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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Twenty Club cancels Rebecca

The Twenty Club has had to cancel its production of Rebecca, due to have been staged at Llangollen Town Hall next week.

A group spokesman said tonight (Wednesday): "With sadness, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have had to cancel our production of Rebecca' originally scheduled to take place next week.

"This is the first time that this has happened in the club's 67-year history and needless to say everyone involved is hugely disappointed.

"We apologise to anyone who had made plans to come and see the production and hope that no inconvenience has been caused.

"On a more positive note, we are able to announce the March 2014 production.

"In order to mark the centenary of World War 1 we will be staging The Accrington Pals by Peter Whelan. We hope you will all be able to attend."

North Wales ambulance response target missed again

Figures released today show that the all-Wales Welsh Ambulance response time target been missed for September.
The eight-minute target has not been met since May 2012.
The Welsh Government’s target is for 65% of ambulances to respond to Category A (immediately life-threatening) calls within eight minutes, yet figures for September show that only 62.9% of ambulances arrived within that time.
In England and Scotland the target for the same priority call is 75%.
Kirsty Williams, Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, commented: “Despite the best efforts of the hard working front line paramedics, another month goes by and yet another health target missed by Welsh Labour.
“It is bad enough that people i n Wales have to put up with a government that is less ambitious than those in England and Scotland, but for those unambitious targets to not be met just compounds that misery.
“Labour MP Ann Clwyd is right when she says Wales is behind England in every instance. The First Minister and his Health Minister need to stop burying their heads in the sand and start delivering the health service the people of Wales deserve.”

A Welsh Ambulance Service spokesperson said: “September was a busy month for us, with the service taking 33,677 emergency calls, with more than a third of these - 13,200 calls - being of the most serious in nature.

“We have introduced a number of measures to improve our responsiveness and it is encouraging to see that we are now showing signs of continuous improvement.

“We would like to reassure the public that the Trust is firmly committed to delivering the improvement aims of its ‘Working Together for Success’ modernisation programme to provide the best quality of care for the people of Wales.

“We invite the public to support NHS Wales’ Choose Well campaign, so that busy emergency services are available to those who need them most urgently. For non-emergencies, please consider calling NHS Direct Wales on 0845 46 47 or visiting for free, confidential health advice.

“We ask the public only to dial 999 for life-threatening and serious illnesses and injuries – let’s keep emergency ambulances for emergencies.”

The statistics can be found at:

Wales to spend £850,000 on marking WW1 anniversary

The First Minister Carwyn Jones, has officially launched the Framework Programme for Wales’s Commemoration of the First World War, Cymru’n Cofio – Wales Remembers 1914-1918, and announced that £850k will made available by the Welsh Government to support the educational programme to mark the one hundredth anniversary of the conflict.
The First Minister made the announcement at the official launch of the Programme at Firing Line: Cardiff Castle Museum of the Welsh Soldier.

He said: "The centenary of the start of the war in 1914 marks an important opportunity for us to remember all those who took part in the First World War and the transformational impact of the conflict in shaping modern Wales.

"There will be very few people in Wales whose lives have not been affected by the First World War’s enduring legacy, whether they are aware of it or not. That’s why we want education and community events to play a central role.

"I want the commemoration in Wales to be inclusive, with national events and exhibitions accompanied by community-based activities.

"We want to reach everyone and I encourage you to visit the new Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918 website where you will find information about events, projects and funding, and signposting services relevant to activities in Wales."

In line with the First Minister’s desire for the commemoration to have an educational legacy, the £850k will be used to produce digital educational resources and enable schools to develop a suitable programme of activities to mark the centenary.

The Education Minister Huw Lewis said: "Making sure that young people understand the events and consequences of the conflict is a key objective for the commemoration programme.

"The funding we are allocating will allow the National Library of Wales to lead a major project to develop bilingual, cross-curriculum learning resources, including an innovative 'app' which will act as a Welsh guide to the battlefields.

"In addition, every secondary school in Wales will receive £1,000 to develop creative and innovative projects to commemorate the war and to encourage debate and discussion. We have left it to schools to decide how best they can do this and it may be that schools will group together to undertake collaborative projects to mark the anniversary."

The First Minister added: "Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918 will develop over the years to come and will link with the wider commemorations of the First World War that are taking place in the rest of the UK and around the World.

