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Monday, June 7, 2021

Local roadworks alert


Latest local roadworks alert from is:


Queen Street

09 June — 11 June


Delays likely - Traffic control (Stop/Go boards)




Works description: works in private notice for TM only


Responsibility for works: Openreach


Current status: Planned work about to start


Works reference: BC006MQONSAWNGC1WC7DK70B



Sunday, June 6, 2021

Railway says it will 'rise like a phoenix' from cash crisis

* The railway's revised coaching stock.

Llangollen Railway is all set to get back on track later this summer after being hit by a major financial crisis which threatened to kill off the world-famous heritage attraction.

On March 1 the railway's Public Limited Company went into receivership with debts of around £350,000.

A number of the railway’s assets were sold off in an online auction.

But the separate Railway Trust, which remains completely solvent, has been involved in a fundraising campaign to buy as many of the assets as possible and get the railway running again. 

Now, in a message to volunteers, the railway’s operations director Mike Williams says the battle has started to be successful.

He says: “The Railway is now Ours Again!

“Our Stations, Yards, Infrastructure & sufficient Rolling Stock are ready to rise back like the Phoenix.

But there is still much to do before we can start running much needed, revenue earning train services.

“The (Llangollen Railway Trust) LRT Board & Heads of Departments are currently working on new Safety Management System documentation, for the Office Rail Road's approval.

“Plans are also in place to get the essential maintenance works completed which will then allow for Refresher Training & Competencies Testing. 

“All of which are vital to the railway re-commencing revenue earning services. Currently we are looking at middle/late July to be operational again.

“Meanwhile Llangollen residents may have noticed movement within the coaches parked in the station. This shunting has extracted those coaches sold at auction which have found new owners.

“In summary, one restaurant buffet car went to the Spa Valley Railway at Tunbridge Wells and an open coach went to the Mid Norfolk Railway at Dereham.

“Two further open coaches went to the Paignton and Dartmouth Steam railway in Devon. Three coaches were saved for use on the LR, with an accessible coach acquired by the Trust and a pair by a private group which intends keeping them at Llangollen, one of which is a function coach, The Trust also acquired the Road Rail vehicle as used at Corwen, the 12 ton rail crane and the Lowmac wagon with hydraulic arm.

“These items are of use in essential track maintenance. The diesel shunter went to the Battlefield Line at Shackerstone, Leics.

“The new owners of the large 50 ton Cowans crane intend to keep it at Llangollen.

It is understood that the railway trust is continuing with its discussions to win further financial backing for the attraction.

To this end, Clwyd South Assembly Member Ken Skates is reported by the Shropshire Star to have called on the Welsh Government’s economy minister to help the railway.

He told the paper: "This week I have written to the Economy Minister, Vaughan Gething, to ask how the Welsh Government can support local efforts to get Llangollen Railway back up and running.

"It is one of numerous tourism businesses in Clwyd South to have been awarded Welsh Government funding in the past."

As exclusively reported by llanblogger, during a recent Senedd election visit to Llangollen, First Minister Mark Drakeford said he wanted to work with local people to come up with a plan that would allow the government to be part of the help the railway will need to get back up and running.

MP backs campaign to ensure Stiwt can welcome back visitors

* From left: Simon Baynes MP, (back) Rhys Davies, (front) Brian Jones, Sue Jones (Head of Art and Design Technology at Ysgol y Grango), Theo Prime (Year 7 Pupil – Ysgol y Grango), Maria Handzhieva (Year 7 Pupil – Ysgol y Grango) outside the Stiwt Theatre in Rhos.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes is backing a fundraising campaign by the Stiwt Theatre in Rhos to ensure repairs are made and it is ready to welcome back visitors. 

To raise the funds necessary to repaint the auditorium and repair a leaking roof, the Stiwt has launched an initiative whereby supporters can receive a long-lasting memento – a 13.5 kilo counterweight stamped with ‘Rhos Theatre’ – when they make a minimum donation of £20 to the fundraising campaign. 

