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Friday, July 17, 2020

Fringe gets big-headed about new arts project

* One of the Massive Heeds - the Giantess.

* A Massive Heed called Barbara.

Historical, mythical and living legends of Llangollen will be celebrated in a unique art project as part of the town’s Fringe celebrations helmed by Glyndwr University staff and students.

The Massive Heedz project was initially conceived as a live-action spectacle by Ali Roscoe, lecturer in fine art at Wrexham Glyndwr University, and Alec Shepley, dean of the faculty of arts, science and technology.  

The project would have taken part as part of the annual Llangollen Fringe celebrations, which begin this today (Friday).

However, as the coronavirus pandemic put events on hold across the country, a decision was taken by the Fringe to adapt this year’s event to become a festival people could take part in online – which saw some major changes to the Heedz project.

Chris Stone, a member of the Fringe organising team, explained: “There was a big plan for this year’s project where we would be developing Massive Heedz for people to wear and there would have been a parade through the streets.

“However, for obvious reasons, that has now had to go online – like much of the Fringe.”

The change to the Fringe’s plans came as preparations were underway for its 24th season – which would see, as ever, a mix of arts, music, theatre, comedy, storytelling and much more.

Public health restrictions meant that much of the original planned programme could not continue in the usual fashion.

However, as Chris added: “A lot of things are still going ahead - just in a different way.

“For instance, there has always been a  storytelling aspect and people will still be getting together and telling stories at three High and Mighty tall tales events online – they don’t even have to climb to Dinas Bran like they have done in the past!

“There’s a comedy session produced by one of our local comedians, who does a lot with the comedy club at the Town Hall, Silkie, and a fellow comedian called David Eagle – that will be great.

“There is a circus skills session with my daughter, who lives in Llanberis – she is doing a short online session where people can take part, and get told beforehand a few simple items they should be able to gather together online for the session.

“There’s a band for the day session, which brings together individuals who are not in groups and get them to play as part of a wider band. Again, that’s being put together online, and it’s going to be really good.

“Plus, of course, there’s the Massive Heedz project.”

For this project, participants are being invited to consider Legends of Llangollen to be celebrated in art

Chris added: “They could be historical legends of the town, or they could even be living legends – someone in Llangollen right now who should be celebrated.

“People then create a portrait of that person’s face or head. This could be a very simple thing, or very detailed – it entirely depends on how the artist feels and we don’t require people to be highly trained artists for this – everyone is welcome and the main thing is for people to have fun!

“They then send us through a full-body image of themselves somewhere interesting as well as their portrait of their legend as a separate picture, and a short paragraph explaining their choice. These are combined and we are going to create an online Massive Heedz portrait gallery!”

Ali Roscoe, lecturer in fine art at Wrexham Glyndwr University, said: “The plan for the portrait gallery is to bring together the images sent in to create these legendary characters – however they are legendary to the creators themselves - enlarging the ‘heedz’ of course.

“Next, with the help of our fine art students, my fellow lecturer Paul Jones and artists’ collective Datamosh, they will be transformed into an animation.

“This project is now one of two parts - with the second part planned to take place next year  in what would have been the original intended brief, which will see us actually make Massive Heedz for people.

“When that happens, our students will collaborate and help to make the Massive Heads alongside students from Ysgol Dinas Bran and their teacher, Ali McDonald.

“And hopefully, during the Llangollen Fringe Festival 2021 the Massive Heedz will appear in a celebratory opening parade!”

Anne Hill, a BA fine art student at Wrexham Glyndwr University, is among those who have been helping to bring the project to life.

She added: “Having been involved with the Fringe through Wrexham Glyndwr over the past two years, I was keen to continue my links with my fellow artists in these projects.

“This year has been different, but having adapted to using social media to share my degree show, this feels like an extension of that concept and hopefully next year we will get to show our Massive Heedz for real! 

“Last year, as well as helping the pupils at Ysgol Dinas Bran produce artwork for the Fringe, I was storyteller, sharing the information about the Legend of St Collen. And so my Massive Heed, Bras, is one of the colourful characters from
the legend.

“Some of us have been creating physical examples to show what is possible for the future - although we are now asking others to just design Heedz.”

Chris added: “It has been good working with Glyndwr – both Ali and Alec have been very helpful, and Ali brings everything together with a  light touch.

“I think it’s very good to have students from the school taking part – you have the links between the school, the university and the things happening in Llangollen town centre through the fringe.

“I also like the range of students Glyndwr brings to project, of all ages – it shows you can develop through life!

“By working with Glyndwr, we are developing those links both with Wrexham and with the various towns and cities the students at Glyndwr have come from – it all helps to link Llangollen and our events to the wider world.”

* The Llangollen Massive Heedz project can be found on Instagram at llangollenmassiveheedz

To find out more about studying Fine Art at Wrexham Glyndwr University, visit:

To find out more about Llangollen Fringe – including how to submit your own Massive Heed, the full programme of activities, and ways in which you can join in, online, for free, visit:

Here's how we'll open, say Llangollen businesses and churches

Llangollen businesses emerging from lockdown have been using their Facebook pages to explain how their new arrangements will work.

Fouzi’s Cafe in Castle Street posted: “Come along to the restaurant and we will seat you and take your order.

“Hand sanitizer will be provided before you before you move into the outdoor seating area.

“All seating has been arranged to accommodate social distancing and all staff will be wearing face shields for your and their safety.

“Whilst we are still accepting all forms of payment, we ask that if possible you pay for your meal using contactless payments.

“We hope to see lots of you this weekend!”

* Gales' new outdoor wine bar. 

Giving a preview of the extensive measures it has put in place so that diners can enjoy their meals in the rear parking area, Gales Wine Bar posted a number of pictures and said: “A peek into the new Wine Garden at Gales. Bookings are open at

The Sun Trevor posted (pictured above) yesterday: GREAT NEWS! We are open TODAY!

“We are serving food outside in our beer garden and extra covered seating areas from 12pm to 8pm every day, tables need to be booked in advance by phone us, or message on here (confirmed with a reply).

“We have spent lockdown upgrading our toilets; redecorating and giving inside a new look, and cannot wait to show you, and hope to open inside in August - following government advice.

“We hope everyone will understand the necessity for safety not only for you but also our staff.

“When you arrive, there are new procedures and guidelines for you to follow.
Please note - Our carpark is for table bookings only.

“All we ask is to please be patient with us and our staff as this system of doing things will be new and strange to us as well, let's hope that these are the first steps back to normal opening, we look forward to seeing you once again.”

* St Collen's Church will be first to open when all necessary safety
arrangements have been made. 
The Llangollen Group of Anglican Churches set out  full explanation on Facebook of its position on opening.

It posted: “Many of you will now be aware that Churches across Wales are preparing to enter into the ‘Amber Phase’: re-opening for communal worship.

“Whilst it is welcome news that churches can soon reopen for public worship, Fr Lee is working hard to ensure we can open St Collen’s effectively and safely within the Government and Church in Wales guidelines.

“Alongside the Risk Assessment process are a number of detailed considerations and the primary concern must be the health and wellbeing of the clergy, congregation, volunteers and visitors.

“Therefore, this is going to take time and is something we simply cannot rush into.
In our group of churches,

“St Collen’s will be the first to open for worship. Fr Lee will publicise the date as soon as we have completed the process.

“Our other three churches will follow the same process, individually, but at a later date and only if it is safe to do so.

“This is going to be a staged process.

“The structure of our worship will also be very different. Again, Fr Lee will advise on this as soon as possible.”

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Shielding to end in Wales next month

The Chief Medical Officer for Wales has confirmed people in Wales who are shielding will no longer need to do so after 16 August, the Denbighshire Free Press is reporting.
Around 130,000 people in Wales have been advised to take shielding measures since the start of the pandemic because they are at high risk of developing serious illness if they contract coronavirus.

