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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

County gets tough on council tax non-payers

Denbighshire County Council says action will be taken against people who wilfully do not pay their council tax.

The warning comes after a 60-day suspended prison sentence was given to a Prestatyn resident for not paying council tax arrears totalling £2,674.

The resident had not contacted the council to discuss his arrears, despite the numerous letters requesting him to do so.

The authority had summoned the man to court multiple times to which he never attended. He was arrested and taken to Prestatyn Magistrate Court.

The magistrate found him guilty of Wilful Refusal, and issued him with a 60-day suspended sentence, and ordered him to make payments each month towards his arrears.  

If the tax payer fails to pay in accordance with the Magistrates instruction, the  prison sentence will be enforced.

Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Cabinet Lead Member for Finance, said: "The council recognises that a number of people may have difficulty in paying their council tax and we ask them to contact the Council at their earliest convenience to discuss a payment plan.

"The majority of people pay their council tax on time, but a small group of people wilfully do not pay their council taxes on time. This places a heavier burden on other taxpayers and this will not be tolerated."

The council says the most convenient way of paying council tax is through Direct Debit – this is the most popular method used by Denbighshire residents.

Anyone who has arrears but have not made any arrangements to pay can contact the council’s Recovery Team, on 01824 706321.

Police send out fraud warning

North Wales Police are warning all in the community and particularly the elderly not to be drawn into revealing their bank details after recent reports of ‘scams’ being attempted in the area.
The offences can take many forms.  Residents of Conwy recently received through the post a "Euromillions Commonwealth of Nations Online Lottery" letter informing them of a substantial financial win to be released upon personal bank details being submitted.  
Police say this is a "cruel and criminal fraud".
Many offences involve fraudsters, possibly based overseas, contacting victims at random either by email or direct to their home or mobile phones informing them they have won a cash prize in an on-line draw or competition but in order to release the money they have to pay a handling or joining fee.  Bank card details are then requested and victims have money removed from their account.
Det Supt Mark Pierce at North Wales Police is warning people to be on their guard.  
He said: “People committing this type of crime can often sound or appear very plausible.   Letters, phone calls or emails can be received asking for members of the public to pass over their bank details to allow funds of some kind to be paid into their accounts.  This is clearly a scam and anyone receiving such a request should treat it with the caution it deserves.   Under no circumstances should anyone give out their bank details in this way”.
“The best way to deal with these individuals is to simply cut them off and inform BT.  If you are concerned then seek advice from a member of the family or friend, CAB or Police.   This is a cruel crime, particularly at this time of the year but we can all take steps to protect ourselves from financial crime by calling the Action Fraud hotline on 0300 123 2040, or visit .   
Det Supt Pierce added: “Action Fraud can provide up to date advice on current scams and can identify whether a scenario is fraudulent.  The Action Fraud Helpline will send details of the offence to the Force area where the offenders are located for further investigation.  If the fraud has been committed by persons within North Wales then a local investigation will be conducted.  We would encourage the public to use social networking to get this message out to as wide an audience as possible – the more people who know about it the less chance of them becoming a victim.”
Protect yourself from fraud:
Do not give personal details including banking details to anyone you do not know following unexpected requests for money made either in the street, on the doorstep, over the telephone or internet or as these details can be used to steal your identity.

  • Consider registering with the Telephone Preference Service to stop unsolicited telephone calls.  This is a free service.  Further details can be obtained from or 020 7291 3320.  Registration can be made on line or by phone 0845 070 0707.
  • Consider registering with the Mailing Preference Service as this supports the right to choose the mail you wish to receive.  Further details can be obtained from or 020 7291 3310. Registration can be made on line or by phone 0845 703 4599 begin. This too is a free service.
  • If you are suspicious that you’ve been targeted in a fraudulent telephone call this can be reported to Action on Fraud at or telephone 0300 123 2040.
  • If you’ve lost money call your local police on 101.
  • Beware of cold calls even when the caller appears to have personal information such as your address or bank account details.  Legitimate callers will never be offended if you ask to call back in order to confirm their identity.  When doing so always use a phone number that you’ve obtained from previous correspondence or an independent source such as phone book or an official website.

