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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

No change in summer opening date for new supermarket

Despite the on-site activity some llanblogger readers are reporting, Llangollen's new supermarket is not due to open until the summer.

That's the latest word from Aldi who will be running the superstore alongside fellow discount chain Home Bargains.

A number of our readers have been in touch to say they have seen work going on inside the Berwyn Street building, leading to speculation that the twin businesses might have an earlier opening date than originally announced.

But a spokesperson for Aldi told llanblogger earlier said today (Wednesday): "We've just got summer 2017 as the scheduled opening currently."

However he assured that the blog would be "kept in the loop" if there was any change to the situation. 

The new Aldi will create up to 30 jobs, says the company.

The discount grocery chain also says it aims to encourage links with other local traders.

A statement issued soon after the development received planning permission from the county council last year said: "We are really pleased to be opening a new store in Llangollen. We understand that there is a strong local interest in the future of the Berwyn Street site, so we are pleased to announce that we will be taking it on and bringing it into productive use.

“Not only will the new store deliver a multi-million-pound investment in the local area and create up to 30 much-needed new jobs, it will also provide greater shopping choice for local people and help them save money on their weekly grocery shop.”

The statement adds: "Unlike other retailers, Aldi has a unique offering and does not act as a one-stop shop.

"Aldi stores do not have a butcher, fishmonger or bakery, nor do they provide childcare facilities or sell tobacco.

"Instead, Aldi is known for encouraging linked trips between its stores and other local businesses, encouraging residents to complete their shopping at other local shops, adding to the vitality and viability of the local area.

"Recruitment will start during construction: anyone interested in jobs at the store should register their details on"

MP urges people to speak out on driving offences

Clwyd South Labour MP Susan Elan Jones is urging local residents to take part in a UK-wide Government consultation on driving offences related to causing death or serious injury.

Ms Jones, who introduced a bill to Parliament calling for tougher sentencing for driving offences, is a past recipient of the Parliamentarian of the Year award from road safety charity Brake.

She is currently campaigning for greater road safety on the A5 and A483 on both sides of the Welsh border between Oswestry and Wrexham. 

Ms Jones (pictured) has repeatedly questioned Government Ministers on road safety.

She recently led a debate in Parliament on sentencing policy, calling for the Government to review sentencing relating to road safety offences - something Ministers finally agreed to do at the end of last year.

Now she is calling on local residents to respond to the Government consultation in large numbers.

She said: "The law on driving offences in this country is totally inadequate. A previous generation changed our laws and culture to tackle the scandal of drink driving.

"We need to do the same in tackling sentences for those who kill or seriously injure people on our roads today."

* The Government's consultation can be found at

Members of the public have until 1st February 2017 to respond.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Community aims to run village businesses

Members of the community in a village not far from Llangollen have embarked on an ambitious project to buy the village shop and Post Office.

The Cynwyd shop has been on the market for several years and the current owners will close the business if they don't get a buyer.

* Chair: Mabon ap Gwynfor.

Several members of the community agreed that losing the shop and Post Office would be detrimental to the village and organised a public meeting to see if the community could take the place over.

Over 65 people are now involved, and have formed the Siop Ni Cynwyd community enterprise.

Delyth Thomas of Siop Ni Cynwyd said: "The shop is right at the heart of the community. Not only does it provide an all-important service, ensuring that we all have access to some of our daily essentials, but it also acts as a community hub, with friends and neighbours having time to catch up on local issues and bind the community together.

"It would be dreadful if we were to lose the place, so we are exploring all possible avenues to see what can be done to keep it in the community."

The new group have so far received advice from the Wales Co-op Centre, Grwp Cynefin and Cadwyn Clwyd, and are in the process of applying for funding to complete a feasibility study to explore the best options available.

Mabon ap Gwynfor, Chair of Siop Ni Cynwyd, said: "A lot of people have come forward willing to assist in this venture. This is a true community enterprise with everybody offering their services and chipping in.

"There is certainly a lot of good will. Grwp Cynefin, Cadwyn Clwyd and the Wales Co-op Centre have been brilliant, and we look forward to working with them to see this project to full fruition."

Cynwyd resident Alwenna Joyce said: "Keeping the shop and the Post Office in Cynwyd is vitally important, especially as we've lost the banks from every town in this region.

"We've got nowhere to pay in or take money out without having to travel some distance, and we don't have many buses here in Cynwyd. The shop sells everything and is indispensable to local residents."

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year from llanblogger

Wild Pheasant's new lease of life

The Leader is reporting that Llangollen's Wild Pheasant hotel has re-opened after a major facelift.

For the full story, see:

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Railway gala steams in next March

Llangollen Railway’s Along Birkenhead Lines Gala will take place over three days from Friday-Sunday, March 3-5.

Featuring an intensive timetable of both passenger and mixed traffic trains, a great collection of historic steam locomotives and special attractions taking place along the line, the event has something for all railway enthusiasts and families alike, according the organisers.

The weekend marks the 50th anniversary of two significant events - the last steam-hauled Cambrian Coast Express and 50 years since the last through working from London Paddington to Birkenhead (Woodside).

Work is in hand to make this gala one of the most historically accurate and authentic steam events yet achieved.

Expect to see cameos, displays, recreations and all the appropriate paper ephemera.

In addition to the railway’s home fleet, the gala will feature a number of special visiting steam locomotives – details of which will be announced very soon! 

* Download our FREE Advanced Information booklet (first edition attached) for all the latest news on the gala from: 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merry Christmas from llanblogger!

llanblogger is now taking a short break and will be back just after Christmas.

Meanwhile, we wish all our readers the best of the festive season!