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Friday, November 6, 2020

The county council services due to re-open on Monday

* Llangollen Library is amongst the services to re-open on Monday.

Denbighshire County Council is informing residents about services which will restart at the end of the firebreak lockdown.

The lockdown in Wales comes to an end on Monday, November 9 and a number of services which have been closed in recent weeks, will re-open.

They include waste and recycling centres and libraries while years 9 and above will return to school. 

  • Waste and Recycling – household waste recycling centres will re-open on Monday, November 9 and bookings are now open for the three fixed sites at Rhyl, Denbigh and Ruthin. Bookings for the Llangollen pop-up site will reopen from 8.30am on November 9 for the service on the morning of Saturday, November 14. You will be able to book a slot for the Corwen pop-up recycling event on the morning of Saturday, November 21, from 8.30am on Monday, November 16. Residents are reminded that on Welsh Government guidance, visits to household waste recycling centres should only be made if the journey is essential. You can make bookings for the household waste recycling centres and pop-up sites by visiting 
  • Libraries – Denbighshire’s eight libraries will re-open on Monday, November 9. Customers can access their local library for browsing and collecting books as well as using the available computer and One Stop Shop services by appointment by phoning their local library. The home library service will also re-start while a wide range of digital books, magazines and newspapers remain available through Denbighshire’s online library service. For more information visit 
  • Schools - From Monday, November 9, schools will be open to all pupils. Any pupils who have been contacted by the school or the Test, Trace and Protect team, and told to self-isolate must continue to do so. Those advised to self-isolate should book a coronavirus test if they develop any of these symptoms, even if they are mild. A test can be booked by phoning 119 or online:

Parents/guardians have been advised to remain alert for the main symptoms of coronavirus are :

A new or continuous cough

A high temperature

A loss of or change to sense of smell or taste

Advice requires those self-isolating to stay at home, not to go outdoors to exercise, to visit shops, family or friends, or to other public spaces. Please do not invite people to your house. Further formation on Test, Trace, and Protect can be found here 

Travel between Wales and England still restricted, says Minister

Travel between Wales and England will continue to be restricted as Wales’ firebreak ends and England’s month-long lockdown gets underway, Minister for Economy and North Wales Ken Skates said today.

There will be no restrictions on travel within Wales from next Monday, November 9 but the new national measures, which will come into force will mean travel will only be possible across the Wales-England border with a reasonable excuse.

Examples of a reasonable excuse include travelling for work, education, a medical appointment, legal requirement or compassionate grounds.

The English lockdown also means cross-border travel is not allowed unless one of the exceptions in the English regulations applies. 

Mr Skates said: “As the firebreak in Wales ends on November 9, communities in England are just beginning a four-week lockdown. 

“This means cross-border travel between Wales and England will not be permitted without a reasonable excuse. It’s really important that as we open up, Wales doesn’t become an escape for people seeking to circumvent the new tighter restrictions in England.”

The end of the firebreak will also see businesses reopen in Wales. There will be new covid-safety measures in place in the hospitality sector, including advance booking, time-limited slots and verified identification.

Ken Skates added: “It will not be a reasonable excuse for people to come into Wales for non-essential purposes such as going to a pub or restaurant.

“We are coming out of the firebreak carefully and cautiously, with measures in place to ensure we do not lose what we have gained over the past two weeks.

“I am very aware that not being able to travel across the border between Wales and England will be difficult for some, but we are dealing with a public health emergency and we must all do what is right to protect our families and our communities wherever we live.

 “We look forward to welcoming visitors back to Wales, and for the normal day to day life in our cross-border communities to return, but for now we need to keep Wales safe and keep the UK safe."

* Denbighshire County Council has issued a heartfelt thanks to the county’s residents for their efforts during the fire break that was put in place to try and halt the increase in coronavirus cases across Wales.

Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of Denbighshire said: “This has been another challenging time for people, with many people continuing to make sacrifices in the on-going fight against covid  and I would like to thank Denbighshire residents for their tremendous efforts over the past two weeks. 

“We fully recognised that some people may have found it difficult and unsettling, but  covid remains a real threat and compliance with regulations is essential if the county is to continue to play its part to protect the most vulnerable in our communities.

“The fire break will come to an end on Monday, with new, national regulations due to take their place.  We must continue with our efforts now and in the future and the focus is now on people taking ownership by taking steps to protect themselves and others.  We also should continue to follow the social distancing measures, as well as wearing face masks to visit shops and travel on public transport. We also need to be following stringent hygiene measures that have been advised."

Electric waste collection vehicle trialled in Denbighshire

* The electric vehicle which has been trialled in Rhyl, Prestatyn and Ruthin with staff from the Waste and Recycling team and Cllr Brian Jones.

Residents in Rhyl, Prestatyn and Ruthin have had their bins emptied by an electric waste collection vehicle for the first time.

Denbighshire County Council’s Waste and Recycling team has been trialling a new waste collection vehicle which runs solely on electric.