Isherwood questions Minister over affordable housing

SHADOW Housing Minister Mark Isherwood has questioned the Housing Minister over action to address the "lack" of affordable housing in Wales, highlighting the increase in new home registrations in England, as they have plummeted in Wales.
Speaking in the Chamber, Mr Isherwood questioned the Minister over work to ensure that new affordable housing goes to local people, and also asked what action is being taken to ensure local authorities seek the best way of maximising the supply of quality homes for affordable and social rent.  
He said: “As you know, although half of the local authorities in Wales have transferred their housing stock, they all retain a strategic housing responsibility. How will you ensure that, in maximising the supply of quality homes for affordable and social rent, local authorities seek the best way of doing that, whether or not that means that the property remains or becomes council owned?"
Questioning him over section 106 agreements, he said: “In the quarter to August, new home registrations in England were up 16%, but down a further 24% in Wales. We know that your predecessor had commissioned some work on section 106 agreements, to try to reconcile the need to maximise the occupancy cascades, which prioritise local people, with the needs of mortgage lenders to protect in law the assets against which they lend. Will you update us on the recommendations of that work and how that is impacting on Welsh Government delivery?"
In his reply, the Minister insisted that house building in Wales is showing signs of recovery and said that he did not accept Mr Isherwood’s “negative comments regarding house building in Wales”.
Mr Isherwood added: “It is clearly a matter of concern if the Housing Minister in Wales does not recognise the official figures for new home registrations produced by the National House-Building Council (NHBC). It is also a matter of concern that the Minister failed to answer my question on a matter which is absolute key to the delivery of more affordable housing for young people in our communities.”
Mr Isherwood also asked the Minister what consideration he will give to enabling tenants in council areas where they have voted against stock transfer to consider voting fo r having a Community Housing Mutual within their own community.
He said: “The first community housing mutual was delivered in Knowsley village in 1981 under the Heseltine initiative. However, in Wales, we are still waiting to hear good news about how this can be maximised.”

Ramblers publish their winter 2014 programme

Llangollen Ramblers has sent llanblogger a copy of their programme for winter 2014, which begins early in the new year:

Monday, December 16, 2013

Plaid AM hits out over leisure centre closure proposals

Plaid Cymru AM Llyr Gruffydd has hit out at Wrexham Council’s proposal to close Plas Madoc and Waterworld, with a possibility to build a new leisure centre on the latter site.
The North Wales AM, who lives near Ruthin, said: “I regularly take my four children to swim at Plas Madoc on Sunday mornings and am horrified at the suggestion that it and Waterworld may close to save £500,000.
“Coming so soon after the Olympics, where £12 billion was spent on sport-related infrastructure in London, I find it absurd that the legacy of the 2012 Games for Wales will be a series of closed swimming pools, gyms and other sporting facilities.”
He blamed a combination of UK Government cuts to Welsh Government and what he called an “inept local Labour council” that was targeting frontline services rather than non-essential services.
He said: “I fully support the campaign to reta in these facilities and believe alternative savings can be found by the council that do not impact on people’s health and wellbeing.”
His views were echoed by Plaid Cymru’s Parliamentary candidate for Clwyd South, Mabon ap Gwynfor, also a regular user of Plas Madoc Leisure Centre, who said: “Cutting leisure facilities when doctors are warning of a childhood obesity epidemic is perverse. Any short-term savings to taxpayers will mean longer-term costs to the NHS. Where else will children from the surrounding areas go to learn to swim if they can’t go to Plas Madoc? Swimming lessons in Waterworld are already over-subscribed and Plas Madoc is particularly good for younger children to get used to the water.”
A meeting by local campaigners is being held at the Air Products Club at Acrefair at 7pm on Tuesday.

Silver Band plays at church's carol concert

* Fresh from a successful appearance at a similar occasion in Chirk Castle earlier in the day, Llangollen Silver Band played at a carol concert in Llangollen Methodist Church yesterday (Sunday) evening. 

Plans submitted for Chirk station disabled bridge

The BBC is reporting today that work could start on a £1.4m disabled access footbridge and ramp at Chirk railway station could begin in January.

See the full story at: