of 29 videos encapsulating the work that goes on behind the scenes to produce the award-winning fare.

The Meet the Producers videos also have support from the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB and the local authorities of Flintshire, Wrexham and Denbighshire.

Kirsty Wild from Llangollen and Dee Food and Drink said: “The series of videos we have created are an opportunity for consumers outside the area to meet our amazing food and drink producers and have an insight in to how they create their amazing products.

"Local businesses like Rhug Estate have shown how crucial they are to their communities during the past 18 months stepping up to meet online demand and providing the people of North East Wales with incredible customer service and locally-sourced food and drink. We want to pay tribute and provide a platform for them to showcase their products.”

Many of the local products featured in the videos are available to buy from Rhug Estate’s farmshop which is located near Corwen. The shop is one of the biggest in Wales and is a showcase for the very best local, artisan food, drink and gifts.

Lord Newborough, owner of Rhug Estate said: “As a member of Llangollen and Dee Food and Drink for many years we welcome this opportunity to be able to showcase Rhug Estate’s organic meat and skincare range to a wider online audience. 

"The last 18 months or so have not been easy for us, or any business in this region which relies on tourists and the hospitality sector. The immediate shift to online shopping last year certainly tested our website and our staff.

"We had to act fast to meet the increased online shopper demands. We are delighted to be able to welcome our customers back to visit Rhug Estate but appreciate that the increased demand for shopping with Rhug ‘virtually’ is here to stay and initiatives like this one that directs new customers our way are always appreciated.”

The Meet the Producers videos will be available to view on Llangollen and Dee Food and Drink website and will be shared on their social media over the coming weeks. Click here to view the video that features Rhug Estate: