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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Road closure warning given

llanblogger reader Mike Edwards has been in touch with news about a local road closure.

Mike, who has also taken the pictures above, says: "Vicarage Road was closed to all traffic and pedestrians until the 26th of this month.

"This includes the bottom entrance to the cemetery (top two photos) meaning that less active people visiting the cemetery must access it via the top end of Fron Bach which means climbing a steep hill."

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Training boost for adventure sports

Thrill-seekers can start a new career in adventure sports thanks to a unique training opportunity.

Denbighshire County Council and Cadwyn Clwyd are contributing funding to provide subsidised training sessions to increase the number of outdoor sports instructors in Denbighshire’s Dee Valley to meet rising demand.

The courses will offer training for new instructors as well as upskilling current qualifications and will focus on white-water rescue and paddle boarding.

The project was funded by the council’s Tourism Growth Plan and Cadwyn Clwyd secured funding through the Welsh Government’s Rural Communities - Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

Support and advice has also been provided by the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB.

Sessions take place in September and October.

Providing funding for the sessions is part of the council’s work on developing the local economy by helping to increase visitor numbers to the area.

* For more information or to book, contact Ceri Lloyd on 01824 712757 or e-mail

Monday, September 4, 2017

Y Caban stages art exhibitions during September

* Plas Newydd, where art exhibitions are being staged at Y Caban. 

As part  of North Wales Helf Gelf/Art Trail, Plas Newydd is staging an exhibition of Wrexham Artists during in Y Caban during September. 

It includes work by eight artists covering a range of media including painting, ceramics, mixed media and photography. 

Every weekend one of the artists will visit Y Caban. Viewers will be able to talk to them maybe see them at work.

In Llangollen town there are two other places with artists who are part of Helfa Gelf. 

One is the History Museum in Parade Street with six Llangollen artists who use a range of media including drawing, mixed media, painting, photography, print making, sculpture and textiles.

They are  open from September 5 onwards, with artists there each of the remaining three weekends of the month.

The other is Gwalia Ceramics in Oak Street which is a gallery selling contemporary work by a variety of selected ceramic makers from Wales and beyond.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Get hot on the trail of Llangollen quiz

As part of Cadw Open Doors Heritage events in September, sponsored by Llangollen Chamber of Trade and Tourism, the Tools of the Trade Trail quiz has started in the town.

The quiz ends on midday Sunday September 10, and a prize of £50 will be awarded to a winner.

Leaflets to take part in the quiz can be picked up in the Tourist Information Centre, and the TIC has a box for receiving completed quiz forms.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Eisteddfod puts out call for competitors

* Singer Clara Greening competes at this year's Eisteddfod.

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod is calling out to talented singers, dancers and instrumentalists from Wales to join others from across the globe and enter its competitions, which will take place from July 3-8 next year.

Successful entrants will compete for a range of prestigious titles including Dance Champions of the World, International Voice of the Future, International Voice of Musical Theatre and the jewel in the crown of the festival, Choir of the World.

There are cash prizes of up to £6,000, international medals and also the opportunity for aspiring musical singers to win the chance of a lifetime to perform at the Gold Coast Eisteddfod in Australia.

As well as the International Eisteddfod’s most renowned competitions, the 2018 syllabus also features a number of new categories.

These include two new solo competitions for performers under 19 years old. The programme also builds on the competition strands successfully launched in 2017 such as the Jayne Davies Award for most outstanding conductor in the Choir of the World competition and the International Acapella Group.

Entries for all choral, ensemble and dance competitions will close on Friday September 29, while solo performers will have until Friday 2nd March 2018 to apply.

Applications to follow in the footsteps of non-competitive acts and perform on one of the International Eisteddfod’s stages are also open, with the entries also closing on Friday November 24.

Chairman of the International Eisteddfod, Dr Rhys Davies, said: “The Llangollen Eisteddfod’s competitions offer the opportunity for performers from across the globe to compete on an international stage alongside some of the world’s most talented musicians and dancers.

“With more than 20 competitions to apply for there really is an opportunity for all types of performers, from all disciplines and of all ages to get involved.

“Every year we aim to extend our offer and both the Outstanding Conductor and International Acapella Group categories are exceptionally exciting additions to the syllabus. We’re looking forward to see this year’s applications.”

* For more information on all the competitions or to apply on the Eisteddfod competitors’ website visit:

To purchase tickets for the Llangollen International Eisteddfod or for more information visit:

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Warning over bogus tax refund texts

Denbighshire Trading Standards are urging residents to be aware of spam text messages purporting to be from HM Revenues and Customs.

Some residents in the county have received a text message stating that a tax refund is due and asking people to click on the link to complete a tax form.

The council says HMRC will never send notifications of a tax rebate by text message, or ask you to disclose personal or payment information.

It says people should never disclose personal and/or payment information in reply to a text message that may look like it’s from HMRC, as they might well be revealing their details to a fraudulent website.

Trading Standards officers are urging people never to give out private information (such as bank details or passwords), reply to text messages, download attachments or click on any links in emails or texts if they are not completely sure they’re genuine.

* Anybody receiving an email they suspect to be fraudulent and appearing to be from the HMRC should forward it HMRC direct: or send any suspicious text messages to 60599. Text messages will be charged at your network rate.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

County tourism thriving research shows

* Tourist attraction: Offa's Dyke Path.

Denbighshire’s tourism industry is thriving according to recent research.

Figures have been released as part of the STEAM programme – Scarborough Tourism Economic Activity Monitor, which aims to measure the impact of tourism from both staying and day visitors.

Tourism plays a vital part in Denbighshire’s economy, with a total economic impact in 2016 of over £479 million, an increase of 3.2% compared to the previous year and nearly 50% increase compared to 10 years ago.

In 2016, the total number of visits to Denbighshire – taking into account tourism day visits and staying visitors was nearly 6 million, increasing by 1.7% from 2015 and 23% compared to 10 years ago.

Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of Denbighshire and who is also the Cabinet Lead Member for the Economy, said: “This is great news for Denbighshire and I’m delighted that our tourism industry is growing. Staying visitors accounted for 67% of the total economic impact last year; which highlights the importance of attracting high quality accommodation to the region.

“The latest figures reveal that Denbighshire continues to be a popular choice for day trippers and over 6,000 full time jobs were supported by tourism spend in 2016, which demonstrates the contribution the sector makes to our local economy by providing services to the community and employment opportunities for our residents.

“Capitalising on Visit Wales marketing campaigns, working with partners to deliver our Destination Management Plan and the increased popularity of North Wales as a holiday destination all play an important role in increasing awareness of the wealth of attractions, facilities and services available in the county.”

Ian Lebbon, Chair of the Denbighshire Destination Partnership, said: “It’s great to see the increase in visitor numbers to the County for both day and staying visitors. We will continue to look at innovative ways to attract more visitors especially highlighting our hidden gems and hands-on experiences that many people are seeking when choosing their breaks.

"We are currently finalising our Destination Management Plan for 2017-20 in partnership with local businesses and groups to ensure long-term sustainability for the development of tourism in the county.”

North East Wales also reported further growth in 2016 with the overall volume of visits increasing by 1.1% compared to 2015, while the amount spent has increased by 3.4%. There were 11.40 million visits made to North East Wales, with an associated spend of nearly £850 million.

STEAM reports give a month by month account of the performance of the tourism industry within an area, from which, trends can be identified and acted upon. Such research is vital to ensure the future development and success of the industry.

* For more information on Denbighshire and North East Wales please visit and