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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Flu jabs on offer and mask wearing necessary in one place

Gareth Baines, the town councillor from Chirk who has done much to help in the local battle against coronavirus has put out a message on Facebook about flu jabs. 

It says: “Important: Flu Vaccination update: 

“Flu vaccines in Wales will now be available to those in the existing eligible groups (including those aged over 65 years, pregnant women and people with medical conditions) who will be vaccinated first.

“Those who will also now be eligible for a free flu vaccine will include:

▪️Households of people in the shielded group

▪️Lowering the eligibility age from 65 to over 50 year olds – who will be vaccinated in a phased approach

▪️Additional supplies of the nasal spray flu vaccine offered to children will be used to maximise uptake in the vaccination programme offered to 2 and 3 year olds, and to all children in primary schools.

▪️Increasing uptake in health and social care workers will also be a key priority this season.
“The NHS will get in contact with those who are eligible.”

On behalf of the team at Rowlands Pharmacy is Llangollen Sadye Chesworth posted: “Rowlands Pharmacy Notice.

“From the 24th July, it will be compulsory for any member of the public entering our premises to wear a face covering. The company has made the decision to implement this across all countries including Wales, in line with government guidance and for the protection of all our colleagues and patients.”

And latest major hospitality business to announce its forthcoming re-opening following lockdown was The Three Eagles.

"It posted: “We're back in the ring.
Now taking bookings inside and out.

“*for outside reservations, please email”

Get silly with this year’s summer reading challenge

Children are being invited to get silly with this year’s Summer Reading Challenge which takes place over the summer holidays at Denbighshire’s libraries.

It’s looking a bit different this year but still gives children a great reason to read over the summer as well as feeding the imagination, helping kids stay kids and embrace the fun just when we need it the most.

This year’s challenge sees a shift to a new bilingual digital platform, supported by library e-lending services, online events and links to existing digital resources.

Children can also choose to collect a pack and some books from their local library in Denbighshire.

To sign up online for the digital challenge go to, download e-books from the Borrowbox app or use the books you have at home.

Or you can order and collect a printed Silly Squad pack and books from your local library by phoning your local library to order and arrange an appointment to come and collect them. Children can do both if they want too. The challenge will run until the end of September.

Denbighshire libraries are not yet open for browsing – but you can access books via the Order and Collect service and using the digital library to download e-books and e-audiobooks for free via the Borrowbox app, and comics and magazines via the RBDigital app.

Anyone who’s not already a library member can join online too, go to for further information.

There’s going to be lots on social media this summer too—follow on Facebook Denbighshire Libraries or Twitter @DenbsLibs and the hashtags #SummerReadingChallenge2020 and #SillySquad2020.

Developed by charity The Reading Agency, along with the UK public library network, it is now the UK’s biggest annual reading promotion for primary aged children. In Wales the Summer Reading Challenge is support by Welsh Government and the Books Council for Wales.

Last year 2,918 children in Denbighshire took part.

Friday, July 24, 2020

County's waste and recycling parks appointment system is here to stay

* The Ruthin waste recycling centre.

The online booking system for use of Denbighshire's waste and recycling parks has proved to be extremely popular by site users and staff, and is here to stay, says the county council. 

They say drivers must bring their booking reference number and proof of residency.  

And anyone turning up without an appointment will not allowed to use the site.

The council is advising visitors to the waste and recycling parks of the following:

•             You must not visit the waste and recycling park if you or anyone you are living with is in self-isolation or showing COVID-19 symptoms.
•             No twin-axle trailers will be allowed entry (car-derived vans/4x4s and single-axle trailers are able to enter). 
•             There is a permit system in place for vans or similar commercial vehicles. The Council are processing requests for new permits as usual.  If you drive a van or similar commercial vehicle, please do not make a booking until you have a valid permit.
•             Please segregate your waste before coming to site to speed up your visit.
•             The number of vehicles allowed on site is restricted. Where possible vehicles should only include the driver as only one person will be allowed to unload their vehicles. Visitors must remain in their car whilst queuing.
•             Social distancing measures must be adhered to at all times by both staff and visitors.
•             Black bags/refuse sacks should only contain non-recyclable waste.  

The council are collecting food, cans, plastics, paper, cardboard and glass at the kerbside so residents should use these collections for these materials.  They will not accept black bag waste that contains food and recyclables.

Opening hours for the sites are: 

Ruthin : Monday – Thursday 10am-6pm; Closed Friday; Sat & Sun 9am – 5pm

Denbigh: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri – 10am – 6pm; Closed Thursday; Sat & Sun 9am – 5pm

Rhyl : Monday – Sunday 10am – 6pm

Councillor Brian Jones, Cabinet Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment, said: “We would like to thank the public for the fantastic support that we have received for the booking appointment system. 

