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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Organ donation opt-out deadline approaching

Donna had a congenital heart condition but sadly passed away in 2010 awaiting her third heart transplant
* Az and Donna Mansell
The consultation deadline on the Welsh Government’s draft organ donation legislation is fast approaching.
The Welsh Government is asking members of the public and health professionals alike to make their views known on the proposed soft opt-out legislation before the closing date of Monday September 10th 2012.
Last year 67 people donated their organs in Wales. The Welsh Government wants to save more lives by increasing this number. Each donor provides on average three organs making a massive difference to the lives of the recipients.
Few families have discussed this emotive subject matter or indeed know the donation wishes of each family member. This is undoubtedly an awkward conversation for many, but a very important one in the context of personal choice and its impact on donation.
One person who has faced this situation is Az Mansell. He is determined to shake up what he sees as a general public apathy towards organ donation. He is a man who can talk from experience. He hadn’t put his own name on the NHS organ donor register, even though he agreed with the principle, until he met his wife to be, Donna. After hearing of her serious health problems he signed up there and then in the pub by phone.
Donna had a congenital heart condition but sadly passed away in 2010 awaiting her third heart transplant. Her body had rejected two previous transplants. Donna was an incredibly bubbly and positive person who lived every day to the full who would help and counsel people who were going through similar experiences whilst going through rough times herself. She campaigned for organ donation constantly and was a fantastic mother and wife. Following her death, a number of family and friends took a positive decision to sign up to the organ donor register.
Az explains:
“It’s quite staggering how many people have gone through transplant procedures, some more successful than others but in general recipients are thankful for the second lease of life which they have been given and it is fantastic to see. I recently scaled Snowdon with my friend Rhys, a heart transplant success story, and I had trouble keeping pace with him!
“I support the Welsh Government’s proposed soft opt-out legislation as I believe such steps are crucial if we are to improve life chances for more people, like Donna, awaiting an organ transplant.
“Not everyone agrees with the proposed changes I know – some members of my family included – but much of this is based on a lack of accurate information although I respect their personal choice.
“Some say their choices and rights will be limited by this law but in fact it’s the complete opposite. People will be able to clearly choose to donate or not to donate and for Wales to be the first home nation to introduce such a legislation is a great thing.”
The proposed legislation will be accompanied by an extensive public information campaign so that individuals understand the legislation and know how to make their wishes known through a single organ and tissue donation register for Wales. However, letting family members know is as important so they are clear about a potential donor’s wishes at a time of great emotion and stress. As part of the proposed new legislation, if anyone has not made their wishes expressly known via the register they will be deemed to have consented to their organs and tissues being available for transplant.
Anybody wishing to submit a response to the consultation should do so before 10 September 2012

Police target speeding motorists

A crackdown on speeding motorists is set to take place throughout north Wales this week.
North Wales Police will be taking part in a European-wide initiative to crack down on speeding motorists until Sunday August 26th.
The TISPOL (European Traffic Police Network) campaign will see all police forces across Europe tackling speeding by conducting random speed checks.
North Wales Police Roads Policing Officers along with Local Policing Services and Go Safe will be combining their efforts to deter and detect motorists who choose to ignore the speed limits. Drivers who are caught speeding will be issued with anything from a Fixed Penalty Ticket to a summons to attend court.
Sergeant Tony Gatley from North Wales Police’Roads Policing Unit said: “Speeding is an issue that concerns many residents and one that we take extremely seriously.
“It is also one of our ‘Fatal Five’ offences which are speeding, dangerous driving which includes unnecessary risk taking, drink and drug driving, failing to wear a seatbelt and using a mobile phone whilst driving. The risk of being killed or seriously injured rises dramatically if a decision is taken to commit a Fatal Five offence.
“We are committed to making our roads a safer place for all who use them and we will continue to crack down on those irresponsible drivers who choose to ignore speed limits and drive irresponsibly, not only risking their own lives but the lives of others.
He added: “Those who choose to ignore the speed limits can expect to be prosecuted for their actions.”
Further information regarding TISPOL can be accessed via their website

Time to have your say about hospital's future

* Under threat - Llan Cottage Hospital.

The controversial plan to close Llan Cottage Hospital features in a 10-week public consultation exercise just launched by the Betsi Cadwaldr University Health Board.

