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Friday, July 10, 2020

Rural residents urged to apply for help with improved broadband speeds

Rural residents and businesses in Denbighshire are being urged to apply for funding towards the cost of installing gigabit broadband.

The Welsh and UK governments are now working together on the Gigabit Broadband Voucher scheme which covers part of the cost of installing new gigabit-capable internet connections.

Under the new partnership £7,000 is available for small-to-medium sized businesses and up to £3,000 is available for residential premises.

Gigabit-capable broadband connections offer the fastest and most reliable speeds available, and the scheme is open to rural premises with broadband speeds of less than 100Mbps.

Cllr Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of Denbighshire County Council and Lead Member for the Economy, said: “This scheme will help ensure more people and businesses have access to reliable broadband speeds. I urge all those Denbighshire residents in rural locations without decent broadband to check to see if they are eligible for these vouchers.

“Connecting communities is a priority for the Council and improved internet connections ensure our communities have access to goods and services and help the county’s businesses provide services online.

“It is possible for residents or community groups to work together on applications and the Council is working to advise and assist them with their applications.”        
* You can contact the council via and to check eligibility visit

Thursday, July 9, 2020

All schools to return from.September, says government

All pupils in Wales will be able to return to school in September, it has been announced.
Education Minister Kirsty Williams has today confirmed that schools will be able to return to full capacity, with limited social distancing measures in place when the new school year starts.
For the full story, in the Daily Post, see:

More businesses set to re-open next Monday

* The Cottage Tearoom and Bistro.

More Llangollen businesses have taken to Facebook to give details of their re-opening – or extended opening hours – as the Covid-19 lockdown gradually eases.

The Cottage Tearoom and Bistro in Castle Street posted: “A lot of our customers have been asking when we can finally reopen and we can confirm that from the 13th July we will be reopening our front garden to customers.

“Thorough preparations are being made from Government guidance including Risk Assessments & having appropriate measures in place.

“We can't wait to welcome you all again, we simply want this to be a mutual team effort from both staff & customers.”

In a separate post the business added: “From the 13th July, customers will be able to sit in our spacious outdoor seating area. Toilet facilities will also be available.

A similar post from another businesses said: “Finally we’re open Monday 13th Llangollen Barbers Shop, Chapel Street - so excited.”

Siop Fach, the cards and gifts shop on the corner opposite Fouzis, is now open 7 days a week, its owner posted.

Giving the opening hours, they added: “Monday: 9.30 to 3, Tuesday: 9 to 5, Wednesday: 930 to 3, Thursday: 9.30to 2.30, Friday : 9 to 5, Saturday: 9 to 5, Sunday: 10 to 5.
“Plus, we have a click and collect service!

“All our cards and gifts are on line at:

The Market on the Fringe posted that it will be re-opening this Saturday, adding: "We look forward to seeing you all again."

They posted: “It’s sooooo encouraging to see that our lovely customers are asking  are we open yet.

"As things stand we will be closed for July. Unfortunately, with the shambolic arrangements that the government is trying to make, such as you can’t come in and use the toilet facilities, we just can’t see how it can be workable.

“We are monitoring the government guidelines and will update you whenever we have further information.”

Latest post from another local pub, The Prince of Wales in Regent Street, said: “Hello everyone we are hoping to open on the 31st of July, all depending on how it goes with the virus we will keep you all updated with any changes we make.

“Can’t wait to see you all enjoying yourselves with a nice cold pint." 

Children deliver digital peace message from eisteddfod to world

* Children went digital to deliver their peace message to the world.

Llangollen Online began on Tuesday with a special message of hope for the world in which local children reflected on the global impact of coronavirus.

Each year since 1952 Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod has presented a message of peace and goodwill from the young people of Wales to the children of the world.  

Due to the pandemic, this year for the first time, the message was created digitally with children from Ysgol Bryn Collen in Llangollen and St Joseph’s Catholic & Anglican High School in Wrexham, who worked remotely to create the unique performance.

The message, written by Christine Dukes and narrated by the children, called on us all to reflect on how coronavirus has brought a different kind of peace to the world and how we can work together to overcome the impact of the pandemic.

It said: “This global pandemic has allowed us all to stop, pause, think, think about a world where we are all sharing the same fight for once, the same enemy at the door for once, the same battle to be fought for once. We became a ‘we’ not ‘I’”.

Other content featured on Tuesday includes a message of support from the Eisteddfod’s Patron HRH The Prince of Wales and the announcement of the winner of the Llangollen TV Children’s Choir category, which was won by British Columbia Girls Choir of Canada.

* Llangollen Online runs until Saturday and further details on the daily programme can be found on

MP describes how the Chancellor's measures could benefit Llangollen

* Chancellor Rishi Sunak in the Commons yesterday.

Clwyd South Conservative MP Simon Baynes has sent a statement on the UK Government's announcements yesterday afternoon about the help it intends to give to businesses to help them recover from the coronavirus lockdown.

It says: "Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the Government has said it will do whatever it takes to protect people and businesses from the immediate economic crisis. 

