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Saturday, July 11, 2020

County unveils full details of its pandemic movement plan for town

* The front cover of the consultation document.

The county council has revealed more details of its plan to promote active travel in the centre of Llangollen in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

And it says that as part of the scheme it aims to use Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) to suspend the parking bays on Castle Street.

However, the council has moved to reassure local people they will be consulted before any scheme is put in place.

The Welsh Government has provided funding for local authorities to introduce measures aimed at helping people to maintain social distancing in public places, and to encourage residents to walk and cycle safely. 

The funding allows councils to bring in temporary measures to support this. 

Schemes are in mind for Llangollen, Denbigh, Ruthin and Rhyl

Following criticism that it was not giving enough details of the schemes, the council has now issued a consultation document detailing what is in mind in each case.

Entitled Local Sustainable Transport Response to Covid-19: Proposals for Llangollen, this says: “We are proposing to create improved shared space for pedestrians and cyclists in key areas of Llangollen.

“This will be through the installation of temporary ‘Lane Defender’ systems in the following locations:

• Abbey Road, from the area outside Llangollen Railway Station to the Castle Street bridge

• Castle Street, from Parade Street to Market Street

• Castle Street, approximately 70% of the length from the Market Street junction to the A5 (Berwyn Street)

Additional proposals include:

• The closure of the link road between Hall Street and Berwyn Street (A5)

• Reversing the direction of flow of vehicles on Church Street

The proposals will allow us to:

• Widen pavements in areas where they are narrow, to facilitate social distancing

• Create shared space for pedestrians and cyclists

• Prevent the use of a key pedestrian route (Bridge Street and Church Street) as a ‘rat run’

• Support some pubs, cafes and restaurants on Castle Street and Abbey Road to create outside seating areas for their customers

• Encourage and support commuters, residents and tourists to choose active travel (walking or cycling) as their main means of getting around town.”

The document adds: “The pavements in Llangollen are narrow and the volume of traffic means that pedestrians and road users can be in almost constant conflict during the high season.

“With the requirement to ensure that social distancing can be maintained, it is an unacceptable risk to require pedestrians to step into a busy A-road.

“Comments received both directly to the council and circulated locally on social media groups have highlighted comments from within the Llangollen community that the existing parking bays cause traffic flow issues as pedestrians and cyclists are forced around the cars and into the road at peak times.

“We would like to take this opportunity to see if the social distancing measures can actually improve traffic, cyclist and pedestrian flows through the town centre.

“We are also aware that there is an increased emphasis on providing safe and welcoming outdoor spaces for people to spend time.

“Llangollen has a number of pubs, cafes and restaurants along the route of the proposed changes who may like to provide outside seating for their customers.

“Where it is practicable to do so, we would like to work with and support these businesses to make these changes."

And on the controversial issue of removing parking spaces along Castle Street, it says: We will be using Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) to suspend the parking bays, and we will be using temporary “lane defender” equipment to make the new widened shared use space for pedestrians and cyclists.

“This equipment will be bolted down and can be installed quickly, and easily removed in the future.

“If the scheme (or a modified version of it) goes ahead, we will be monitoring the impact of the temporary measures in close detail over the next 18 months.

“This will include using some technology to monitor things like traffic flows, speeds, pedestrian flows and air pollution.

“We will also be collecting feedback from the community of Llangollen and reviewing this on a regular basis to monitor how residents, businesses and visitors feel about the ongoing impact of the temporary measures.

“Once we have considered the feedback we receive, we will discuss this with the Llangollen County Councillors and make a final decision on whether to proceed with the scheme.”

In a statement issued late yesterday evening, the council says: "Denbighshire County Council wishes to reassure residents and businesses in Denbigh, Llangollen, Ruthin and Rhyl that no final decision has been taken on draft proposals to encourage active travel in these towns during the Covid-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, and that residents and businesses are warmly invited to have their say.

"Plans have been drawn up for four of the county’s towns and many people have shared their views on social media and other platforms about the proposals.  

