Denbighshire County Council has approved its budget
for the 2020/2021 financial year, with an increase of 4.3% in council tax for residents.
The draft settlement announced by Welsh Government
last December showed an increase of 4.3% in the budget for Denbighshire and
this is one of the highest increases seen for the council since 2007/2008. In
cash terms this means an increase of £6.2 million.
However, in setting the budget, councillors have
considered the fact that there are £12.41 million budget pressures facing the
authority, including continued pressure on social services, education, school
transport, waste services and pay increases.
The settlement from Welsh
Government would have needed to be an increase of 10% to cover these pressures.
In light of the better settlement, the council says it has
been able to keep the increase in council tax as low as possible, with this
year’s increase of 4.3%. which is lower than last year’s rise of 6.35%.
The budget for the 2020/ 21 financial year is £208
million. This includes a £1.5 million increase for education and
children’s services; £2.8 million for schools; £2.6 million for adult social
care; £1.4 million for waste; £600,000 for school transport and £200,000 for
climate change.
Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Cabinet Lead
Member for Finance, said: “The council has a legal duty to set a balanced
budget for the forthcoming financial year and I must commend councillors and
staff who have worked tirelessly to get us to this position today where we can
officially set the budget. They have come up with proposals to balance the
books and have scrutinised and deliberated over the figures before coming up
with the budget agreed at full council.
“A lot of work has gone on behind the scenes to identify more efficient and
effective ways of working within the Council and the savings we have
identified, together with the better settlement than expected, means that we
have been able to keep the council tax levels low.
"The public has told us
that they did not want to see large increases and we have listened to their
concerns and worked to find alternative ways of finding savings.
“The other good news is that we have been
able to protect essential frontline services that people want and expect from
the council.
"The cuts we are taking forward this year will have
little if any impact on the public and that has been a crucial part of our
thinking from the beginning.
"The Council has a strong track record of
doing this and we have tried to lead by example by being as efficient and
effective as possible, reducing our budgets and making savings through not
replacing some posts and identifying better ways of working or stopping some
things altogether.
“Moving forward, we will continue to host discussions with Welsh
Government to provide a more sustainable footing for local authority finances
in the future."