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Friday, May 21, 2021

Eisteddfod aims to turn the bridge into giant piece of art

* A mock-up of how the artwork will look.

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod (LIME)is calling for people to help transform the landmark Llangollen Bridge into a giant work of art to launch this year’s festival.

The Eisteddfod has commissioned internationally renowned artist Luke Jerram to create the new artwork. 

He plans to wrap the 60 metre-long bridge in a giant patchwork reflecting the crafts and cultures of Wales alongside the festival’s participating nations. 

While the festival will mainly be held online this year, organisers hope the eye-catching Festival Bridge will also attract people to visit the town this summer.

Luke Jerram’s new bridge artwork aims to connect and extend the Eisteddfod’s creativity out from the field where it is normally held each year into the town, transforming and animating Llangollen for the whole world to see.

The festival is offering anyone, from local residents in the area and fans of the Eisteddfod to the friends and families of people participating, the chance to get involved.

They are asking for 1m x 1m fabric squares which will be stitched together into a giant patchwork and hung over the bridge. Ideally the patches should be bold in design, so the image stands out when seen from a distance.

People are asked to submit their patchwork by 30 June 2021 and to visit[KL1] for details, information and terms and conditions.

Luke Jerram, who is known for public art works around the world, said: "When I first saw LlangollenBridge I fell in love with it. It’s so iconic and at the heart of the town. 

"Across the world, bridges have always been used as both a physical and symbolic way to connect people – which fits perfectly with the aims and ambitions of the Eisteddfod. I can’t wait to see the patchworks the creative people from the local community send in, in order to turn the bridge into a work of art.”

BetsanMoses, CEO Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod (LIME), said: “The Eisteddfod has a long and rich history of working with different communities and nations across the world to bring people together to share their creativity and a message of peace. 

"The community of Llangollen are so important to the festival, with hundreds of local people volunteering every year. So we hope that creating and sharing patchwork pieces for the bridge artwork will be a way of helping them to connect to the online festival this summer, as well as attracting visitors to the town.”

Usually attracting over 4,000 performers from around the world and 35,000 visitors to Llangollen, this year’s unique celebration of global peace and harmony will be largely held online in July 2021, with the main programme being presented over the weekend of the 9 – 11 July.

In keeping with the Eisteddfod’s tradition of celebrating of the broadest possible range of musical genres from classical, opera and choral, to jazz, soul and rock, this year’s online programme will continue to share the message of peace and connect with existing and new audiences in preparation for its physical return in 2022.

Artwork on show at town's new Liberty Tavern

* An example of artist Jon Young's work.

The new Liberty Tavern and Wine Bar in Market Street, Llangollen, is currently playing host to popular artist Jon Young. 

His portrait work helps to set the tone of this new venue and the first of four pop-up events is taking place on Thursday May 27, from 1pm – 7pm.

Visitors will be able to enjoy the relaxed hospitality and see some of Jon’s other work in addition to the permanent display. 

Originals, prints and cards will be available to buy and Jon’s new Rock Legend series will be having one of its first outings. 

Jon Young Art at Liberty Tavern and Wine Bar

Thursday May 27

Thursday and Friday June 24 and 25

Thursday and Friday July 23 and 24

Thursday and Friday August 19 and 20 

Latest Citizens Advice column

Here's the latest column from Denbighshire Citizens Advice:

Q: I’ve been saving up to have my kitchen redone, but I’m a bit worried about it. Last time I had any work done on the house, it took more than double the time I thought it would and ended up costing me a fortune. I’m looking for a different builder this time, but how will I know I can trust them? 

A: Many of us will take advantage of the warmer weather and bank holiday weekends coming up to improve our homes, and it’s important to make sure the job goes well. Here are some steps you should take when choosing a trader: 

     Find a Trading Standards ‘approved trader’ - use the internet to search for one in your area or the Government’s approved trader scheme TrustMark.

     Get references or recommendations - ask people you know or ask the person you hire for examples of work they’ve carried out in the past. Try to avoid contractors who won’t give references - it’s a sign they could be dishonest.

     Find out if they are a current member of a trade body - trade bodies have codes of practice and can help resolve problems if things go wrong, so check your trader is a member. Ask who they’re registered with and then check the trade body’s website.

     Only use certified traders for gas and electrics - it’s dangerous to use someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. Check the Gas Safe Register for a list of traders and use a registered electrician who can certify their own work. When you’re having a kitchen fitted, it’s worth checking whether the person you’ve hired will be doing the electrical or gas work themselves. If not, check who they will be using and whether they’re registered.

     Get a written quote - this is different to an estimate. A quote is legally binding and the builder can’t change it without a good reason - for example, if you ask for extra work to be done. Try to compare quotes from a number of contractors to make sure you’re getting a fair price.

