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Sunday, January 13, 2013

People urged to stride into the New Year

* Walking offers a range of health benefits.

Denbighshire and Flintshire County Councils are urging people to put their best foot forward and walk their way to better health in the New Year.

They say there are tremendous health benefits from regular walking in tyhat it
helps to keep your heart strong, manage and control weight loss, improves your breathing, reduces stress, helps you to sleep better, improves strength and flexibility, reduces the risk of certain diseases and above all makes you feel good.

Across Wales there is an active band of volunteer walk leaders who lead short walks every week. 

Anyone who is interested in improving their health and making new friends by regular walking are welcome to join them.

Neville Howell, a volunteer walk leader, said: "I have been involved in the scheme for over 10 years now and have felt the benefit of regular myself and seen the benefit other people have had.

"It is amazing to see people’s health improving, weight loss and making new friends. As well as the walks there is a calendar of social events that are held which bring people together to do different things." K

Katrina Day, Troedio Clwyd Coordinator, said: "Walking is one of the best ways to improve your health, it's free and just makes you feel generally good about yourself.

"Regular walking will keep people active, reducing the risk of many diseases, therefore saving the NHS money by keeping people out of hospital.

"We are really grateful for all of the work of the volunteers who lead these walks, which make such a difference to many people’s lives." 

Walks are held in St Asaph, Mold, Gwaenysgor, Flint, Bwcle, Denbigh, Talacre, Dyserth, Caerwys, Halkyn, Rhuddlan, Lixwm and Llanasa.

For details of the walks available across Denbighshire and Flintshire, call Loggerheads Country Park on 01352 810614, or visit the following websites,,

If you think you would be interested in becoming a walk leader then give the office a call or send an email to

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Update on Llan Railway landslip

* The length of track where the landslip took place. 
Llangollen Railway has given an update on the riverside landslip that occurred on the line west of Glyndyfrdwy station over the Christmas period.
This was caused by heavy rainfall and water level flows in the River Dee.
The line runs close to the river at this point and the slip took the bank away below a length of the railway's fencing, although the erosion has not yet intruded on to the track base. 

The slip has produced an intrusion which measures some 20m by 3m, but the high level of the Dee means that the precise impact on the lower riverbank cannot be seen until the water level drops.

The implications for the stability of the track means that the passage of trains west of Glyndyfrdwy cannot be authorised until repairs are completed to restore the riverside infrastructure and will possibly include improvements to the landside drainage system in this area.

As a safety precaution train services were terminated at Glyndyfrdwy station from Boxing Day to New Year's Day.
Passengers were understanding about the situation and concerned for its timely resolution, but the reduced train service adversely impacted on business originating from Carrog and at the station tearooms there.
Station staff at Glyndyfrdwy responded to the operational needs by opening up the station building to provide facilities at a time of the year when the building is normally closed.

At Llangollen station, a hole has been found to be opening up on platform 2 on the riverside stretch.  
A preliminary investigation revealed a voided area existed below the surface, likely to have been caused by water seepage through the riverside stonework but the area is subject to further investigation. 

Both incidents are subject to a claim on the Llangollen Railway's insurance and the extent and cost of the repair is subject to contractors' estimates which are currently being sought. 
Given the current predictions that further heavy downpours are likely in the future the railway will have to fund improvements that have been recommended to strengthen flood defences along the river bank. 

Further details will be known when the appointed contractors begin work and a completion date is given.

The railway's operations director Peter Evans said: "Llangollen Railway regrets the disruption to services which the landslip has caused and hopes to be able to resume train services to Carrog when the 2013 season begins on February 2.
"Priority will be given to the repair of Platform 2 used extensively for Thomas the Tank Engine events and contingency arrangements have already been made to ensure that the February series of Days Out With Thomas TM event will take place."

Meanwhile, the railway reports a successful season of Santa Special trains. I
In the course of eleven days of operations between December 1 and Christmas Eve, 44 trains ran and a total of 9,486 passengers were carried to "Lapland" at Carrog - a 90% seat occupancy. 

This is an increase of 4% on 2011 and is seen as a very satisfactory result in the current economic circumstances when family groups from within our base catchment area, and further afield, supported the seasonal entertainment.

George Jones for Llangollen Railway said: "The success of the annual Santa trains operation is down to the many volunteers who undertook a wide range of tasks involved in this festive season occasion.
"On all eleven days of the season operational duties on the trains and at stations, plus the various helpers for Santa and his elves, were covered by a wide range of volunteers of all ages.
"They came together to make up several teams which were rostered to cover the train services."

Friday, January 11, 2013

Wintry weather warning from council

Denbighshire County Council is advising motorists to take extra care on the county's roads, as wintry weather is forecast.

The Met Office has issued a yellow warning of the potential of snow and ice affecting parts of Wales over the weekend and into next week.

As a result, the council is asking people to allow extra time for journeys and to follow news and weather bulletins for further information.

Staff from the council's highways department will be monitoring weather forecasts and will be out treating the county's roads if frost and ice is forecast.