The counterweights have been previously been used in a system of ropes and pulleys backstage to hoist components such as curtains, lights, scenery, stage effects. The Stiwt has a surplus of counterweights which it is using in this fundraising campaign. 

During the visit, Mr Baynes met Stiwt Theatre Trustee, Brian Jones and General Manager, Rhys Davies, who updated him on the campaign and the latest developments at the theatre. 

They also showed him the counterweight mechanism in action on the stage at the theatre. Mr Baynes also met with representatives of Ysgol y Grango who were delivering their donation of £450 to the Stiwt’s fundraising campaign following a very successful ‘Own Clothes Day’ at the school. The school was represented by Sue Jones, Head of Art and Design Technology at Ysgol y Grango, and Year 7 pupils, Maria Handzhieva and Theo Prime. 

Brian Jones, Trustee of the Stiwt Theatre, said: “Once again the support of our community is one to be commended which is greatly appreciated by everyone involved with our Theatre. On this occasion we are very pleased to offer everyone a memento of the Theatre which they can treasure going forward and we look forward to welcoming everyone back in due course. We would also like to thank Simon for his kind contribution once again.”

Simon Baynes MP said: “It was a pleasure to visit the Stiwt again to back their novel fundraising campaign and make a personal contribution myself to receive one of their unique counterweights which now sits proudly in my office. I think this is an innovative and exemplary way of raising funds, and a wonderful opportunity for members of the local community with an interest in the theatre and the local area to claim a piece of Rhos history. And I want to wish everyone at the Stiwt the very best of luck.”

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Businesses urged to apply for grant funding

Further covid-19 funding is now available for the hospitality, tourism and leisure sector.

Denbighshire County Council will help administer the Welsh Government funds for businesses impacted during Alert Level 2 restrictions.

Businesses with a turnover greater than £85,000 can apply through the Welsh Government’s Business Wales platform while those with a turnover less than £85,000 can apply through the Council.

Eligible businesses include:

• Nightclubs, late entertainment venues and ice skating rinks

• Events and conference venues

• Business unable to open indoors between May 1 and May 17 and who experienced a drop in turnover

• Hospitality trading under Alert Level 2 conditions from May 17 to June 30

• Supply chain and related business with material impact on turnover

Cllr Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of Denbighshire County Council, said: “We are again encouraging businesses to apply for the funding being made available by Welsh Government.

“It is vital businesses in the county apply for this funding to ensure they are getting all the support that is available to them which helps protect jobs and the economy in Denbighshire.”

To find out if you are eligible and to apply visit


Friday, June 4, 2021

Further easing of Covid-19 regulations announced

Up to 30 people will be able to meet outdoors and large outdoor activities will be able to take place from Monday, as Wales moves to Alert Level 1, First Minister Mark Drakeford announced today (Friday).

The size of extended households can be increased to up to three households, and a further household with a single adult or single adult with caring responsibilities will also be able to join.

The move to alert level one will be phased, with outdoor events opening first. Ministers will review the public health situation again, ahead of June 21, to determine whether indoor events can restart.

The two-stage approach will enable more people to be vaccinated – and complete their two-dose course – amid growing concerns about the spread of the delta variant of the virus across the UK.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said: "I want to thank everyone in Wales for everything they have done to control the spread of coronavirus and keep rates low. The emergence of the delta variant shows the pandemic is not over yet and we all need to continue to take steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

"The risk of infection is significantly less outdoors than it is indoors. This is why we are phasing in the changes in this three-week cycle. This will allow more people to enjoy events outdoors and take advantage of the Welsh summer, while we continue to roll out the vaccination programme to all adults.

"We will review the public health situation again in a couple of weeks to see whether we can continue to relax the restrictions and restart indoor events."

The seven-day coronavirus case rate remains very low in Wales and the positivity rate is less than 1%. Wales also has the best vaccination rates in the UK – more than 85% of the population has had one dose and 45% have completed the course.

