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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Best b-aaa none!

Members of Llangollen WI, pictured above, have been busy knitting the flock of woollen animals to be used in a search-for-the-sheep game which will be one of the features of this year's Christmas Festival on Saturday, November 30.

The sheep will be hidden on the premises of about 20 local shops and those joining in the game will have to hunt them down and give each of them names.

MP backs charter to stop pay day loans "rip off"

* Susan Elan Jones MP signs the charter.
Susan Elan Jones MP has backed the Charter to Stop the Payday Loan Rip-off and has called on local residents to do likewise.
The charter calls for tougher regulation of payday lenders and is supported by some of Britain’s biggest debt, consumer and anti-poverty organisations – including Which?, Citizens Advice, StepChange Debt Charity, Church Action on Poverty, and the Centre for Responsible Credit.
MPs from all parties and campaigners are urging the Financial Conduct Authority to back the Charter and introduce tougher regulation of payday lenders to stop millions of people being ripped-off. Members of the public can add their support at 
Susan Elan Jones MP said: “Enough really is enough on this issue. It is totally wrong how in this country we let payday lenders  rip millions of pounds off people, trapping them in spirals of debt. We need proper regulation that sorts this out once and for all, or the misery will continue. 
"The Financial Conduct Authority’s proposals for regulation are a step in the right direction, but we need to go much further. Australia, many European countries and lots of US states have shown this can be done and it's high time we did it over here.
“I’d encourage every local resident who cares about this issue to call for tougher regulation of payday lenders by signing the Charter at”
The full text of the Charter to Stop the Payday Loan Rip-off reads:
We believe irresponsible payday lending and other high cost credit is damaging the health and wealth of our country. Payday lenders are exploiting millions of people across the UK, trapping them in spirals of debt, and the problem is getting worse.
Payday lenders are breaking promises they made in their own customer charter. Self-regulation has failed. We call for effective regulation of payday lenders and high cost credit, which is properly enforced, to:
·    * Stop them giving loans to people who can’t realistically afford to pay them back
·    * Stop them repeatedly rolling over loans and creating spiralling debt
·    * Stop hidden or excessive charges
·    * Stop them raiding borrowers’ bank accounts without their knowledge and leaving them in hardship
·    * Stop irresponsible advertising and instead provide clear and transparent information
·    * Require lenders to promote free and independent debt advice, and ensure they co-operate with other services to help people get out of debt.
* Those behind the charter say: "We also want action to support the growth of credit unions and other forms of more responsible lending; we want banks to increase the availability of credit to people on low and middle incomes: and we want new research on capping the total cost of credit undertaken now."
You can download a copy of Church Action on Poverty and the Centre for Responsible Credit’s joint report ‘Stopping the Payday Loan Rip-off’ at

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

International fishing festival comes to town

A MAJOR European competition early next month will reel scores of anglers from across Europe into Llangollen.

The town will be at the centre of the 2013 European Grayling Festival on the weekend of December 6-8.
The event will see the cream of grayling angers in almost 30 teams fishing the River Dee from Bala to Newbridge. 
Giving details of the festival to members of Llangollen Chamber of Trade and Tourism at their meeting on Monday night, Huw Evans, of Llangollen Maelor Angling, said: “This is the 14th year it has been run and there will be teams taking from all over the UK and the Continent.
“We are currently waiting to hear from Sky TV about there is a possibility of them filming it but, if they do, that would be a real feather in our cap.”
He added: “I don’t think people in the town appreciate we have an international gem in the Dee as far is fishing is concerned.

“Most of the anglers will be based at the Hand Hotel in the town and after that’s full they will filter into other local hotels.”
Ken Bathers, president of Llangollen Maelor Angling, said: “There are 27 teams competing from all over Europe.

“Teams include those from Polan, Belgium, France, Noreay, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Ireland, the Isle of Man and from England and Wales.
“This is the 14th year for the competition and is now recognised as the best river competition in Europe , all the anglers are  top class in Grayling fishing.

“The headquarters of the event is the Hand Hotel, Llangollen.”