"The council will be consulting with town businesses and residents on the proposals before making a final decision."  

* Further information on the Llangollen scheme can be found by visiting where there is also a link to an online survey.

Councillor Brian Jones, Cabinet Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment, said: “Keeping people safe is a key priority for the council and the council believes the proposed measures will help people feel safe when visiting our town centres and encourage them to stay longer. I would therefore encourage business and residents to take part in the consultation period that is now underway."

Eisteddfod premieres Global Peace Message

* Terry Waite giving his online peace address as part of the Global Peace Message.

* Mererid Hopwood reading her poem Harmoni a Heddwch for the Eisteddfod’s first Global Peace Message

 *  Jools Holland performing lines from Harmoni a Heddwch as part of the Global Peace Message.

Floella Benjamin reading lines from Harmoni a Heddwch as part of the Global Peace Message.

* Elan Catrin Parry performing in the Global Peace Message.

* Sir Bryn Terfel.

* Online Mixed Choirs Competition Winners 2020: Stellenbosch University Choir, South Africa, performing Christopher Tin’s Baba Yetu in 2018 at Llangollen.

Thursday is traditionally Peace Day at Llangollen which culminates in the Rotary International Peace Award and Parade of Nations on stage. 

This provided the inspiration for the online premiere of what is the Eisteddfod’s first ever Global Peace Message,which  included a specially commissioned poem Harmoni a Heddwch, by Mererid Hopwood and a peace address from the Eisteddfod’s President, Terry Waite.  

The poem was spoken by Hopwood and special guests Jools Holland, Floella Benjamin and Bryn Terfel.

It also featured children from YsgolRhostyllen, St Giles School Wrexham and YsgolDinas Bran, and the first performance of a new piece of music, sung by Wrexham soprano, Elan Catrin Parry.

The Welsh Centre for International Affairs’ Young Peacemakers Awards celebrates young people who have contributed to peace and global citizenship in their school, local community or overseas. 

Due to Covid-19, this year’s competition was moved online.  The winners of the six categories were announced on Thursday during a virtual ceremony where Year 6 pupils from Ysgol Acrefair came second place in the Young Peacemakers category.

The Llangollen.TV online 2020 Mixed Choirs winner was South Africa’s Stellenbosch University Choir, who swept the board in 2018 coming 1st place in the Mixed, Youth and Open Choir categories.  

Their winning performance of Christopher Tin’s Baba Yetu in an arrangement by AndrĂ© van der Merwe, can be viewed on Llangollen.TV.

As Llangollen Online moves into the weekend Saturday will celebrate the usual finale to the Eisteddfod competitions with a special feature on the last 25 years of Choir of the World.

Throughout the weekend the winners of the Llangollen TV online categories for Folk Choirs, More Choirs and the Best Moment will also be announced.

Finally on Sunday evening viewers can enjoy two items of TV coverage. BBC 2 Wales will be showing highlights of the 2019 event at 6.30pm, followed by a new documentary at 7.30pm on S4C which featuring best moments from Eisteddfod concerts and competitions.

* For more information visit

Global Peace Message

Friday, July 10, 2020

Advice to licenced premises and customers ahead of re-opening

Licenced premises in Denbighshire are being given guidance on how to re-open safely.

Denbighshire County Council has been providing advice to pubs, restaurants, and cafes that are able to open outside areas only from Monday (July 13). 

As the Licensing Authority, the Council is working with partners to ensure a safe and smooth re-opening and has written to licenced premises in the county detailing steps that need to be taken.

Guidance includes increased supervision of outside areas and toilets, an increase in cleaning of all surfaces while open, effective waste disposal and management, seating only with the possibility of table service only, no live music or entertainment and that a full risk assessment is carried out.

Cllr Mark Young, the Council’s Lead Member for Planning, Public Protection and Safer Communities, said: “We are looking forward to businesses in Denbighshire re-opening next week and the Council has been working with many businesses ahead of re-opening.