"It has been a great success and the arrangements at the waste and recycling parks have run like clockwork.  That is down to the arrangements put in place to ensure social distancing, but also the way that residents have really engaged with the process.

“That is why we have decided to run with this system indefinitely.  Many residents have asked us to keep the system in place. It reduces any queueing of traffic, the visits to the waste and recycling parks are quicker and more efficient, and it is generally a safer way to operate the sites.

“As ever we will monitor future performance of the new way of working to evaluate and implement any process modifications as required.”

Work underway to prepare railway for re-opening

Work is underway at Llangollen Railway to prepare the station for the return of passengers from August 1.

The re-opening will be within the strict guidelines for social distancing both on the platform and on the trains.

Here volunteer Kate Alston, right, disinfects one of the carriage tables helped by general manager Liz McGuinness.

This type of cleaning will be the requirement for each train between journeys to and from Carrog once services resume.

Latest pandemic update from Welsh Government

Latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government, dated yesterday, is:

Local Government Minister Julie James has published a written statement about the use of powers under the Coronavirus Act 2020:
  • Wales has seen a growing sense of community spirit since the start of the pandemic according to new Covid-19 research published today.

  • More than £50m will be made available to support universities and colleges, Education Minister Kirsty Williams has announced.

    • The support is part of the Welsh Government’s actions to support students and Wales’ major education institutions and provide the skills and learning in response to the economic impact of the coronavirus.
    • £27m will be provided to higher education institutions and £23m to support students in FE colleges and sixth forms.

  • The latest figures published by Public Health Wales show there are a total of 17,030 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Wales – the real number will be much higher.
    • Public Health Wales has reported a total of 1,548 deaths from coronavirus.
Where to find the latest information

    • From the week beginning July 20, the Welsh Government press conference will be held every Tuesday and on the Fridays following the 21-day review of the coronavirus regulations.

Deputy mayor quits her council seat

* Former deputy mayor Issy Richards. 
The deputy mayor has resigned her seat on Llangollen Town Council.

Isobel Richards quit after last Tuesday’s online council meeting and says the reason for her leaving is that she found herself disagreeing with the direction the council was taking.

Isobel, or Issy, Richards was elected to the council is May 2017 and became deputy mayor in 2018.

She served as chair of the council’s Asset Management Committee and oversaw a number of improvements to the Town Hall.

She also chaired the Remembrance Sunday Working Group which was responsible for the VE Day 75th anniversary celebrations in early May. This was an online commemoration and celebration of the historical landmark, known in Welsh as Parti Aros Gartref.

The former senior executive officer with the Legal Aid Board (Law Society), who was born in Llangollen and attended Ysgol Dinas Bran, was also a member of the council’s HR and Budget Planning Group and the council’s representative on the governing body of Ysgol Y Gwernant.

She is known as a strong supporter of Welsh language and culture and organised the Sing for Wales event during lockdown and an earlier tribute to poet Hedd Wyn at a remembrance concert staged by the council in the Town Hall.

Another of her achievements was, along with former councillor Karen Edwards, helping to secure funding for the metal poppies along the rear planted area of Centenary Square.

She is the third town councillor to resign within 12 months, following the departures of Andrew Beech and Karen Edwards.

Ms Richards said: “I have resigned as a councillor as I found myself disagreeing with the direction being taken by the council but it's been a pleasure representing the people of Llangollen.

“I would like to thank Charlie Jones, the Town Hall Facilities Officer, for her enthusiasm, the Town Clerk Gareth Thomas for his guidance and support, and my many volunteer friends in the area.

“I will continue to be a member of Shape My Llangollen, the town team preparing the official response to Denbighshire County Council’s new Local Development Plan on behalf of the Town Council.”

She added: “I would like to pay tribute to the people of Llangollen who have pulled together over the past four months and helped each other in the very difficult circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown.”    

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Plas Newydd cafe opens again today

* The outdoor seating arrangement at Plas Newydd.

The cafe at Plas Newydd re-opends today following the lockdown.

On Facebook it posted yesterday: "We are pleased to announce that Plas Newydd will be opening our tearooms to visitors from Thursday 23rd July! Our daily opening hours will be 10AM - 4PM. ☀️
We will be moving the tearooms to our large outdoor space and will be providing table service for our customers on a reduced menu.
Social distancing measures will be in place across the grounds and a sanitising station will be available for our visitors to use near the entrance. We kindly ask for card payments only, to reduce any unnecessary contact.
Unfortunately, Plas Newydd house will remain closed for the foreseeable future, but any updates will be posted on our social media pages as soon as we have them.
We can't wait to welcome you back to the grounds and look forward to seeing your smiling faces again soon! "