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Thursday, November 19, 2020

Seized criminals' cash will benefit local crimebusters


* PCC Arfon Jones with Sacha Hatchett, Assistant Chief Constable of North Wales Police and Ashley Rogers, chairman for PACT .

A £60,000 fund will give “power to the people” to decide who receives cash seized from criminals in North Wales.

The Your Community Your Choice scheme was launched to reward local crime busters across the region and North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Arfon Jones is urging community groups to bid for a share of the pot.

Up for grabs are three grants of up to £2,500 for groups in each of the six counties of North Wales and three grants of up to £5,000 for organisations working in three or more counties.

This is the eighth year of the scheme which is organised by the police and crime commissioner in conjunction with North Wales Police and the North Wales Police and Community Trust (PACT).

Over that period a total of £310,000 has been awarded to 106 projects working to support the priorities in the commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan which sets out a blueprint for policing North Wales.

Entries close on Friday, December 11, with the Your Community, Your Choice entry form available on the North Wales Police website with a link to it on the Police Commissioner’s website.

A shortlist of applicants will be chosen by a special panel with the winners being decided by a public vote.

The cash for the awards comes partly from money seized by the courts through the Proceeds of Crime Act with the rest from the Police Commissioner’s Fund.

Commissioner Jones, a former police inspector, said: “These awards are important because they involve the community and the communities decide where the money can best be spent. It gives power to the people.

“A lot of what we fund is aimed at providing something for young people to get involved with in their spare time rather than being tempted to commit crime or indulge in anti-social behaviour.

“We want to support communities so they are able to take responsibility for their own areas.

“Smaller community groups like them can do a great deal to make communities safer, reduce crime and reduce re-offending, It also sends a good message to the communities because it shows we are listening to them.”

His message was backed by Assistant Chief Constable Sacha Hatchett who said: “This is the eighth year of the scheme and it has been a great success because it gives the public and local communities the chance to have a stake in how local issues are addressed and how we together tackle crime and disorder.

“I get particular satisfaction that part of the funding comes from the proceeds of crime, so that money is taken out of the pockets of criminals and their ill-gotten gains by the courts and is put back into community initiatives.

“It’s turning bad money into good and it’s making a real difference because it is local people who recognise and understand their local issues and how to solve them.

“Policing is part of the community and the community is part of policing and this scheme is a positive way of building trust in policing.

“It’s great to see those relationships flourish because without the community we won’t know what’s going on, without the community we won’t get vital intelligence, and we won’t solve crimes.”

PACT chairman Ashley Rogers added: “Your community your choice is a really valuable way of supporting communities and putting the choice of which projects are supported in their hands.

“It’s a very democratic process which is why I think it’s been such a long running  and successful scheme.

“At a time when community groups are struggling for funding, I was delighted that the Police and Crime Commissioner and the force increased the size of the funding pot by 50%.

“It’s lovely project to be involved with and you can directly see the benefits from the funding in strengthening our resilient communities.”

* Completed applications must be returned by e-mail to by 5pm on the closing date of Friday, December 11. For more information go to the commissioner’s website  or the PACT website


MP welcomes Prime Minister's green blueprint

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes (pictured) has welcomed the Prime Minister’s announcement of a ten-point plan for a "green industrial revolution" which aims to create and support up to 250,000 British jobs.

Covering clean energy, transport, nature and innovative technologies, the blueprint sets out to allow the UK to eradicate its contribution to climate change by 2050, particularly crucial in the run up to the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow next year.

The plan – which is part of the PM’s mission to "level up" across the country - will use £12 billion of government investment to create and support up to 250,000 highly-skilled green jobs in the UK, and spur over three times as much private sector investment by 2030.

At the centre of the plan are the UK’s industrial heartlands, including Wales.

The Prime Minister’s ten points, which are built around the UK’s strengths, are:

1. Offshore wind: Producing enough offshore wind to power every home, quadrupling how much we produce to 40GW by 2030, supporting up to 60,000 jobs.

2. Hydrogen: Working with industry aiming to generate 5GW of low carbon hydrogen production capacity by 2030 for industry, transport, power and homes, developing the first town heated entirely by hydrogen by the end of the decade.

3. Nuclear: Advancing nuclear as a clean energy source, across large scale nuclear and developing the next generation of small and advanced reactors, which could support 10,000 jobs.

4. Electric vehicles: Backing our world-leading car manufacturing bases including in the West Midlands, North East and North Wales to accelerate the transition to electric vehicles, and transforming our national infrastructure to better support electric vehicles.

5.Public transport, cycling and walking: Making cycling and walking more attractive ways to travel and investing in zero-emission public transport of the future.

6. Jet Zero and greener maritime: Supporting difficult-to-decarbonise industries to become greener through research projects for zero-emission planes and ships.

7. Homes and public buildings: Making our homes, schools and hospitals greener, warmer and more energy efficient, whilst creating 50,000 jobs by 2030, and a target to install 600,000 heat pumps every year by 2028.

8. Carbon capture: Becoming a world-leader in technology to capture and store harmful emissions away from the atmosphere, with a target to remove 10MT of carbon dioxide by 2030, equivalent to all emissions of the industrial Humber today.

