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Monday, June 14, 2021

All adults in Wales offered a vaccine ahead of schedule

Health Minister Eluned Morgan has thanked Wales’ "fantastic vaccination teams" as she confirmed all eligible adults in Wales will have been offered a vaccine by today (Monday, June 14) six weeks ahead of schedule. 

She said it is not too late for anyone who has changed their mind about having a vaccine to get an appointment – Wales has a “no one left behind” policy and all health boards had systems in place to enable people to get an appointment if they think they have been missed of the list or if they have changed their mind. 

Vaccination clinics across Wales are accelerating second doses amid growing concerns about the spread of the delta variant of the virus across the UK. 

Eluned Morgan said: “Wales is leading the world when it comes to the percentage of our population who have been vaccinated.  

“I’m delighted that today we have reached the milestone of offering all eligible adults their first dose – six weeks ahead of schedule. 

“This is a remarkable achievement and I want to thank everyone involved for their incredible efforts. However, we are not being complacent - I want to encourage younger adults to take up this offer of the vaccine and we don’t want to see anyone left behind.  

“We are keen to see 18 to 39-year-olds vaccinated and hope to reach our milestone of 75% take-up in this age group by the end of this month. Please take up your vaccine appointment; it offers protection to you, your loved ones and your communities and it is our best route out of the pandemic.”

Pictures which show the contempt for town and its facilities

 * The barbecue abandoned on top of a litter bin the park. 

* The badly scorched picnic table.

* One of smashed lights on the canal towpath.

* Five of the lights on top of the pedestals 
along the towpath have been broken. 

This morning llanblogger has a couple of examples of the contempt in which some people hold Llangollen and its facilities.

The first pictures show how a portable tinfoil barbecue container - still containing cooked food - has been left on top of a litter bin in the public park adjoining the river near Mill Street car park. Alongside the bin is a bag of rubbish.

Nearby is a wooden picnic bench, which was obviously the scene of a barbecue party, that has a badly scorched top where a hot barbecue appears to have been placed.

The other pictures show how, a short distance away, across the other side of the main road on the canal towpath, no less than five of the pedestals containing water and electricity points for moored boats to connect to have had their lights smashed.

Whether those responsible are locals or visitors, such acts of vandalism or wanton disregard for the town's amenities are totally inexcusable.  

Pandemic support hub planned for Plas Madoc

* Minister for Health and Social Services, Eluned Morgan 

Hubs offering holistic support to people who need to self-isolate and to those hit hardest by the pandemic are being rolled out in a pilot scheme across five areas in North Wales, including Plas Madoc.

The Covid Support Hubs offer immediate support with lateral flow tests and help to self-isolate if necessary.  

They also offer longer term assistance for people who might be struggling to buy food or pay rent, to access services, manage debt or with utility bills.  

The pilot scheme is part of Wales’s Test Trace Protect programme, offering an extended and longer-term ‘Protect’ offer in deprived communities in North Wales.  

It brings together the Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board, Local Authorities, the voluntary sector and community groups to support communities in a range of areas.

This multi-partner approach means that extra support can be offered if identified, even if people test negative for Covid-19 and are not required to self-isolate, such as signposting to benefits, providing information on food banks and low-cost food services, and advice on budgeting.

The first pilot hub launched in Holyhead in May, with 59 people seen in the first nine days.  

Ynys Môn Citizens Advice are the lead organisation, with input from a range of partners to deliver additional support around food provision, digital skills and access to mental health support. 

The scheme is also now underway in Bangor and Denbigh, with hubs expected to open in Plas Madoc near Wrexham and Flintshire later this month.

Minister for Health and Social Services, Eluned Morgan said: “I’m pleased to see that this pilot scheme is up and running in North Wales and is already delivering positive results.

“It’s vital that people self-isolate if they test positive for Covid-19 in order to stop the virus spreading in our communities.  

"Test, Trace Protect has been extremely effective at supporting people who have tested positive and their contacts to isolate and providing advice, guidance and support, and it’s important that we continue to invest in initiatives like this to support people to self-isolate when needed.

“This pilot also demonstrates the benefits of a partnership approach which is reaching those who are often hard to reach and opening up a range of services to them to relieve worry and stress in other areas of their lives, providing much-needed support to people at an extremely difficult time.”

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Story reports serious accident near Llandegla

 The Leader is this afternoon reporting s serious road collision near Llandegla.

For the full story, see:

Repairing landslide damage in Newbridge is "priority" says council

* Ken Skates MS, left, and Wrexham councillor David A Bithell at the site on the landslide. 

Wrexham Borough Council says repairing the damage caused by Storm Christoph earlier this year to the B5605 at Newbridge remains a priority. 

The storm caused a landslide and the closure of the road for the foreseeable future.

The council says works to fix this are "complex and the solution difficult and costly".

But it adds: "We are hopeful of further help from Welsh Government to help us to repair this important part of our infrastructure."

Cllr David A Bithell, Lead Member Environment and Transport, said he welcomed the opportunity to meet with Clwyd South MS Ken Skates on a recent site visit who, he explained, had taken a keen interest in making representation to Welsh Government Minister Julie James.

“I hope that these talks and discussions will be fruitful in ensuring that this road re-opens as soon as possible. This is causing major difficulties for local people and we need substantial funding to address the effects from storm Christoph.”

Ken Skates said: “The damage caused by the extreme weather last year wreaked havoc in communities across Wales. This is a particularly bad example, and I know it has caused a lot of problems locally.

“I have raised the matter with the Minister for Climate Change, Julie James, and asked the Welsh Government to look at this again. 

"I know the Welsh Government has been in discussions with the council about other funding which might be available, so I look forward to receiving the Minister’s response outlining how both parties can work together to remedy the situation.”

He added: "The B5605 provides critical road links between communities in Newbridge and Cefn and the wider settlement areas at Chirk to the south and Plas Madoc/Ruabon to the north. 

"Loss of this road link severs these communities causing distress and inconvenience on the many residents and businesses in these areas.

“Alternative routes are lengthy and inconvenient. In addition, this stretch of the B5605 provides the alternative routes for the A483 trunk road. 

"In the event of closures on the trunk road whether for planned works or emergencies, alternative routes now have to be diverted via Llangollen, a 15-mile diversion for drivers."

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Traffic alert for Regent Street


Latest local traffic alert from is:


Regent Street

14 June — 02 July


Delays likely - Traffic control (two-way signals)


Works location: A5, Near Former Health Centre (now gallery), Regent Street, Llangollen


Works description: Refurbishment of Traffic Signal - Replacement of Traffic Signal Poles, Tactile Paving & White Lining


Responsibility for works: Welsh Government


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: PD50121111155217547




Coronavirus latest from Welsh Government

Latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government, dated yesterday, is:

  • Hubs offering holistic support to people who need to self-isolate and to those hit hardest by the pandemic are being rolled out in a pilot scheme across five areas in North Wales.
    • The Covid Support Hubs offer immediate support with lateral flow tests and help to self-isolate if necessary.  They also offer longer term assistance for people who might be struggling to buy food or pay rent, to access services, manage debt or with utility bills. 
    • The pilot scheme is part of Wales’s Test Trace Protect programme, offering an extended and longer-term ‘Protect’ offer in deprived communities in North Wales. It brings together the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, local authorities, the voluntary sector and community groups to support communities in a range of areas.
  • Volunteers from within a 50-mile radius of Wrexham are needed to take part in a new clinical trial to receive a third ‘booster’ Covid-19 vaccine.
  • Latest results from the Covid Infection Survey:
  • Public Health Wales has published a report highlighting challenges faced by unpaid carers during the pandemic:        

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