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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Shunter makes history by reaching end of line at Corwen

* The diesel shunter at the end of the line.

Monday saw the first locomotive to run through Llangollen Railway's new station site to the end of the line at Green Lane, Corwen,

During the course of an engineer's possession of the line for a weed-killing exercise, the class 08 diesel shunt ran from Llangollen to Corwen and entered the station loop to reverse back.

This was the first time since December 1964, when the line closed due to flooding, that a locomotive has reached the west end of the new Corwen station.

It was on a day when the volunteer work force was present preparing to reopen the works site for a resumption of building the final stages of the platform after the lockdown.

Railway spokesperson George Jones said: "It was a tremendous occasion for all present and a good result for all the effort which went into restoring the track over the gap which has existed in the embankment until it was infilled last year."

End of an era at Ysgol Y Gwernant

* Bethan Jones.

* Diane Davies.

July sees an end of an era for Ysgol Gymraeg Y Gwernant as two of its leaders are leaving. 

Head Bethan Jones and deputy head Diane Davies are both leaving their posts to pursue new adventures.

School spokesperson Meinir Rees said: "We wish Bethan all the best in her new job as head teacher in Llanrwst and we wish Diane an enjoyable  and relaxing retirement.

"Bethan and Diane have worked together for 15 years from the very beginnings of the Uned Gymraeg, then Ysgol Gymraeg y Gwernant. 

"Their determination, drive and enthusiasm has helped to secure Welsh medium education for the children of Llangollen and surrounding area for generations to come. 

"They have instilled and secured a school with exceptionally high standards and also a very caring and nurturing environment.

"They will both be greatly missed."

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Eisteddfod faced "uncertain future" but for government help, says chair

* Last year's eisteddfod parade passes over the bridge.

Llangollen International Eisteddfod would have faced an "uncertain future" without financial support from the Welsh Government, its chair has told the BBC.
Dr Rhys Davies said the festival would have lost "hundreds of thousands" of pounds without grants to support it.
The event should have begun yesterday (Monday) but was cancelled because of Covid-19.

Parking spaces could be lost to allow social distancing, councillor reveals

* Llangollen is one of the towns where pavements 
may be widened to allow social distancing.

A Llangollen county councillor has revealed Llangollen could lose some of its parking spaces as a result of widening pavements to create more room for social distancing due to coronavirus.

Graham Timms makes the revelation as the Labour group of councillors on Denbighshire County Council – of which he is part – call on the authority’s leaders to introduce 30-minute free parking in town centres such as Llangollen to make up for the loss of spaces.

This move, they say, could come into force when the council re-introduces parking charges in August.

Cllr Timms said: “Llangollen is one of the towns where some parking spaces could be lost by widening pavements to create more space for social distancing.

“I am very keen to ensure that there is mitigation for parking places that are lost on our streets to ensure that our small businesses continue to thrive.”

Cllr Timms said he could not yet give any further information about what will actually happen in Llangollen as things were still at the planning stage.

On behalf of the Labour group its leader Cllr Joan Butterfield has written to the leader and chief executive of the council setting out the 30-minute free parking suggestion.

She writes: “We call on you to support local town centre businesses by introducing 30 minutes of free parking in all Denbighshire’s town and city centre car parks from 1st August 2020.

“This will coincide with the re-introduction of parking charges in all Denbighshire’s car parks.

“Recent proposals to remove some of the free 30-minute on-street parking in some Denbighshire towns to create more space for social distancing will certainly make our high streets more attractive and safer places to shop.

“But this will also mean that some ‘pop-and-shop’ residents could have to start paying for their parking, making them less likely to shop locally. 

“Whilst we support moves to make our towns safer, we also recognise that small businesses play a vital role in providing services to local residents and visitors.

“These businesses have really struggled over the last three months, many of them have been closed and some that remained open have suffered from a huge reduction in incomes.  Now that the lockdown is coming to an end we need to ensure that Denbighshire finds ways to revitalise our town centres.

“We are particularly concerned about those town centre businesses that provide services for our residents; Butchers, Greengrocers, Newsagents, Bakers and many others.

“They contribute to the vibrant atmosphere on high streets and make them attractive places to be. We need to support them at this time to ensure that they can continue to serve their communities and make their contribution to get the economy moving again.