“We are urging businesses to check Welsh Government guidelines as well as being mindful of social distancing regulation and to manage the potential of an increase in noise, anti-social behaviour and littering.

“Irrespective of the measures being implemented to meet Covid-19 requirements, it is vital the obligations of the Licensing Act still are still met.

“As lockdown measures ease it is important to ensure the safety of staff and members of the public and we would like to remind customers to behave in a responsible manner and to follow social distancing measures while visiting premises.”

Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Nigel Harrison, North Wales Police, said: “I would like to thank the majority of our fantastic communities for pulling together during this difficult time, for adhering to the rules and helping others. These efforts really do make a difference.

“We of course want people to enjoy themselves, the last few months have been challenging.  I would ask people to stick to the social distancing rules and make sure everyone remains responsible, sensible and mindful of the restrictions that are still in place. The risk of COVID transmission has not gone away so we all must try and act in a way that protects our family and friends.  I hope everyone has a safe, relaxing and enjoyable weekend.”

Latest lockdown easing measures unveiled - as tourism industry get ready

Pubs in Wales have been sent a “clear signal” to prepare to open indoors from August 3 by the First Minister as he announced the latest round of lockdown changes, Wales Online is reporting this afternoon.
The measures will be phased in every Monday over the next review cycle and will see large parts of Wales’ visitor, hospitality, leisure and tourism industries re-open.
Mar Drakeford also announced that “provided the re-opening of outdoor hospitality goes well and the state of the virus allows, indoor opening for pubs, bars, cafes, and restaurants will resume from August 3."
Larger gatherings of up to 30 people will now be permitted provided they are outdoors “where these are organised and supervised by a responsible person for sports and other leisure activities and classes,” a Welsh Government spokesman said.
As expected he confirmed pubs, cafes, and restaurants will open outdoors and hairdressers, barbers and mobile hairdressers will re-open by appointment from Monday (July 13). 
Tourism bosses in county get ready for changes
Tourism businesses in Denbighshire are gearing up to kick-start their season, in readiness for the relaxing of lockdown restrictions on the industry, announced by First Minister Mark Drakeford today (Friday)

Bookings can be made for stays after 11 July. This will be at people’s own risk and they should check with the accommodation provider before they book.  
This includes any accommodation that is entirely self-contained, e.g. holiday cottages, holiday caravans including touring caravans, motorhomes, boats and some glamping accommodation with their own kitchens and bathrooms that no other guests use.
The proposed guidance also allows hotels and other serviced accommodation (e.g. B&Bs, hostels, etc.) that do provide en-suite rooms and can provide room service meals to re-open.
Caravan parks where accommodation is entirely self-contained may be allowed to re-open – but shared facilities on the premises will remain closed, such as swimming pools, leisure facilities, shared shower and toilets blocks, shared laundry, etc, and public areas in other accommodation types.  

This means any caravan or touring site where individual accommodation has its own supply of water for on board shower, WC and cooking with strict application of guidance on shared waste disposal and water points.

Businesses are expected  to take all reasonable measures to ensure that 2 metre distance is kept whilst waiting to enter premises, as well as admitting people onto premises in sufficiently small numbers to ensure that distance is kept.

Leader of Denbighshire, Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, who is also the Cabinet Lead Member for the Economy, said: “This latest relaxation of regulations for the industry is very much a step in the right direction.

“Tourism is very much at the heart of our economy in Denbighshire, contributing around £509 million a year and many people are heavily reliant on the industry for income and jobs.

“Many businesses will have really struggled over the past three months and it’s been a fine balance between protecting communities and re-starting the local economy.  It’s now time to look forward with hope and work together to offer the best possible experience for visitors from afar and wide, providing the usual high quality offer and encourage visitors to return to our scenic county”.

Ian Lebbon, Chair of the Denbighshire Destination Management Partnership, said: “We have waited a long time for this day. It’s been a really tough time for the tourism industry nationally and it’s no exception for us in Denbighshire.

