The council’s own officers recommended committee members to refuse the application by Manchester-based developers Capital and Centric PLC for the former Griflex site at Ruabon Industrial Estate on the grounds the applicants failed to show there was a need for a store of this size in the area.
But at their meeting on Monday night, they decided to defer a decision on the plan until more up-to-date details are available for them to consider.
A public consultation on the Ruabon proposal held earlier this year suggested “overwhelming support” for the £6 million project, according to Manchester-based developers Capital and Centric PLC, with 92 per cent of those consulted voting in favour.
It is claimed the supermarket could create 250 jobs.
Wrexham’s planning chief, Lawrence Isted, recommended refusal.
He said
in a report to the committee: “The Retail
Assessment fails to demonstrate that there a need for a development of the size
proposed and to adequately undertake a comprehensive sequential assessment of
alternative sites.
“The Retail Assessment also
underestimates the detrimental impact the development is likely to have upon
the vitality and viability of the district shopping centres of Rhos and Ruabon.
“As such the development does
not accord with policy S4 of the Wrexham Unitary Development or Planning Policy
Wales Chapter 10 Planning for Retail and Town Centres.
“The proposed is poorly located
in order to promote a reduction in the need to travel and a reduction in the
number of journeys made by private car due to the fact that it is located in
relation to dedicated cycling routes, is remote from residential areas and is
not served by bus services from large parts of the Primary Catchment Area.
“The development does not
accord with Planning Policy Wales Chapter 8:Transport and Technical Advice Note
18 Transport.
“Due to the loss of existing
soft landscaping, trees and hedges, the introduction of a large car highly
visible park and the lack of opportunities for new landscaping, the development
will have a detrimental impact upon the appearance of the locality and as such
does not accord with policy GDP1(a) of the Wrexham Unitary Development Plan.”
Exactly the same reasons why no more supermarkets should be built in Llangollen! And as for that factory....!!!. .