a discussion on the issue at the recent full council meeting, Llangollen
councillor Stuart Davies asked a senior officer to outline exactly what the
council was doing to highlight the opportunities to businesses in the county.
a reply to Cllr Davies, Stuart Andrews, the council’s
acting strategic procurement manager sent him the following reply:
- We are working very closely
with Business Wales to promote opportunities via their Business advisors,
and have recently had a very well attended "Meet the Buyer"
workshop here in Ruthin attended by approximately 25 local construction
- Business Wales hold regular
"How to Tender" workshops around the County to help small
businesses in becoming more efficient in the tender processes. The CPS
attend these to provide additional practical guidance.
- We are in the process of
upgrading the Procurement page on Denbighshire's website to have a page
there which identifies current contracts along with the expiry dates so
that local businesses are more aware of when opportunities are likely to
be forthcoming.
- We actively promote to all
local businesses that want to do business with us the following websites
where we advertise opportunities. and Both
of these sites are free of charge for any business to register on. When
businesses are registered the system will send notification by email of
opportunities that are available to bid for to all registered companies.
- We are currently
re-structuring our tendering documentation in the e-Sourcing solution for
smaller value opportunities to make the requirement for the submission of
policies, insurances etc less bureaucratic by only asking businesses if
they have the relevant documentation. We will then only ask the winning
bidder to provide it on the award of any contract.
- Where we ask questions in the e-Sourcing solution all answers
provided by suppliers are stored securely in their own library for future
use. This will allow suppliers to re-use the stored information rather
than having to complete a new quotation or tender every time they receive
a request.