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Thursday, March 25, 2021

Companies present Bryn Collen children with Easter egg gifts

* A Ysgol Bryn Collen pupils gives the thumbs-up to the Easter eggs.

* The consignment of Easter eggs ready for delivery.

Children at Ysgol Bryn Collen will finish for the Easter holidays this week with an extra special treat, courtesy of  the Three Eagles and Tyn Dwr Hall. 

Each child from nursery through to Year Six will be presented with an Easter egg before finishing for their two-week break.

Speaking on behalf of Three Eagles and Tyn Dwr Hall, company director Vicky Jones said: “We were delighted to donate almost 200 Easter eggs to the pupils of Bryn Collen before they finish school for Easter. 

"As a group of businesses we care passionately about our local community and recognise that some of the youngest residents have had a difficult year away from school and their friends. We hope this small gesture will bring a smile to their faces.”

Purchased from Aldi Llangollen earlier in the week, the supermarket staff were kind enough to help Vicky carry and load the eggs before they were distributed at the school.

Headreacher Lisa Howden said: “The children were thrilled to each receive an Easter egg as part of this act of kindness by the team behind Three Eagles and Tyn Dwr Hall. 

"This is the third year the team have generously donated something at Easter time to the students and we are tremendously grateful.”

Reminder that hospital grounds are now smoke-free

Denbighshire County Council and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board are working in partnership to remind residents that hospital grounds, as well as school grounds, public playgrounds, outdoor day care and child-minding settings, are now required to be smoke-free.

Emlyn Jones, Denbighshire County Council’s Head of Planning and Public Protection, said: “We will be working with the health board to assist their approach of advice and guidance to those visiting hospital sites.

“Smoking is extremely harmful and damaging to health and remains one of the main causes of inequalities in health in Wales. These measures have been introduced by Welsh Government to protect employees and the public from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke.

“Smoking will no longer be tolerated on hospital grounds. Officers will only be called to take enforcement as a last resort when it is clear people are ignoring the legislation and where the health board has taken all reasonable measures. Our main focus will be on assisting the health board in providing advice and guidance. Our officers will be dealing sympathetically and compassionately with patients experiencing difficult circumstances in line with the guidance contained within the legislation.

“I would also like to thank the health board for their increased efforts around encouraging people to quit smoking in light of this new legislation.”

Teresa Owen, Executive Director of Public Health, said: "The new Welsh Government regulations will support our efforts to help people quit smoking.

"We welcome the assistance we're receiving from our Local Authority colleagues to help keep public areas smoke free."

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Library and One Stop Shop open from next Monday

* Llangollen Library will re-open next Monday, March 29.

Libraries across Denbighshire will be re-opening their doors from Monday, March 29 for browsing for books, using a computer and printing, and accessing One Stop Shop services. 

To ensure a safe visit, customers will need to phone their local library to make an appointment to visit.

Libraries are a safe place to visit with plenty of room for social distancing, limited numbers of people in at any time, and hand and equipment sanitiser available. All returned books are quarantined for 72 hours before being touched.

Visits to browse and choose books are limited to 20 minutes, and computer sessions are currently limited to 45 minutes, and one per week. You will need your library card number to book a computer session.

If you require help at the One Stop Shop with a council query or to make a payment, please call the library and ensure you have all the relevant details, so that we can deal with your query, and arrange an appointment if you need to come in.

The popular Order and Collect service will continue if you would prefer for library staff to choose the books for you to collect or have delivered to you. 

The Home Library Service is making deliveries of books to anyone who is unable to visit their local library – please call the library or visit the website to find out more about this service.

So that the shelves can be stocked up, you are asked to please return any books you’ve had on loan by dropping them off at the library. All the books currently on loan are being automatically renewed and you won’t be fined even if you’ve had them for months.

You can join the library, order books and download e-books, e-audiobooks, magazines and newspapers free – visit

Wales votes to protect its pets as new law passes Senedd

A vote has just passed in the Senedd introducing new regulations for pet sales. 

The regulations will also ban third party sales of puppies and kittens.

This means that from 10 September it will be an offence to sell a puppy or kitten which the seller has not bred themselves. 

Crucially the new regulations requires the seller to have bred the puppy or kitten “at the premises” – which puts a stop to lengthy and multiple transportations for the young animals, which can cause distress. 

This applies to travel in and around Wales, as well as banning puppies and kittens from being brought in to Wales, for sale.

Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths said: “Our much-loved pets fill us with joy, complete our families, and have helped us get through tough lockdowns during the pandemic.

