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Monday, May 13, 2024

Operatic's Bad Girls musical now ready for release

* The irritable inmates.

Llangollen Operatic Society are in the last few rehearsals for their forthcoming show, Bad Girls. 

It's billed as a fast-paced, funny, raunchy look at prison life for a bunch of inmates having to deal with less-than-wholesome prison staff. 

“Sprits are high and there's masses of enthusiasm," reports artistic director Chrissie Ashworth.

"And there's absolutely nothing being left to chance, we've got this nailed!"

Bad Girls runs at Llangollen Town Hall from Wednesday 22 to Saturday 25 May, including a Saturday matinee. 

Producers say that due to the adult nature of some scenes it is not suitable for under-16s. 

* Tickets are available from: Llangollen Tourist Office, Llangollen Oggie Shop, or online at:

* The severe staff.

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