9. Nature: Protecting and restoring our natural environment, planting 30,000 hectares of trees every year, whilst creating and retaining thousands of jobs.

10. Innovation and finance: Developing the cutting-edge technologies needed to reach these new energy ambitions and make the City of London the global centre of green finance.

Simon Baynes MP said: “The Prime Minister’s announcement is hugely ambitious and will turbo-charge a green industrial revolution across Wales and the UK.

“With its established offshore wind, nuclear and electric vehicle industries, Wales is exceptionally well-placed to drive forward decarbonisation of energy, industry and domestic heating and be a centre for innovation in green technology like carbon capture."

Latest Citizens Advice column

Here is the latest advice column from Denbighshire Citizens Advice

Q: I’d like some advice on keeping my energy bills down please. I work in admin for a big corporation. We’ve been working from home since lockdown, and have been told we’ll not be back in the office before January at the earliest. Now the weather has turned, I’m freezing sitting here all day in front of my computer! I’m worried if I turn the heating up my bills are going to go through the roof!

A: I’m sorry this is causing you to worry. However, fortunately, there’s lots you can do to keep bills down.

Firstly, see if you can get a better deal by changing your energy supplier. However, as well as comparing prices, it’s a good idea to check the customer service record of a company before switching. Citizens Advice has a price comparison tool on our website, and our star rating assesses the customer service records of the 40 biggest companies.

There are also little, everyday things that can help, such as making sure televisions and other devices are switched off and not left on standby; washing clothes on a lower temperature; and only filling the kettle with the water you need.

You’re right in another way about bills going through the roof - and the walls. One way of cutting costs in the long term is to invest in good insulation - or ask your landlord to do so.

If your pay is close to the national minimum wage, the extra costs of working from home could be counted as a pay cut and bring you below the legal level. Talk to your manager or HR department, or your union rep if that feels more comfortable.

Finally, your employer should pay for any costs connected to your health and safety - such as a suitable chair for work at a computer. It’s also worth taking a look at your employer’s expenses policy, you may be able to claim for a number of other things, such as printer ink or telephone line rental.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Free after three parking returns for the festive period

* Market Street car park is one of those which will be free after three.

Denbighshire County Council’s festive free parking scheme is returning between November 21 and December 31.

To encourage more people to use their local high street for shopping in the run up to Christmas and New Year, free parking will be available in Council-run town centre car parks from 3pm every day.

The Free After Three initiative will be available in the following car parks:

Llangollen:   Hall Street; Market Street; Mill Street

Corwen:        Green Lane

Denbigh:       Multi-Storey; Crown Lane; Factory Ward; Post Office Lane,

Prestatyn:    Lower High Street; Railway station

Rhuddlan:    Parliament Street

Rhyl:             Central; Morley Road; Queen Street; Sky Tower; West Kinmel Street, Rhyl Railway; Rhyl Library (disabled bays only)

Ruthin:         Crispin Yard; Dog Lane; Park Road; Rhos Street; St Peter's Square; Troed y Rhiw

Morfa Hall private car park, Rhyl, is not included in the initiative.

As well as the Free After Three scheme, the Council continues to offer two hours free parking at any time during the day until December 31 at the following car parks, Vale Street, Denbigh; East Street Llangollen; King’s Avenue, Prestatyn; Market Street, Ruthin; Bowling Green, St Asaph and Town Hall Car Park, Rhyl.

Cllr Brian Jones, the Council’s Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment, said, said: “The Free After Three parking initiative has been established now for a number of years and complements our #LoveLiveLocal campaign to encourage more people to use our high streets for their festive shopping. We understand it has been a difficult time for businesses and we are encouraging shoppers to use this opportunity. There are a wealth of independent shops and businesses county-wide that offer a wide range of goods and services.

“We also want to remind residents of the two hour free parking scheme we introduced in the summer to help businesses struggling with the effects of the Covid-19 outbreak. With our two free parking initiatives, we hope more people will come into our towns to see what they have to offer. I’m sure they won’t be disappointed.”

Senedd elections to go ahead on May 6, despite pandemic


Plans to ensure the people of Wales can vote safely at the 2021 Senedd elections, and that they take place as planned on 6 May 2021, have been set out by the First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford (pictured).

The 2021 Senedd elections are already set to be historic - they are the first elections to be subject to laws made in Wales, and for the first time, 16 and 17 year olds as well as qualifying foreign citizens, will have the democratic right to vote.

However, the Coronavirus pandemic has created significant challenges to maintaining the safety and integrity of the election.

The First Minister established the Elections Planning Group in June to consider the impact of Coronavirus and in particular, what legislative adjustments might need to be made as a result.

The group has agreed on a number of measures to increase flexibility and resilience of election operations, reflecting public health advice on how best to protect the safety and wellbeing of all involved.

These include:

  • Measures to encourage vulnerable voters and others to consider applying for a postal vote and to apply early if possible;
  • To provide greater flexibility around the nomination of candidates, as well as postal and proxy voting;
  • Measures to ensure the safe operation of polling stations and count venues. The Welsh Government will do everything that it is appropriate to support Returning Officers to make the necessary arrangements;
  • Ensuring Coronavirus regulations do not inhibit voting.

