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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Programme announced for this year's Eisteddfod


* Patchwork panels of ‘Bridges, Not Walls’ on Llangollen Bridge.

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod is returning this year with a diverse new cultural programme specially commissioned to celebrate the message of international peace and friendship on which it was founded over 70 years ago.

Due to the Covid pandemic, the Eisteddfod will be largely held online, with the main programme presented free of charge over the weekend of the July 9-11.

Organisers say that, with funding support from Welsh Government, this year’s festival will celebrate the broadest possible range of genres from classical, choral, hip hop, dance and world music, as well as Luke Jerram’s Llangollen bridge artwork, to connect with existing and new audiences in preparation for its physical return in 2022.

The 2021 programme comprises:

·       Bridges, Not Walls, Luke Jerram

A brand-new art installation by the world-renowned artistLuke Jerram, who is covering the grade 1 listed Llangollen bridge with a patchwork of fabrics representing Wales and countries that usually attend the Eisteddfod.Known for public art installations around the world including Museum of the Moon,Play Me, I'm Yours street pianos and Glass Microbiology sculptures depicting the coronavirus and its vaccine, this is his first commission in Wales. The artwork will remain in place until 5 August. 

·       Tangnefedd by Paul Mealorand Mererid Hopwood

World-premiere of a new choral piece by Paul Mealor, one of the world’s most performed living composers and Mererid Hopwood, renowned Welsh poet and the first woman to win the National Eisteddfod Chair. The performance will feature choirs from around the world that have successfully competed at the Eisteddfod, from the UK, US and Africa. In the Welsh language, Tangnefeddmeans the result of bringing together two elements in peace and harmony. 

·       Curiad Calon/Heartbeat with Horizons (BBC/ACW), Rachel K Collier, Magugu and Lily Beau

A new dance track commissioned for Llangollen Eisteddfod by up-and-coming electronic producer and performer Rachel K Collier, Nigerian-born, avant-garde rapper Magugu and talented young Welsh singer-songwriter and actress Lily Beau. The track is designed to inspire the Eisteddfod international music and dance community and wider public to respond with their own moves on social media. It’s also a world first of combining the English, Welsh and Nigerian Pidgin Rap languages! 

·       Catrin Finch and Guests

A new musical composition exploring the peace message with internationally renowned harpist and composer Catrin Finch, pioneering beatboxer andrapperMr Phormula (Ed Holden), British Asian musician and tabla player KuljitBhamra, Eliza Marshall and Nick Ellis on Bansuri, Lee House, electronics and RAV drum and the refugee and asylum seeker Oasis One World Choir, from Cardiff. 

·       Beth YwHeddwch?/What is Peace? schools project

Project exploring children’s thoughts about peace through the written word, dance, movement and drama sessions involving 1,000 pupils from three schools from Rhyl, Llanberis and Llangollen. A creative video will be produced and an exhibition of postcards expressing children’s views about peace will be displayed throughout the town. 

·       Peace Pavilion Programme

A thought-provoking programme of talks and activities with AcademiHeddwch Cymru exploring peace and peacebuilding. The programme includes ‘The Peace Lecture’ given by BegoñaLasagabaster,UN Women Chief of Leadership and Governance Section; ‘The Art of Peacebuilding’; ‘Peace Poems’ and much more. For young people, this series includes virtual cultural exchange and the Young Peacemakers Awards ceremony. [] 

This year’s digital Llangollen Eisteddfod will feature videos of the world premiere performances, many filmed in the town itself. 

On Saturday night, there will be a performance of Tangnefeddby a mass choir, some appearing digitally from across the world and others on stage in the pavilion where the Eisteddfod is usually staged, just outside the town. People living locally, in Wales and around the world are invited to explore the programme, free of charge, at

Betsan Moses, interim chief executive of the Eisteddfod for 2021, says she is leading the creation of a fresh, diverse, world-class cultural programme to connect with both new and existing audiences, after last year’s event was postponed due to the pandemic.

She says: “The Llangollen Eisteddfod was founded on the idea of bringing peace and this year’s cultural programme expresses what it stands for - peace, creativity and togetherness. 

"We’re looking forward to sharing a varied and inspiring programme of events online this year, with an array of world-class performers across musical and artistic genres and exciting new commissions to delight both existing and new audiences across the globe.

“The beautiful town of Llangollen, which normally sees up to 35,000 visitors during the Eisteddfod, will also play host to the visitors that come to see the transformation of Llangollen Bridge into a giant artwork by Luke Jerram, clothed in a patchwork of fabrics from around the world.”

