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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Time to have your say on plans for Llangollen town centre

* The three pictures above show a series of computer generated artist's 
impressions of how the final 2020 scheme will look.

Public consultation on the £1.7 million plan which aims to streamline traffic and pedestrian flow in and around the town centre officially starts today (Tuesday).

The Llangollen 2020 Castle Street Improvement scheme aims to improve the town's main thoroughfare and some adjacent streets.

The council says the proposals are intended to improve the public realm along Castle Street by replacing the existing kerbs and footway paving with high-quality materials.

It will also see the removal of on-street parking from Castle Street and from the Abbey Road/Castle Street junction to enable the adjacent pavements to be widened and reduce parking-related congestion on Castle Street.

Other proposals include introducing a number of pedestrian dropped kerbs along Castle Street and to reduce traffic speeds by raising the road surface at some side road junctions as well as providing two loading bays for businesses on Castle Street, together with two disabled parking spaces near to Castle Street.

It is also proposed to make Market Street one-way in a westerly direction between Castle Street and East Street and introduce a loading bay on the south side of Market Street where the temporary loading bay is currently located.

The Castle Street improvement is part of a phased-approach to improve parking and to improve walking and cycling routes in the town.

The three-week consultation exercise launches today (Tuesday, June 15) and will close on July 6.

As consultation begins the council says around 2,000 residents and businesses in the area will receive a letter briefing them on the proposals.

There will also be an information campaign on social media. 

Members of the public can have their say on the plans online and at a public exhibition which will be held on Castle Street near to the Town Hall between Monday and Friday, June 21 and 25 June. 

Council officers will be there to explain the scheme and county councillors will also on hand at various points over the five days. 

The council says it will visit Castle Street businesses during week commencing June 21 to give them the opportunity to discuss the proposals with officers.

Plans will also be on display in the windows of the former bar within the Royal Hotel at the corner of Castle Street and Bridge Street for the three of the consultation.

A further briefing by officers will take place at the Town Council meeting this evening.

Cllr Brian Jones, Denbighshire County Council’s Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment, said: “For the past three years the council has been working closely with the Llangollen 2020 group to develop these proposals.

“We want as many members of the community to have their say on the latest plans for the project

“Funding is in place to deliver the scheme in the autumn and winter of 2021-22. However, no final decision has yet been taken by the council on whether to proceed with the scheme as this will be dependent upon the outcome of the consultation with any final decision on the scheme being made by the council’s cabinet.

“We are also aware of concerns raised regarding the acacia tree located near the Town Hall. The current situation is that the condition of the tree is still being assessed by tree experts and no decisions have yet been made about its future.”

At a media briefing session last Friday, Cllr Jones told llanblogger the results of the public consultation will be taken fully into consideration by the council’s cabinet before it makes the final decision on whether the scheme goes ahead.

He added: “Weight will be given to the public feedback and we therefore want as many people as possible to engage with us and let us know their views.

“Given the size and cost of the project it is only right that the cabinet makes the final decision on it.”

If 2020 gets the green light from the cabinet Cllr Jones said work will start on creating the new town centre environment in early September this year with completion expected by next spring.

Traffic and road safety manager for Denbighshire, Mike Jones, said construction would be co-ordinated with possible work on Llangollen bridge by the county and Dwr Cymru, with close liaison taking place throughout the project with shops and businesses in the affected area to minimise disruption.

* You can have your say on the plans at Paper copies of the online questionnaire will be available at the public exhibition and can also be requested by contacting the Council on 01824 706000. 

Pop-up waste service resumes at the Pavilion

* The Pavilion car park where the waste service is resuming.

The free pop-up garden waste collection from Llangollen Pavilion, cancelled due to the pandemic, will resume its weekly slot over the summer as from this Saturday, June 19, with bookings being taken from the beginning of this week.

This means that the frequency of the pavilion pop-up service will now resume to pre-pandemic levels, according to Llangollen's two county councillors Graham Timms and Melvyn Mile.

In a joint comment they say: "We have also been assured that extra flexibility has been added to the pop-up service to make sure that it will be able to meet the demand for both the garden waste and the full recycling facilities.