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

North Wales neonatal care review decision overturned

A decision to transfer specialist care for some of sickest and most premature babies in north Wales to England has been overturned by the First Minister, Carwyn Jones.
For full story see the BBC News website at

* Responding to the First Minister’s statement on neonatal services in North Wales, Aled Roberts, Welsh Liberal Democrat Assembly Member for North Wales, commented:
“I had hoped for a better response from the First Minister today.
“The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health’s report into neo-natal services identified models which could provide all levels of neonatal services exclusively in North Wales.  This was their preferred long-term option.  I am disappointed the First Minister will not be taking these proposals forward, instead focussing on short-term solutions.
“The fact is that patients in North Wales are now paying the price for a complete lack of investment from the Welsh Labour Government over recent years.  Things should never have been allowed to get this bad.
“Bearing in mind the significant failings of the Health Board during this whole process, I have serious concerns about its ability to plan strategically for these new proposed changes.
“I am also concerned that managers at Arrowe Park had admitted that, apart from initial contractual discussions, that they had not been invited to engage with the North Wales clinicians or community.  Communication will be key if these major proposals are to become a reality.
“The First Minister has said that he expects the Health Board to “act quickly” to assess implications, and the BCUHB has been given until the end of the month to clarify Governance arrangements around the transfer of babies to Arrowe Park. However, given the past history within BCUHB, we need to be told how the First Minister will monitor the situation and what will happen if the clarification isn’t received.  There are still far more questions than answers to the challenges facing neonatal care in North Wales.”

Chamber issues statement on HSBC bank closure

Latest story update ....

Llangollen Chamber of Trade & Tourism has issued a statement on the proposed closure of the town's HSBC bank branch.
It says: "The chamber is shocked by the proposed closure of the Llangollen branch of HSBC, announced yesterday.
"Efforts have been made to contact HSBC for an explanation but so far without result. 
"It is a sad irony that the Bank is celebrating 150 years in Llangollen with an exhibition in the branch next week (21st November).
"The Chamber will support any action to try and retrieve the service."

llanblogger earlier today received the full statement from HSBC about the planned closure of its Llangollen branch early next year, which reads:

'Our branches are a very important way for our customers to bank with us and we have spent over £100 million in recent years upgrading and improving them.  

Llan's HSBC branch.
"However, we need to ensure that our branches are in the right locations for our customers and on occasions this means that we need to close a branch where customer footfall has fallen dramatically or there has been a shift in customer shopping patterns. Our branch in Llangollen is a case in point. Customer usage of the branch has fallen very significantly over the past few years.

"Customer habits are changing - they are now increasingly using branches where they work, or they are using the 24 hour convenience of internet or telephone banking.  Our network has to be 'fit for purpose' and we have to ensure that our branches are located in areas where they are used.

"Decisions like this are never easy, but we are working with the small number of customers who use the branch to help them reorganise their finances ahead of the planned closure on 7th February 2014.

"Our customers also have access to their accounts, to withdraw and pay in cash, at any UK post office and all residents of Llangollen will continue to have access to other banking facilities and several 'fee free' ATMs within the immediate area.

The five members of staff who man the branch will transfer to our other HSBC branches in the area.'

Meanwhile, North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood has written the following letter to a senior HSBC executive:

"I note with concern HSBC’s announcement that it will be closing three banks in North Wales, branches at Llangollen, Beaumaris and Conwy, which I understand is the only bank in the town which has a cash machine.
"This has caused significant concern for my constituents.
"It is reported that HSBC has stated “customer usage had fallen dramatically due to internet banking” but when has internet banking provided the face-to-face service on which good business and real local customer care are based, and when has it provided the services needed by visitors to these major tourist destinations?
"I would therefore be grateful if you could give your very serious consideration to re-thinking this decision and provide a response accordingly."

Wales Rally GB gets into gear

* Action from last year's Wales Rally GB.
Llangollen motorsport enthusiasts have plenty of opportunities to support Wales Rally GB as it visits the area this week.

The qualifying stage for the rally will take place at the One Planet Adventure Mountain Bike Centre in Llandegla on the morning of Thursday, November 14.

Qualifying permits the world's top drivers two runs of the forest stage as free practice commencing at 07:00 before completing their one final timed run (from 10:45) which will determine the order in which they select their starting position for the start of the rally later the same day.

It also enables crews to make any final adjustments to their cars for the competitive forest stages they will encounter over the forthcoming days. The stage will then be opened to the remaining competitors for Shakedown, non-competitive testing, from approximately 11:30.

The car park at Llandegla opens at 8pm on Wednesday , November 13.  The car park is a gravel track with a walk of approximately 200-300m from the head of the car park to the stage along a mostly downhill gravel track and single track footpaths which should take approximately 10-15 minutes. There are no handrails and viewing areas will be signposted from the car park.

