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Monday, March 16, 2020

llanblogger's motoring man caught by Spanish lock down

* Steve and Jean Rogers have been caught by the lock down in Spain.

Llanblogger's motoring correspondent Steve Rogers is one of thousands of British tourists trapped in Corona virus torn Spain.

Rogers, 68, from Wrexham, and his wife, Jean, 69, are spending three months in Roquetas de Mar in Spain's south eastern province of Almeria and are not due to return to the UK until the end of April. 

He has just sent this update.

"As I write Jean is trying to get through to consular sites for information about driving through Spain. We want to make a dash for home but don't know yet if we can leave here, let alone get through the French border 550 miles away.

"Saturday's stringent Lock Down decision by the Madrid government seems to have caught out everyone, not just the tourists. 

"From Sunday we were effectively under 'house arrest' able only to go a food shop or pharmacy. We understand only essential transport is allowed on the roads but there are conflicting reports that cars with foreign plates heading for home will be allowed to continue the journey.

"Our dilemma is leaving the relative comfort and safety of our apartment, driving through Spain but then getting turned back at the French border. Hopefully that situation will become clearer this afternoon although Jean's efforts so far with the consular offices in Alicante, Madrid and Malaga have drawn a blank.

"Contact with a person is impossible and voicemail boxes are full so we are just trying to come up with alternative solutions.

"Maybe we should have anticipated such drastic measures given the fact that the Spanish government seems to have buried its head in the sand while the rest of the world reacts but hindsight is a wonderful thing.

"We have friends whose flight home from Malaga was cancelled as a result of the lock down but they have managed to get places on a rescue flight on Thursday. The situation for people who have driven is clearly more complicated and stressful.

"Even though this is a lovely warm area with more than 300 days of sun the majority of visitors from November to May are from the UK, Germany and the Netherlands so it is relatively quiet with many hotels still closed but even so when we went out briefly yesterday it seemed the world had come to an end. Everywhere was deserted.

"We have just heard France will lock down from Wednesday so the decision has been made. We are making a run for it."

Virus total in Wales now stands at 124

Latest statement on coronavirus from Pubic Health Wales is:
Dr Giri Shankar, Incident Director for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak response at Public Health Wales, said:
“We can confirm that 30 new cases have tested positive for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Wales, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 124.
“Public Health Wales is working within the phased approach to tackling the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outlined in the UK Coronavirus Action Plan - to contain, delay, research and mitigate.
“We are working with our partners in the Welsh Government, the wider NHS in Wales, and others now that we have entered the ‘delay’ phase.  This is now not just an attempt to contain the disease, as far as possible, but to delay its spread.
“The advice for the public changed.  People no longer need to contact NHS 111 if they think they may have contracted Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).  Instead, anyone who has a high temperature or a new continuous cough should stay at home for seven days.  They should not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. 
“They should only contact NHS 111 if they feel they cannot cope with their symptoms at home, their condition gets worse, or their symptoms do not get better after seven days.”
“The public play an important role in this new phase. By following the latest advice, you will protect yourself, protect the most vulnerable, and delay and flatten the peak, which will reduce the pressure on NHS Wales and minimise the impact of the virus.
“The move into the ‘delay’ phase, will include working closely with health boards, NHS 111 and the Welsh Government towards transitioning away from community testing and contact tracing. Testing will now focus on cases admitted to hospital, in line with national guidance, and based on symptoms and severity.      
“The move away from community testing gives us greater capacity to test in hospital settings, where the most vulnerable patients will be cared for.
“While there is no longer a need to identify every case through community testing, we will still need to and will be able to report on Novel Coronavirus level in Wales. In a similar way to our seasonal flu reporting, we will be undertaking routine Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) surveillance which will help us understand the picture in Wales. 
We will therefore continue in the short term to report numbers of confirmed cases, which will give us some indication of the picture in Wales.
The table below shows the number of cases by local authority as of today Monday, 16 March. Please note that at the time of publishing, the residential area of 12 of the confirmed cases today were still being confirmed.