County parks and outdoor play areas to re-open from Monday

* The Riverside Park play area is set to open from Monday.

Following Welsh Government guidance, Denbighshire County Council will re-open its parks and children’s play areas from Monday, July 20.

Sites include Riverside Park in Llangollen, the Botanical Gardens and Coronation Playing Fields in Rhyl, Cae Ddol, Ruthin, and outdoor play areas across the county.

Cllr Tony Thomas, the Council’s Lead Member for Housing and Communities, said: “Re-opening our parks and play areas is an important step in the easing of lockdown restrictions. It will allow our residents, and especially children, to spend time outdoors and enjoy open spaces.

“Coronavirus has not gone away and as restrictions ease it is important for residents to keep to social distancing rules and to ensure they practice good hygiene when in these shared spaces.”

Signs will be placed at sites to remind people to maintain social distancing whilst using facilities and those using play areas are asked to:

  • Be aware of how many people are on the play area and if it is not possible to follow social distancing, not to enter
  • Remind children to play responsibly and be aware of others around them
  • Stay no longer than one hour to allow others to use the equipment
  • Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times
  • Where possible, wipe the equipment using anti-bacterial wipes before and after use
  • Wash your hands after using equipment, when you leave the play area and get home
  • All litter should be disposed of in the litter bins provided, or taken home where a bin isn’t available.
  • Do not meet with more than one household outside in a play area.

Ysgol Y Gwernant says farewell to all its leavers

* The socially-distanced year six leavers in the playground.

* Diane Davies, left, and Bethan Jones who were both leaving Ysgol Y Gwernant. 

* One of the specially-designed leavers' hoodies. 

The Criw Ymadael or Leaving Class of 2020 at Ysgol Y Gwernant enjoyed a socially-distanced leaving party yesterday (Wednesday).

In the current circumstances there was no opportunity for the usual special day out, a leavers' assembly with prize-giving or even the traditional school shirt signing. 

But instead a socially-distanced picnic and game of football was enjoyed by the year six class. 

It also gave them an opportunity to say farewell to the Penaeth Bethan Jones and Assistant Head Diane Davies who also became part of the Criw Ymadael for the day. 

The children and teachers all joined together in wearing their specially designed Leavers' Hoodies by local company Llangollen T-shirts (InfiniteTee UK) 

The PTFA at Ysgol Y Gwernant worked with Llangollen T-shirts during lockdown to create a design. 

The school says it was a challenge to get the hoodies ready for the children's final week of primary school, but the PTFA is extremely grateful to the team at Llangollen T-shirts for achieving the goal. 

The PTFA has also sent all the children and teachers of the Criw Ymadael best wishes for the future.

Horseshoe Falls project aims to open up public access

* The new railings at the Horseshoe Falls. 

