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Monday, July 13, 2020

"Grim" death toll in care homes points to need for urgent reforms, says industry boss

* Mario Kreft MBE, Chair of Care Forum Wales.

Catastrophic failings that led to the “grim an unnecessary” death toll from Covid-19 in care homes have highlighted the need for urgent reforms, according to a social care leader.

Mario Kreft MBE, the chair of Care Forum Wales, spoke out in the wake of a damning report from the Senedd’s Health Committee which concluded care homes had been badly let down during the coronavirus crisis.

Among the issues flagged up were the bad decision-making around testing, PPE and discharging people from hospital into care homes without confirmation they were not infected.

Up until June 26, a total of 725 of the most vulnerable people had died with suspected or confirmed Covid-19 after it got inside Welsh care homes.

The report blasted the complete lack of clarity over testing with uncertainty over who was leading, managing and coordinating the work.

The dire shortage of PPE had caused huge problems in the early part of the pandemic and the fact that decisions took “too long” came at “great cost to the social care sector”.

The committee concluded that a number of care homes faced closure because of acute funding problems and they said there was a pressing need for “systemic reform” to recognise the people working in social care.

According to Mr Kreft, social care was a Cinderella service that had always been pushed to the back of the queue when it should be “placed on a pedestal” alongside the NHS.

He said: “This report is essentially confirming what we knew already and what Care Forum Wales has been saying for months that essentially care homes, their residents and staff inadvertently became collateral damage in a drive to protect the NHS from being overrrun.

“Back in February Care Forum Wales launched a campaign to Shield Social Care and Save Lives.

“As part of the campaign, we were calling for an early lockdown of care homes, a rigorous testing regime, along with an adequate supply of PPE and proper financial support to safeguard care homes from a double whammy of soaring costs and falling occupancy levels.

“Unfortunately, Care Forum Wales and our sister organisations in the other UK nations were not part of the very early decision making process in formulating a strategy to tackle the pandemic.

“A survey conducted by Care Forum Wales showed that 42 per cent of care homes felt they were being put under pressure to admit hospital patients who were Covid-19 positive or without being tested. Where this occurred, it  turned safe havens into coronavirus war zones.

“All these themes are now being flagged up in the report from the health committee.

“Worryingly, the message we are getting from our members is that the testing regime is patchy at best and utterly shambolic at worst.

“Equally patchy and shambolic has been distribution by local councils of the £40 million of emergency funding announced by the Welsh Government.

“It was supposed to be the first tranche of funding to help the sector through the crisis but there is still no sign of the additional financial support that was promised.

“We now need to look at the recommendations in this important report learn lessons for the future, particularly in case there is a second wave of Covid-19.

“We need a national action plan that includes an immediate policy shift to put social care on a par with the NHS, creating a national service that is properly funded because it is, as the First Minister pointed out, the scaffold that supports the NHS.

“The sector is fragile as a result of the market being managed by local government for the past 25 years.

“The evidence is starkly illustrated in the league table of care home fees which highlights the unfair post code lottery which means providers in Cardiff get £12,000 a year more per resident than care homes in Powys for exactly the same service.

“Five of counties named and shamed in the bottom 10 worst payers are in North Wales.

“A glaring example of the way the sector has been mismanaged is the toolkit used by North Wales councils to calculate the fees which means that half the people on the front line are condemned to being paid the national living wage and no more.

“We need less talk and more action, with radical reform to ensure fairness and equality.

“I would concur with Sir Sjmon Stevens, head of the NHS in England, who said that this should be done within a year because this must be an absolute priority both in Wales and across the UK.

“The Welsh Government have designated social care as a sector of national strategic importance and a pillar of the foundation economy which can provide the jobs and income that can help regenerate Wales in the recession that’s looming.

“The shambolic way in which local government has been distribute the £40 million in emergency funding for care homes is the perfect illustration of why we need to take stock and create a new national plan within 12 months.

“Hopefully, one positive legacy of this pandemic will be that the value of the social care sector and the wonderful people who work in it is finally being recognised.

“What we have learned from this global pandemic is that we cannot continue to treat and manage the social care market as we have done for the past generation and expect a different outcome.

“We need a system that is fair and equitable instead of the post code lottery which means we have 29 variations on a theme – with 22 local authorities and seven health boards – when it comes to setting fees.

“The misplaced mindset in the UK has been focused on ensuring the NHS was not overrun without recognising the catastrophic damage and the high level of deaths in care homes.

“It ultimately created a vicious circle which actually also caused more damage to the NHS as well.

“We need strategic, radical reform so we can get this right once and for all.

“There are many deserving causes  but there is nothing more deserving than social care which should be put on a pedestal along with the NHS because it is the scaffold that supports  it.

“This is not a blame game. This is about setting a plan that will meet the needs of future generations by learning some important lessons from the mistakes made during the pandemic and the past generation, so that history does not repeat itself.” 

Some eateries and pubs re-open as town continues to unlock

* The Cottage Tearoom & Bistro was looking busy by mid-morning.

Cottage Tearoom & Bistro in Castle was one of the local restaurants which opened for business for the first time in months today thanks to the outdoor seating area it has.

By mid-morning business appeared to be brisk with many of the tables being taken.  

* Finley's displayed its
menu on Facebook. 
Finley’s Newsagents, Sandwich Bat & General store re-opened today.
It posted on Facebook: “We are very excited to welcome back all our wonderful customers!
“Protective screens have been installed. Social distancing signage inside and outside the shop.

Only 2 customers in the shop at any one time. Touchless antibacterial sanitising spray for all customers to please use when entering the shop.
“Phone ahead with your order on 01978447979
“Finley’s no longer sell newspapers!”

* Newly-installed  tables outside the Wharf cafe.

Llangollen Wharf posted: “We have tables, hooray, you can now come and sit and enjoy the sights and sounds of the beautiful Llangollen canal side, take in the views across town and enjoy our great food and drink at your leisure.

“At the moment it is all outside seating and takeaway at the window but we do have a bit of shelter, the rain has passed over us now and we are all GOOD TO GO and as COVID 19 compliant as we can be, we look forward to seeing you all soon.

Julie Thomas ran her first outdoor zumba dance class in Centenary Square (pictured) this morning.

She will return for her next class tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10.30am.

Face masks to become compulsory on public transport

Face masks are to become compulsory on public transport in Wales, the First Minister has announced at the daily press conference in Cathays Park today (Monday, July 13).
The First Minister was speaking as lockdown changes came into force including the reopening of pubs, restaurants, and cafes outdoors only. Hairdressers and barbers will also reopen their doors for the first time since March. 

Care home residents say cheers to their own on-site pub

* The sort of cosy pub The Old Vicarage care home aims to create in its garden.

* Residents and staff have fun on the beach they created in the garden,

Cheery residents and staff at the Old Vicarage Care Home in Llangollen are looking for items that will help them create their own lockdown pub. 

Owner Bethan Mascarenhas said: “We’ve been shielding now for months which means we can’t get to the pub and as this situation could go on for some time we decided to bring the pub to us. 

“We’re planning to build our very own hostelry in the garden of the home which residents can visit to have a tipple and some nibbles. 

“We would also put on events like pub quizzes and it would mean families would be able to visit us safely in a more comfortable and fun environment.

“We’d be really grateful for any donations of items some as a pub bar, tables and chairs, beer pumps or spirits optics. 

“Hopefully, someone might know of a pub or club that wants to get rid of stuff. Any help would be massively appreciated.”

Bethan added: “We’ve had a few suggestions for what we could call our pub.

“As we’re sometimes known just as the Old Vic maybe it could be named after the  Queen Vic in Eastenders.

“People have already been doing impressions of Barbara Windsor with her famous ‘get outta my pub!’ line.

“Someone also suggested that Barbara could be the patron of the pub. Her, or maybe a famous actor would be great, we thought.

“We’ve had quite a bit of support for the idea so far but if anyone would like to get in touch with an offer of help could they please Facebook message direct to our Old Vicarage page as we can’t see the comments after it’s been shared.”

Bethan has introduced quite a number of novel ideas to help stave off boredom for residents during the long lockdown.

These have included creating a beach complete with “boats” in the garden and regular online quizzes.  

Roadworks to start on Berwyn Street

Latest roadworks alert from is:

14 July — 17 July

Delays likely - Traffic control (multi-way signals)


Works description: SERVICE CUT OFF AND LAY NEW - 3M PUBLIC...

Responsibility for works: Wales & West Utilities Limited

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: XY254004000161179

Sunday, July 12, 2020

More businesses announce their re-opening after lockdown

* A re-opening announcement has come from Llangollen Railway.

A number of Llangollen businesses have announced on Facebook details of their re-opening following the coronavirus lockdown.

Llangollen Railway said briefly yesterday: “The volunteers were hard at work today preparing for our opening on the 1st August. More details to follow this week.”

* The Facebook post from Finley's.
Finley’s Newsagents, Sandwich Bar and General Store in Abbey Road posted:Finley’s is pleased to announce WE ARE OPENING ON MONDAY 13th JULY.

“Our new opening hours will be 8am - 2.30pm Monday - Saturday.
“ ** PLEASE NOTE ** Finley’s will no longer be selling newspapers.
“We look forward to seeing all our loyal and valued customers once again. Thank you so much for your continued support!”

Witzend Gallery in Regent Street posted: “Hello to all our customers old and new, we hope this finds you all safe and well.

“Just to let you know we are back up and running again in Llangollen with new, revised times and systems in place.

“We're open on Thursdays and Fridays from 10am - 5pm and Saturdays 10am - 4pm and we're operating on an appointment only system for new jobs coming into the shop to ensure social distancing and keep everyone safe.

“We've also fitted screens and provide hand gel for your use when in the shop.
“If you'd like to book in with us please ring 07415 844758. We can't wait to see you all again. Take good care - Louise & Dave at Witzend Framers.” 

The Bridge End Hotel posted: “To all our lovely customers. We would firstly like to say a huge thank you for all your support these last few months - we can't tell you how much we have appreciated it.
“Secondly, we understand you are all as eager as we are for reopening and we have missed you all so much. However, it is with great regret that we tell you we will not be opening our doors on Monday, 13th July. This has not been an easy decision to make, but we feel it is the right one for us.
“This does not mean at all that we will be waiting until August to open, just that we need a little more time. We will let you know as soon as we have decided on an opening date.
“Please bear with us and stay safe.”
And Nikki Brown of Barnardos charity shop in Castle Street posted: “Barnardos in Llan will be reopening on the 15th July @10am!!
“We can't wait to open & see you all! We will be accepting donations from opening day but we will have to limit the amount we take daily so are asking everyone to 'book in' your donation before you arrive in the store.
“You can do this by either sending me a message on Facebook or calling the store from Monday on 01978861410.”

MP elected vice-chair of powerful hospitality and tourism group

The Member of Parliament for Clwyd South, Simon Baynes, has been elected a vice-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Hospitality and Tourism.

This is a cross-party group of MPs which examines key issues, opportunities and challenges facing the hospitality and tourism sector across the UK.

The group, which was originally founded in November 2018, is currently holding an inquiry into the UK’s Coasts and Waters, which includes waterways like the Llangollen Canal, with the aim of producing a report on key issues impacting waterways and coastal areas.

Mr Baynes, who first entered Parliament in 2019, was elected by other APPG members at the group’s recent EGM.

Mr Baynes said: “It’s great to be able to support tourism and hospitality businesses by becoming involved with the APPG. 

"Growing up in the hotel business in Wales when my father ran Lake Vyrnwy Hotel means that I take a strong interest in tourism and the hospitality industries which are vital to Clwyd South, providing many jobs for local people.

“There are a number of challenges ahead as we make our way through the COVID-19 pandemic, so I look forward to working with the APPG and members across the House of Commons to help secure the future of UK tourism and hospitality businesses.”