Local Authority
Number of cases on 15 March*
Number of new cases
Total number of cases as of 11am, 16 March
Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council
Bridgend County Borough Council
Caerphilly County Borough Council
Carmarthenshire County Council
Ceredigion County Council
City and County of Swansea
City of Cardiff Council
Conwy County Borough Council
Denbighshire County Council
Flintshire County Council
Gwynedd Council
Isle of Anglesey County Council
Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council
Monmouthshire County Council
Neath Port Talbot Council
Newport City Council
Pembrokeshire County Council
Powys County Council
Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
Torfaen County Borough Council
Vale of Glamorgan Council
Wrexham County Borough Council
Residential area to be confirmed

Resident outside Wales



Eisteddfod musical evening is latest casualty of virus fears

* The eisteddfod's musical evening at St Collen's
on March 27 has been cancelled. 

A special musical evening to be hosted by Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod at St Collen’s Church is the latest victim of the coronavirus crisis.

The aim of the Cymanfa Ganu, due to be held on Friday March 27, was to celebrate Welsh culture and raise money for the 2020 festival.

But in a statement this afternoon (Monday) the eisteddfod says: “We have been monitoring developments around coronavirus (COVID-19) and have come to the decision to cancel our scheduled Cymanfa Ganu.

“Customers who had already purchased tickets for the Cymanfa Ganu will be refunded.
Please be assured that we will continue to monitor and communicate with you about our plans for Llangollen 2020 in July as the situation develops.”

The evening was to have featured a range of local performers, including Wrexham-based mixed choir the James Lambert Singers. 

The evening was also due to include performances from Carrog-based ladies choir Lleisiau’r Afon who performed at the Eisteddfod for the first time last year, as well as musical items from a local Welsh harpist, and congregational singing in both Welsh and English.

Also due to the risk of infection Llangollen’s New Dot Cinema has cancelled its scheduled showing of the film Pain and Glory at the Town Hall on Friday March 27.
In statement the voluntary group says: “We have taken the decision to cancel our next screening, Pain and Glory, which was due to be shown on 27th March.
“We are monitoring the current situation and hope to bring great films to Llangollen again shortly.
“Sending lots of love from the New Dot volunteers to our audience, friends and fellow Llangollen community members who are affected at this difficult time.” 
Blue Bay Launderette in Regent Street has launched a new service as fears of infection spread.
On Facebook it said: “Due to the current situation regarding Coronavirus and self isolating we will be offering a pick-up and delivery service as of Monday 16th March 2020 until further notice.

“If you or you know of anyone who wish to use this service please get in touch with Jayne or Sarah on 01978 869227 to arrange collection.
“All customers who are doing there own laundry will also need to adhere to these requests:
1) Wash hands upon entering the launderette.
2) Wash hands after handling dirty laundry.
3) Do not shake dirty laundry,This will minimise the possibility of dispersing the virus through the air.
4) Or there is always the option to leave the laundry as a service wash.
“We will remain as diligent as ever with our cleaning and sanitising of the launderette and continue to offer a service that helps keep things cleaner and safer.”
Another measure to safeguard against the spread of infection was the live streaming over Facebook of the 11am service at St Collen's yesterday (Sunday). 

This was done to assist those who felt unable to be at the service in person. 

* Vicar, Father Lee Taylor, leads the morning service at
St Collen's which was streamed live on Facebook yesterday.

Latest coronavirus update from Llangollen Health Centre

Here is the latest coronavirus update from Llangollen Health Centre ...



This is general advice for anyone who is self-isolating at home for 7 days because they have a high temperature or a new continuous cough. 
Drink water to keep yourself hydrated; you should drink enough during the day so your urine is a pale clear colour.

You can use paracetamol to help with fever and aches and pains.  Use this according to the instructions on the packet/label and do not exceed the recommended dose.Current guidance does not recommend the use of NSAIDs (ibuprofen, Nurofen, aspirin). 

You should only contact 111 if:
  • you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home
  • your condition gets worse
  • your symptoms do not get better after 7 days
You should remain at home until 7 days after the onset of your symptoms. After 7 days, if you feel better and no longer have a high temperature, you can return to your normal routine. If you have not had any signs of improvement and have not already sought medical advice, you should contact NHS Direct Wales online. If you have no internet access, you should call NHS 111.

There is further advice on self-isolation on the Public Health Wales website:

Town council launches task force to help people during virus crisis

* Llangollen Town Hall from where the Good Neighbour scheme is being co-ordinated.

