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Sunday, March 8, 2020

Event showcases best in local food and drink

A former accountant who has swapped balancing the books for low food miles is attending an exhibition for local food and drink businesses for the first time. 

Katharine Wilding,(pictured) who developed and owns Angel Feathers, launched her first artisan fruit spirit a, 41% rhubarb gin, last year.

She will now be exhibiting her gins and vodkas at the Blas Lleol/Meet the Producer event at Theatr Clwyd, Mold, on March 10, which is being organised by the Llangollen and Dee Valley, and Clwydian Range food and drink groups with the support of the Federation of Small Businesses and Flintshire County Council as part of Denbighshire County Council’s March for Business month. 

Katharine, a former chartered accountant who ran her own firm for 15 years and lives just outside Ruthin on Moel Famau, produces her fruit-based spirits using seasonal, fresh, organic ingredients, grown on her small holding and hand made in her kitchen.

She said: “For years I’ve shopped in local independent shops and love that I am now a part of this ethos of local produce, low food miles.  My spirits are already stocked in a number of local independent outlets and public houses.

“After going to Blas Lleol last year with a friend and seeing all the lovely local produce, I’m thrilled to showcase my spirits this year. It is a fantastic opportunity to meet other producers and potential new stockists, all of whom appreciate local artisan produce.”

Blas Lleol is now in its fourth year and offers food buyers from North Wales and beyond the chance to see what local food producers have to offer.

Katharine added: “No pesticides are used in my produce and if I need an ingredient that won’t grow in the Welsh hill climate, I source it from an organic, ethical supplier and follow the supply chain back to the source. 

“I think people that buy artisan products expect you to go that extra mile and put the time an effort into what you make. All my infusions are made in small batches, so I can carefully hand select what goes in to making each batch. I love that people enjoy my spirits so much and appreciate the seasonal nature of them. 

“I’ve had such a fun time meeting lots of new people and listening to customers ideas – I’m just trying out a new flavour suggested by a customer. I look forward to meeting many more new customers at Blas Lleol.

“March for Business is a great way to help local businesses get training and grow and I’d recommend other traders in the county look at the events taking place across Denbighshire in March.”

Blas Lleol is a free business to business event and you can book via event Eventbrite.

The morning is an opportunity for tasting, meeting and talking with chef demonstrations and a programme of ‘huddles’ where producers and exhibitors will have the opportunity to present their product, message or story to visitors, other producers and exhibitors.

Denbighshire County Council’s March for Business month offers a mix events, training and workshops for the county’s traders.

Events include social media training covering Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as workshops with Business Wales and the Development Bank of Wales.

If you would like to attend any of the events visit

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Latest coronavirus update from Llangollen Health Centre


We will be providing our patients with a series of updates regarding the Coronavirus as the situation in the UK develops.  There are no confirmed cases of coronavirus in our local area at the moment.  However, as a practice, we are taking some precautionary measures to safeguard our patients and staff against any potential spread of the virus.  We would like to assure our patients that, should the need arise, we have a robust plan in place and that the wellbeing of our patients and staff is our priority. 

Any patient who is worried that they may have Coronavirus (either because they have symptoms of fever, cough or cold, have recently travelled to an affected area or have had contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus) should self-isolate and ring NHS Direct on 0845 46 47. 

This is a summary of the precautionary measures we have taken so far: 

Online booking of appointments has been suspended 

This is to allow us to screen patients before they book appointments to ensure that any suspected cases of coronavirus are identified and handled appropriately. 

Repeat medication can be ordered over the telephone for the foreseeable future 

This is to limit the number of visits patients need to make to the Health Centre. 

Guidelines on making appointments 

We have introduced some guidelines for our receptionists to follow when patients are wanting to book appointments.  This means they will be asking questions regarding symptoms and travel, and offering patients pre-booked telephone consultations instead of face to face appointments if this is appropriate. 

Guidelines on attending appointments 

We are asking patients who have fever, cough or cold symptoms not to attend the Health Centre unless they have been asked to do so by a doctor.  If you have developed these symptoms in the intervening period between booking and attending your appointment, we ask that you do not attend but ring us on 01978 860625 instead. 
We are asking patients to limit the amount of time they spend at the Health Centre as much as possible.  Therefore we are advising patients not to arrive early for their appointments, or if they do, to wait in their cars if possible until their appointment time.   
We are asking patients not to bring family members or companions with them to their appointments unless they really need to (for example carers or to assist with mobility). 

Suspension of Non-Essential Activities 

We have agreed with the Friends of Llangollen Health Centre to temporarily close the Friends Café and we have suspended some of the other group activities that take place in our group room and waiting room areas. 

Latest traffic bulletin

Latest local traffic notification from is:


09 March — 09 March

Delays likely - Traffic control (multi-way signals)

Works location: A5 Junction of Berwyn Street with Hill Street, Llangollen

Works description: Trial hole

Responsibility for works: Welsh Government

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: PD5012059104144429