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Friday, April 21, 2023

Llanblogger invited to Downing Street reception

* Phil Robinson, left, with Simon Baynes MP outside 10 Downing Street. On

Llanblogger's Phil Robinson was at 10 Downing Street earlier this week to attend a reception for Local Media Champions hosted by Lucy Frazer MP, Secretary of State for Culture, the Media and Sport, where he was met by Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes, who is her Parliamentary Private Secretary.

Said Phil: "It was a most unexpected but very welcome acknowledgement of my work in local journalism over many years including founding and running Llangollen's news blog since 2012.

"Taking a look inside that amazing building was also a memorable experience.

"There was a large number of members of the local media present from all parts of the country and representing all sections from local weekly newspapers to regional radio station and, of course, news bloggers like myself. 

"The Secretary of State was glowing in her praise of the local media who she said play an essential role in the democratic process of the country by keeping their readers informed of what their respective MPs are doing both in their constituencies and Parliament."   

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Prime Minister congratulates volunteers over new Corwen station

The new Corwen station mentioned in Parliament.

Yesterday in Prime Minister’s Questions, Simon Baynes MP for Clwyd South highlighted the upcoming official reopening on 2nd June of Corwen Station on the Llangollen Steam Railway after the station was closed 60 years ago under the Beeching axe.

Mr Baynes asked the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to join him in congratulating the heroic work of volunteers, the local community and funders who have made the reopening possible and also thanked the Prime Minister for awarding the Clwyd South Levelling Up Fund when he was Chancellor that paid for the new roof on Corwen Station which was manufactured by Clwyd South firm Robinson Construction Ltd near Wrexham.

Speaking at Prime Minister’s Questions, Simon Baynes MP said:

“Would the Prime Minister join me in congratulating the volunteers, the local community and the funders who have made this possible and also take his own share of the credit for granting the Levelling Up Fund to Clwyd South when he was Chancellor, which has paid for the magnificent new roof on Corwen Station?

In response, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak MP said:

“I am delighted that the Levelling Up Fund has delivered for Corwen Station. It’s a huge boost to local ambitions to see trains returning there and I know that a small team of the project’s volunteers have actually built the majority of the station; they deserve credit, and, indeed, a local company near Wrexham has supplied the new steelwork for the canopy roof, providing a welcome boost to the local economy. I look forward to seeing the station open this summer.”

Monday, April 17, 2023

Emergency services at Riverside Park

The image illustrating the story.

Leaderlive is reporting this evening on an ongoing incident at Llangollen's Riverside Park, involving the emergency services.

For the full story, see:

On Tuesday morning, a fire service spokesman said: "A police negotiator convinced the casualty to cross to the mainland.

"He was led across an inflatable pathway and handed over to North Wales Police and the Welsh Ambulance Service.

"Ruthin's [NWFRS] boat team and two officers attended, along with one fire engine from Wrexham."

The spokesman confirmed the incident was concluded just after 6.32pm.

llanblogger takes a short break

llanblogger is taking a short break and will be back later in the week

New-look Riverside Park takes shape

* Still under construction: the canal in front with the river and the bridge to the right and Plas Newydd towards the back of the picture.

* Valle Crucis Abbey is being built.

Development work at Llangollen’s Riverside Park appears to be coming along well.

Contractors are working on a raft of new features for the site through the Welsh Government’s Brilliant Basics funding round for 2022/23 which is available to enhance parks and recreational spaces.

A new nine-hole bespoke mini golf is taking shape with holes representing places and features of interest within Llangollen and the Dee Valley.  

This will include an active travel interpretation map for the area and replaces the old course at the site.

Already you can see models of Valle Crucis Abbey, the famous Castle Street bridge, Plas Newydd, the river and canal.

New play equipment for the 5-12 year old age range is being installed. This will include multi-use climbing frame and basket swing.

Work is also underway at the bandstand to install electricity power points to increase opportunities for entertainment along with seating block created in to the bank area for spectators.

Green infrastructure has been introduced sat the park with trees to create shade, wildflower planting and shrub planting around the park.  

A green space area will be extended by introducing grass up to and around the blocked dragon area.  

Llangollen Fringe along with Llangollen Parks Community group and Llangollen Town Council have provided some of the match funding towards the project. 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Emergency Alert to be tested on April 23

At 3pm, next Sunday April 23 the Government will be testing the new Emergency Alerts system.

The system will warn people when their lives are in danger.

The alert will be a loud, siren-like sound with a message on your mobile phone screen

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Latest local roadworks alerts

Latest local roadworks alerts from Denbighshire County Council are:

O/S GARDD GERRIG TO THE TOWER TOWER ROAD 24/04/2023 19/05/2023 Gwaith Nwy / Gas Works WALES & WEST (DCC) LLANGOLLEN Ffordd ar Gau/Road Closure .

A539 BRYN MELYN RTW SUN BANK 17/04/2023 28/04/2023 Gwaith Ar Wal Gynnal/ Retaining Wall Works DCC BRIDGES AND STRUCTURE LLANGOLLEN Ffordd ar Gau/Road Closure.