Book your place at crunch health meeting

Anyone wishing to attend next week’s meeting of the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board at which the future of health services in Llangollen will be discussed is advised to book their place in advance.
The meeting will be held from 10am-12.30pm next on Friday, January 18, in the Conference Room, Optic Centre, St Asaph.
A board representative writing to Llangollen health services campaigner Mabon ap Gwynfor said: “As attendance of members of the public to observe this meeting is expected to be high we would appreciate if you could let us know how many people would like to attend.”
·         The board can be contacted on 01248 384384.

Llan prepares for Peter Pan panto fun

* The Davies family - known as Llangollen's Panto Von Trapps.

Ten-year-old twins Ella and Jake Davies, of Pengwern, are starring together in the town’s production of the pantomime Peter Pan.

This will be Ella's third show but the first time she is being joined by twin Jake.

The youngsters will also be accompanied by seven other members of their family  -earning them the title of Llangollen’s Pantomime Von Trapps.

Ella who plays one of the pirates, said: “It feels really good having my brother in the panto with me, everything makes him laugh."
She made her debut in Llangollen Panto alongside her Aunty, Ali Burke, who this year plays one of the shows idiots, Miss You.
Ella and Jake's cousin, 19-year-old Aaron Davies of Wrexham, is this year's bright new talent and plays Peter.
Aaron has previously starred in Nia Ben Aur at the National Eisteddfod, High School Musical at the Stiwt Theatre, Rhos and Llangolen Operatic Society's production of Scarlet Pimpernel.
Ella and Jake will also be joined on stage by their dad Rob who plays another pirate but cannot be named.
Aaron’s sister, Tesni, is performing in her second show and plays the wife of the Indian Chief.
Ella and Jake's mum, Chris, is doing hair and make-up and Debbie and Phil, Aaron and Tesni's mum and dad are helping backstage and with sewing.
This is the third consecutive year that the Llangollen Pantomime has been staged at the Pavilion, with the previous two years seeing nightly sell-out shows. 
Director and Dame Simon Orton-Jones said: “This year’s show is a musical pantomime with an even bigger cast than last year.
"We have a fantastic 50-strong cast and crew, live band and the excellent lighting and sound facilities that the Pavilion has to offer.
"Following from last year's show, Sarah Marshall, the resident choreographer, has once again come up with fantastic new dances."

Chairlady Sharon Jones, who has been associated with the pantomime for 13 years, said: “The show tells the story of Peter Pan but Nanna the dog has become this year's Dame!
"Music is predominant in the show with songs such as Wings' ‘Live and Let Die, Queen’s I Wnt to Beak Fee’ and Crocodile Rock by Sir Elton John.
"The 18 songs are played by our eight-member band, led by our wonderful musical director Paul Young.
"The show is another huge production which has been made real thanks to the help and experience of our stage manager Michael jones and his crew.
"We have once again diverted from panto tradition by having Peter played by the talented Aaron Davies, supported by our ever-amazing Jo Potts (Tinkerbell) and the fantastic newcomer Dani Chamberlain (Wendy).”
* The show runs from Wednesday, January 16 to Saturday, January 19 at Llangollen Pavilion.
Doors 7pm, show 7.30pm, Saturday matinee (doors open 2pm, show 2.30pm).
Wednesday £5/£3 concessions, Thursday – Saturday £7/£5 concessions.
Tickets are available from Jades Hair & Beauty, Llangollen, Gwyn Davies (Butchers), Llangollen, or by calling 01978 860297.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

North Wales is possible site for new super-jail

The BBC is reporting this afternoon that UK ministers say north Wales is being considered as a possible location for a so-called super prison, housing more than 2,000 inmates.

County facelifts almost 3,000 homes

Denbighshire County Council has refurbished 2,972 properties across the county as part of its efforts to ensure that its entire housing stock meets the Welsh Housing Quality Standard.

A further 477 properties are due to be refurbished in the next 12 months and by the end of 2013, the total number of properties refurbished will be 3,463.

The council has sought to use the contracts for the works to support local sub-contractors and supply chains within Denbighshire.

Examples include:using local apprentices; all sub contractors used by Adever and 69% of site personnel with Brammal came from the county; all kitchens supplied locally; 100% of heating contract works dealt with by local workforce.

Councillor Hugh Irving, Cabinet Lead Member for Community Development, said: "The original objective of Welsh Government was that all social housing stock would be brought up to the standard by the end of 2012.

"However, this has not proved to be a realistic target for many landlords. Here in Denbighshire, the programme has been smoothed to reduce an over-reliance on one contractor, some small delays in approving contracts and respecting the wishes of tenants not wanting work carried out around Christmas time have all added to the 2012 target being exceeded.

"The majority of residents say they are happy with the work undertaken, with satisfaction rates of over 90% being recorded on all completed contracts. The Welsh Government says it is also happy with progress being made by Denbighshire and the Council continues to make improvement to its housing stock a key priority over the coming years."

The Head of Housing and Community Development for Denbighshire, Peter McHugh has been appointed to a Ministerial Task Force to advise the Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage on options to enable local authorities to achieve Welsh Housing Quality Standard.