“We fully recognise that restrictions needed to be put in place for the benefit of communities, but it’s now a case of looking forward to get  as many businesses as possible back on their feet and breathing new life into the industry, through encouraging visitors back to our county.

“We live in one of the most scenic areas of the UK, with a great blend of coastal and country communities and attractions.  We will continue to champion Denbighshire and North East Wales as great destinations for holidays and day trips for the whole family.

“We expect more people to stay in the UK for their annual holidays and it will be great to get tourism going again in our county. However, we want to make sure that people can visit Denbighshire in a safe manner,  whilst respecting communities and our scenic countryside and be mindful to check with providers and attractions whether they are open before travelling." 

County says it's working out details of schools re-opening

* Ysgol Dinas Bran.

Denbighshire County Council has issued a statement in response to the Welsh Government Education Minister’s plans for the new school year in September.

Kirsty Williams MS has confirmed that the autumn term in Wales will start on September 1. 

Her guidance states that schools that can accommodate all pupils on that day and first week should do so, but recognises that some schools may also need time for planning and reorganisation at the start of the next term.  

However, in the interests of all of children and young people, the Minister has announced that all schools will be open to all pupils by the September 14 at the very latest.

Councillor Huw Hilditch Roberts, Cabinet Lead Member for Education, Children’s Services and Public Engagement, said: “There have been growing demands from parents and guardians, as well as local authorities and schools across Wales for information about the new term in September.

“At least the latest announcement has outlined the Welsh Government’s position and direction of travel.  We now need to consider the Minister’s statement carefully and consider what plans need to be put in place to welcome pupils back in September and when schools can safely re-open.

“We’ll be working with headteachers to finalise plans for September, in line with Welsh Government operational guidelines. Dates and plans will be confirmed before the start of the summer holidays and the Council and schools will be providing updates to parents and guardians. 

“The safety of all pupils and school staff will be paramount as plans are drawn up and implemented."

Eisteddfod goes online to celebrate diversity

 *  Inclusion Project participants in rehearsal last year.

* A performance of Tapestry from the 2019 Inclusion Project on the main stage.

Llangollen TV Online Dance Champions winners Gema Citra Nusantara from Indonesia.

The second day of Llangollen Online focused on the celebration of diversity that is at the heart of the eisteddfod.

For over 10 years the festival has run an annual Inclusion Project enabling local groups that would not otherwise have performed in the event to take to the stage. 

The 2020 project had to be postponed due to the pandemic but a special video piece has been released to highlight its importance and this also features a recap on last year’s performance called Tapestry.

With awareness of diversity issues increasing across the globe in recent months, the eisteddfod’s aim of promoting understanding and acceptance through music and dance is celebrated in What Diversity Means To Us with commentary from adjudicators and participants.

“Everyone is invited, everyone is celebrated.” says Michael McCulloch the conductor of The Sunday Night Singers from California who first visited the eisteddfod in 2004. 

The winner of the Llangollen TV Dance Champions category was announced as Gema Citra Nusantara from Indonesia.

Llangollen Online runs until Saturday and further details on the daily programme can be found on

Playgrounds could be re-opened from July 20, predicts story

* The children's play area in Riverside Park.

According to a story in Wales Online this morning, playgrounds and community centres will open from July 20, ahead of the summer holidays, Mark Drakeford will announce today.
In a three-week package of measures to further lift Wales’ coronavirus restrictions the First Minister will also reveal that the wider beauty industry, including tattooists can prepare to re-open from July 27 if conditions allow, the story adds.
And it says Mr Drakeford will also confirm that from Monday, hairdressing salons will be able to reopen by appointment, as will restaurants, pubs and cafés with outdoor areas.
Asked specifically by llanblogger about the situation with the children's play area and bandstand in Riverside Park this week, a Denbighshire County Council spokesperson said: "The Welsh Government position on places like Riverside Park has not changed, so  it will remain closed until the guidance has changed and the closure sign will remain in place."
* For the full story, see