* For more information, visit

Latest coronavirus update from Welsh Government


Latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government, dated yesterday, is:



Coronavirus in numbers

What to do if you have symptoms of coronavirus

Where to find the latest information


Monday, June 21, 2021

River clean-up has some startling finds

* The pistol taken out of the river. 

* A traffic cone retrieved during the clean-up.

* On the carpet.

* A window frame discovered by a paddler.

* Another huge metal object retrieved.

A group of canoeists came up with some interesting finds when they did a clean-up of the River Dee yesterday. 

Amongst their haul were traffic cones, carpet, mattresses ... and a gun. 

The paddlers were all part of the Dee Valley clean-up group which is dedicated to keeping their waterway clean and healthy for all its users. 

During last weekend’s  venture onto the water, which is their fifth so far during the three years they’ve been doing it, they removed three large bagsful of trash but the most startling thing they retrieved from the depths of the Dee was an automatic pistol with a few parts missing. 

Aaron Kendall, the clean-up organiser, said: “The gun was spotted by people on a rafting trip and then we went and cleaned it up. It was by the King’s Bridge under the water. Police firearms came and collected it."

He added: “You’d be amazed what you find in the river. 

“We had about 30 paddlers involved and a lawn mower, cash, washing machines, canisters and car parts were found. 

“We all love and use the river and we aim to give everyone the opportunity to keep this special environment in the best possible condition that we can. 

“Everyone taking part is doing so at their own risk and paddling well within their capabilities. All Welsh Government Covid guidelines are followed. 

“Huge thanks to Project Wanderer and Whitewater Active for supporting the clean-up.”

Rhos Male Voice Choir stars on breakfast TV

Rhos Male Voice Choir made a guest appearance from Llangollen Wharf on Good Morning Britain this morning.

All wearing their stylish tuxedos by the waterside, the singers and their conductor were featured a couple of times during the course of the breakfast show alongside presenter Andy Peters as he introduced the station's prize competition. 

Latest local roadworks alert


       The following local roadworks have been notified by 


Brook Street

23 June — 25 June


Delays possible - Traffic control (Stop/Go boards)


Works location: Brook Street junction of Queen Street...


Works description: TM PURPOSES ONLY


Responsibility for works: Openreach


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: BC006MQONSAWNWC2WC5MWN1P


Queen Street

23 June — 25 June


Delays likely - Traffic control (Stop/Go boards)


Works location: Near North Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Queen Street, LL20 8LA


Works description: MJ Quinn to clear blockage in footway


Responsibility for works: Openreach


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: BC006MQONSAWNGC1WC7DK70B

Queen Street

23 June — 25 June


Delays likely - Traffic control (Stop/Go boards)


Works location: Queen Street


Works description: MJ Quinn to carry out works involving - Installing fibre splicing...


Responsibility for works: Openreach


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: BC006MQONSAWNWC1WC5MWN1P 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Motorcycling safety campaign underway

A campaign aimed at reducing the risk of motorcycle-related deaths and serious injuries on the roads is underway across Wales.

The annual Operation Darwen campaign, which runs from early Spring through until the autumn, is aimed at promoting rider safety and will see high visibility patrols being carried out along key routes which have been identified as risk areas.

Over the coming months, officers from the Roads Policing Unit, the Armed Alliance Unit, the Special Constabulary Road Safety Unit and Go Safe will be engaging with riders at popular meeting spots for enthusiasts as well as on certain routes as part of the operation.

Officers will also be checking that bikes are roadworthy, paying particular attention to tyres. Worn or under inflated tyres on motorcycles have been one of the most common themes during collisions, and yet is easily prevented by riders doing basic checks.

Motorcyclists are amongst the most vulnerable groups of road users, and they are at a higher risk of injury and collision than other road users. Although a motorcyclist may not be at fault, their vulnerability invariable means that they suffer more serious injuries in a collision.

In 2020 there were 70 motorcyclists killed or seriously injured in North Wales a -4.10% decrease from the previous year of 2019.

Motorcycle casualties are highly represented and on average represent 25% of all killed or seriously injured casualties within the region based on the last 3 years.

Chief Inspector Jon Aspinall from the Roads Policing Unit at North Wales Police said: “Reducing casualties on our roads remains one of our top priorities.

“We look at all motorists as part of the Op Darwen campaign, however during the spring and summer months, increased focus is given to motorcycle safety as larger numbers of motorcyclists take their bikes out to take advantage of the good weather and fantastic scenery we have here in north Wales.

“As such, motorists are being urged to be extra vigilant for motorcycles during their journeys and ensure they give sufficient room when following bikers.

“Similarly, drivers are reminded to continually check for motorcycles when moving off, or emerging from junctions.

“Riders also have an important role to play in ensuring their own safety by travelling at an appropriate speed for the road, weather and traffic conditions, wearing high-visibility clothing and always wearing a helmet and other appropriate attire.

“We want people to enjoy travelling on some great roads here in north Wales and in Wales as a whole, but most of all we want them to ride and drive safely and responsibly. We will continue to target, with a view to prosecution, all those that ride or drive dangerously, at excess speed, overtake on solid white lines or commit any other road traffic offences.

“Our officers – as well as partners from other emergency services see far too many tragedies, many preventable on the roads. Staying safe on the road applies to every single one of us, whether we have two or four wheels on our vehicle. I would urge riders and drivers to think about their behaviour and what changes they could make to improve their own safety and that of other road users.

“Op Darwen is not about spoiling people’s fun but encourages all road users to be safe and competent with the aim of reducing the number of collisions on our roads.”

North Wales Police are also encouraging bikers to ensure their machines are ready for the months ahead – paying particular attention to tyres and brakes.

Teresa Ciano, GoSafe Partnership Manager and Chair of Road Safety Wales said: “Motorcyclists are among the most vulnerable of road users and through the engagement and education delivered through Operation Darwen we hope to encourage more bikers to make the safe choice when out riding.

“Ride within the legal speed limit, prepare for your journey, give yourself enough space and time, position yourself in the safest and best place to maximise your visibility of potential hazards and consider further skills training to improve your performance and safety on the road.”

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Entertainer Shea to stage grand finale charity concert

* Shea Ferron will host his finale charity concert on June 26.

Enterprising young entertainer Shea Ferron has arranged the last in a series of virtual concerts to raise money for good causes. 

And the one he has chosen to benefit from his final Stage to Sofa show is Hafal, the Welsh mental health charity.

At just 18, Shea has been rapidly building up a portfolio of acting and singing appearances in the area for a number of years.

He has joined the cast of numerous shows, with Llangollen Operatic Society, its junior section the Young ‘Uns, and the Collen Players music hall group, winning a number of amateur stage awards into the bargain.

There have also been numerous solo performances in St Collen’s Church and his own church in Ruabon.

But Shea has really came into his own during the pandemic by singing his way through a series of self-arranged open-air gigs to raise thousands of pounds for good causes.

His finale concert, at Llangollen Town Hall on Saturday, June 26, will be a hybrid affair with a small, invited live audience and people also able to watch online on a link still being arranged.

Shea said: “There’s been five months of planning involved working closely with ORB Sound and Lighting, who are involved with the tech side of the concert, and also working  closely with Llangollen Town Council and the Town Hall team to make sure we keep within the current Covid-19 guidelines.

“The reason for the concert is that we wanted to finish the series on a high, where we can all get together and perform in the same room as each other rather than over a screen. 

“All of the performers in the concert have been affected hugely by the Covid-19 pandemic, especially those with a strong link to the arts sector. Two of them had to be flown home from international tour productions.” 

Performing in the concert are many of the people who were a part of Shea’s virtual concert series, either last year or this year, plus a few new faces. 

From the concert series he will be joined by Celyn Orton-Jones, Louise Cielecki Cornelia, Andy Snowden as compère, and star of Blood Brothers UK Daniel Taylor. 

Shea added: “Joining us just for the concert is local singing star Amy Grace plus my friend and fellow John’s Boys choir member Sam Snowden. 

“Throughout the series, I’ve been raising money for various charities who have been hit hard by the pandemic, raising over £2,500 for them. 

“In deciding the charity for the finale, I couldn’t make up my mind which I should support until reading a fact about mental health during the pandemic, and this was that the suicide rate within the UK is the highest it has ever been in over two decades due to the affects of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

“In my opinion, the real pandemic that has gone on over these past 12 months is the one that people have suffered personally and mentally. That is why we are raising money for Hafal, a Welsh mental health charity. 

“I would particularly like to thank all the local businesses who have supported us along the way in the production of the concert. 

Shea says he is still working on providing a link to watch his finale concert online and llanblogger hopes to publish this soon. 

* He is asking people to support Hafal by visiting:

The stream will begin at 17:55 with the show starting at 18:00, fantastically streamed by ORB Sound and Lighting.