The trial of the Dennis Eagle e-Collect, on loan through Dennis Eagle, a well-established supplier of waste collection vehicles, is part of the Council’s work to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment. 

Cllr Brian Jones, Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment, said: “The council is serious about tackling the climate and ecological change emergency.

“As part of that work we are asking residents to recycle as much of their waste as possible and we must also reduce the carbon emissions generated through collecting our waste, and keep pace with the new developments in technology. 

“The waste collection crews involved in the trial have been very positive about the electric vehicle and are confident it is up to the job.

“The trial has shown plenty of battery capacity left at the end of shifts and without exhaust fumes and a reduction in noise, the vehicle is safer and more comfortable to operate for staff.”

The council will use evidence from the trial to determine how many electric vehicles it could introduce to its fleet in the next two years, as its existing fleet comes up for replacement.

The council will assess which areas of the county can be serviced by this particular model of vehicle as a range of sizes of refuse collection vehicles are currently used across the county.

The council’s new waste depot development in Denbigh, due to be completed in 2022, is being designed to accommodate electric vehicles, as well as other ultra-low emission vehicles.

Health centre says it is working under "extreme pressure"

* Llangollen Health Centre.

Llangollen Health Centre has highlighted the seriousness of the coronavirus situation locally and explained what its team are doing about it.

On Facebook it says: "We are seeing a distinct rise in the number of Covid-19 positive cases in our practice area.
"As a result, we are currently working under extreme pressure and we are also striving to ensure that we keep everyone – both patients and staff - safe.
"Before you pick up the phone please consider whether you really need to phone us or whether you can get advice from an alternative source such as a community pharmacy.
"Our website also offers a host of advice on various ailments under the 'I want health and wellbeing advice' section and the Appointments section gives guidance on whether you need to see a doctor or whether your condition can be managed at home with help from a pharmacist.
"Please be assured that we are still here and we are still working but we do need to make sure that access to our doctors is available for those that really need it. 
"If you do need to phone us and you are put on triage please be aware that we may not always be able to get back to you the same day."

Welsh Government's latest coronavirus update

The latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government, dated yesterday, is:





Firebreak information

  • A firebreak to break the cycle of infections and bring coronavirus under control began on Friday October 23 and ends on Monday November 9


Coronavirus in numbers

Where to find the latest information

o   Economy Minister Ken Skates held today’s press conference. You can watch again at:


MP welcomes latest Covid-19 measures from Chancellor

Member of Parliament for Clwyd South, Simon Baynes (pictured), has welcomed the Chancellor’s announcement yesterday that workers across the UK will benefit from increased support with a five-month extension of the furlough scheme into Spring 2021.

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) will now run until the end of March with employees receiving 80% of their current salary for hours not worked.

Support for millions more workers through the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) will be increased, with the third grant covering November to January calculated at 80% of average trading profits, up to a maximum of £7,500.

The Chancellor also announced today an increase in the upfront guarantee of funding for the devolved administrations from £14 billion to £16 billion. This uplift will continue to support workers, business and individuals in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

In making his announcements he said: "It’s clear the economic effects are much longer lasting for businesses than the duration of any restrictions, which is why we have decided to go further with our support.

“Extending furlough and increasing our support for the self-employed will protect millions of jobs and give people and businesses the certainty they need over what will be a difficult winter.”

Simon Baynes said: This decision taken by the Chancellor is good news for jobs and businesses in Clwyd South where this support will help workers impacted by Covid-19 and provide further reassurance for those that might be worried about the winter months ahead.”


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Bonfire Night safety message from ambulance service


The Welsh Ambulance Service is reaching out to young people and families across the country to ‘respect and protect’ each other and remain safe from injury and infection this Bonfire Night.

With November 05 falling during the all-Wales Coronavirus firebreak period, the usual organised bonfires and firework displays will not take place as Welsh Government guidelines currently ban mixing with people from outside your household.

Director of Operations for Welsh Ambulance Service, Lee Brooks said: “Bonfire Night often sees an increased number of calls to all emergency services.

“In areas of communal living such a halls of residence or blocks of flats, the temptation to meet others and celebrate may be strong, but we appeal to everybody not to take part in any activities that pose an increased risk of avoidable injury or viral transmission, and of course only consuming alcohol in moderation.

“This year especially we would ask the public, young people in particular, to help us keep our resources free for the most life-threatening injuries and illnesses by avoiding un-regulated bonfires or firework displays, respecting and protecting themselves, their families and neighbours.”

As well as the risk of burns injuries, smoke from fires and fireworks can aggravate respiratory conditions such as asthma, and people with asthma are at a higher risk of getting very sick from Coronavirus which highlights the double medical risk at present from meeting with others not in your household to celebrate.

The Operation BANG campaign from ambulance partners in North Wales Police and South Wales Fire Service offers an excellent resource of tips to keep you and yours safe this Guy Fawkes night.

Should you require non-urgent medical advice the NHS Wales 111 phone service is available 24/7 and also online at