“We need our town centres to have a good range of shops for residents and visitors in order to stimulate the local economy and tourism as we begin to welcome visitors back to Denbighshire.

“We believe that offering an incentive of thirty minutes free parking in all town and city centre car parks will be good for businesses, residents and visitors.”

Landmarks lit up to highlight plight of entertainments industry

* The International Pavilion is turned red by Orb Sound and Lighting Ltd.

* The Town Hall lit up in red last night.

Two of Llangollen's landmark buildings were lit up last night as part of a national initiative to draw attention to the way the entertainments industry has been hit by the coronavirus crisis.

Across the UK over 600 venues where entertainment is usually held registered to take part in the Light It In Red campaign.

And the team from locally-based Orb Sound and Lighting Ltd, who themselves have been badly affected by the enforced cancellation of live entertainment events, put Llangollen Town Hall and The International Pavilion on the list.

Both were lit up brightly lit up in red just after darkness fell last night, the Pavilion most poignantly on what should have been the eve of International Eisteddfod week.

Olli Bentley from Orb said: "This month, the team should have been working hard to support two of the biggest events of the year – the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod, and the Llangollen Fringe Festival.

"Sadly, due to the ongoing COVID pandemic both events, along with thousands of other events across the UK, have had to be postponed until next year.

"In the events industry over 25,000 businesses have had to cancel and postpone events due to COVID-19, forcing over half a million workers to lose their income, virtually overnight.

"Inspired by Germany’s ‘Night Of Light 2020’, 645 venues across the UK have registered to take part in the Light It In Red campaign. 

"Each venue was lit up in red to draw attention to the dramatic situation that the events industry is facing, and to highlight to the government that the industry still urgently needs some help, before it’s too late."

He added: "ORB Sound and Lighting Ltd thought it would be appropriate to light up the Royal International Pavilion where the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod would currently be happening, and also the Llangollen Town Hall where the Llangollen Fringe Festival would have been taking place later this month.

"We usually joke with our clients that we’re always the first ones in, and the last ones out of every job. Sadly, this time we were the first ones to become jobless, and we will be the last ones allowed to restart.

"We would like to personally thank both venues for permitting us to light them up and thank the staff at LIME and Llangollen Fringe Festival. We would also like to thank Speeches and Cream Prestige Events, Massey Live and Festival Fireworks for their assistance."

Monday, July 6, 2020

No new coronavirus deaths for first time since lockdown began

No new deaths of people with coronavirus have been reported by Public Health Wales for the first time since lockdown began.
The NHS trust confirmed on Monday, July 6 that there were zero deaths in patients with lab-confirmed Covid-19, keeping the total at 1,531 since March.

Horseshoe Falls re-opens to visitors

The Horseshoe Falls/Llantysilio Green in Llangollen (pictured) is one of the Denbighshire country parks which the county council has just re-opened following the coronavirus lockdown.

From today (Monday) also open to visitors again are Loggerheads and Moel Famau country parks.

Car parks at these locations have also been opened.

Councillor Tony Thomas, Cabinet Lead Member for Housing and Communities, said: “We are pleased to be re-opening our country parks once more after a significant period of closure. 

"It was a difficult decision to make, but we needed to follow strict Welsh Government restrictions and the closure of country parks was essential. 

“All communities have needed to make big sacrifices to help in the fight against covid-19 and for us that meant closing our popular sites.

“We would like to thank people for their patience and understanding. The majority of people have followed the restrictions and have stayed away from our scenic sites.  

"Our stunning countryside in the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is there to be enjoyed and we have recognised and felt people’s frustration at not being able to visit the places they love.

“We would ask people thinking of visiting over the next few weeks to please plan ahead and bear in mind that not all facilities will be open – some visitor centres and some businesses remain closed for the time being until restrictions are further lifted.     

“We will manage the sites as carefully as possible, as restrictions on social distancing remain in Wales.   

"We would respectfully ask that people continue to keep Wales and Denbighshire safe by adhering to social distancing measures and to follow any local restrictions or guidance issued by our teams working at the sites.  

“We will be monitoring the position carefully and would like to thank people in advance for their respect to our countryside and communities, to the safety of staff and other members of the public."