The first official stage in Denbighshire takes place on Thursday evening at around 8.30pm.  

To access the car park, follow the B5105 from the Ruthin direction towards Cerrigydrudion, passing through the village of Clawydd Newydd and after two miles the car park is located on the right and opens at 8am.

On Saturday the rally visits Chirk Castle.

Never previously used as a stage on the Rally of Great Britain, Chirk provides a stunning venue for the location of Saturday's RallyFest.

The Chirk Castle RallyFest will feature entertainment including a big screen with live coverage, catering village, live commentary, on-stage and static displays of historic rally cars, a chance to win some great prizes plus a range of other attractions to entertain those of all ages. Visitors can also enjoy live music from The Establishment.

Chirk Castle RallyFest will be open from 11:00 - 17:30.


Enter only from the main road (A5) two miles north of Chirk and follow signs and marshals' instructions to reach the car park. Do not attempt to enter through Chirk town - all routes from this direction will be subject to road closure orders.

Car Park N Sat Nav coordinates: N52 56.575 W3 05.841

Car Park

Open from 09:00 on Saturday, the car park is located in a grass field with a walk of approximately 500m over undulating grass fields and gravel tracks from the head of the car park to the RallyFest area, taking 10-15 minutes.

Stage Viewing

Chirk Castle will offer spectators a RallyFest area on a flat gravel surface from where spectators can view the stage. There will also be a crossing point over the stage to reach the viewing areas on the steeply sloped grass hillsides and flatter grassed areas (reached by a walk along tarmac roads - rally route - steep in places) directly in front of the castle.

The stage will be used twice in quick succession with the cars passing through at two minute intervals for the WRC cars, with all other competitors after the top 15 passing through at one minute intervals.


In addition to the above mentioned facilities, there will be toilets and catering at this location.

Back in Denbighshire, A re-fuelling station has been arranged in Corwen on Sunday, November 17 (approximately 10.30am-1.30pm). This will give spectators the chance to see rally cars drive into the town for their re-fuelling opportunity.  This will take place at the public car park on Green Lane.

The second Clocaenog Stage takes place on Sunday morning, November 17. The car park opens at 8pm on Saturday, November 16.

Tickets will be needed for the Llandegla and Clocaenog events.  To find out more information, visit:

Monday, November 11, 2013

News of bank closure sparks angry backlash

Shock news earlier today that HSBC plans to close its Llangollen branch next year has brought an angry backlash from a key local campaigner and politicians from all parties.

Martin Crumpton, chair of Keep Llangollen Special (KLS), stormed: “Costume Jewel in the Crown? Llangollen has now been downgraded by the actions of granting planning to Sainsbury’s and the closure of the Cottage Hospital.

“Big Business now sees us as a soft target – but we’re not.
“KLS has already proved it fights hard, and this challenge is no different. We can abandon HSBC just as readily as they can abandon us.
“The nearest HSBC will now be over 20 miles away, since it closed its Corwen branch, and Llangollen has a significant proportion of residents can’t use Internet banking.
“It is another shameful, heartless act by faceless bankers who only pay lip service to social responsibility.
"DEFRA has already received a complaint from KLS, and many more influential people are on the list.

“We call on our councillors at all levels to join and support our campaign, and to sign the online petition:
Mark Isherwood, Conservative Assembly Member for North Wales, said:  “HSBC says that it is closing three of its North Wales branches, including Llangollen, because internet banking has caused customer usage to fall `dramatically’, but since when has internet banking provided the face-to-face service on which good business and real local customer care are based – and since when has it provided the services needed by visitors to these major tourist destinations?

“I will be asking HSBC to rethink this decision.”
Llyr Gruffydd, Plaid Cymru’s North Wales AM, said: “It’s just over a year since HSBC closed its Corwen branch and moved customers from there to Llangollen. Now they’re proposing to close the Llangollen branch, despite the large numbers of local businesses that rely on the bank for a service.

“It seems ironic that the bank that prides itself on being ‘the world’s local bank’ is becoming more and more remote from customers in this part of Wales.
“Where do customers from Corwen and Llangollen go now for their banking if they stay with HSBC and what guarantee do they have that that branch is safe?

“This short-term approach to its core customer base seems a very strange way to do business.”

A HSBC spokesperson said: "We need to ensure that our branches are in the right locations for our customers and on occasions this means that we need to close a branch where customer footfall has fallen dramatically or there has been a shift in customer shopping patterns."