* Now with updated contact email - see the foot of story

Llangollen Town Council has launched a special scheme to help those most in need of support during the coronavirus crisis.
Good Neighbours aims to recruit a task force of people who can provide transport, run errands and prepare meals for the elderly and vulnerable in the area.
The intention, says the council, is to lend a hand to emergency services which may find it hard to cope as the number of those struck down by the virus continues to mount.   
In a statement issued early this morning (Monday) the town mayor, Cllr Jon Haddy, says: “Following a recent meeting with the South Wrexham cluster of GP Practices, which includes the Llangollen Surgery, the Town Council are working with other Community Councils and Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council to establish a Good Neighbour Scheme for those in need of help and support.
“Volunteers will be needed to replace some of the services offered by the Social Services and other professional care agencies, as their staff resources may well be stretched due to a number of their own personnel being affected by the virus and not being able to attend work.
“Volunteers would therefore be deployed to free health professionals, and other agencies, to target their support for individuals within the community that need a higher level of intervention.
“Therefore, the priority for any good neighbour scheme during the current COVID-19 would be to:
·         Providing transport.
·         Run errands, shopping or collecting prescriptions.
·         Preparing emergency meals.
·         Cooking meals.
·         Visiting or befriending.
·         Providing cover for carers."

And referring to schemes such as the Llangollen Coronavirus Help Group started on Facebook recently by Bethan Mascarenhas of the Old Vicarage Care Home, the statement adds: “The Town Council recognised the efforts of individuals and businesses who’ve already have established support mechanisms on social media platforms and will ensure that they are linked with the good neighbour scheme.
“It is very welcoming to see such initiatives coming forward within the Llangollen community, but one would not expect any less from such a caring and compassionate community that we are all fortunate to live in.”
* Those who wish to get involved the in Good Neighbour scheme are asked to contact any town councillor or to email:

Businesses reminded to vote in BID ballot

Businesses across town above a rateable value of £2,500 are currently voting on whether they wish to be involved in the Llangollen Business Improvement District (BID).

David Davies, former chair of Llangollen Chamber of Trade and Tourism, has sent in this reminder of the deadline for voting:

"BID voting forms deadline

Reminder –
Deadline for receipt of voting forms is Thursday 19th March

If you have not yet posted your vote, post it NOW

If you have still not received a voting form, with small brown envelope for return, then  email NOW to:, giving your name, business name and address, your vote Yes or No,  proof of your ID and your phone contact number.

Your vote counts  - don’t miss out !"

Sunday, March 15, 2020

llanblogger's update on how coronovirus is affecting the town

* Staff members Rach and Tia at Cambrian House B&B, carry out a
precautionary temperature check on one another this morning.

Llangollen Operatic Society’s production of the musical Chicago is the latest casualty of growing local concern over the threat of coronavirus infection.

The lavish show was to have been performed at the Town Hall from April 22-25 but the society has just announced on Facebook that it has been postponed until later in the year.

This comes on top of Llangollen XX Club’s postponement of its planned production of the comedy ‘Allo ‘Allo, as reported by llanblogger the other day.

The Operatic's Chicago producer Helen Belton said in her post: “We have taken the decision to postpone in the light of the virus situation.

“Obviously we can’t know how the cast will feel to keep rehearsing, can’t know what the Government will order and can’t estimate ticket sales in April. So this is the best way forward for everyone’s protection health-wise for you and your families.

“We are all devastated however and assure you that we want to perform this wonderful show at some stage. I will suggest some dates when I speak to the Town Hall.” 

One Llangollen business owner has outlined the strong measures she is taking to safeguard customers and staff.

Cath Miller, who owns the Cambrian House B&B on Berwyn Street, told llanblogger: “We are disinfecting the whole building and providing guests with sanitizer.

“Our staff are temperature-checked on arrival. 

“Basically, we are doing everything possible to keep visitors safe as are other business and attractions in town.

“I'm not a media expert but would it be in the interest of the town to do some pro-active marketing rather than to just sit back and wait for visitor numbers to dwindle.”

Giving an appraisal of how the coronavirus scare is hitting the area’s business community, the chair of Llangollen Chamber of Trade and Tourism, Claire Quant, said Llangollen is open for business, despite some of them experiencing a fall-off in trade.

She added: “Following a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Trade a decision was taken to postpone a planned re-branded launch.

“ This is due to the changing situation surrounding the coronavirus.

“Some businesses in the town have reported a significant decrease in footfall this week.

“Whilst we advise people to adhere to the official guidance being given out it is important that we keep a sense of perspective and normality.

“Llangollen is open for business and as a group of business people we will be supporting each other over the coming weeks, through these unprecedented times.

“If anyone has a business in Llangollen and needs advice, guidance or support then please message us via Facebook.

“We remain committed to Destination Llangollen and continuing to build on the good work that has been done in the town for the economic benefit of all those who want to see Llangollen thrive in a modern, leisure/retail environment and enjoy the knock on effects that will bring to residents, business owners and visitors alike.”

The owner of a local care home has launched a new Facebook group to help vulnerable people at risk in the area.

Bethan Mascarenhas, who runs the Old Vicarage home, kicked off the group by describing it as “a group for anyone who may need help or assistance getting shopping or items, or need help picking up medication or other essentials.
“For those who may be isolated and in need of support or help.”

The page quickly attracted many offers of help and Bethan posted subsequently: “We’re making a leaflet for those who may not have Facebook, who might be older and vulnerable.
“We would need one or two people who would be willing to be a point of contact to find someone on here to help them if they called. Would anyone be happy to do this?”

Meanwhile, Pip Gale, who runs Gales Wine Bar in the town posted yesterday: “At Gales we have been watching the developments surrounding the COVID-19 Coronavirus very closely.

“Over the last month we have been increasing our high standards of cleaning particularly surrounding high-use areas and taking every measure to help protect our staff and customers. “This includes encouraging the use of contactless payment and providing digital versions of our menus and wine lists to avoid any unnecessary contact.
“Whilst we understand the severity of this outbreak, having been in business in Llangollen since 1977, we also deeply understand the need for community. As such we will not, at this time, be cancelling any of our events going forward. We love this town and we wish to continue being a hub for your social lives.”

And to help people keep up their spirits – literally – during the crisis he added: “To those in self-isolation, wine care-packages are available from our online shop and can be delivered to your door free of charge in the local area.” 
Interpol has warned people to be vigilant about fraudsters who “exploiting the fear and uncertainty” around the coronavirus outbreak to scam people out of their money.

The international law enforcement agency has listed a number of scams that have been reported to it by member countries in the wake of the COVID-19 emergency.

The scams include:

* Telephone fraud: victims receive calls from criminals pretending to be medical officials, claiming a relative has fallen sick with the virus and then requesting payment for their treatment

* Phishing: victims receive emails from criminals pretending to be from health authorities, or legitimate companies, using similar looking websites or email addresses.

People had been conned into buying protective equipment such as face masks online, or had fallen prey to successful phishing emails or fraudulent phone calls.

How to steer clear of online scams

Don't click on links or attachments in suspicious emails

Don't reveal any personal or financial details during unsolicited messages or calls

Independently verify the website or email address is legitimately from the organisation claimed

Be aware of bogus websites – criminals will often use a web address which looks almost identical to the legitimate one, e.g. ‘’ instead of ‘’

Be wary if asked to make a payment to a bank account located in a different country than where the company is located

If you believe you have been the victim of fraud, alert your bank immediately so the payment can be stopped

Don't feel under pressure to reveal any information - cybercriminals use emergencies such as coronavirus to scare people into making rash decisions.


An update from Llangollen walking Festival.

Here in Llangollen we are monitoring developments closely and noting updates and advice given by the UK Government / Public Health Wales and their experts.

The current advice is that events like ours should continue and go ahead.  We are continuing to monitor the situation and will take the necessary steps if, and when needed.

Our decision making process will be based on instructions from the UK Government
The safety and wellbeing of our walking guests and walk leaders is of the highest importance and will be at the heart of any action we take.

Llangollen and the Dee Valley is a beautiful walking area and we look forward to sharing our favourite places with you.  Should our walk / travel plans need to change we will adapt... and let you know.

We very much look forward to walking and talking with you and thank you for your patience and understanding.

In the meantime, please look after yourself and each other and follow, the Government Guidelines about reducing the spread of the virus