     Get a written contract - this should cover exactly what you’re paying for and everything you’ve agreed on, like timings, payments, who will pay for materials and subcontractors.

     Think carefully about payment - opt to pay in stages rather than upfront. Where possible, try to pay by card as this can afford you extra safeguards if something goes wrong.

     Keep copies of receipts - also keep your written contract as evidence, as well as photos of any problems if they arise. 

* If you have a problem with a contractor, and you’re not sure what to do or where to go, call the Citizens Advice consumer helpline 0808 223 1133.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

County to spend an extra £1.5m on potholes, says story

The Denbighshire Free Press is reporting that Denbighshire County Council has earmarked an extra £1.5m to deal with potholes.

* For the full story, see:

Latest vaccination update from the health centre

Llangollen Health Centre yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon posted its latest vaccination update on Facebook.

It says: "We are still booking patients aged 40 and over in for their first Covid vaccine. If you are in this age group and haven’t had yours yet please email to book an appointment.

"Patients aged 18 – 39: You will be vaccinated by the South Wrexham Vaccination Team at Plas Madoc Leisure Centre.
"The team are contacting patients via text in the first instance so they need an up to date mobile number.

"If you want to make sure that they have the correct number for you please email with your name, date of birth and your mobile number.
"If you wish to decline the offer of a Covid vaccine please email We will update your records and you will no longer receive texts from the South Wrexham team.
"Please note that the practice is not responsible for vaccinating this age group and any queries should be sent to:

Denbighshire signs pledge on mental health

Denbighshire County Council has signed a pledge to end stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems.

The Council signed an employer pledge with the Time to Change Wales campaign delivered by two of Wales’ leading mental health charities, Hafal and Mind Cymru.

By signing the pledge, Denbighshire County Council is showing its commitment to change the way people think and act about mental health at work.

Cllr Richard Mainon, the Council’s Lead Member for Corporate Services and Strategic Direction, said: “As a Council we are pleased to support this campaign to promote mental health and end the stigma surrounding it.

“This pledge is a commitment to change the way we all think and act about mental health at work.

“Supporting staff and tackling mental health stigma and discrimination is a priority for the Council and this pledge forms part of our Mental Health Strategy which includes a new Mental Health Policy and resources for staff, training Mental Health First Aiders, and a number of initiatives to ensure mental health becomes part of everyday language.”

More than 190 organisations have signed up to the Time to Change Wales pledge, including the Welsh Government, Transport for Wales and Cardiff University.

Lowri Wyn Jones, Programme Manager for Time to Change Wales, said: “We are delighted Denbighshire County Council has made a pledge to take positive steps to help tackle mental health stigma and discrimination in their organisation.

“We have worked with them to develop a comprehensive action plan to sit at the heart of their pledge so practical action is taken to tackle stigma at every level of the organisation.

“Mental health problems are the leading cause of sickness absence in the workplace, with 1 in 6 workers experiencing symptoms of depression, stress or anxiety. The cost of mental health problems in Wales is estimated at £7.2 billion a year in loss of output, healthcare bills and social benefits.”

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Campaigner calls for details of Plas Madoc tip negotiations

* The household waste recycling centre at Plas Madoc.

The local man campaigning for Dee Valley people to be able to share a household waste recycling facility with neighbouring Wrexham has written an open letter to Llangollen's two county councillors calling for details of negotiations.

Phil Jones organised a 900-signature petition calling for an agreement between the two councils enabling residents in this area to be able to use the Plas Madoc tip rather than having to drive over to Ruthin.

As a result of an update on the situation being given to members of the Town Council at their meeting last night by Cllr Melvyn Mile, who sits on both the town and county councils, Mr Jones has sent an open letter him and his county colleague Cllr Graham Timms on the subject.

He has also sent a copy to llanblogger for publication.

Mr Jones writes: "I listened with dismay to the comments you (Cllr. Mile) made when providing an update at the recent meeting of the Town Council on the outstanding issue of access to the Plas Madoc recycling centre. 

"I note that the officer report on this matter was not produced in time for it to be considered at the meeting of the Dee Valley Member Area Group (MAG) held last Monday.

"It concerned me greatly that you thought it ‘very unlikely’ that we would get access to Plas Madoc. If your opinion proves to be correct, I think the public has a right to know the full details of this issue. I therefore request that you provide me with a copy of the said report and the financial analysis which must have been done to underpin its recommendations.

"Please note that over 900 of your electors are demanding access to the Plas Madoc facility. Please also note that DCC spends far more per capita on waste in towns like Ruthin and Denbigh than it does for residents of the Dee Valley. We expect a service equal to that enjoyed by other residents of Denbighshire, and we expect you to fight for this on our behalf.

Regards Phil Jones"