The Welsh Government is also making contingency plans in the event that the Coronavirus pandemic presents such a serious threat to public health that it is not safe to hold the election in May next year.

Preparations are underway for a draft Bill to enable the Llywydd, the Senedd’s Presiding Officer, to postpone the election for up to six months, if that becomes necessary. This would enable Ministers to introduce the required legislation before the Senedd in January, if the situation after Christmas indicates that this is likely to be needed as a last resort.

Addressing the Senedd, First Minister Mark Drakeford said: “Let me take this opportunity to once again state that this Government’s clear intention is that the next Senedd election should be held on 6 May 2021. We are also determined to do everything in our power to ensure people can vote when the election takes place.

“I believe we must pursue every option for enabling people to exercise their democratic right in the face of Coronavirus.

“Much communications activity is planned to encourage postal voting, and everything will be done to make polling stations covid secure.”

The First Minister added: “I would like to thank the members of the Elections Planning Group for their work to help us prepare for next year’s Senedd elections.

“This has been a remarkable year and a remarkable Fifth Senedd. Let us work together to ensure that the people of Wales, including those newly enfranchised, can exercise their democratic right safely.”


Ysgol Y Gwernant celebrates renewal of Platinum Flag Award

* Ysgol Y Gwernant pupils celebrate their success.

Pupils at Ysgol y Gwernant, Llangollen  have proven their green credentials after being awarded a top eco award. 

The school have succeeded renewing the prestigious Platinum Flag Award for the third time as part of the environmental education programme Eco-Schools.

Eco-Schools is an international programme run in Wales by environmental charity Keep Wales Tidy and funded by the Welsh Government. 

Over 90% of schools in Wales are registered on the programme.

The Eco-Schools programme inspires and empowers pupils to be leaders of change in their community, helping them learn about sustainable living and global citizenship while giving them the information and support they need to make changes that will benefit their school, local environment and wider community, such as reducing waste, energy consumption, transport, biodiversity, healthy living and litter issues.

As part of their Eco-Schools Platinum assessment, Ysgol Y Gwernant continue to recycle various materials, complete litter picks, reduce the use of plastic, monitor taps, computer screens and lighting daily to reduce energy and water within the school. 

They also complete regular nature tasks in the outdoor / wild garden and ensure that eco issues are implemented in the school lessons/themes.

Catrin Hughes, Education Officer for Keep Wales Tidy, said:  "We understand that this is a unique and challenging time and therefore it’s great that you are continuing to fulfil your long term action plans as well as your plans to proceed with your new targets. The school, teachers and pupils should feel proud of their hard work and commitment."


Mae disgyblion Ysgol y Gwernant , Llangollen wedi profi eu nodweddion gwyrdd ar ôl llwyddo i ennill gwobr amgylcheddol arbennig.Mae’r ysgol wedi llwyddo i adnewyddu y  Wobr Baner Blatinwm am y trydydd gwaith  yn rhan o’r  rhaglen addysg amgylcheddol, Eco-Sgolion.

Mae Eco-Sgolion yn raglen ryngwladol sy’n cael ei chynnal yng Nghymru gan yr elusen amgylcheddol Cadwch Gymru'n Daclus, ac mae’n cael ei hariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru.Mae dros 90% o ysgolion Cymru wedi cofrestru â’r rhaglen.

Mae Eco-Sgolion yn ysbrydoli ac yn grymuso disgyblion i arwain newid yn eu cymunedau, ac yn eu helpu i ddysgu am fyw’n gynaliadwy a dinasyddiaeth fyd-eang. Mae hefyd yn rhoi’r wybodaeth a’r gefnogaeth sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw i wneud newidiadau a fydd o fudd i’w hysgol, yr amgylchedd lleol a’r gymuned ehangach – fel lleihau gwastraff, defnyddio ynni, trafnidiaeth, bioamrywiaeth, byw’n iach a phroblemau sbwriel.

Fel rhan o asesiad Platinwm Eco-Sgolion, mae Ysgol y Gwernant yn parhau i hybu ailgylchu o bob math , casglu sbwriel  , lleihau gwastraff plastig ,monitro dyddiol i arbed ynni a dŵr o fewn yr ysgol , gweithgareddau natur yn yr awyr agored , integreiddio gweithgareddau Eco i’r gwersi a llawer mwy . Dywedodd Catrin Hughes Swyddog Addysg Cadwch Gymru’n Daclus:

“Rydym yn deall ei fod yn amser arbennig a heriol ac felly mae’n wych bod eich gweithredoedd hirdymor yn parhau yn ogystal a’ch bwriad i fwrw ymlaen gyda eich targedau newydd. Dylai’r ysgol , staff a disgyblion deimlo’n falch o’u gwaith caled a’u hymrwymiad.”

Local roadworks update


Latest local roadworks update from is:


Horseshoe Pass View, Llangollen,  Denbighshire

20 November — 26 November


Delays unlikely - Some carriageway incursion


Works location: OUTSIDE 11




Responsibility for works: MANWEB


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: GY1143100722959