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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Ysgol Dinas Bran students celebrate GCSE success

Students at Ysgol Dinas Bran have been celebrating their GCSE examination results today.

As with A Levels a week ago, this year the school has not supplied the usual commentary listing its overall performance and outstanding successes. 

In a statement it says: "It has been fantastic to see students from the school celebrating their GCSE results. We wish them every success in the future."

Denbighshire's education chief has congratulated Year 11 learners on their achievements this year's GCSEs. 

Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts, Denbighshire’s Cabinet Lead Member for Education, Children’s Services and Public Engagement, said: “What a year it has been for our GCSE pupils and staff. 
"They have dealt with a lot of uncertainty in very testing times.  The students have shown great resilience, maturity and courage in the way they have handled this very unique set of circumstances
“The pupils had completed the majority of their GCSE studies by the time the lockdown was introduced, but the pandemic became a real hurdle as the pupils worked towards reaching the finishing line and were unable to sit their final examinations.   
"We welcome the Welsh Government’s decision to base the results on the assessment of teachers. They are professional staff who know their pupils and are best placed to predict final grades. 
“ I wish to offer my sincerest congratulations to the GCSE class of year 2020 and commend each and every student for their efforts, commitment and dedication throughout their GCSE studies. 
"I would also like to pay tribute to the teachers, school support staff,  and parents/ guardians. They have been a real backbone to students over recent months, keeping a clear focus and positivity.
“Whatever the outcome and whichever paths they will be taking in the next step of their lives, I would like to wish them the very best of luck and every success on their future journey.
“Our focus from September will be on ensuring that the GCSE pupils moving on to A Level studies get the best possible start to their studies and to overcome any further hurdles and challenges the new term may bring.”

MP cuts ribbon on new Oak Street cocktail bar

* From left, Gyulaydan Ali, Silviu Pop and Simon 
Baynes MP outside Re-Fresh Cocktail Bar in Oak Street.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes made a socially-distanced visit to cut the ribbon at the newly-opened Re-Fresh Cocktail Bar in Llangollen.

During lockdown, owners Gyulaydan Ali and Silviu Pop refurbished the premises in Oak Street to a high standard with striking décor and say they have been very pleased with the large number of people who have come into the bar since it opened last week.

Silviu Pop said: “We’re incredibly grateful to Simon for taking the time to support us and officially open Re-Fresh Cocktail Bar for us. 

"We’d like to say a big thank you to all the customers who have visited and supported us so far. We can’t wait to meet and serve and get to know plenty of people in Llangollen in the near future.”

Simon Baynes said: “I was very honoured and pleased to officially open the new cocktail bar.

"The owners have already proved themselves with their successful S&G Bistro and Sweet Daisy on Castle Street and it is exciting to see them launch this new venture which has got off to a very encouraging start. 

"Llangollen is recovering very well from the Covid lockdown and the launch of Re-Fresh shows what an attractive town it is for new businesses. I wish them every success for the future.”

August Citizens Advice column

Latest advice column from Citizens Advice Denbighshire is:

Q: Last month I signed up to Universal Credit for the first time, after I was made redundant. I am looking for a new job but I’m not sure if there’s anything more I need to do to ensure I keep getting Universal Credit?

A: When you apply for Universal Credit you’ll agree a Claimant Commitment with your work coach. A Claimant Commitment is a record of the responsibilities that you have accepted to receive Universal Credit payments. Your claimant commitment will be updated each time you see your work coach.

When you agree to your Claimant Commitment you will be put into one of four work-related activity groups (sometimes called “conditionality” groups). These set out the tasks you’re expected to complete in order to receive your full benefit payment. You can check which group you’re in by logging into your Universal Credit account online and checking your Claimant Commitment. If you’re not online, you will have been provided with a paper copy of your Claimant Commitment.

This will tell you which group you’re in and what tasks you'll have to do regularly to get Universal Credit. These tasks could include writing your CV, signing up for job alerts or applying for vacancies.

In order to show how you have completed the to-do list set out in your Claimant Commitment, you should keep a record of the tasks you’ve completed and how long they took in your Universal Credit online journal, or in a diary if you’re not online.

Some claimants, mainly those who have applied for Universal Credit for the first time since the outbreak of COVID-19, may not have a Claimant Commitment yet. Those who claimed before the outbreak, will have had their Claimant Commitment suspended during the outbreak and had no work-related requirements imposed.

