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Saturday, June 18, 2016

Llan MP's tribute to murdered colleague

WHILE taking sensible precautions for their own safety MPs should never forget they are there to represent individuals and communities and cannot do that by hiding themselves away.

That was the message from Clwyd South MP Susan Elan Jones as she paid warm tribute to fellow  Labour MP Jo Cox who was murdered on the streets of her Yorkshire constituency last Thursday.

Ms Jones (pictured) said: “The tragic news about the murder of Jo Cox has shocked the whole country.

“It is clear that Jo was a person who cared very deeply about other people, both in this country and across the world.

“She had a career of distinguished service as an aid worker and a campaigner before she entered Parliament and she was every bit as dedicated in her work as an MP.

“Jo was also a mother to very young children. I know many people across our country and the world will hold her family and close friends in their thoughts and prayers at this very traumatic time. 

“Many of us were very moved by the words of Jo's husband after her death that we can best remember Jo and honour her life by standing up against the hatred that led to her death.”

Ms Jones added: “Regrettably, there often seem to be much hatred, fear and extremism in politics in our country today. However, there is also much that is good.

“One thing that I believe that we must cherish is the right of individual constituents to meet with their Members of Parliament.

“Of course, MPs and everyone in the public eye must take sensible security precautions, but we MPs should never forget that we are here to represent individuals and communities.

“And we can't do that by hiding away from people.

“Yesterday (Friday) I visited the museum in Cefn Mawr and then held a constituency surgery in Llangollen Library with Ken Skates AM.

“I will continue to do all I can to help and represent my constituents to the best of my ability.

“Democracy and tolerance are precious treasures in our country and across our continent. We must never let the voices of hatred and extremism threaten them.” 

Archive material now at touch of button

Information held in Denbighshire’s archives is now only a click away, with a new website launched to help people delve into the county’s history.

The new interactive website, one of the first of its kind in Wales,  can be found by visiting:

The site has been 18 months in the making, developing and enhancing online services for researchers.

People can access  details of collections held at Denbighshire, selected digital images, order digital copies, book to use the service and make online payments.

Archivist Sarah Roberts, said: “More and more people are using online resources for research to discover who lived in their house or the history behind their local area, church or schools.

“The new developments are in direct response to the changing needs of our researchers and online audiences."

Councillor Barbara Smith, Cabinet Lead Member for Modernisation, said: “These changes have only been possible because of the dedication of staff and volunteers working with the service. The website looks fantastic and provides users with an interactive platform to engage with the service in new ways."

The website has been supported by the National Archives and the Museums, Archives and Libraries Division of Welsh Government.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Church's requiem will mark Somme centenary

ST COLLEN’S Church in Llangollen has arranged a special commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme in World War One.

At the church at 7.30pm on Thursday June 30, Glyndŵr University Community Choir, conducted by Owen Roberts, will perform Faurés Requiem.
There will also be readings by pupils from Ysgol Dinas Brân. Admission free with a retiring collection.

After the concert, a lit candle will be placed at the war memorial in Castle Street until 7.30am next day when whistles will be blown to mark the actual time the Battle of the Somme began on July 1 1916.
There will be a short Service of Remembrance at the war memorial at 11am.

Open evening

* St John’s Church in Abbey Road, which is associated with St Collen’s, has just had a programme of modernisation work completed.

This included new central heating, a new kitchenette and a disability toilet have been added.

Vicar, the Rev Andrew Sully, said: “We’d love to show people what’s been done and so are holding an open evening on Tuesday June 28 at 7pm.
“Our hope is that members of the community will be able to meet here for occasional one-off meetings or for more regular group meetings during the whole year, now that we have central heating.”

Thursday, June 16, 2016

AM challenges First Minister over new home numbers

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood has challenged the First Minister over house building in Wales this week, claiming that the number of private units granted planning permission in Wales has decreased while England has seen a substantial increase.

Speaking in the Chamber Mr Isherwood (pictured) said: “Given that, in England, Local Plans produced in consultation with the community have been the cornerstone of planning reforms, how will your Government engage with the Home Builders Federation regarding the statement in its Welsh election paper, ‘Building Communities, Boosting Investment’, that, because of the many improvements in England, in terms of reduced regulation and greater land availability, the relative attraction of investing in the requisite land and skills in Wales has reduced over recent years?

“The results can be seen in the most  recently published data on planning permissions, which show that, since the start of 2013, the number of private units granted planning permission in Wales has decreased by 4 per cent, whilst increasing by 49 per cent in England.”

The First Minister replied: “Well, we have seen significant increases in the number of houses being built in Wales over the past two years. It seems to me that, in England, the plans there are designed to block housing development and not to encourage housing development.