The consultation document, entitled Healthcare in North Wales is changing 2012, gives people a chance to have their say on the board’s proposals to “improve” health care services across the region.
Key areas for consultation are:
·         Healthcare services where you live (Localities and Community services)
·         Older People Mental Health services
·         Neonatal Intensive Care
·         Vascular and Major Arterial surgery
Over the last three years, GPs, hospital doctors, nurses and other health professionals have worked together to consider how they could make healthcare services better for the people of North Wales.
Many people with an interest in the NHS have been involved such as patients, service users, carers, volunteers, community groups, local authorities and many others.
They have told the health board what they value – being treated with dignity and respect, having information that helps them to make a choice, and not being ‘bounced’ around the NHS and social care when they or their families are most vulnerable. This dialogue and engagement has led to the proposals in the consultation document.
Board chief executive Mary Burrows said: “The health board is clear that we cannot afford to stand still.
“The status quo is not an option. The proposals we are now making are intended to change the way in which services are provided and where they are provided to meet quality standards.
“Our aim is to improve health, not just extend life. We believe that services should be close to where people live whenever it is safe and appropriate. When more specialist care is needed, hospitals must be centres of excellence so the best possible care is available when needed and from the right people.
“The proposals will allow us to attract and retain the professional clinical staff we need and control our costs when public finances are decreasing.”
The consultation exercise runs until 28th October, 2012.

The health board will also take account of the views of the Community Health Council and any views they have heard. If the board decides to go ahead with proposals, changes will start in early 2013 with the aim of finishing the changes by 2015.
More information and the Consultation document is available:-
·         online at
·         by emailing
·         by calling Freephone 0800 678 5297.
A large print version or other formats or languages are available on request from Freephone 0800 678 5297 or email at
You can also give your comments to the Community Health Council, your independent NHS Watchdog. You can give your views in confidence at or by telephone on 01248 679284.
Consultation Events
The health board will be holding a series of public meetings during the consultation period. This will be an opportunity for you to join the debate in person.
To book a place, please call Freephone 0800 678 5297.
Sessions are scheduled to start at 2pm, at 4pm and at 6pm.
One will take place at Llan Town Hall on Wednesday, 26 September and another will be held at Chirk Parish Hall on Wednesday, September 12.
Proposals for Llangollen
The health board says in a report:
“The ability of the health service, Denbighshire County Council and other agencies to improve services in Llangollen has been limited by existing health and social care facilities and the lack of suitable, accessible sites for a new development that would bring services together.

The existing Llangollen Community Hospital has
  • 18 inpatient beds (10 are currently in use)
  • Minor injuries unit from 8.30am – 6.00pm Monday – Friday (currently closing at 3.30pm for a temporary period) - average attendance less than 1 patient per day
  • Therapies services including occupational therapy, physiotherapy and chiropody, phlebotomy (blood tests) and dressings
There have been a number of reviews of services and the estate in Llangollen. The most recent work has recommended that the way forward should be a shared development which brings together primary, community, social care and voluntary sector services, in an extended primary care centre.
A wide range of services could be provided from the centre such as GP services and other healthcare, therapies and mental health care services and social care. An initial assessment has identified the River Lodge site as the preferred site for this development subject to availability and completion of detailed work through the business case process should our proposals be accepted.”
The needs of many of the patients who are currently admitted to Llangollen Hospital will be met through the new Enhanced Care at Home service, which is being developed in south Denbighshire and south Wrexham. Some people would still need care in a community-based bed and we are proposing that this would be provided through 24 hour care at home, local care homes supported by health staff, or using beds at Chirk Community Hospital.
Proposals already discussed in this document:
  • We will develop the enhanced care at home service to help people stay at home rather than needing a hospital admission, where this is safe and appropriate to do so. This service could be in place by 2013
  • Minor injuries services may be provided by GPs
Additional proposals for Llangollen:
  • Where care in a community-based bed is needed, this should be provided from local care homes or from Chirk Community Hospital. Chirk is seven miles from Llangollen
  • The current Llangollen Community Hospital would close
  • The GP surgery would move to the new premises
In order to develop the new extended primary care centre we would submit a business case to Welsh Government. We anticipate the buildings investment would be in the region of £5.5M. This would help secure community based services for the local population.

This development could be completed by 2015, if the business case is approved and capital funding is made available by Welsh Government.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Agenda for tomorrow's Town Council meeting published

Here is the agenda for tomorrow (Tuesday) evening's meeting of Llan Town Council and, below, the agendas for the general purposes and plannings committees to be held on the same night.