"As part of this, more than 8,200 jobs have been supported through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, allowing employers to put workers on furlough while the Government supports their wages in Clwyd South.

"The Chancellor has now set out the second phase of the Government’s response, focusing on jobs: supporting people to find the jobs that are out there, creating new jobs through investing in infrastructure, and protecting jobs by revitalising the hard-hit sectors upon which many jobs depend.

"As part of this, employers will be encouraged to retain staff who have been on the furlough scheme, with the Government paying a one-off bonus of £1,000 for every employee who was furloughed and who is kept on until January.

"Also included in the Government’s £30 billion Plan for Jobs:

•          A temporary cut in VAT for the tourism and hospitality sectors, to give a much-needed boost to some of the industries hardest hit by coronavirus.
•          A new Eat Out to Help Out Scheme, giving people up to 50 per cent off meals out at restaurants, pubs and cafes on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays in August.
•          The temporary removal of stamp duty on all homes under £500,000 until the end of March 2021, to catalyse the housing market.
•          A new Kickstart Scheme, which will create hundreds of thousands of new, fully-subsidised jobs for young people.

"The Chancellor’s Summer Economic Update, along with the New Deal for Britain announced by the Prime Minister last week, will benefit people and businesses across Wales. 

"This includes an additional £500 million of Covid-19 funding for the Welsh Government through the Barnett Formula. The UK Government is now providing £2.8 billion through the Barnett Formula to help the Welsh Government support individuals, businesses and public services through Covid-19.

"Following the Plan for Jobs, the UK Government will turn its attention to a third phase – a moment for rebuilding. The Chancellor will produce a Budget and a Spending Review in the autumn."

Mr Baynes MP added: “Throughout the coronavirus crisis, the UK Conservative Government has stood squarely behind people and businesses with one of the largest and most comprehensive packages of support anywhere in the world.

“As we turn our attention to carefully reopening our economy, it is right that the Chancellor is doing everything in his power to support, protect and create jobs. This plan will be a lifeline for countless people and businesses across Clwyd South.

“By levelling up the whole country, we will give businesses the confidence to retain and hire, create jobs in every region and ensure young people have the opportunity of a better start.”

Chamber's reaction to the measures

Llangollen Chamber of Trade and Tourism has let llanblogger have its own reaction to the Chancellor's measures.

This says:  "Any proposals by the government to offer further financial support is positive. 

"Llangollen is predominantly made up from independent businesses that have been unable to open and utilise the high level of tourist traffic that moves through the town and this has had a profound effect. 

"The cancellation of the annual Eisteddfod, although understandable, is also a significant factor likely to  also impact upon the town economic viability. 

"Many of the existing businesses have created alternative measures to ensure their survival but not all of these carry sustainability in the long term.

"Now that the travel restrictions have been lifted by the Welsh Government, any ongoing support would assist  in the town's recovery and allow it to thrive, particularly as it has a large number of cafes, restaurants and pubs providing for the large numbers of regular visitors and tourists.

"It is yet to be seen whether the proposals will allow Llangollen to return to its normally vibrant self but it is a start."

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Chancellor announces help for post-Covid hospitality sector

Chancellor Rishi Sunak is to cut VAT on hospitality as part of a £30bn plan to prevent mass unemployment as the economy is hit by coronavirus.
The government will also pay firms a £1,000 bonus for every staff member kept on for three months when the furlough scheme ends in October.
And Mr Sunak announced a scheme to give 50% off to people dining out in August.
These measures were announced in Parliament this afternoon in The Chancellor's summer statement on the economy.
For the full story, see the BBC online at:

Eisteddfod plans to build houses on its overspill car park

* The site of the proposed development off Abbey Road.

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod has applied for planning permission to build seven houses on the overspill car park close to its main site off Abbey Road.

The proposed development of three-bedroom homes would be served by two private shared driveways.

The site is a small triangular paddock off the A542 and is currently listed as brownfield for development purposes.

A design statement issued by the applicant’s agents, Fisher German of Chester, admits the proposed scheme is outside the development boundary and is therefore contrary to Denbighshire’s current Local Development Plan (LDP).

But the statement adds: “Notwithstanding, the (county) council currently has a significant shortfall from the plan-led housing requirement figure.

“The site adjoins a settlement boundary, in a highly accessible and sustainable location, and the provision of housing should be afforded significant weight so as to outweigh any policy conflict, subject to technical matters.

* A plan of the proposed housing development.

“The site is an under-utilised brownfield site located within a settlement. It may fall just the wrong side of the settlement boundary, but numerous appeal decisions and court rulings have confirmed that settlement boundary lines do not necessarily reflect the position on the ground.

“In this case, the site is connected to the town by continual development and very obviously forms part of its associated wider developed area.”

* A sketch of the housing types proposed.

A transport statement has been submitted alongside this application. This confirms both existing accesses to the site are suitable for the development and that “good visibility splays are created”.

The statement also confirms that a “minimal increase in traffic” would be created on Abbey Road as a result of the development.

A decision on the plan by county planners is pending.

* Further details of the application can be found on the county council's planning portal at: 

Use reference number: 03/2019/1075