“I want to thank all Senedd members for voting to ban the third party sales of puppies and kittens today. The people of Wales who responded to our consultation were overwhelmingly in favour of making this happen, and the charities, vets, volunteers and organisations that have worked tirelessly to help form the law into what has been passed today also deserve our thanks.

“We hope a ban will encourage respectful and responsible attitudes towards all animals, provide greater transparency for people who wish to welcome puppies or kittens into their homes as to how they have been bred, and empower Local Authorities to take action if they have concerns about how puppies and kittens are being bred and sold.”

Chief Veterinary Officer Christianne Glossop said: “The way we treat animals reflects the values of our society. That is why Welsh Government and the Wales Animal Health and Welfare Framework Group work in conjunction to promote high animal welfare standards and the responsible ownership of animals. This law will now close loopholes to protect the welfare and wellbeing of our puppies and kittens, while educating us all about what is right and fair for our pets.”

The Regulations will come fully into force on 10 September.  

During this time Statutory Guidance will be co-produced to support enforcement by Local Authorities and this timeline will also allow existing sellers affected to make changes and consider a different operating model to mitigate any potential impact.

MP calls for support for Corwen station project

* Simon Baynes MP asks a question in the Commons.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes has highlighted in Parliament the potential benefits of the levelling-up fund for projects in North Wales, and in particular his constituency.

Mr Baynes asked the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of Wales, David TC Davies MP, whether he would meet with him and visit projects in Clwyd South that fulfil the requirements of the fund, such as the reopening of Corwen station on the Llangollen steam railway and Wrexham's regeneration plans.

In response, the Minister said: “I assure my Hon. Friend that it is always a pleasure to meet him and hear about the enormous amount of hard work he is undertaking in his constituency. 

"Unfortunately, I have been advised that it would not be appropriate for me to visit any specific project site, but I of course look forward to supporting him and other Members of Parliament who continue the work of using the funds being made available by the UK Government to drive forward regeneration in their constituencies.”

Speaking later, Mr Baynes said: “These projects have real potential to bring funding and investment to Clwyd South which our communities vitally need following the Covid-19 pandemic. 

"So I’m keen, whenever possible, to bang the drum and support these projects and am eager to work with the UK Government to boost our North Wales economy and encourage growth and the creation of new, well-paying jobs locally.”

St Collen's carefully plans its Easter service

Llangollen Group of Anglican Church has issued information about its forthcoming Easter service.

This says: "Our Easter Sunday celebration at 11am will be going ahead as planned and in accordance with the latest restrictions from the Welsh Government. 

"Under Alert Level 4 for Wales, churches are allowed to remain open for public worship. 

"We have reviewed our arrangements (including Risk Assessments) for this service so that everyone will be kept safe.

"St Collen's is a large building and we have worked out a maximum number for attendance so that everyone is kept at a safe distance. 

"All those planning to attend will need to REGISTER (their names and contact numbers) by email:, or by signing up after the 11am service this Sunday (28th March).

"The services are much shorter than they would usually be.

"There is a small choir (of physically distanced singers) leading the music in full compliance with the Welsh Government.

"Face coverings in church are mandatory.

"The church building is fully sanitised after each service and hand sanitiser is readily available for individuals around the church. 

"All up-to-date information can be accessed online by visiting the Welsh Government & Church in Wales websites."

Welsh Government's coronavirus update

Latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government (dated yesterday) is: 

Coronavirus in numbers

  • The number of people who have received a Covid vaccine in Wales is being published every weekday by Public Health Wales.
  • The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has today published statistics on provisional weekly deaths, including deaths involving Covid-19 for the week ending 12 March 2021.
    • The cumulative number of deaths involving Covid-19 occurring in Welsh residents up to 12 March 2021 was 7,731.
    • Of these, there were provisionally 68 deaths involving Covid-19 registered in Welsh residents in the week ending 12 March. This was 35 fewer than the previous week. The number of registered deaths involving Covid has declined for eight successive weeks and is at its lowest level since late October.
    • For the period 7 March 2020 to 12 March 2021, there were a total of 5,600 excess deaths (17%) above the five-year average.
    • More deaths involving Covid were registered in the second wave of the pandemic than the first.
    • The excess death rate for Wales for the pandemic period to date was lower in Wales than in England.
    • For the latest week, both England and Wales saw deaths below the five-year average.
    • The numbers reported by ONS are different from those from Public Health Wales because of different reporting methods and timing.

What to do if you have symptoms of coronavirus

Where to find the latest information