"An appointment will be required, in common with all other Denbighshire recycling sites."

Service provision will be:

* First and third Saturday of the month, 9-11am garden waste only

* Second and fourth Saturday, 9-11am, full household recycling service including garden waste

* Fifth Saturday, no service

Appointments can be booked online at or by phone: 01824 706000)

Direct link to the booking line is:

Public views sought on lighting in the great outdoors

* Castell Dinas Bran by night.

A public consultation has been launched on the affects lighting has on the great outdoors around Llangollen.

Denbighshire County Council in partnership with Flintshire County Council, Wrexham County Borough Council and the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) are seeking views on a draft Supplementary Planning Guidance note (SPG) for lighting in the AONB.

The SPG will provide advice and guidance for developers and others on good lighting design in the AONB which is designated as a landscape of national importance and the main aim is to conserve and enhance its natural beauty.

One of the recognised special qualities of the AONB is its tranquil nature, which includes the opportunity to experience dark night skies. 

The area has some of the darkest skies in Wales and the draft SPG seeks to conserve and enhance this special quality by providing guidance for developers and others on dark sky friendly lighting design.

When approved by each of the Local Planning Authorities the SPG will be a material planning consideration in determining planning applications and appeals.

Cllr Tony Thomas, Chair of the AONB Joint Committee, said: “The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB is one of Wales’ most cherished landscapes. The area enjoys some of the darkest skies in Wales and provides opportunities to experience the wonders of a dark night sky.

“The SPG will help to conserve and enhance this special quality by raising awareness of the issue and promoting dark sky friendly lighting design.  We want to know what you think, and I would encourage as many people as possible to take part in the consultation process and to have their say on the draft SPG before the deadline on August 9.”

The three Local Planning Authorities and the AONB are keen to hear from a wide range of statutory and non-statutory organisations, town and community councils, voluntary groups and the general public as well as local planning consultants and agents. 

Comments should be forwarded to Denbighshire County Council who are coordinating the consultation on behalf of the three Local Planning Authorities and the AONB. 

Comments should be submitted by 5pm on August 9 using one of the following methods:

* By e-mail to:

* Via the Denbighshire Consultation Portal, or in writing to Huw Rees, Countryside and Heritage Services Manager, Planning, Public Protection and Countryside Services, PO BOX 62, Ruthin LL15 9AZ 

Any queries relating to the draft SPG or the consultation can be directed to the following contacts at each of the Local Planning Authorities:

* Denbighshire: phone: 01824 706916

* Flintshire: phone: 01352 703213

* Wrexham: phone: 01978 298994

* AONB Partnership:  phone: 01824 712735 

The document can be viewed on the Denbighshire, Flintshire, Wrexham or AONB websites and hard copies are available for inspection at Denbighshire’s public libraries.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Police appeal following serious accident near Llangollen

Police have launched an appeal for witnesses after a motorcyclist was taken to Royal Stoke Hospital by the Welsh Air Ambulance following a road traffic collision leading up to the Horseshoe Pass, Llangollen, on the A542 from Llandegla, just after 2.30pm yesterday (Sunday).

The collision involved a silver coloured Suzuki Swift motor car and a blue coloured Honda CBR motorcycle. The motorcyclist suffered serious injuries.
Sergeant Medwyn Williams from the Roads Policing Unit said: “I hope the motorcyclist makes a good recovery.
"I am appealing to anyone who was travelling on the road at that time between 2.20-2.35pm who witnessed the collision or may have dashcam footage of either vehicle prior to the collision.
"I would also welcome anyone who may have been travelling that route that has dashcam to contact us. If you have any information, please get in touch via web chat or by calling 101, quoting reference 21000413584.
"I would also welcome anyone who may have been travelling that route that has dashcam to contact us. If you have any information, please get in touch via web chat or by calling 101, quoting reference 21000413584.
"The road was re-opened at 7pm.
"We continue to urge drivers and and bikers to enjoy north Wales safely. Drivers - please look out for bikes when turning, whilst at junctions and when changing lanes. Bikers - please ride to the conditions, stick to the speed limit and know your capabilities."