Of particular local interest on the planning agenda could be:

* Erection of new print works access details, Land at Cilmedw Farm, Llangollen.
COUNCIL MEETING 21st August 2012

1. Apologies for absence.

To receive apologies for absence.

2. Declaration of Interest.

To receive any declarations of interest from members relating to items to be considered on the agenda in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000 and The Conduct of Members as adopted by the Council.

3. Minutes of Meeting.

To authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council held on the held on the 17th July 2012, as a correct record.
4. Matters Arising

To consider any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council held on the held 17th July 2012, not include on the agenda.
5 General Purposes Committee

To adopt the Minutes of the previous meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on 17th July 2012.
6. Planning Committee

To accept the Minutes of the previous meeting Planning Committee held on 17th July 2012.
7. Financial Matters

To consider financial matters and to make any necessary decisions thereon.
a) Monthly Statements.
b) Authorised Payments.
c) Annual Return.
d) Cittaslow membership.
e) Tenders.
Royal Gardens
Chain bridge
f) Donations.

8. Members Reports.

To consider any matters arising from Member representation on outside bodies, and to make any necessary decisions thereon.

9. Financial Management Group.

To consider a report regarding the remit of the Financial Management Group.

10. Clerk's Correspondence and Miscellaneous Matters.

To consider correspondence received and to make any necessary decisions thereon.
a) Healthcare in North Wales is Changing, Consultation Process.


1. Apologies for absence.

To receive apologies for absence.

2. Declaration of Interest.

To receive any declarations of interest from members relating to items to be considered on the agenda in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000 and The Conduct of Members as adopted by the Council.

3. Minutes of Meeting.

To authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the previous meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on 17th July 2012, as a correct record.
4. Matters Arising

To consider any matters arising from the minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on 17th July 2012, not include on the agenda.
5 Community Safety Matters.

To consider community safety matters and to make any necessary decisions thereon.

6 Highway Matters.

To consider highway matters and to make any necessary decisions thereon.

7 Transportation Matters.

To consider transport matters and to make any necessary decisions thereon.

8 Footpaths Group.

To consider footpath and access matters and to make any necessary decisions thereon.

9 Miscellaneous Items.

To consider any miscellaneous items, at the discretion of the Chairman.


1. Apologies for absence.

To receive apologies for absence.

2. Declaration of Interest.

To receive any declarations of interest from members relating to items to be considered on the agenda in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000 and The Conduct of Members as adopted by the Council.

3. Minutes of Meeting.

To authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning Committee held on 17th July 2012, as a correct record.
4. Matters Arising

To consider any matters arising from the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 17th July 2012, not include on the agenda.
5. Planning Applications.

To consider planning applications referred to the Council, and to make any necessary decisions thereon.
03/2012/0029 Erection of new print works access details, Land at Cilmedw Farm, Llangollen.
03/2012/0870 Change of use of grazing land to form extension to cartilage, Dinbren Lodge, Dinbren, Llangollen.

6. Certificates of Decision.

To note certificates of decision received form Denbighshire County Council Planning department.

7. Planning Correspondence.

To consider correspondence received and to make any necessary decisions thereon.

Olympic silver hero Chris Bartley to pass by Llan

* Action from last year's Etape Cyrmu.