A landscape partnership project led by the Clwydian Range & Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty's Our Picturesque Landscape team has installed new railings at the Horseshoe Falls.
It aims to open up access and provide a viewing area for the River Dee and Horseshoe Falls.
The new railings have been constructed by a North East Wales blacksmith and are in keeping with the existing ironwork at this prestigious World Heritage Site.
A new viewing area has been created on the area formerly closed off to the public.
This enables pedestrian access closer to the river and will relieve congestion on the towpath, allowing visitors to enjoy the area and experience the Horseshoe Falls at the start of the 11 miles of the World Heritage Site. 
The project has been funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund and Natural Resources Wales.
The increasing popularity of the area was demonstrated during the 2019 luminaire staged at the Horseshoe Falls, which showed a 19-fold increase in visitor numbers during October 2019.
Adnan Saif, director at Canal & River Trust, said: “Horseshoe Falls is a beautiful part of the Dee Valley and is where the River Dee and the Llangollen Canal meet. This new viewing area is a fantastic addition to the area and will allow visitors to see the river and valley from a different viewpoint.
“Our research shows that being by water makes you happier and healthier, so I would encourage everyone who visits the area to spend some time exploring this stretch of the canal and river.”
Mark Hughes, North East Wales People & Places Team Leader for Natural Resources Wales said: “Natural Resources Wales has worked in partnership with Our Picturesque Landscape project to enhance parts of the existing green infrastructure in the Dee Valley. 
"At the Horseshoe Falls the work will provide improved access for visitors,with a new perspective, whilst reducing impacts on the special landscape of the AONB.
Councillor Tony Thomas, Denbighshire’s Cabinet Member for Housing and Community, said: “This is a great example of partnership working that is benefiting those visiting Denbighshire, as well as residents of the Dee Valley and surrounding areas.   
"This latest development forms part of the Our Picturesque Landscape project which has been set up to provide better access to the heritage sites through reflecting the area’s inspirational links to various forms of travel, including the canal, Telford’s A5 and the River Dee.
“These projects aim to protect these heritage sites for future generations to enjoy."

Coronavirus update from the Welsh Government

Latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government, issued yesterday, is: 

  • The Welsh Government has fast-tracked more than 50 new Welsh laws to deal swiftly with the coronavirus pandemic.

    • Speaking from the Senedd in Cardiff, First Minister Mark Drakeford outlined the monumental shift in government resources to limit the damage of coronavirus in his legislative statement.

    • The measures include the lockdown restrictions to keep people and businesses safe, to protect public health and enable public services to continue to operate in unprecedented circumstances.

  • Health Minister Vaughan Gething has today published an updated testing strategy for the next phase of responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, as we emerge from lockdown with prevalence reducing and make preparations for the possibility of further peaks in the autumn and winter. It builds on the latest scientific evidence and focuses on four priority areas for testing:

    • Controlling and preventing transmission of the virus by supporting contact tracing.
    • Protecting NHS services to prevent, protect and deliver testing to support the safety of staff, patients and clients.
    • Protecting vulnerable groups and managing increased transmission rates to safeguard and control infection in groups, communities or settings with greater risks.
    • Developing future delivery to utilise health surveillance and new technologies to improve our understanding of the virus and innovate new ways to test.
    • Watch Health Minister Vaughan Gething’s press conference:

  • The Welsh Government has confirmed driving lessons will take place in Wales from 27 July.

    • Theory tests will restart on Monday 3 August, along with vocational, motorcycle, car and trailer tests, and tractor driving tests.
    • Driving tests will start from Monday 17 August, as well as the restarting of driving instructor testing and standards checks.

  • The Welsh Government has made up to £9m available to support town centres recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

    • Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government, Hannah Blythyn has announced up to £5.3m from the Transforming Towns programme will be used to fund adaptions in town centres to support traders and improve public safety in response to coronavirus.
    • A further £3.7m of Valleys Taskforce funding will be invested to enhance small town centres in the Valleys region.
  • Jeremy Miles MS, Counsel General and Minister for European Transition and Rebecca Evans MS, Minister for Finance and Trefnydd have published a written statement about stabilisation and reconstruction in the wake of coronavirus
  • A cross-border response, involving Welsh Government and its partners, to support the Airbus workforce and wider supply chain is well underway.
    • The first meeting of the Regional Employment Response Group, established by the Minister, has taken place this week involving Airbus, the supply chain, trade unions, key partners and agencies from North Wales and the Mersey Dee area to ensure the rapid and effective deployment of support required.

  • People buying their main homes in Wales costing less than £250,000 will not pay any tax under temporary measures announced by the Finance Minister.

  • The latest information published by Public Health Wales shows have been a further 18 confirmed cases of coronavirus bringing the total to 16,854 in Wales, although the actual number will be higher.
o   Public Health Wales has reported two more deaths today bringing the total to 1,545 deaths in Wales.

Where to find the latest information