All adults in Wales offered a vaccine ahead of schedule

Health Minister Eluned Morgan has thanked Wales’ "fantastic vaccination teams" as she confirmed all eligible adults in Wales will have been offered a vaccine by today (Monday, June 14) six weeks ahead of schedule. 

She said it is not too late for anyone who has changed their mind about having a vaccine to get an appointment – Wales has a “no one left behind” policy and all health boards had systems in place to enable people to get an appointment if they think they have been missed of the list or if they have changed their mind. 

Vaccination clinics across Wales are accelerating second doses amid growing concerns about the spread of the delta variant of the virus across the UK. 

Eluned Morgan said: “Wales is leading the world when it comes to the percentage of our population who have been vaccinated.  

“I’m delighted that today we have reached the milestone of offering all eligible adults their first dose – six weeks ahead of schedule. 

“This is a remarkable achievement and I want to thank everyone involved for their incredible efforts. However, we are not being complacent - I want to encourage younger adults to take up this offer of the vaccine and we don’t want to see anyone left behind.  

“We are keen to see 18 to 39-year-olds vaccinated and hope to reach our milestone of 75% take-up in this age group by the end of this month. Please take up your vaccine appointment; it offers protection to you, your loved ones and your communities and it is our best route out of the pandemic.”

Pictures which show the contempt for town and its facilities

 * The barbecue abandoned on top of a litter bin the park. 

* The badly scorched picnic table.

* One of smashed lights on the canal towpath.

* Five of the lights on top of the pedestals 
along the towpath have been broken. 

This morning llanblogger has a couple of examples of the contempt in which some people hold Llangollen and its facilities.

The first pictures show how a portable tinfoil barbecue container - still containing cooked food - has been left on top of a litter bin in the public park adjoining the river near Mill Street car park. Alongside the bin is a bag of rubbish.

Nearby is a wooden picnic bench, which was obviously the scene of a barbecue party, that has a badly scorched top where a hot barbecue appears to have been placed.

The other pictures show how, a short distance away, across the other side of the main road on the canal towpath, no less than five of the pedestals containing water and electricity points for moored boats to connect to have had their lights smashed.

Whether those responsible are locals or visitors, such acts of vandalism or wanton disregard for the town's amenities are totally inexcusable.  

Pandemic support hub planned for Plas Madoc

* Minister for Health and Social Services, Eluned Morgan 

Hubs offering holistic support to people who need to self-isolate and to those hit hardest by the pandemic are being rolled out in a pilot scheme across five areas in North Wales, including Plas Madoc.

The Covid Support Hubs offer immediate support with lateral flow tests and help to self-isolate if necessary.  

They also offer longer term assistance for people who might be struggling to buy food or pay rent, to access services, manage debt or with utility bills.  

The pilot scheme is part of Wales’s Test Trace Protect programme, offering an extended and longer-term ‘Protect’ offer in deprived communities in North Wales.  

It brings together the Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board, Local Authorities, the voluntary sector and community groups to support communities in a range of areas.

This multi-partner approach means that extra support can be offered if identified, even if people test negative for Covid-19 and are not required to self-isolate, such as signposting to benefits, providing information on food banks and low-cost food services, and advice on budgeting.

The first pilot hub launched in Holyhead in May, with 59 people seen in the first nine days.  

Ynys Môn Citizens Advice are the lead organisation, with input from a range of partners to deliver additional support around food provision, digital skills and access to mental health support. 

The scheme is also now underway in Bangor and Denbigh, with hubs expected to open in Plas Madoc near Wrexham and Flintshire later this month.

Minister for Health and Social Services, Eluned Morgan said: “I’m pleased to see that this pilot scheme is up and running in North Wales and is already delivering positive results.

“It’s vital that people self-isolate if they test positive for Covid-19 in order to stop the virus spreading in our communities.  

"Test, Trace Protect has been extremely effective at supporting people who have tested positive and their contacts to isolate and providing advice, guidance and support, and it’s important that we continue to invest in initiatives like this to support people to self-isolate when needed.

“This pilot also demonstrates the benefits of a partnership approach which is reaching those who are often hard to reach and opening up a range of services to them to relieve worry and stress in other areas of their lives, providing much-needed support to people at an extremely difficult time.”