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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Police launch free community messaging service

Communities of North Wales can now keep up to date with personalised local policing news, following the launch of a brand new free messaging service - North Wales Community Alert.

North Wales Police are the first force in Wales to launch the alert system which has been funded as part of the Home Office Safer Streets Fund. 

The system is currently used by several other police forces in other parts of the UK and has seen positive results and greater engagement with communities.

North Wales Community Alert is quick and simple to sign up to and gives the public a voice in our neighbourhood policing priorities. 

The system includes a messaging service that allows users to tell police what really matters to them.

It is also a platform to gain a insight into police activity in local areas and what we are doing to tackle any issues. 

Chief Constable Carl Foulkes said: “We are delighted to launch North Wales Community Alert which will form a key part of our Local Policing. 

"It is a free messaging service for people who live and work in North Wales to help our communities to stay informed and up to date with news, alerts, appeals, engagement events and general policing activities from your local police teams.

“What makes North Wales Community Alert so useful is that individuals can choose what information they would like to receive from us and how they would like to receive it whether by email, text or voice message -  so they don't even need an internet connection - the choice is in their hands.

“North Wales Community Alert isn’t just a broadcast channel, where it is just us telling you. It is a two-way messaging system so that we have an additional route to listen to what our communities have to say.”

Police and Crime Commissioner, Andy Dunbobbin said: “North Wales Community Alert will give our communities a great opportunity to provide feedback to their local neighbourhood police team on the issues that matter most to them, helping us to work together to make North Wales the safest place in the UK.

“Local Police officers will be raising awareness of the scheme and I encourage residents, businesses and community groups to sign up to the system.

“Please take some time to register with North Wales Community Alert, it is quick, simple and completely free.”

* You can register by visiting North Wales Community Alert

Last chance to help county draft plan for next five years

Denbighshire County Council is developing a new Corporate Plan with the help of local residents who have taken part by providing their feedback.

Every five years the council creates a new Corporate Plan to realign its focus and plan how its services can best work together for up to five years.

The County Conversation consultation process gives residents the chance to provide their feedback. It is split into two key phases: the first phase (happening now) seeks to establish what people feel the council’s priorities should be.

This will then be used to create the new Corporate Plan which reflects the opinions of how local residents want to see Denbighshire improve as a place to live, work and visit. 

The new plan will then be consulted on fully at a later date.

The council is encouraging everyone to get involved in this first phase of the County Conversation before the deadline of July 31.

Topics raised so far in the County Conversation include supporting the community, climate change, education, training and job opportunities and activities for young people.

Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, the council’s Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets, said: “It is great that so many residents have already got involved in the County Conversation.

“This plan is created for everyone in Denbighshire so it is important that as many residents as possible have their say on shaping the Corporate Plan and the priorities for the next five years.

We have already received great feedback from residents which will help us ensure that the plan’s focus represents what is most important to our communities, however I would encourage anyone that hasn’t already to get involved.”

The County Conversation survey is being run online until July 31 2021. Paper copies are also available to collect and return from libraries and being distributed to home library service users until then.

To take part and have your say, visit to complete the online survey.


Latest Citizens Advice column

Latest column from Denbighshire Citizens Advice is: 

Q: I’ve heard that Universal Credit is going to be cut from September. I struggle to get by as it is and I’m really worried that if I lose £20 a week, I’ll get into serious debt. I’m already behind on some of my bills. What can I do to avoid things getting worse? 

A: You’re not alone in this - there is support available. 

Firstly, depending on your situation, you might be able to ask to have your Universal Credit paid differently - these are called ‘alternative payment arrangements’. This might be an option if you’re in debt or rent arrears, among other reasons. To apply for an alternative payment arrangement, call the Universal Credit helpline on: 0800 328 5644/

If you’re behind on some of your bills, the first step is to make a list of how much you owe and add up how much you need to pay each month. 

You now need to prioritise your debts. We have advice on our website to help you do this. Some bills can cause you more problems than others if you don’t pay them. Rent or mortgage arrears, energy bills and council tax are your priority debts as there can be serious consequences if you don’t pay them. 

Be sure to get in touch with the organisations you owe money to. Not everyone feels confident to do this, but they might be able to help by letting you pay smaller amounts or taking a break from payments. Many organisations have put in place protections for people who’ve struggled to pay their bills during the pandemic. 

The government-backed Breathing Space scheme could also give you extra time. If you’re eligible, you could get 60 days where your creditors can’t contact you, take action to make you pay, or add interest and charges to your debt. You'll need to get advice from a debt adviser first - they’ll check all your debts to see if they’re covered by the scheme. 

Finally, it’s always a good idea to have a budget - take a look at the budgeting tool on our website and make sure you’re getting all the income you’re entitled to. 

Everyone’s circumstances are different, particularly when it comes to managing personal finances. If you need more specific support or don’t feel able to manage your situation alone, call our debt helpline: 0800 240 4420.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Self-isolating workers 'greater danger than Covid', says care boss


* Keri Llewellyn, the vice-chair of Care Forum Wales.

The increasing number of care workers self-isolating is potentially more of a danger to vulnerable people in Wales than the Covid-19 virus, a social care leader has warned.

According to Keri Llewellyn, the vice chair of Care Forum Wales, they were getting reports of care homes and domiciliary care companies where 40 per cent of the staff were at having to quarantine at home.

As a result, a growing number of providers were struggling to give the required level of care  – and the situation was only going to get worse with Covid cases skyrocketing.

Social services departments were being affected by the same problem which meant that there were no staff reinforcements from there available.

Although, thankfully, the number of people falling seriously ill and needing hospital treatment was falling, Care Forum Wales was concerned that some care home residents and people receiving care in their own homes could be at risk.