"It will be a fitting and Wales-wide commemoration, which will pay tribute to those people whose sacrifice is justly remembered by us all."

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Skates welcomes £2.4 million debt advice boost

CLWYD South Assembly Member Ken Skates has welcomed the Welsh Government’s announcement it will spend an extra £2.4m to provide advice on debt, money management and housing in some of Wales’ most deprived areas.
Labour AM Mr Skates said the new services announced recently (October 23) by Deputy Minister for Tackling Poverty Vaughan Gething will give ‘a huge boost’ to people struggling in some of the country’s poorest communities.
Mr Skates said: “Given the current economic climate and the Tory-led UK Government’s welfare changes, the need for advice services has increased considerably. This new funding package will allow Citizens Advice Cymru to help 36 Communities First clusters across Wales to meet this growing demand.
“There are two Communities First areas in Clwyd South and I am delighted a share of this £2.4m will go directly to supporting people struggling here as the ruthless cuts of the Westminster coalition continue to hit hard.”
Communities First is the Welsh Government’s flagship programme to help those living in the top 10% most deprived communities in the country, aiming to improve health, prosperity and access to education and learning.
Citizens Advice Cymru director Fran Targett said: “We are seeing a big increase in the need for help at this difficult time. People need independent, impartial advice more than ever. We welcome this funding, which will help reach some of the most vulnerable people right in the heart of their communities.”

Llan burtcher becomes Wales food ambassador

Food industry website is reporting today that Llangollen butcher Tomi Jones has been appointed as Welsh food industry skills ambassador.

See the full story at:

Sports stars honoured at Llan ceremony

Sporting teams and individuals have been honoured for their achievements at a recent awards ceremony staged in Llangollen and arranged by Denbighshire County Council's Leisure Team.

Last year, three Denbighshire Community Sport Awards winners went on to win national accolades at the Sport Wales Awards in Cardiff.

This year there was over 160 nominations for the Denbighshire Community Sport Awards.

They were then shortlisted to three finalists for each category.

Many of the clubs and individuals recognised had received a Denbighshire Talented Athlete Grant, a Community Chest Grant or a North Wales Gold Card.

This year's guest speaker was Nicola Tustain of Corwen, one of Britain’s best known para–equestrian dressage riders,  having performed at a world class level for the past ten years.

Her career has taken her to international competitions in no less than 12 countries representing the UK and her speech outlining her sporting journey was truly inspirational.

The 2013 winners announced at the ceremony were:
  • James Roberts, Prestatyn (Sports Performer)
  •  Emily Noden, Denbigh  (Disability Award)
  • Roydon Healy (Coach of the year)
  • Sophie Vaughan, Rhyl (Volunteer of the Year)
  •  Michael Kitchin, Prestatyn (Young Inspiration of the Year)
  •  Olivia Fuller, Prestatyn (Junior Sports Performer)
  •  Prestatyn High School (Sport in School Award)
  • Jeff Jenkins, Denbigh  (Lifetime Achievement)
  •  Prestatyn FC (Team of the Year and Denbighshire Sport Ambassadors 2013).
Jamie Groves, Denbighshire County Council's Head of Communication, Marketing and Leisure, said: "It was a true honour for the Council and its partners to recognise the tremendous amount of sporting talent we have in Denbighshire.

"They are great ambassadors for sport and well-being and really show how commitment, dedication and nurturing local talent can pay dividends in their chosen sport.

"The Olympic and Paralympic Games have left a lasting legacy for sports in the UK and the leisure industry has never been in the spotlight as much as it is now. It's a great opportunity for us to celebrate achievements, as well as encouraging others to get active and strive for the best in their fields."

Denbighshire County Council says it would like to thank event sponsors Alliance Leisure, who have also been awarded a four year investment framework as partners to Denbighshire County Council, to significantly improve and expand leisure facilities in the county.  

The transformation of Ruthin Leisure Centre has providing a full sized all weather pitch, a new extension to the swimming pool – which will house a new reception and viewing area, as well as a state of the art 25 station fitness centre.  

Category sponsors were Glyndwr University, Coleg Llandrillo Rhyl, X N Leisure, Technogym,  Denbighshire County Council Housing services and Family information Services and University of Central Lancashire. They are thanked for their support in making the event possible.