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Monday, August 4, 2014

World War One centenary events today

Llangollen branch of the Royal British Legion has asked llablogger to display this poster giving details of today's special event to mark the centenary of the start of the First World War:  

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Battle is to save the Welsh high street

Buy Local Llangollen has highlighted a new campaign to fight for the survival of the traditional Welsh high street.

For the full story see:

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Plas Madoc competition deadline extended

A competition to create a new mascot for Plas Madoc Leisure Centre has been extended for the summer holidays.

The volunteer-run Splash Community Trust is urging youngsters aged four to 11 to get creative and come up with designs for a dragon mascot for the popular facility, which it is hoped will reopen later this year as a social enterprise under the name Splash Magic.

Board member and fundraising coordinator Jenny Miller said: “We feel Splash Magic needs a strong and iconic mascot, and we like the idea of Splash the Magic Dragon. We would like local schoolchildren to help us – their ideas are critical.”

Trust chairman Darrell Wright said: “We would like Splash to be sporty and to capture the spirit of Plas Madoc and the activities that the centre has to offer – swimming, squash, aerobics, circuit training, pilates, yoga, children activities etc – so please be imaginative!

“Splash can be a boy or a girl, young or old – it’s up to you. This is a great idea of Jenny’s, and it will be fantastic to have a local child create a little piece of Plas Madoc history.”

The competition costs £1 to enter. The money will go on admin costs, with any remaining cash going towards the reopening of the centre. The winning design will be framed and proudly displayed in the reception area of Splash Magic when it reopens.

Jenny added: “The winner will also be presented with a framed copy to display at their school or to take home, and we have a hamper full of arts and crafts goodies very generously donated by the Plassey Holiday Park in Eyton.

“We’re hoping this will be a fun way to engage with local children and for them to be a part of what we are doing, and they will also be helping us ensure that Plas Madoc is still around when they have children of their own.”

Entries should be done on A4 paper, with the child’s name, age, school and home telephone number on the back.

The closing date is Friday, September 5. Designs can be sent to Splash Community Trust, 21 Egerton Street, Wrexham, LL11 1ND, or emailed to

For more information call Jenny on 07921 659099.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Well-wishers pay off vet's bill for injured cat

The Daily Post in reporting that well-wishers have now paid off a £700 vet's bill for the Llangollen cat badly injured in a dog attack.

For the full story, see:

Latest local roadworks

Latest local roadworks notified by the county council are:

Various Roads, Pengwern, Llangollen, road closure, from August 12-16, to allow resurfacing work by Denbighshire County Council.

Wharf Hill, Llangollen, temporary traffic lights, until August 8, to allow gas works by Wales & West.


Llan kids urged to enter poster competition

Denbighshire County Council is asking 8-11 year olds to spend some of their summer holidays designing a poster to promote the "Support your local High Street campaign" which will be taking place across Wales at the end of September.

The winner of the Denbighshire round will go forward to the national competition and the national winner will be chosen by the Minister for Housing & Regeneration, Carl Sergeant AM.
Entries should be sent to the county council's Economic & Business Development team at Caledfryn in Smithfield Road, Denbigh LL16 3RJ to arrive by 15th August or can be e-mailed to

Further guidance can be found of the Government's website by clicking on the following link >>>>>

More people to get faster broadband

More people across Wales will be able to benefit from faster broadband following changes to the scheme rules, says the Welsh Government.

A new scheme provides grants to premises which are unable to access broadband above a speed of two Megabits per second (Mbps) so that they can access faster broadband.  
Before the changes only people in those areas not in the published Superfast Cymru roll-out were eligible.  Now people living in areas which will be covered by the roll-out can apply if they wish to do so.

The new rules will help ensure that customers receive a fast broadband connection as the technology used will need to be capable of providing superfast speeds bringing them into line with Superfast Cymru.

The Welsh Government will provide a maximum of £900 per premises, with customers making a ten per cent financial contribution which is in line with the cost of connection fees across the industry.

Potential recipients will also be given information about the Superfast Cymru roll-out so that can make a decision about whether to apply for a grant or wait for superfast fibre to be deployed in their area.

The changes to the scheme will come into effect on August 4.

Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology, Ken Skates, said: “The new scheme rules will mean that it better complements Superfast Cymru and will help those people who are later in the Superfast Cymru roll-out.

"Many more people will be eligible for funding under the scheme.  We are also ensuring that households and businesses can get a superfast broadband connection so that they are on a par with Superfast Cymru.

“We are asking people to contribute towards the cost and to carefully consider whether they should apply for the grant or wait for Superfast Cymru to come to their area.  This will help ensure we provide value for money for the public purse.”

More information about the scheme can be found at