They were by definition in fragile health and often needed a high level of care.

The situation was already having a knock-on impact on the NHS because the reduced capacity of domiciliary care companies and care homes was making it increasingly difficult to discharge hospital patients back into the community.

The Welsh Government has announced that from August 7 fully-vaccinated people will not need to self-isolate if they come in close contact with someone who has tested positive.


Care Forum Wales say they are looking forward to discussing with the Welsh Government what this means for social care and any additional measures for staff working in health and care settings.


Ms Llewellyn, who is also managing director of home care provider All-Care which works across South Wales, said: “I’m up to 40 per cent of staff not working at any given time at the moment, which is huge.

“Clearly, we’re in the third wave and the infection rate is rising but it’s not got the same feel because it’s not as bad and the hospitals are not as affected, but capacity has gone right through the floor.

“We can’t carry on providing the same service to everyone in the community while we’ve got that many staff off. 

“They can’t get people out of hospital clearly, so there’s already a backlog to free up hospitals because they can’t move them on to having care because nobody has the capacity.

“We’re facing a perfect storm. As well as the increasing number of people self-isolating.

“Over the past year or so child care has often been provided by partners on furlough but with people back in work that’s not an option either.”

The concern was echoed by Care Forum Wales chief executive Mary Wimbury who said: “Everybody is seeing increased pressure.

“Even though at the height of the pandemic things were very much worse in terms of severe illness, because we are opening up many more people are putting themselves in situations where they’re potentially being exposed to Covid and they’re having to self-isolate.

“As a result the number of people self-isolating is also on a steep upward curve.

“Schools are now open and we know lots of infections are coming through them which means that parents have to self-isolate.

“Even if the child is a contact and not actually infected it can still take some of the workforce out because of child care issues.

“As part of the easing of restrictions, the Welsh Government have said that people who are fully vaccinated will not need to self-isolate if they are a close contact of someone who has tested positive from August 7 onwards.

“The vast majority of social care staff are fully vaccinated as are the people receiving care.

“We’ve got some positive data on vaccinated people reducing transmission but if you’re caring for vulnerable people the risk is still there, even though it’s reduced.

“According to Professor David John Spiegelhalter, an eminent expert on understanding risk, a vaccinated 80 year old has the same risk as an unvaccinated 50 year old, so the risk has not gone away.

“We will be discussing with the Welsh Government the arrangements they have suggested will need to be in place for those in the care sector who would previously have been required to self-isolate after being in contact with somebody who has Covid.”

“Caution should still be the watchword in Wales but we have also got to be in a position where we can deliver services.

“We are very concerned providers we are going to reach a point where vulnerable people are at risk because there are not enough staff to care for them.

“I think that’s the biggest risk currently for the sector. You can’t function without people to provide care and that potentially is a bigger danger than the virus currently.

“There were staffing issues in social care before the pandemic struck and this is having a massive knock on effect. It’s making things really difficult.

“There needs to be some serious number crunching and working out how to balance all these different pressures to determine the best possible solution.”

Inner Wheel presents cheque to Ysgol Dinas Bran's DoE team

Llangollen Inner Wheel held a fundraising cake and craft stall at the town market.

Members a cheque to students at Ysgol Dinas Bran who are taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme.

The donation will go towards providing equipment for their proposed September expedition.

Children encouraged to become reading heroes


Children across Denbighshire are being encouraged to become heroes and join the Summer Reading Challenge through their local library.

This year’s theme is ‘Wild World Heroes’ which aims to inspire children to take action for nature and the environment as they enjoy reading.

The Reading Agency and libraries have partnered with WWF to create an exciting adventure in the fictional town of ‘Wilderville’.

Through reading books, collecting rewards and learning all about our planet, challenge participants will help the heroes make Wilderville a greener place to live.

With exclusive incentives to collect and plenty of brilliant books to enjoy, the challenge is the perfect summer activity to build young readers’ skills and confidence during the long break from school.

Children can take part at their local library or online through the official digital challenge platform

The challenge launched on July 10 in your local library and online.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Three Eagles flies to success in trade awards

* The Three Eagles team celebrate their success in the awards.

The Three Eagles Bar & Grill in Llangollen has been named one of the best county venues in the National Pub & Bar Awards 2021, taking top spot for Denbighshire.

The awards aim to put the finest on-trade businesses across the UK in the national spotlight, showcasing just how diverse and creative the hospitality industry really is, as well as how these operations have survived the pandemic. 

A total of 94 pubs and bars received the prestigious honours this year.

The venues, which have been selected on overall best practice across a number of operational categories, will be officially crowned at a red-carpet celebration at 30 Euston Square on Monday September 6. 

At the grand final 15 regional winners will also be announced, as well as the overall national winner.

Three Eagles will go up against seven county competitors in a fight for the regional title and hope to be in the running following its return to service post-pandemic.

Adam Gaunt-Evans, director or restaurants and bars for One Hundred Knights which runs the Three Eagles, said: "It's a true testament of how hard the team have worked to get us back up and running since we re-emerged from lockdown. 

"I'm so proud of everyone involved and we're thrilled to win the County National Pub & Bar Award for Denbighshire. 

"The atmosphere and experience at the Three Eagles is unrivalled and we have a fantastic following of customers, we hope we can go all the way in the final."

“I’ve never been prouder of this industry,” says Tristan O’Hana, editor of Pub & Bar magazine, which hosts the event. 

“The entries for this year’s awards demonstrated the undeniable value that communities place on their beloved pubs and bars. 

"To be able to acknowledge the hard work and diligence of venues across 94 UK counties is an absolute privilege. These outstanding venues deserve this recognition now more than ever.”

* View the full list of county winners online at

Visit the Three Eagles website online at