"What there needs to be, of course, is a properly regulated development plan so that people are able to see where development will take place. I don’t believe that local development plans, of themselves, are sufficient over a wider economic area, which is why strategic plans, to my mind, have a great deal of force and are a great deal of help when it comes to planning for the future.”

Mr Isherwood added: “So it seems he still won’t listen to those who actually build the homes needed to tackle Labour’s housing supply crisis in Wales. Last year Wales was the only UK nation to see a fall in the number of new homes registered.” 

Young Llan performer is West End smash

A TALENTED young performer from Llangollen has won glowing praise for his part in a West End concert celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Childline charity.

Cassius Hackforth was one of the young stars from across the UK chosen to take part in A Fabulous Musical Afternoon at the Arts Theatre, which also saw an appearance by musical legend Marti Webb.

* Cassius Hackforth
when he appeared in the
Young Uns' production
of Half a Sixpence
The show was a fast-paced review of the classic musicals of the last 60 years programmed by Robert Page and presented by a company of over 30 performers.

Cassius, who attends Ysgol Dinas Bran and played Bulfrog to great acclaim in last year’s production of the musical Honk! by Llangollen Operatic’s Young ‘Uns junior section, took to the stage in the second half of the show.

And, according to a critic from the London Live Review, he virtually stole the show.

The report says: “The solo performance of the day did not belong to the West End stars. It belonged to a young man called Cassius Hackforth.

Putting children in a show is always a risk on a bill of top West End talent.  

“However, Chay had proved in the first act that the Facebook winners were some of the best young singers in the UK.  

“Cassius has already bagged a lead role with the National Youth Music Theatre. This performance of Different from Honk was totally mesmerising and he owned the theatre.  

“In fact, it was so fantastic that Sylvia Young who was attending the show offered him a free Summer Place at her famed Summer School. A bright future is surely ahead for Cassius.”   

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

County urges support for business campaign

Denbighshire County Council is urging residents to get behind their campaign to support local businesses in the county.

The #LoveLocalDenbighshire campaign aims to get people to show their support for local businesses by using the hashtag on Twitter and Facebook to promote good experiences they’ve had and promote products and services locally that they have ‘loved’.

The council also wants Denbighshire businesses to engage with the campaign and use the hashtag to promote their goods and services to help spread the word about the diverse range of products and services that are available in local towns and villages.

Leader of the Council, Hugh Evans OBE, said : “We are calling on the people of Denbighshire to show support for local businesses and show community spirit by making sure we look after our high streets.

“There are so many fantastic businesses here in Denbighshire in all sorts of areas from food and hotels, to shops selling uniquely made crafts and providers of unique services and experiences. We need to get the word out and make sure people use them. 

“They also help create a thriving local economy and support our communities by providing jobs for local people. We really want the people of Denbighshire to share their positive experiences of engaging with local businesses by shopping in them and taking the pledge to love shopping locally.”

Chairman of the Clwydian Range Food Trail and one of Denbighshire’s Tourism Ambassadors, Dave Jones, said: “I think this is a really positive campaign from the Council. Local businesses need to support each other, build networks and promote each other. Engaging with social media is a great way to do this.

“It’s also really important that communities get behind their local businesses and support them too. We have a wealth of fantastic businesses in this County and we need to get the message out that buying locally is good for everyone in so many ways.”

The campaign is also part of the Council’s drive to develop the local economy by supporting vibrant and viable high streets, working to support healthy private businesses.

MP stands up for social enterprises

Clwyd South MP Susan Elan Jones will be championing the cause of local social enterprises in Parliament today (Wednesday).  

Leading a debate entitled Support for Social Investment, she will call on the Government  to amend laws and change accounting regulations to help social enterprises that benefit local communities.

Ms Jones (pictured), who co-chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group for Charities and Volunteering, believes that her proposed changes, if supported by the Government, could be of massive financial help to the 68,000+ social enterprises nationwide.

Local examples of social enterprises include Splash Magic Leisure Centre, Plas Madoc, Glyn Wylfa Ltd at Chirk and, potentially, Llangollen Railway, the Brymbo Heritage Group and Ty'n y Capel Inn and Restaurant in Minera.

She said: "I believe that our country needs much more serious thinking and action about how our communities can be better and stronger.

"Social enterprises - using cost-effective business models to improve communities - are an excellent way of doing this and I think we should be doing much more to support them as they try and access finance.

"My debate on this issue comes as the result of a lot of thinking and discussion with people who work in social enterprises.

"I am very pleased that this debate was selected for discussion and really hope the Government takes on board what we are asking for."