From 1 July The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has said it will be calling all claimants to help them to prepare for work, so people should expect to be contacted to set up the Claimant Commitment. They do not need to contact the Department for Work and Pensions in the meantime.

The DWP has said that they will take a common-sense approach to work-related requirements and that those who are shielding, have childcare responsibilities because of COVID restrictions, etc. will have their Claimant Commitment tailored to reflect their circumstances.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Llan-based soccer hero is diagnosed with cancer

Former Wrexham, Everton and Wales goalkeeper Dai Davies, who lives in Llangollen, has been diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas.
Aged 72, he is being treated at the Nightingale House Hospice in Wrexham.

Cancelled walking festival organisers come up with two alternatives

Organisers of the annual Llangollen Walking Festival have come up with two local  alternatives to this year's event which had to be cancelled due to the coronaviris pandemic.

Festival spokesperson Mike Smart said: "As you know, way back in April we - like so many other events - were sadly forced to cancel our Llangollen Walking Festival 2020

"Such a shame, everything was in place, bookings were almost full and, the weather was so perfect for walking.

"But we have good news for our walking friends who don’t live within easy reach of Llangollen but are keen for a North Wales 'fix’.

"We, together with our colleagues at Secret Hills Walking Holiday have two opportunities for you to join us in Llangollen, with accommodation, later this year."

Details of these events are: 

18th September 2020, 2 nights and 2.5 days walking CLICK FOR DETAILS

18th October 2020, 5 nights and 5.5 days walking CLICK FOR DETAILS

Mike added: "Again with Secret Hills Walking Holidays we have a weekend of walking on the beautiful Malvern Hills, Worcestershire."

Details are: 

* 11th September 2020, 2 nights and 2.5 days walking staying at the 4 STAR

"We have all our fingers and toes crossed that 2021 will see us back to normal and we very much look forward to walking and talking with you again in Llangollen," Mike said.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

MP impressed with wharf's adaptions to leave lockdown

* From left, site manager Jane Hart, Simon Baynes MP, Neal and Irene Dufton, directors of Llangollen Wharf.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes made a socially-distanced visit to Llangollen Wharf to meet with staff and learn more about how their boat trips on the Llangollen Canal have adapted to new social distancing guidelines.

The wharf, which is a major tourist attraction and part of the World Heritage Site, has offered trips around the area since 1884 and continues the tradition of horse-drawn boat trips as well as motorised boat trips today.

They have seen strong demand since re-opening and have adjusted well to new social distancing requirements, all of which is helping to make up for the loss of income during lockdown.

Mr Baynes met directors Neal and Irene Dufton, site manager Jane Hart and staff members including Cadan Edwards, Pip Bolton and Ash Hart as well as one of the horses, Tobias.

Neal Dufton said: “We’re incredibly proud to welcome visitors back to Llangollen Wharf following our safe re-opening. 

"And we’re very grateful to the many visitors who have come to our newly re-opened tea rooms, which are almost back to pre-lockdown levels with additional takeaway business. 

"There’s also strong demand for our motorised self-drive canal boats and for the horse-drawn boats, so please feel free to come and enjoy our beautiful scenery with a perfect day out for all the family.”

Simon Baynes said: “Llangollen Wharf is a big generator of income for Llangollen not only in terms of the boat trips and tea room but also the benefits of the many canal boats which moor at the wharf and then visit the town. 

"It’s a major local employer, providing work for 41 people locally, and acts as an important source of tourist information for its visitors. 

"I’ve been so impressed to see and hear about how they’ve managed to safely re-open and I look forward to seeing them continue to bounce back.”

Monday, August 17, 2020

Welcome for exams announcement

The six education portfolio holders representing the 6 North Wales Local Authorities, their Chief Officers, the Regional School Improvement Consortium GwE and secondary head teachers warmly welcome the announcement by the Education Minister in Wales  that A level, AS, GCSE, Skills Challenge Certificate and Welsh Baccalaureate grades in Wales will now be awarded on the basis of Centre Assessment Grades. We feel this is in the best interest of our young people who have been anxious and unsure of their future.
We look forward to hearing more about the ‘independent review of events following the cancellation of this year’s exams’ announced by the Education Minister and hope that we will be given the opportunity to feed appropriately into the process.
It allows schools to now concentrate on the critical job of preparing to re-open safely in September.