* Chris Bartley.
Organisers of the Etape Cymru, Human Race, have today announced that Olympic Silver medallist Chris Bartley will be riding the challenging closed-road sportive, which passes close to Llangollen, on Sunday 9th September 2012.
Bartley became the first Welsh Olympic medallist at London 2012 with silver in the lightweight rowing men's four.
The 28-year-old from Wrexham is one of a record 30 Welsh athletes at London 2012 - Wales' best representation at the Games since 1908.
The Etape Cymru is expected to attract over 1500 participants and with its 3000 metres of climbing is likely to challenge even the toughest sportive rider.
“I am really looking forward to taking part in the Etape Cymru,” said Bartley. “There are some really tough climbs in the route, so it is going to be a hard day in the saddle.”
Starting from Bangor-on-Dee racecourse the 92-mile closed road route passes by Llangollen, Carrog, and Minera, and takes in a host of the toughest climbs in the Clwydian range, including Panorama, The World’s End, The Shelf and the famous Horseshoe Pass.
Riders will once again have the chance to measure their climbing ability against the best in the sport by taking part in the Horseshoe Challenge.
Event ambassador, Geraint Thomas, also had a successful Olympics, adding another Gold Medal to his collection by winning the team pursuit alongside Peter Kennaugh, Ed Clancy and Steven Burke.
Thomas, who rode part of the Etape Cymru course earlier this year, becomes only the fourth Welshman to win multiple Olympic gold medals.
“The route of the Etape Cymru in North Wales is amazing,” said Thomas. “People from all over the UK are going to have a fantastic day out, it’s the kind of route that makes me proud to be a Welsh cyclist.”
 Thomas added: “The great local support that we’re famous for is going to make this a very special day on the cycling calendar. I wish the best to everyone who is riding the event, it’ll be tough but the closed roads are going to be a top experience.”
The official national charity partner for Etape Cymru 2012 is Macmillan Cancer Support. The partnership will see Macmillan join forces with Human Race for the event and funds raised from participants will be used to help Macmillan support not only people affected by cancer, but everyone their cancer has an impact on, from partners, to children, to friends and carers.
The local charity partner is Nightingale House. The charity provides specialist palliative care services, completely free-of-charge, to patients and their families across a wide area stretching from Wrexham, Flintshire and East Denbighshire to Barmouth and the border towns including Oswestry and Whitchurch.
Entry costs £55. For more information, please visit:

Llan views sought on country blueprint

Denbighshire County Council is developing a new Corporate Plan for 2012-17.
This will define the authority's priorities and the outcomes it aims to deliver for its communities. 
During the past year, the council has undertaken a considerable amount of consultation and engagement with residents, its staff, and elected members.
This helped to identify priorities for the new Corporate Plan. O
Engagement work has included the following:
· A Residents’ Survey: 2,256 households responded to a survey which included questions about the biggest issues facing our communities.
· A Public Survey: 1,228 people responded to a survey on our website and in our leisure centres, libraries, One-Stop-Shops and council reception areas.
· Workshops with young people: run with the Denbighshire Youth Council and Student Councils in our High Schools.
The council says it has developed draft priorities to reflect what people have told it, and we would now like to know what others think before it finalises and publishes its new Corporate Plan. 

Proposed priorities are:
1. Developing the local economy and communities
2. Improving school buildings and standards for all
3. Improving roads

4. Protecting vulnerable people and ensuring they are able to live as independently as possible
5. Providing a clean environment
6. Ensuring access to good quality housing
7. Modernising the council to deliver efficiencies and improve services for itsw customers.
This consultation is open until Tuesday 11th September.

Further information is also available online at T
Final draft of our Corporate Plan will be presented to elected members on Tuesday 9th October for agreement.
If you would like to comment on the priorities suggested for the Corporate Plan 2012-2017, you can send an e-mail to, telephone 01824 706161, or write to Corporate Improvement Team, Denbighshire County Council, County Hall, Ruthin, LL15 1PH.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Get in tune with Llan Male Voice Choir

llanblogger local profile

* Llan Male Voice Choir as it is today.

One of town's best-kept secrets, Llangollen Male Voice Choir offers free entertainment every Friday at the Hand Hotel – apart from a few occasions when they’re performing away or over Christmas.
From 7.30 until 9pm, everyone’s welcome at The Hand Hotel to do what comes naturally – grab a pint and listen to a proud, thirty-year-old choir going through their paces.
Polished songs, new songs being learned, old songs brushed up, and a wide repertoire of traditional and rousing songs for a Welsh Male Voice Choir are all there for you to enjoy.
The odd fluff, when someone gets the timing wrong or sings the wrong part, it’s warts and all but it’s pure entertainment and everyone has a great, good-humoured time.
It’s by no means the biggest choir around, but that’s what makes it so informal and so much fun, and all you have to do is walk in and grab a chair.
You’ll be made to feel welcome, and if you’re inclined to break out into spontaneous applause, so much the better.
The choir often has visitors from all over the world who stay at the hotel enjoying the evening, and sometimes they join in – and they’re always welcome to – well, the gentlemen, anyway.
The Choir’s Musical Director, Rhonwen, makes sure the choristers have a great time – she spends a lot of the time giggling, but her directions are clear and easy to follow.
So forget the TV - Friday evenings are full of fun and good cheer at The Hand Hotel.
You don’t need a ticket, so come on down!

* Llan MVC in its early days.

For a free profile like this on your local group or organisation, contact us at