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Monday, November 11, 2013

Politicians slam shock closure of Llan's HSBC bank

Local elected representatives have condemned HSBC's sudden shock decision to close its Llangollen branch in February 2014.

"HSBC calls itself 'the world's local bank' but this is patently untrue if you live in North Wales," said Susan Elan Jones MP.

"In my constituency alone, Corwen, Cefn Mawr and Rhosllannerchrugog HSBC branches have all closed in the last few years, and now Llangollen will be closing too. I will be writing to the bank to demand a proper explanation of their actions."

Llangollen Mayor, Councillor Bob Lube, said: "I'm extremely disappointed by this terrible news, which will be a big blow to local residents and businesses. I'm very surprised by what the bank is claiming about the economic viability of Llangollen branch in view of the huge number of tourists who visit our town, especially during the summer months."

Meanwhile, local Welsh Assembly Member Ken Skates AM commented: "My constituency office is in Llangollen, and I know how well-used the HSBC branch is. Now that HSBC has made this dreadful decision, I hope that as a minimum it'll keep the cashpoint open and have a serious agreement in place with the local Post Office about paying-in services."

Isherwood calls for independent probe into health board

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood has called for an independent review into the failings of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.
Speaking in the Welsh Conservatives Debate on The Quality of Care in the Welsh NHS, which called on the Welsh Government to commission an independent review into Welsh hospitals with higher than average mortality rates, Mr Isherwood backed North Wales Community Health Council’s call for an independent review and questioned the suitability of those appointed to lead the response to the critical review of governance at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.   
He said: “Eleven NHS trusts in England were put into special measures by the UK Secretary of State for Health after an independent investigation by Professor Keogh found a catalogue of failures of hospitals with high death rates across England.
“With only 5% of the population that England has, Wales has nine hospitals, three in North Wales, with equivalent high death rates, but this First Minister and Welsh Government have rejected requests for an independent investigation here.
“The North Wales Community Health Council has strongly recommended that the Minister commissions an independent review, perhaps led by Professor Keogh. However, when I wrote to the Minister for Health about the Community Health Council’s concerns, he simply said that it was the responsibility of the health board.
“Our health boards fire the bullets loaded for them by this Welsh Government and then take the blame for the consequence s. There must be an independent review into Welsh hospitals with high death rates.”
Mr Isherwood added:  “A damning in-patient survey at Betsi Cadwaladr, produced by the Picker Institute Europe, shows that the health board has scored significantly worse, on average, in areas including patients not receiving any information explaining how to complain, not receiving copies of letters sent between hospital doctors, and their GPs not being asked to give their views on the quality of care.
“Betsi Cadwaladr states that it has fully accepted the conclusions of the damning review of its governance arrangements by the Wales Audit Office and Healthcare Inspectorate Wales, and apologised for the failings that have occurred. An external support team was established by the Minister for Health to lead the board’s response to the review, led by the Chief Executive of, yes, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg Health Board, in conjunction with the acting Chief Executive of Betsi Cadwaladr.
"The same Abertawe Bro Morgannwg Health Board, with high death rates, is now under investigation over neglect, and it is the same Betsi Cadwaladr board acting Chief Executive, who was in that role during periods to which the damning Wales Audit Office governance review applies.”

More great pictures from Rachel Morris

Here's the latest in a series of atmospheric pictures from local amateur photographer Rachel Morris that we are bringing you over the coming weeks.

* Church Street.

* Church Shed.

* Church Street. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Annual Service of Remembrance held in town centre

Hundreds of people packed the centre of Llangollen this morning (Sunday) for the town's annual  Remembrance Day Service and parade. 
Police held back traffic as Castle Street and surrounding roads came to a standstill.
The service was led by the Rev Andrew Sully of St Collen's Church with other local clergy assisting.
Following the traditional two minutes' silence just before 11am, numerous local organisations stepped up to the war memorial to lay poppy wreaths as the names of the war dead were read out.
Llangollen Silver Band then led the parade through the town centre to conclude the morning's ceremony.
 * The war memorial adorned with poppy wreaths after the ceremony.
* The Service of Remembrance is held around the war memorial.
 * Llangollen Silver Band leads the parade through the town centre.

* The parade passes down Castle Street at the conclusion of the ceremony.


Llan Railway marks Remembrance weekend

* Driver Malcolm Lees with the Remembrance Special.

A strong remembrance theme is running through the programme at Llangollen Railway this weekend.
Yesterday (Saturday) saw the last weekend service trains of the season running with a commemorative headboard attached to locomotive No.3802 by driver Malcolm Lees.

Visitors were also invited to see how work is proceeding on the new Patriot steam locomotive, The Unknown Warrior.

This is being built in the on-site engineering works in time to celebrate the centenary of the First World War armistice in November, 2018. Visits continue today (Sunday).

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Plan to put Llan on the map

Llangollen Chamber of Trade and Tourism believes the production of a new town map is a good idea.

At their meeting at the Hand Hotel on Monday evening, chamber members were told by secretary Ian Parry about an approach he had received from businessman Mike Smart of Wrexham who aims to come up with a map on the same lines as the one produced for the recent Hamper Llangollen food festival.
A single-sheet publication, on one side it would feature a large scale plan of the town centre while on the other it would have a smaller scale map putting Llangollen into the context of the surrounding area.

Mr Parry said it was his information that the new map would be financed through adverts printed around the edges.
He stressed that the chamber was not being requested to help pay for the project but was simply being asked for its opinion on it.

A number of members gave their support to the idea, including Gill Thomas who said: “Websites are all very well but people like to have a piece of paper in their hands.”

Jades has visit from hairdressing VIP

* Beverley C, fourth from right on the front row, with the Jades team.
On the back row is William Wilson.

STAFF at Jades Hair and Beauty in Llangollen welcomed a VIP guest recently.
Celebrity hairdresser Beverly C called into the salon to show the team some creative cutting and colouring.

Formerly known as Beverley Cobella, she became the first woman to be awarded an MBE for her services to hairdressing when she was honoured by the Queen in 2008.
She has twice been voted British Hairdresser of the Year, in 2001 and 2002 - the first female to win the award.

Beverley also won London Hairdresser of the Year in 87/88 and 88/89, was awarded Best British Hairdresser in 1990 in Japan and received the British Masters Award in Australia in 2005.
She spent the afternoon at Jades along with William Wilson, head of technical and creative directions for Goldwell Hair.