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Sunday, May 9, 2021

Welsh Labour win police and crime commissioner election

Welsh Labour's Andy Dunbobbin (pictured) has been elected as the new North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner after victory in last Thursday's election, which was counted today (Sunday).

He won with a total of 98,034 votes against 90,149 for Conservative Pat Astbury.

In his election material the Flintshire county councillor said: "Having, lived, studied and worked in North Wales my whole life, I have a deep understanding of the challenges we all currently face in our communities.  

"There are some who I listen to saying that they feel left behind and their voices aren’t getting heard. I hear you and I want to make a positive difference in people’s lives. I want to be your voice and the bridge linking North Wales Police to our communities. 

"As a proactive county councillor for many years, and with the last six years being Armed Forces Champion,  I have used my vast experience to lead - and achieve - the Gold award of Governments’ Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) throughout a period of significant cuts and changes.

"Despite the many challenges, and by working closely with many Chief Officers and their teams, I have built a strong network across many public services. 

"I work constructively with others across the six Local Authorities of North Wales along with third sector and other voluntary/community groups. I have delivered in making our Armed Forces community of North Wales as an inspiration for others to follow.  This is also widely recognised as I’m elected as North Wales Armed Forces Strategic Group Vice-chair.  

"Whilst employed previously as a Social Innovation Outreach Worker, I was involved in developing and sustaining positive relationships with a wide range of local people including community leaders, council officers, local groups and third sector organisations.  I pride myself on engagement, listening and strategising. This has played a huge part in my successes to date. 


"My deeply-embedded partnership approach has always paid dividends for all parts of our community so that we all benefit.  I have solid knowledge and experience within Local Government, third sector and other public services – vital attributes needed as a Police Crime Commissioner. I am also an ambassador for the White Ribbon campaign. 


"I have five pledges which are outlined below:


1. To champion local neighbourhood policing - giving communities a real say in policing for their areas and increasing Police visibility. We all want to feel safe and secure. 


2. To adopt a ‘victim first’ approach to policing, putting victims of crime first and ensure that their rights are protected.  


3. Keep up our fight against violence against women and girls and all forms of domestic violence. As a White Ribbon Ambassador I promise to never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women. 


4. Ensure North Wales Police is fully equipped to deal with the future of online threats, working with colleagues across Wales.


5. Ensuring a value for money in police budgets, and prioritising local policing teams. It is public money for public services."

* For the full election story, seeElection 2021: Labour gain police commissioner in north Wales - BBC News

Polling station switch put people off voting, says councillor

* The polling station was switched to the foyer of the International Pavilion.

One of Llangollen's county councillors has raised the issue of the change in polling station with Denbighshire council chiefs.

Due to Covid precautions the usual station at the town hall was switched to the International Pavilion, which was said to provide more room for social distancing.

But Cllr Graham Timms claims its out-of-town location put some people off casting their vote in last Thursday's elections for the Senedd and the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner.

He told llanblogger: "I have written to Denbighshire County Council about the change of location of the polling station from Llangollen Council Chamber to the Pavilion.

"Whilst it was changed for good reasons it wasn't well publicised and  added a few minutes extra walking time for most of the population of the town. 

"This discouraged some voters from turning out to vote. 

"I was told by a number of people that they were not voting because of the extra distance to the polling station from their homes on the other side of the town.

"I've also made the suggestion to have two polling stations in Llangollen. This would be especially important if the  Pavilion is used again.

"Whilst it is easy for many voters to get in the car and drive the extra mile, we need to ensure that those who choose to vote in person can do so conveniently."

Saturday, May 8, 2021

This year's Fringe Festival will go ahead ... but later

This year’s Llangollen Fringe will go ahead despite the pandemic.

In its latest briefing email the popular annual festival of music and arts says the show will go on later in the year, from September 10-18, and will be a mixture of online entertainment and live shows.

The Fringe team says: “While the Covid crisis seems to be easing there is still understandable uncertainty about what lies ahead and what it will be possible to do entertainment-wise. 

“We have our fingers on the pulse, so rest assured we will bring you the very best that is possible. 

“Hopefully, we will be able to put on a hybrid of online entertainment and some shows - in the Town Hall and elsewhere - where some size of actual live audience is allowed.”

They add: “One of British music's emerging one-off geniuses, Baxter Dury, was scheduled to play the 2020 Fringe. He is still very keen to play for us and we are hoping that something might be arranged for Saturday July 31. A Fringe Taster if you like!

“There is no certainty obviously, but again watch this space and we'll keep you updated. A taste of what we might be getting is here - Baxter Dury.”

Looking ahead to next year’s festival, the team says: “Fringe 22 will be a year of celebration because the Fringe will be 25. 

“The 2022 festival will revert to July and run from the 21st to the 30th.

“The hotly anticipated appearance in Llangollen of Warmduscher has twice been thwarted by the virus. 

“Not to be beaten, we already have them in our 2022 schedule for a taste of their 'braggadocious brand of transatlantic street surrealism' and the 'anarchic bar brawl of their live incarnation'. 

“While we're always wanting to look to the future, it's good to look back from time to time as well and the 25th Fringe seems an appropriate time to do that. 

“So, any of you with Fringe memorabilia or special memories from the 25 years, we'd love to hear from you.  Please drop an email to

Two roadworks alerts

Latest local roadworks alerts from are:


Queen Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire

10 May — 28 May


Delays likely - Traffic control (two-way signals)


Works location: A5, Nr Star Inn Jnc with Brook Street - Regent Street, Llangollen


Works description: Refurbishment of Traffic Signals Pedestrian Crossing. Works to Include - Renewal of tactile paving, Renewal of underground cables, Renewal of Traffic Signal heads, Renewal of Road markings - Works between 09:00hrs and 16:00hrs


Responsibility for works: Welsh Government


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: PD5012031616152925


Hill Street, Llangollen, Denbighshire

10 May — 14 May


Delays possible - Traffic control (two-way signals)


Works location: Hill Street


Works description: 10/05/21-14/05/21/RIchard Shone/Footway Slurry/Traffic Lights...


Responsibility for works: Denbighshire County Council


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: QR015S000000001741


Friday, May 7, 2021

Skates holds Clwyd South for Welsh Labour

Ken Skates has held the Clwyd South Senedd seat for Welsh Labour.

The Minister for the Economy and Transport polled 10,448 votes compared to the 7,535 recorded by his Welsh Conservative opponent Barbara Hughes.

His majority is therefore 2,913, compared to 3,016 when he held the seat in 2016.

Full results are:

Change compared with 2016

  1. Labour,Ken Skates

    Votes 10,448Share 43.2%Share change +7.7
  2. Conservative,Barbara Hughes

    Votes 7,535Share 31.1%Share change +9.2
  3. Plaid Cymru,Llyr Gruffydd

    Votes 4,094Share 16.9%Share change -0.5
  4. Liberal Democrat,Leena Farhat

    Votes 730Share 3.0%Share change -7.3
  5. Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party,Jonathon Harrington

    Votes 599Share 2.5%Share change +2.5
  6. UK Independence Party,Jeanette Bassford-Barton

    Votes 522Share 2.2%Share change -10.6
  7. Reform UK,Mandy Jones

    Votes 277Share 1.1%Share change +1.1


Registered voters55,237



Ken Skates's 2016 majority over Simon Baynes - 3,016

2016 Senedd election results

* Lesley Griffiths held the neighbouring Wrexham seat for Welsh Labour.

Health centre's urgent vaccination message

Llangollen Health Centre has put out this urgent vaccination message:

County councillor gives background to heavy diversion traffic

* One of the diversion signs, at the lights on Castle Street.

One of Llangollen’s county councillors has revealed the assurances he sought from highways chiefs to prevent a major diversion through the town causing traffic chaos. 

Two overnight closures of the A483 in both directions between the Chirk and Halton roundabouts from Thursday-Saturday, from 8pm until 6am, to allow essential repairs to the viaduct has led to traffic being diverted though Llangollen. 

On the first night, last night, traffic was extremely heavy on the A5 and along Castle Street leading to complaints from residents. 

Asked by llanblogger for his reaction to this, County Councillor Melvyn Mile revealed the contents of his email exchanges in advance of the works with national and local highways officials.   

Writing first to the North & Mid-Wales Trunk Road Agency (NMWTRA), which is in charge of the operation, he said: “I’d like to point out that the last time the A483 was closed due to high winds, it caused total chaos in Llangollen.

“Presently we have temporary traffic lights on the A5 controlling an excavation just inside the town’s easterly limit, together with temporary lights on the main A5/Castle Street junction.

“You claim that the situation will be monitored, I hope that means men on the ground (Amberon or someone similar) ready to enforce a One-Way system if needs be from the Llangollen Health Centre to the east on the A539 to the old Ty’n y Wern hotel to the east on the A5. A loop of approximately 1 mile.

“The A539 is too narrow to allow two HGV’s to pass each other 100 metres to the east of Dee bridge in Llangollen. It caused much frustration and shows of bad temper at the previous closure.

“Two HGV’s using Castle St together means that the one heading north will have to mount the kerb.

“I appreciate that it’s being done overnight but there is still considerable traffic involved. You may think that I’m scaremongering but I saw the result of the last closure and believe me, I’m not.”

Replying to his concerns, Nia Louise Lennox of the NMWTRA said: “We are very aware of the traffic disruption that was caused when the two viaducts were recently closed due to strong winds.

“The works for each of the two overnight consecutive closures have been planned to ensure that the A483 can be re-opened to traffic before traffic volumes significantly increase in the early morning.

“It is expected that that A483 will be re-opened by 04.00 however a contingency of 2 hours has been allowed for to ensure the road is open by 06.00 as advertised. Over-night traffic volumes are much lower than daytime and morning peak traffic volumes.

“Therefore we do not expect significant disruption along the diversion route. Denbighshire Council Streetworks team have been consulted and are satisfied with the planned arrangements for implementing and the signing of the diversion route.

“The traffic management sub-contractor will be patrolling the diversion route throughout the period of the closure and will be ready to take action to alleviate any disruption that occurs under the direction of NMWTRA personnel who will be in attendance on site.

“The Viaduct is a vital piece of infrastructure. The integrity of the top slab supporting the carriageway has recently been compromised and urgent repairs are needed to prevent the void within the structure being flooded with surface water. The damaging effects of water penetration are accumulative and must be addressed as soon as possible and before the Trunk Road Summer embargo periods, hence the short notice period.”

And from Tony Ward, Denbighshire County Council;s Head of Highways, Facilities and Environmental Services, Cllr Mile received the message: “Having reviewed the narrow section of road east of the Ponsonby Arms on Street view we have decided to erect temporary traffic lights whilst the diversion is in place. 

“We feel it’s a marginal decision given the expected light HGV flow over night but the down side risk created by erecting signals is small and is easily justified. 

“We have also asked the TM contractor/designer to drive the route tomorrow morning to check the latest situation and to advise/discuss with us any other possible current and arising issues that we may be able to provide mitigation for.” 

Cllr Mile told llanblogger: “I did everything I could to ensure traffic congestion caused by the roadworks would be minimised.”