But there is growing concern about the spread of the delta variant in many parts of the UK, especially in the North West of England.

There are currently 97 cases in Wales, including a cluster of cases in Conwy.

The first phase of the move to alert level one means that from Monday June 7:

  • Up to 30 people can meet outdoors, including in private gardens, outdoor hospitality and public places. 
  • Larger outdoor organised gatherings and events, such as concerts, football matches and sporting activities, like organised running groups can go ahead for up to 4,000 people standing and 10,000 people seated. All organisers planning events and activities must undertake a full risk assessment and put in place measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus, including social distancing.

The Welsh Government will consider further changes to the regulations on indoor activity later in the month, if public health conditions allow.

These include:

  • Rule of six for meeting indoors in private homes and holiday accommodation. 
  • Increased numbers for indoor organised gatherings and indoor events.
  • Opening ice skating rinks.

Llangollen features in roll-out of full-fibre broadband

* Simon Baynes MP.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes has welcomed plans by Openreach to build full-fibre broadband to Wales’ hardest-to-serve communities, including Llangollen.

Openreach has announced that a total of 140 exchanges across Wales will be upgraded, with rural homes set to benefit the most. 

In Clwyd South, the exchanges in Llangollen, Corwen and Ruabon will be upgraded, enabling access to full fibre broadband many more homes and businesses. 

Openreach’s build plan forms part of the UK Government’s target of delivering ‘gigabit capable broadband’ to 85% of the United Kingdom by 2025. 

This is in conjunction with the UK Government’s commitment to reform the Electronic Communications Code, allowing providers access to rural land more easily to enable build to progress at pace.

Welcoming the announcement, Mr Baynes said: “I’m delighted to hear about Openreach’s plans to connect an extra 415,000 more home and businesses across rural Wales.

"It’s excellent to see that the UK Government is committed to boosting access to broadband for people and businesses across Wales, and projects like this are a huge step forward in achieving that goal.

“Fast, reliable broadband is more important than ever due to more people working at home, and this will be a great step forward for the communities of Corwen, Llangollen and Ruabon.

“Obviously there is still much work to carry out in enabling full fibre access for every property, and I continue to push for a faster rollout to the areas that are not yet included in Openreach’s plans, as well as eradicating the remaining not-spots across Clwyd South. 

"But this project will see very welcome investment pumped into North Wales, providing homes and businesses across rural Wales the connectivity they need to flourish.”

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Three-week consultation on 2020 plans for town centre

Denbighshire County Council is set to hold a three-week consultation on major proposals for Llangollen town centre.

The Llangollen 2020 Castle Street Improvement scheme has been created with input from the community and looks to improve Castle Street and some adjacent streets in Llangollen town centre.

The proposals are intended to reduce traffic and parking congestion, to improve facilities for pedestrians and to improve the quality of the public realm.

Cllr Brian Jones, Denbighshire County Council’s Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment, said: “For the past three years the Council has been working alongside the Llangollen 2020 group to develop these proposals.

“The Llangollen 2020 group is a community-led group and has previously consulted with the local community during the development of the proposals, but the Council would now like to seek the community’s views on the latest version of the proposals.

“Funding is in place to deliver the scheme in the autumn and winter of 2021-22. However, no final decision has yet been taken by Denbighshire County Council on whether to proceed with the scheme as this will be dependent upon the outcome of the consultation.

“We are also aware of concerns raised regarding the acacia tree located near the Town Hall. The current situation is that the condition of the tree is still being assessed by tree experts and no decisions have yet been made about the future of the tree.”

A three-week consultation exercise is due to commence on Tuesday, June 15 and will close on July 6.

During the second week of the consultation, a public exhibition of the proposals will be undertaken in Llangollen Town Centre and the Council also intends to speak to Castle Street businesses to give them the opportunity to discuss the proposals with officers.

Full details of the consultation and public exhibition will be provided soon.